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Member for: 2.5 years

scp: 38 (+40/-2)
ccp: 1155 (+1167/-12)
votes given: 758 (+719/-39)
score: 1193


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I couldnt finish watching.
I want to rescue him.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=626c0ecacfeef

Zcash.... as in zionism cash??? Now theyre laughing

/v/Crypto viewpost?postid=626b2d9031d33

Imagine a list was made of these Chinese scammers phone #'s, and they were spammed till their social scores dropped

/v/funny viewpost?postid=626b1c9de2223

I understand what you're saying but this one time, Id think hugh co7nt of seeds would be operable

/v/TikTok viewpost?postid=626b2adee0359

Last name Rose is a jew / yiddish last name

/v/Heresy viewpost?postid=626a233167ff0

They are really going out of their way to come up with several reasons for people to explain away the vax consequences

/v/Health viewpost?postid=626ad3cd202ac

I wish more people knew truth about the real/ fake Avril

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=626ae378be590

Im curious if maybe ukrainian soldiers are using flechette rounds on their own people....

/v/TIL viewpost?postid=6267b6670473b

Why did you get involved. Fatherly instinct? You should have noped out at the start!

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=6264877185ce8


Their behavior is more impulsive like that of a bitch in heat. And there is your answer. They have very high levels of estrogen, causing them to be impulsive (the body tries to even shit out by producing testosterone to counter the estrogen.)

There was this awesome series of research papers posted a year ago or so...

Ill do my best to find them!

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6264c47b11f8d

Its insane how clueless these people are about what's actually being taught with these racist bullshit against whites.

On top of that, the top comment is claiming they are limiting speech. No one said the same thing when liberals were limiting the speech of non-liberals....

/v/MeanwhileOnReddit viewpost?postid=62647c7464cca

Thanks for informing us but please remmeber, losing. Say it out loud if you have to.

/v/MeanwhileOnReddit viewpost?postid=62647c7464cca

Does this mean... china will start giving them money for no reason? Because we only use dollars here...

/v/news viewpost?postid=6262df32d3978

This sounds like it was written by a liberal... imagining what a normal person sounds like

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6262e7518e2ae

Im convinced things like bipolar or multiple personality disorder are fucking made the fuck up. The persons an asshole

/v/WeirdNews viewpost?postid=6262e20c089bc

I found her, cbslocal used her photo:


You called it, sheboon

/v/GuessTheRace viewpost?postid=62615c7e9e947

Note, i was able to plug the URL into the internet archive and it was capable of opening the page. Archiving it and even archiving the audio files!

I wonder if this means cloudflare is causing this 502 error

/v/LyingNewsMedia viewpost?postid=626159859f3ae


/v/LyingNewsMedia viewpost?postid=626159859f3ae

Dont blacks see this as "black restaraunt owners need all the help they can get because they arent as good at running/making money off of a restaraunt as whitey"????

/v/news viewpost?postid=626070ac60c5b

This technology was spoken about by ancient cultures and even in ancient techs. Although the way they made these sounds was either with guttaral singing, or metal objects theyd hit

/v/science viewpost?postid=625f00005eac3

Yesterday the eggs were blessed and everyone conpared whos easter egg basket looked best at the church, which to me is always funny, since a competition over this at a church is just funny.
Then some steak for dinner.
Than today we have family coming over including a little one, so the eggs have been hidden. Im trying my best to ignore the fact that one of those who helped "create" easter, i.e. killed the Son of God and harassed him as he waited to die on the cross, will be in my house. But it cant really be helped...
The little runt is super spoiled and at her age i was already eating the food that was laberously prepared that is on display on the table, but she instead will be eating some sort of noodles. Which she often eats cold when her "loving" parents are too busy to warm up dinner for her (i.e. going out with friends, playing video games, etc)

I will be happy, my sacrifice, the least i can do, for Jesus and my family.

Give me strength brothers.
Happy easter to you and your hopefully growing and healthy families!

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=625c0a2ea6c4b

If this were a literal culling of zombies, itd be fine. Im sure many of us would be ok with it.
There is one problem i see and that is the number od truly evil people who should be culled but arent because they more or less "cheated" the "test", which is to say they created this test/vax/jab and KNOW NOT TO GET IT. And when someone of this list publicly gets it, they are given a fake shot, possibly of iso water or whatever.

/v/4Chan viewpost?postid=625bffe553a06