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Member for: 2.6 years

scp: 2149 (+2305/-156)
ccp: 3021 (+3375/-354)
votes given: 963 (+807/-156)
score: 5170


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LocalisedSocialism, Campfire,
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it's a diplomatic street, so plenty of embassies there,
We have one in London, next to Hyde park, and yea you're looking at a 30 second police response, especially now that everything has been hyped by the isreali's doing a genocide, and a fair few people not being ok with that

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=65dc307878fad

Consider a 'DARK KITCHEN'

You just rent a commercial kitchen, get listed on delivery apps.
It's a way to start a food place without the overheads and risk of a brick and mortar restaurant but with more scalability than a burger van

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65d4bc12144a2

It's because the entire circus is entirely controlled by the media.

A good example of this is the fact that Tony Blair, former pm of the UK, flew to Australia to brief Rupert Murdoch about the war in Iraq, before his own cabinet.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=65b7b1334f8bd

It's TAX...

A large scale tax strike will end the government practically overnight.

The critical mass is different depending on nation, but this will without fail, kill shot ANY government

The issue is the implementation and organisation

/v/USPolitics viewpost?postid=65b7bfdaa0037

2 nukes would be enough to bring in total and permanent martial law and end all freedoms forever.

/v/Australia viewpost?postid=65b5ecb29bfe8

Lefty war propaganda.

The premise of Ukraine is "If we don't stop Putin now, he will take more land in Europe"

It's such garbage.

If it was going to happen it would have.

Europ will be fucked if Russia invaded. We know the government is not on our side. Whomever has the lowest tax and less involvement in my life would get my support - that's highly unlikely to be the wef puppet davos lot

/v/WorldWar3 viewpost?postid=65b610a9c6cfb

Don't even need war, understand we are 2 nuclear bombs away from total and permanent martial law, with zero freedom

/v/WorldWar3 viewpost?postid=65b5e88817a2d

It's funny cos it's true,

In another thread he was waxing lyrical about how HE doesn't need to fuck his wife, but she's still happy

/v/MeanwhileOnReddit viewpost?postid=65b39335b319e

Look at it this way - who would you rather have total ownership of your data, your own government, or a government of a country thousands of miles away whose land you will never set foot on?

I once had a Huawei phone - I downloaded every piece of Chinese spyware I could from the Huawei store (like android store - but less safe).

Had bullshit incident with the police (#enemyofthestate) - entire case fell through because as soon as the plugged my phone into the police computer, it crashed their system. They reset and tried again, it crashed again, they tried a different system to try to just clone the phone and apparently the phone took over the system and started generating enough suspicious network activity they had to shut the thing down...

My shit eating grin when I'm telling the senior (and very upset) police officer that I downloaded every app on that phone in good faith

His shit eating grin when he told me I'm not going to get my phone back

/v/MeanwhileOnReddit viewpost?postid=65b39335b319e

Generally speaking - the more power that is localised the better.

I mean maybe not quite as extreme as the degree to which power has been localised in the UK where the most powerful structure of state is basically the weirdos and fuddy Duddy's that sit on the local parish planning committee

/v/USPolitics viewpost?postid=65b3cb32a477f

We went into Ukraine to teach the Russians a lesson that they can't just go about annexing land when they feel, or have been outmanoeuvred by the CIA, and we have taught them this lesson.

However the Russians have also taught us a lesson,'You cannot win a ground war against Russia' and make no mistake, it's not for a lack of NATO trying or NATO SF boots on the ground

/v/War viewpost?postid=65b20c8237d42

100% agree, while I do feel there is something to be said at drawing the line at incitement, especially incitement of violence, but there are a lot of over zealous charging decisions.

Used to be, there would initially be a legit friendly chat from a local officer before any arrests or charges were pushed.

And I say this as someone with a criminal record for a bullshit 'incitement of violence through words or writing' which I accepted a caution for, in exchange for not having to face a full charge for the same with 'racially aggravated' tagged on.

/v/UnitedKingdom viewpost?postid=65b2083fa34da

The size of the vape does factor though. Those massive cloud machines are not good - if you pump too much energy through it, it gets carcinogenic.

Little ones with basic flavours are fine.

NIC salts and mints can fuck you also

/v/Health viewpost?postid=65b1988620559

I was trained in military manoeuvres, use and maintenance of bolt action rifles, light machine guns,
And rifles, took and passed my army weapons test, was trained in army camouflage, survival, clandestine camping, escape and evasion, sentry (including friend and foe procedures), battle tactics including "afix beyonet & fight through", proper use of webbing to ensure stealth while maximizing carry capacity, squad tactics, ambush tactics (including hook back and convoy assault), abseiling with a weapon, navigation without compass, marksmanship with range training, camp assault and defence tactics etc....

For free, at the age of 14, by members of the British Army

The fight through training is the only thing I thought was kinda fucked up to teach 14yr olds.

The learning the spring flies out the arse end of the lmg when you open it up if you don't hold it back, in the middle of a decking field was the least fun part.

We even got to take part in simulated multi-service live fire exercises, (though we were given blanks and usually on the outskirts), but running assault or escape and evasion tactics while the fucking paras were dropping in to get noisy with live rounds barely a mile away and the RAF buzzing about above, with big booms going off in the night and small arms peppering the silence while we crawled through the mud and the underbrush fully kitted out and tooled up, to get to our location unseen, from where we would begin our assault or defense or whatever...

Did more to prepare me for a war than fannying about with uncle Cletus and his ar15 would have, any day of the week

/v/HDLunited viewpost?postid=65b1b46c458e3

It's because he was sending out stickers and encouraging other people to stick those stickers on property they did not own.

The 'racially aggravated' part has nothing to do with the crime per se - (sending out and encouraging stickers) - but does have offence categorisation and sentencing implications.


Burglary = probably caution for first offence and referral to drug rehab services via social services

Aggravated burglary (basically burglary while they are home) = straight to jail

But the offence is the same, as in the crown has to prove the same basic facts, but also that the person was in.

This is not the lefty state own it's being presented as. It's guardian click bait.

If he had added...

" But remember guys, please only stick them on stuff you own" there would be no charge...

He got done for saying the opposite, which is dumb

/v/UnitedKingdom viewpost?postid=65b2083fa34da

Limp dicked low T cuk.

Cope and seethe

/v/Rants viewpost?postid=65b10e6b4cf1f

LoL - well if you're not fucking your 'wife' right and she's still hanging around, it's because someone else is.

Not so much bush chuck.... More like bush cuk 🤣

And given you see acting like a man and fucking your woman like you should is 'simp behaviour', I honestly don't blame her

/v/Rants viewpost?postid=65b10e6b4cf1f

I get it, you're lonely. Don't blame women, or society for your failure.

99.9% of issues relating to women in a relationship are based in when they last ate, bled or were fucked good.

I'm not going to waste too much time debating with someone likely to be dumb

Op needs to fuck his woman right.

If you fuck your woman right, she will be naturally submissive, happy and good as gold.

There is no money or podcasts or bullshit to farm with this knowledge.

Like I said to OP. Fuck her everyday for a week and make her cum 3 times each time. Then report back.

If fucking the woman you claim to love is too much if an ask, then do her a favour and let her go

/v/Rants viewpost?postid=65b10e6b4cf1f

Ok so here's the rub.

1. Remember this salient fact: in a relationship, women are essentially 15yr old teenagers.

2. This relationship is not beyond repair and it's also not a given that she's cheating on you (far from it actually)

3. The problem in your relationship appears to be one of 'dynamic'

Men tend to judge the dynamic on everyday shit, women tend to judge the dynamic upon the quality of and frequency of the last 'big event'

It's literally just grand hollow gestures to fix this.

Sounds like you don't have kids - so this should be easy, just take her on a holiday where the two of you spend a lot of time together doing something and you fuck the shit out of her.

Also before and beyond that, you need to fuck her more and fuck her better.

You could ignore a woman for the entire day, not sat a word to her, or spend any time together, then come home and give her a chad thundercock fucking and she will feel buttered up and loved.

Fuck her everyday for a week, and make her cum minimum 3 times each time you do.

Towards the end of the week make some bullshit gesture (a card, flowers etc) so she can tell herself that it's not just cos she's getting railed again.

/v/Rants viewpost?postid=65b10e6b4cf1f

This is exactly how everyone in the countryside talks

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65aee65f2b325

Yea, ((they)) managed to get access to it a while back. Cost quite a few lies, but it turns out that even advanced alien ai beasties aren't immune to plasma cutters

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65ad1842e1b63

Yea I do...

"The after hours club, the clubs attract thousands of Chicago area young people, some say they come looking for drugs, dirty dancing and pounding pounding techno music"

/v/GEN_X_Pub_n_Grill viewpost?postid=65ada40f76303

It's because of the Galactic covenant.

The prime directive is real, and it's protecting us. As soon as we establish an off world presence/colony we become fair game.

That's why we were visited a few years after the first flight into space.

The Black Knight was put there to monitor this situation

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65ad1842e1b63

Yea at a range of about 50 meters by the looks of it.

Still cool name tho

/v/Military viewpost?postid=65ab57254290a