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I read No More Mr Nice Guy by Robert Glover. Do you agree with his arguments?      (whatever)

submitted by alacrity167 to whatever 4 weeks ago


(No More Mr. Nice Guy (Internet Archive)][https://archive.org/details/RobertGloverNoMoreMrNiceGuy/)

I know many here have read it, not believing cucked Boomer lies. I was recommended this book here on Voat after asking about girl problems. I was the one crying over a bitch who had an abortion then was gonna make me wait for sex until marriage. Multiple threads with shit tons of advice from you guys.

Here's a refresher on the book:

"By trying too hard to please others and neglecting their own needs, men can become unhappy and resentful and lash out at those they love. With the help of an eminent psychotherapist, these victims of the "Nice Guy Syndrome" can stop seeking approval and find happiness in their lives. Based on years of clinical group therapy with men and couples, this groundbreaking work includes information and tools to help passively pleasing men break free from the ineffective patterns of the Nice Guy Syndrome. They will discover ways to get their needs met, feel more powerful and confident, create the kind of intimate relationships they really want, express their feelings and emotions, have a fulfilling and exciting sex life, embrace their masculinity and connect with men, live up to their potential and become truly creative and productive, and above all, accept themselves as they really are."


When you were growing up, you received messages from your family and the world around you that it was not safe, acceptable, or desirable for you to be who you were, just as you were.

This has resulted in Nice Guys who...

-Co-create poor relationships with women
-Try to hide their flaws and mistakes
-Put other people’s needs and wants before their own

And a whole laundry list of other things:

-Seek approval of others
-Sacrifice personal power and play the role of the victim
-Disassociate themselves from other men and masculine energy
-Create situations where you don’t have very much good sex
-Fail to live up to their full potential
Some talks of mass deportations have been bubbling up. What is the likelihood of anything coming of this?     (whatever)

submitted by alacrity167 to whatever 2 months ago


Apparently the far-right AfD in Germany had a meeting behind closed doors to draft a policy on sending a good amount of shitskins back. Are they trying to Jew us into a civil war, or have the Jews also seen enough?

Why do feminists ignore sex crimes by immigrants?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by alacrity167 to AskUpgoat 2 months ago


I notice the feminists around me complaining about various inconsequential things such as the glass ceiling, the wage gap, the gender imbalance in various (high status) professions, but I don’t think I’ve heard one talk about the constant sex crimes committed by Arab and African men, mostly Muslim. What is the reason for this? Surely, a sex crime is far more harmful to a woman’s life than a 23 cent an hour wage gap? Can somebody explain?

It strikes me as really and truly bizarre. I’m not a feminist myself but wouldn’t it stand to reason that there are much bigger fish to fry?

This whole situation is analogous to calling a repairman (*repairperson) to fix a leaky faucet while the house is on fire.

What am I missing? The feminists in my life seem very smart and aware of various offenses such as manspreading on the bus, white male privilege, catcalling, slut shaming, wardrobe policing, tampon tax, but I’ve never been made aware of these sex crimes by these feminists. Why doesn’t the attention get shifted to the larger issue? Is it because the reputable media doesn’t talk about it that it feels like it’s not happening? They actually seem to - on the other hand - want to display cultural sensitivity to the people who are overrepresented in these crimes.

Who’s in the wrong? Are boomers mentally ill?     (whatever)

submitted by alacrity167 to whatever 7 months ago


My dad asked me if I thought Sandy Hook was a false flag, I said “yes” and he told me to leave.

This was my first time visiting my parents since (checks notes) SEPTEMBER.

Wtf? What would you do?
Anyone have a pattern of just cutting people off?     (whatever)

submitted by alacrity167 to whatever 7 months ago


To be perfectly honest, I suck at relationships and I suck at maintaining them. I've realized that if someone says or does something hurtful or steps on a trigger spot one too many times, I have a very very difficult time actually confronting that person to set a boundary and/or wanting to keep the relationship. I have a habit of just slowing down communication, withdrawing, and eventually cutting people off. I realize this isn't healthy. And from their point of view, I can see how it's hurtful and confusing. I realize that it's on me to state and set boundaries, and actually communicate with people. Just the prospect of that is one of the things that causes so much stress. I'm working on it. Does anyone else do this, just cut people out?
How do you let down a crazy girl easy and create some respectful distance     (whatever)

submitted by alacrity167 to whatever 10 months ago


she has all the disorders and is a Zoomer. I was initially into her cuz she’s young and cute but she is saying rude shit and hears voices and hangs out with crackhead niggers? I just wanna be able to say Hi when I see her. Don’t wanna get in problems. How do I handle this? I’ve only known her for 2 days but she wants it and I have realized I don’t.

2015: Gray State - FEMA Camp Movie Writer Found Dead with Wife & Daughter     (youtube.com)

submitted by alacrity167 to whatever 1.4 years ago


Gray State Screenwriter David Crowley, his wife and five-year-old daughter were found dead on Sunday morning in a Minnesota home in what is being called a murder-suicide. Jan 19, 2015
'Gray State' Movie Writer/Director Found Dead! Wrote Martial Law - FEMA Camp Movie! Another Watchman Brought Down?
David Crowley, Army Veteran and Gray State Movie Director and Family Found Dead

A secret was left in the Gray State trailer. Were we warned in the trailer about who is behind martial law and FEMA Camps? David Crowley included a scene of a man who wears a white suit and stands next to a guillotine. He pulls the lever and executes a person at the guillotine. He wears an odd white apron with black trim. This apron has occult emblems on it: an all seeing eye and the Freemason compass. There are great similarities between he wears and what a Freemason wears.

Here’s the trailer, including a scene of a man who wears a Freemason apron and performs executions (2:25 for shot of Mason)
https://youtube.com/watch?v=Gy7FVXERKFE [Open]

Disturbing details of Minnesota filmmaker's murder-suicide emerge a year after killings
Disturbing details about the last moments of a Minnesota man who shot his wife and child before turning the gun on himself have surfaced one year after the killings.

The bodies of 29-year-old Twin Cities screenwriter David Crowley, his wife Komel and their 5-year-old Raniya were discovered in their suburban home last January.

Those around the family were stunned by the tragedy, though relatives and neighbors said they hadn't seen from them over the holidays and the execution-style deaths are thought to have occurred the day after Christmas.

A police report obtained by the Pioneer Press shares new insight into what occurred inside the house, where the shooter is thought to have written "Allahu Akbar" in his wife's blood on the wall.

Interesting comment on this blog: https://www.uglytruth.info/david-crowley-family-deaths/
Garuchilla Joe
(Thursday, January 23 20 05:34 am EST)
If anyone thinks the government isn’t into lunatic sociopathic behavior, research:
Operation Paperclip
The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment
Operation SUNSHINE
Project Mockingbird
The Franklin Cover up
My parents taught us that if someone does something evil to you once, chances are high they will do evil to you again unless they are held accountable and punished. The us government is never held accountable. My guess, it appears to be Mossad. Why would I say that? I used to work for them. I dont know anything about this guy or the circumstances, crime scene, etc., but I DO know we used assasination style single shot frags to the head, typically back to front, and also, if "they" left the sliding door cracked open at the crime scene then I KNOW it was them. Thats standard procedure so we would be able to get in and out quickly.
Always be wary of shootings that take place where the gunman(patsy) is conveniently killed so he can not be interrogated, or something like this: a lone nutjob murdered his family then himself. Bnai brith pitched the idea to do sweeps like that so it would utterly tarnish the targets reputation and thus, soil his/her work, research, etc. with the hopes of it being dismissed as gibberish, because "obviously he/she wss insane." Standard operating procedure for wet jobs involving targets that have high intellects and are considered dangerous because they figured everything out. The connection between the vatican, the frankists posing as jews, the high level freemasons, the elite devil worshippers posing as christians, and their criminal network which spans all across the globe.
Crowley was murdered by goons hired by mossad. It was a 12 man crew 4 on the inside, 8 on watch.
SPOOKY!: Blackhawk Helicopters Storm Downtown Los Angeles 2-4-19. Military Raid, target unknown, evac.     (youtube.com)

submitted by alacrity167 to whatever 1.4 years ago


The comments are speculating various things, from the raid of a law office for its documents, to the containment of a bio weapon. Remarkably, two commenters mentioned that the video was edited to remove footage of C4 detonations which would have allowed the entry of the men.

DOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES - Military helicopters were seen flying in formation around downtown Los Angeles and explosions were reported in the area that were all part of an exercise.

The choppers and explosions caused many people to head to social media, scared about what they were seeing outside.

Many people also tweeted that they saw the exercise in Silver Lake.

One helicopter even landed in the middle of Wilshire Boulevard and soldiers were seen rappelling out of the aircrafts onto rooftops.
Kay Griggs dispensed black pills on the military and the NWO in 1998. Remember her?     (whatever)

submitted by alacrity167 to whatever 1.4 years ago


I came across an exposé of the military done by the wife of a top Marine. She recorded and released the exposé in 1998. Her church pastor interviewed her and drew out the information. They are messed up deviants.

Historian and political insider, Kay Pollard Griggs is the former wife of Colonel George Griggs, Head of Special Operations under Admiral Kelso of NATO.
Col. Griggs, a Princeton graduate (class of 1959), and graduate of the NATO Defense College in Rome, was a spy and Special Ops assassin from the period of the Vietnam War onward.

Interview here (over 7 hours): https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hN2OjSqF4EY

Based on innumerable revelations Col. Griggs made to his wife while he was intoxicated, she reports in an extended interview in 1998 that the U.S. military is run by sexual deviants, mostly homosexuals, and that the U.S. military itself is a mind-control operation. She termed the top cadre as “existentialists” and “members of the firm.” This has compelling logic. This type of nihilism believes in the nothingness of human existence and in “do as thy wilt” philosophy. They believe in one world, devoid of religions.

The organized crime involves the Meyer Lansky Jewish-Kabalist group, who don’t believe in God and believe they have to get rid of all the good people.

The man who started the OSS (William Donovan) was recruiting German-Jewish existentialists who are now running our nation. They have more affinity for the state of Israel than America.

They know they are protected, Kay said. They know they are above the law. It’s a select cult/secret society. They call themselves “members of the firm” and “the brotherhood.” It’s the same thing that they do in societies like Skull & Bones and Cap & Gown (which has a lot of intelligence officers). They do a lot of homosexual enticements. This keeps them from telling secrets. The cream of the crop are having sex parties, orgies, etc. Homosexuals rise up much faster than those who don’t. They are called “rising stars.” This is what the U.S. State Department calls those who are controlled.

This complex is usually associated with suppressed sadism, which in turn is result of latent homosexuality. Anybody who has knowledge of this forbidden area can influence and promote these leaders-to-be to positions of power.
The local American Indigenous shop sells pride themed stuff. Just how “prideful” were the Natives?     (whatever)

submitted by alacrity167 to whatever 1.5 years ago


Smells like Jew cultural appropriation. ie. deciding what their culture was.
What’s up with the sundress-wearing feminists larping as right wingers?     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by alacrity167 to whatever 1.7 years ago



"remember ladies, this trick only works if you have ZERO tatoos
one tat and you're busted"

"Its just feminism recamouflaging itself."

"They are finding out that conservatives are the easiest to grift"

"Untapped market of simps."

"I have met some of these females in real life. I think they are doing good work of inspiration for the future generation of women but the initiators are all ex shit libs.

When you're at the rock bottom of a pit of shit, one step up looks like nothing to those at the top but it is sure better then continuing to dig deeper."
What job is it that is responsible for letting niggers out on bail a day after they get arrested for a violent crime? I want to do my part to reverse that in my community,     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by alacrity167 to AskUpgoat 1.7 years ago


Answer according to your jurisdiction. If you're American, Canadian or European, tell me how those systems would be fixed and what a single person can do.

Would I absolutely require a law degree in all cases?
What subject would you ask a former Special Forces guy under NDA to make him nod knowingly?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by alacrity167 to AskUpgoat 1.8 years ago


I asked an Australian ex military protection and special forces guy "why are they doing that [Tunnel Warfare training](https://www.military.com/daily-news/2018/06/24/army-spending-half-billion-train-troops-fight-underground.html) and, while nodding vigorously he cryptically responded, "Yes! 'Why', indeed!"

What else can I ask this man, who did military protection and special forces? I want to generate another response like that. The reason I had asked was because this subterranean warfare training was brought up in a 4chan screencap about zombie like humans who are trapped in cave cities underground who have never seen the light of day and are totally feral.
Read the screencap here: https://img.4plebs.org/boards/pol/image/1586/60/1586609120610.png
Text version here: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/299297757/

It's all for fun. I'll respond back with what he says about your topics you suggest.

Private Security Guard Turns Trespassing Call Into Second Degree Murder Charge     (bestgore.fun)

submitted by alacrity167 to whatever 1.8 years ago


A story about really messed up Satanic shit in WW2 from 4chan     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by alacrity167 to whatever 1.8 years ago


Did Hitler actually say that he had great respect for the older Japanese and Chinese cultures or was that quote made up?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by alacrity167 to AskUpgoat 1.8 years ago


Answer this like you're on Reddit and your mother will die if you get banned: Why are blacks called monkeys by racists? And why is there such a backlash?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by alacrity167 to AskUpgoat 1.8 years ago


Nixon: "The machine that killed JFK is the same one that took me down for Watergate". Hmm. What machine or entity does Nixon mean per chance?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by alacrity167 to AskUpgoat 1.8 years ago


"...it's the same machine that took out John, and Robert came after him, they just couldn't use bullets anymore because it was getting too..."

Louis CK told the story on "Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast"
It's at 1:32:04 if the link doesn't send you there: https://youtu.be/_iEeIbA6BLs?t=5524 [Embed]

>"There was a guy named Frank Gannon, who wrote speeches for Nixon and was a very close friend of his, and weirdly he became the guy who books comedians on Letterman, and when I moved back to New York, being on Letterman was all anybody wanted so Gannon was the most important person in comedy at the time. He was a strange guy who was very serious, and he would just come and he would watch you, and if he liked you he'd get more of you to come and maybe you'd be on the show...so he liked me, he never got me on the show but he liked me, so I went to Letterman's office and met him, and asked him about Nixon - cause he co-wrote Nixon's big autobiography "RN" - and he told me that when you get a few drinks in Nixon, he says 'the same people who got the Kennedys got me', he says it's the same machine that took out John and Robert came after him, they just couldn't use bullets anymore because it was getting too...they were on....he says that Watergate was something that happens all the time, and still does, it's how things are done...so that was Nixon's story, he didn't say it in public, but..."

So does anybody want to speculate what machine and are there any answers more interesting than "the Jews?"
If you are not a virgin woman, and decide to hold off sex until marriage, will the new guy be okay with it?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by alacrity167 to AskUpgoat 2.0 years ago


What's your opinion a girl who wants to wait until marriage for sex, yet is not a virgin?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by alacrity167 to AskUpgoat 2.1 years ago


The girl I'm talking about has had an abortion too. She started waiting for marriage when she hit 30, now she's 39 and saying that men and women shouldn't even touch each other until marriage. Would you feel ripped off or if she had a good enough personality and you trusted her, would you marry her? Another part of me wonders if she's cool enough to not have kids with her, because she can't have kids at this age, but traditional marriage is FOR kids. So her wishes are contradictory and she just seems damaged. And yes, I'm in my twenties she's in her late 30s so you can make fun of me for that if you want.

I think I'm out of my depth. I told her that and we took distance. But I cried today by myself. She has a genius IQ and she really liked me.

Another fun story she told is that she decided to marry a guy she only dated in a distance relationship. The plan was he would fly over and marry the day after they met. But she called it off on the day of the wedding because she didn't like his attitude.

Edit to the breakup bit:

-she basically denied the reasons I gave saying they are only superficial and could have been negotiated

-She said we should take 3 weeks off and try again

-lol how do I get rid of her

A girl told me she was waiting for marriage before "giving her heart" if you know what I mean, then told me she had an abortion when she was younger. Shall I drop her?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by alacrity167 to AskUpgoat 2.1 years ago


I know it's justifiable to feel like this. I was misled into thinking she was more conservative and pure because she said traditional-sounding things.

Today, for fun, we looked at the psychopathy checklist by O'Hare and did our tests. She said on the test that for her, the trait "poor parenting skill" would be "possibly present" because when she was younger she had an abortion that she really regrets. Ok. Wow. Fine. Now I can't the thought of that out of my head. The conception or the abortion. So I want to drop her. I want to be nice about it though. Help?

She had been looking at me carefully to examine whether I was a manipulator too, and said she had problems with narcissistic guys in the past. FUCK. I knew the stereotype and didn't see it coming. Am I just playing a part in a stereotypical story? She's not some reformed trad-girl. She's a damaged woman who will have trouble pair-bonding. This is what my mind is telling me.

The worst part is, when we finished the psychopathy checklist, and she scored lower than I, despite the fact that I never killed a human, I still joked that she had "beaten me" in the game to see who was a better person. Because I scored a higher score thanks to behaviours like getting into arguments in public about the mask, being racist, and having a flat affect and lack of sincerity. She kills a baby and agrees that she is a better person. Fucking hilarious.

Does she really expect me to just wait for marriage to fuck her, when she's already been knocked up and had an abortion. FFFFffuck that. The Puritans would have executed her ass. She wants to be traditional now. Fuck. Why am I so easily misled?
What is the gravity of the crypto Jew situation? How many are in hiding and what are their true numbers?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by alacrity167 to AskUpgoat 2.2 years ago


Are there swathes of Jews who can keep a secret, like the Japanese Christians did in Japan? Do they go home at night from their day at the United Church preaching anti-white progressivism and breathe a sigh of relief and bust out [the Jewish shit]? Will they reveal themselves when the Third Temple is built? Are they sensitive to being exposed?

I'm becoming less and less trusting. Unless your combined phenotype, family history, and anti-whiteism passes the test I will not let my guard down. But even then, there are Neanderthal phenotypes wandering around beneath all manner of European labels without any knowledge of their Jewish blood because they descend from conversos or Holocaust Jews who went into hiding. For example, Madeleine Albright is one such kike. She figured out late in life that she was Jewish, after getting a Catholic upbringing. You can really only trust the most square-headed Nordics and Irish gingers now. Anybody else analyze for less commonly noticed stuff like fridge bodies, pedo look, verbal acuity?

I nominate [Margaret Atwood](https://www.google.com/search?q=margaret+atwood&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjY4YGlmMX2AhVUHc0KHR-zDyMQ_AUoAnoECAIQBA&biw=1280&bih=609&dpr=1.5#imgrc=1HsU0uMmDCIurM) as a crypto Jew. She wrote The Handmaid's Tale, a feminist victim narrative. And remember, there are more Jewish feminists than all other religions combined.
Was the WASP American elite of 1620-1963 just as depraved as the new elite?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by alacrity167 to AskUpgoat 2.2 years ago


Those dates mark the arrival of the Mayflower and the death of JFK.

Were they fucking children back then too? I know the Bushes go way back to the Mayflower but are they representative of the rest of the WASPs? Hard to imagine Calvin Coolidge doing this. I did hear that homosexuality was used as blackmail before pedophilia became the go-to for that sort of thing, so perhaps James Polk was blackmailed in some very Puritan way. Thoughts? Info?
Is God a segregationist? Any more quotes like this? They're helpful for anti-racist Christians.     (whatever)

submitted by alacrity167 to whatever 2.2 years ago


>Deuteronomy 32:7-8 KJV
7 Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations: ask thy father, and he will shew thee; thy elders, and they will tell thee.
8 When the Most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel.
>When the Most High divided
Basically to cut something apart...
>when he separated
Another word for segregation...
>he set the bounds
God building borders/walls...

>Acts 17:26 KJV
And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;
>and the bounds of their habitation;
Reminder of the borders/walls...

Race mixing is sin and destroys God's creation:

>Ezra 9:2 KJV
2 For they have taken of their daughters for themselves, and for their sons: so that the holy seed have mingled themselves with the people of those lands: yea, the hand of the princes and rulers hath been chief in this trespass.
>in this trespass.

Paul practiced discrimination against an entire people:

>Titus 1:10-13 KJV
10 For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision:
11 Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake.
12 One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, the Cretians are always liars, evil beasts, slow bellies.
13 This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith;
>even a prophet of their own, said, the Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies.
>This witness is true.
Today I told a girl her brown eyes creeped me out. She stopped talking to me. Based and enlightened or cringe and retarded?     (whatever)

submitted by alacrity167 to whatever 2.2 years ago


I told her "no offense, but brown eyes are hard to read and creepy on some people." (Also they give me low-empathy vibes and my instincts tell me not to trust them).
You see if I, an Anglo-Celt, have kids with her, a French-Canadian and Native (black hair, dark eyes), then the likelihood the kids get blue eyes or even the red hair I had as a child is a lot slimmer than the alternative of kids with a blue-eyed gal. Anybody ever tell off a girl because you were racist? Again, she is pretty but I'm looking for *one* person, as sleeping around is unappealing to my sensibilities. And if I'm looking for one, I should go for what I want.

I don't want to mutt up my family anymore than it needs to be. We already have Venezuelan, Polynesian, Jewish, Bengali, and Chinese wives in the mix. It looks like the UN at the cottage. There are no fully white kids in the youngest generation (out of 4). My sister is with a hapa. It's tough.

I think I did a good thing. I really want to seek out a pure Aryan and make my family seethe like the Jews on Twitter at the sight of our Volkish appearance. I'm either infected by you far-righters or I'm saving my genetic line. I think we need to understand that girls will sacrifice looks with us to get the whiteness in return. So we need to mentally adjust for that. In many ways, darkies are the most ruthlessly racist people, getting blue eyed sperm from foreign countries, while openly Nazi men will settle for an Oriental. Other races compete for white DNA, but lefty whites don't. Very stupid, and shooting yourself in the foot.

I want my kid to be able to brag about the British Empire like my dad and his father did. Specifically to shitskins of British Empire descent (Kenyans, Indians, Quebecers etc.) We're really looking at a situation where my kids could end up smarter than my cousin's kids because while he probably is way smarter than me and is an engineer, he married a retarded Latina and mutted his line.

PS: Fuck all whites who have kids with Asian women. I hate hapas. Stop letting these unaltruistic, unempathetic genes in our society.
