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Member for: 2.5 years

scp: 38 (+40/-2)
ccp: 1155 (+1167/-12)
votes given: 758 (+719/-39)
score: 1193


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Wait wtf. You carry with you always a can of beans?

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=627be0dfdd3de

If society was allowed to mimick nature, many of these impulse creatures would have either been taught an important life changing lesson, making them change their ways, or had been simply taken out of society by an angry mob of citizens whove had enough.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=627be0dfdd3de

Everyone else notice the most vocal and outlandish protestors look like swamp creatures and shouldnt even worry about any abortion rulings since no one would ever even get them pregnant? Disgusting swine...

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=627bc278eb05b

To me it looked like he knew he had the knife on himself and knew he was looking for someone to use it on, so he egged a guy on. The way he clasped the guys neck and lower part of his face is a big attack on someone elses "respect" and "honor" ezpecially in spanish countries.

/v/WatchPeopleDie viewpost?postid=6276c9a1244e6

IMAGINE these idiots at the WHO pissed off so many people that everyone left and started a new WHO?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=627478756d322

No. Not anymore. Also, vitamins are more comvenient.
Not to mention some people need higher doses of a vitamin, and instead of eating cups and cups of brocolli or spinach, they can take some magnesium. Maybe they need magnesium sulfate vs oxide, so its helpful to take as supps.

Our soil where food is grown is supposed to contain some minerals and if they are lacking, those minerals are lacking from the food.

People that post bullshit like your crap about vitamins existing in food. Just stfu about it

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6271b679dac25

Holy cow... look at those reporters smiling at those banshees

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=6271d2c54bb34

Holy cow... look at those reporters smiling at those banshees

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=6271d2c54bb34

That big gators watching and thinking "did anyone else see that skinny fucker go!?"

/v/aww viewpost?postid=62714b6886489

She thought she needed to tell everyone shes jewish... lol

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62718dc8b3aed

Atleast they accurately describe themselves, as having/wielding claws. Like little lizards or demons.

/v/DarkMAGA viewpost?postid=627182e0a29c9

I agree with you. The more i "study" them, the less I believe theres any resemblance of honor, or respect or value, especially value of life, in their own lives and cultures.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=627149964c758

Computers are not garbage. Hard to believe you think that after 2 decades working with them/on them.

/v/technology viewpost?postid=6270094e92248

Do people believe this? Wtf....

/v/technology viewpost?postid=6270094e92248

Also, you are a drama queen. Pipe down and focus on something positive

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=626ff3228aeee

Exactly my thoughts too.
But i am thinking they DONT WANT TO MENTION him targetting her primarily because shes jewish, thinking this may motivate others to think "oh ok, its time to do that"

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=626ecfd2ede55

Interesting what they claim was the reason behind killing her. Because she voted for Biden. Not because she was jewish. They mention he also had that but the focus was on her voting for biden...

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=626ecfd2ede55

The bigger story should be THAT A FUCKING CLUB HAS A FUCKING DISPENSER FOR LUBE. Like... even regular male on female fuck clubs dont have that. But the gays are just so badly wanting to goto hell that they have lube dispensers wtf. How much do they go through?!

/v/based_department viewpost?postid=626ea287b69cd

Serotonin.... isaac??? Lol

How do they come up with those names.

/v/Glowniggers viewpost?postid=626ec62867ece

If i told you what twitch was, you wouldn't believe it.

You know how you can watch on your tv people playing sports? Now imagine one soyboy live streaming himself playing a video game. Thats it.... kids these days watch other kids play video games.
And ofcourse you have the $$$e-whores that try playing video games but wear skimpy outfits and pretend to have "nipple slips" to gain more viewers. I think people can also donate $$$ or something to the "gamer".

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=626e07df29c1f

This reminds me of some strange spiral pattern in the sky, over somewhere in europe, at night. And no government would claim it as their rocket launch. It clearly had been and had spun out of control.

/v/WorldNews viewpost?postid=626d9fc361898

This looks like more toxic advertising bullshit to convince weak men to part with their money to buy hats that say silly shit like feminism is toxic.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=626da495b7011