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Member for: 2.9 years

scp: 10347 (+10722/-375)
ccp: 3383 (+3929/-546)
votes given: 1088 (+758/-330)
score: 13730


Owner of:
preppers, aII, AdultGoatFinder, StableDiffusion,
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>This is probably the best take in this whole thread.

Of course it's removed.... fucking lulz

/v/RaceRealism viewpost?postid=64f3cbc17ca6b

>Hey guys, let's compare masks made in South Korea to masks made in the US. That'll show that all masks are toxic.


/v/Health viewpost?postid=64f1a312532a0

They'll be quick to say that they hate it just as much but they'll never actually bitch about it.

/v/religion viewpost?postid=64efd5c0170b0

It's a good thing that civilian tazers shoot confetti with the printed serial number just because of shit like this.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=64ee332b397b2

Hungxit? This shit is exactly why England left. They wanted to be able to slow or stop the influx of migrants.

/v/UpliftingNews viewpost?postid=64ed5a6b384ab

All the evil fucks who wanted everyone who isolated, continues to isolate (they exist) instead of getting jabbed to be executed, denied healthcare, etc. So yes, this absolutely is the claim that it doesn't work.

/v/Covidicences viewpost?postid=64eb23197447e

There are only two possibilities:

Either the flu doesn't exist or masks and isolation works.

Pick one and let me know your retard-level explanation below.

Also, an extraordinary claim of 0 cases for three years in a row requires a citation.

/v/Covidicences viewpost?postid=64eb23197447e

An older truck like that is a damn pleasure to work on.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=64e98a04b56a7

Funny how the terrorist left never has anything to say about that third one and absolutely can't stand anyone mentioning how they were somehow all jewish and all child rapists.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=64e9274313f19

I got a regular pump. Filtering and changing oil is such a nothing compared to the price difference between the two pumps.

I use the freeze dryer, FoodSaver (with the jar attachment as well as the marinator), mylar bags compatible with the FoodSaver, an impulse sealer for bags that can't be used in the FoodSaver, jars, and O2 absorbers.

Meat works fairly well, better if it doesn't have a lot of fat. Pork, generally great. Chicken, absolutely. Beef, yup. Hot dogs, nope, doesn't work. Sausage and other high fat meats are a bit of a mixed bag - they'll freeze dry but remain a bit greasy and they'll store for a while in bags just fine but because of the high fat/grease content, rehydrating them is a little annoying. Sausage patties, for example, pretty much have to be boiled for a few minutes but are otherwise just fine.

/v/preppers viewpost?postid=64e8fc630cad9

100% worth it. Even if you're not into the prepping lifestyle, you can throw your leftovers in there and eat them later. Throw them in a jar with O2 absorbers, label, put on shelf. Then you can pull it down for dinner in the future, have a quick already packed lunch or whatever you wanna do. Or you can make a whole holiday dinner ahead of time (maybe you've got a really long weekend and you're bored), freeze dry it, put on shelf and just add hot water later when the holiday rolls around. No long cooking times. But you gotta know what you can freeze dry and expect to be amazing when you pull it out and what will be "meh" or just nasty.

These bags were mylar, vacuum sealed, with lots of O2 absorbers. I've noticed that some things don't last in the bags and some do. Mushrooms and tomatoes, for example, do not. Meat, fruit, gravy, spaghetti, potatoes, onions, etc. do just fine. I'm beginning to think that the softer the food item is in its natural form, the more it needs to be perfectly sealed (like a jar). Mashed potatoes do *very* well in the freeze dryer, for example. So does turkey, green beans, gravies, and so on. Breads freeze dry well but rehydrating them can be iffy depending on what it is. Biscuits? Only short term and you have to break it into chunks and let it set for a while. Pancakes? Do really well. Waffles, they do okay but not as well as pancakes.

As for sealing jars, you can either get a FoodSaver (or similar) with a jar attachment or you can just put the jar in the freeze dryer chamber and plug it directly to the wall for a few seconds.

/v/preppers viewpost?postid=64e8fc630cad9

And one mistake and we get [this](https://files.catbox.moe/w39som.jpg)

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=64e8b9f36a889

There's a big fuckin' difference between "burnt to a crisp" and "burnt to ashes."

I suppose this dude slept in a Holiday Inn Express, too.

/v/WorldWar3 viewpost?postid=64e78a90d86eb

The pendant shaped like an eye should tell you more than what was said.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=64e6f0ae31776


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64e6e213d1ca4

What would happen is the black people with money, you know the kinds... the ones who aren't enslaved to social welfare and tend to vote republican because they're not voting for their own free money interests, go the South and bolster the Republican vote. That leaves the "mah gibs" ones in the north, a strong economy in the south.

I'm fine with that.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=64e56df24031d

Been living without AC for the last week. Been just fine. Close up the windows, drapes, set up a fan, turn on the house fan (AC/heat fan), open the house at night.

It's been 93-95 in the day and the house didn't go above 80 during the day. It sounds to me like we could do with a lot of people dying from stupidity.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64e58fce4a295

Computer security has always been a cat and mouse game: You build a better mousetrap and the mice get smarter.

/v/technology viewpost?postid=64e40937eb4b3

Missing? Where the fuck did they go? *It's an island*. Ain't nowhere for them TO go.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64e41adebcf4d

They're wondering if any of the kids were hurt and need mouth-to-dick resuscitation.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=64e41f1bbb7f9

This is why you retarded nigger fucks need to stop posting meme-format screenshots:

OP link says jack-fucking-shit about masks.

On the other hand:


>While a face mask can help protect you from this smoke, the ***cloth*** masks many people have been wearing as a precaution against COVID-19 probably won't get the job done, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).


>The CDC specifically says that N95 respirators provide protection from wildfire smoke

They never said cloth masks were effective, only that they were better than nothing during that point of time when no one could find anything. You can think of a cloth mask as a chain link fence and you with your tiny dick in you hand trying to piss through it. Usually, your piss will go between the links but once in a while you'll move your stream onto the metal of the link and get splashback.

But sensationalist retarded shill-shit is what grabs attention.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64e44ab7dc7a7

I don't use this site on mobile. There's no accidentally. I've never hidden a post.

I don't block users and the list is clear anyway.

This is a legit bug.

/v/TalkDev viewpost?postid=64e3ccbc9b732

I don't block people.

Next time, "OG OP" would have clarified that.

/v/TalkDev viewpost?postid=64e3ccbc9b732