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Member for: 2.8 years

scp: 10347 (+10722/-375)
ccp: 3383 (+3929/-546)
votes given: 1088 (+758/-330)
score: 13730


Owner of:
preppers, aII, AdultGoatFinder, StableDiffusion,
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I don't block people. I'm more than happy to give them shit for being shit.

Next time, "OG OP" would have clarified that.

/v/TalkDev viewpost?postid=64e3ccbc9b732

Damn, that's some serious SBBH shit there.

/v/TalkDev viewpost?postid=64e3ccbc9b732

There's a point where you can see her hair. Watch that.

/v/aII viewpost?postid=64e0f8e87002e

You're smart enough to catch a full article screenshot but too fucking stupid to post a link to the article...



/v/Wokeness viewpost?postid=64e0a7bacffc9

Nope. I stocked up on everything right before and at the beginning of teh covid shite. I've been living off of food stores for over a year. I have at least a year's worth left. In fact, I'm making bread right now with 2 year old flour and using 3 year old butter. I have plenty of toiletries and first aid supplies. I stocked up on diesel before fuel prices went to shit last year (diesel is a lot better for long term storage).

I got plenty of everything I knew I would need for years.

"What inflation?" is all I have to say.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64dd029052706

Imagine being so stupid that you still don't understand the difference between ownership and renting even when it's spelled out.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64db0dbc77c6d

Imagine how stupid you have to be to equate ownership with rental. Rentals have a cost associated with the owner performing maintenance, property tax, and so on.

If you want the discount rate for owning a property, you get the bits and bobs that go with it.

Until then, stop the false equivalency bullshit.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64db0dbc77c6d

Such an excellent reason to just not clean it up at all. Thanks, OP!

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64da316a70037

Maybe one day I'll also get to see a front page here where everyone has at least a semblance or reasonable grammar and proofreads their post instead of talking like middle-school nigger dropouts.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=64da358e53f9c

Don't use the term "food desert." That is a term created by the left to justify measures to force businesses into high crime (read "nigger infested") areas.

/v/news viewpost?postid=64d9f79c2d3b2

From the article:

>"They are wearing a GPS vest that just happens to look like a sports bra. The vest is designed to hold a pod between the shoulder blades that contains a 10Hz GPS, an accelerometer and a magnetometer," the company says. "These GPS devices are able to capture over 1250 data points per second to measure how much and how hard the players are working, and players and coaches are able to analyze data such as total distance, top speed, number of sprints, sprint distance, power, load, intensity, and more."

This could also be used to measure intensity of tackles and impacts. Additionally useful during events that cause concussions. All in all, safety should always come first.

Him wearing it isn't the problem. Even some runners will wear similar pieces of clothing to protect their nipples https://www.imgbly.com/ib/VWkMPKREbS.jpg or https://files.catbox.moe/dsjn48.jpg though there are other more modern solutions now.

The problem is the design.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64d9740f48e75

Other things they *hate* to be reminded of:

* They tried to burn down DC during Trump's inauguration, too
* They stormed the Arizona capitol, holding politicians effectively hostage in the aftermath of RvW being overturned.
* Biden was in Ukraine pre-Trump years fomenting rebellion.
* Not 1 or 2 but *three* child rapists attacked Rittenhouse.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64d9b69e84fc0

Without a source this is nothing but confirmation bias porn.

/v/HDLunited viewpost?postid=64d805b59fa8a

Imagine being a fatass tard afraid of the draft.

/v/Military viewpost?postid=64d68dcd4fbc1

Says the jew who wasn't in DC on Jan 6th.

/v/QPatriots viewpost?postid=64d6ef471b072

Transgenders in sports have changed their narrative. Now they recognize that there are physical differences but only because of hormones and not because of permanent changes brought by their natural state.

/v/Hiddenlol viewpost?postid=64d57aaca79fd

There are no federal level citizens. The federal income tax is therefore "taxation without representation."

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64d5c28ee0836

I think you just gave all of us a priapism. Even the ladies, perhaps.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64d5bd7cdcde1

I'm happy to do so. Even happy to be laughed at when I screw something up, lol

/v/preppers viewpost?postid=64d4ccb078775

I'm trying to find out where I said that urge ever stopped...

/v/preppers viewpost?postid=64d4ccb078775

A lot of those just "trust the science." Which is not at all how science works but okay, whatever.

/v/preppers viewpost?postid=64d37b3857aa6