Took the fam to the river today     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to TellUpgoat 8 seconds ago (+0/-0)
It was so beautiful today. Just perfect weather. I took my Polaris General with my fam to the river. When we got there we noticed some people about 150 upriver from us. There were others downriver, as well. We had the perfect spot. I've been going there for decades. We set our chairs up and my wife threw together a picnic. We took some tubes and would walk up river a ways then tube down the rapids with my kids. It was a blast. The water was fucking cold on my old man balls. This river is cold even in July/August. So then the universe throws me something as it always does because it likes to fuck with me...

As I'm standing in the rapids a beer can flows by. Then another. Tranny Light cans. Every 10 minutes beer cans came by. I walk up river and strike up a convo with the people there. From NY visiting. They were obviously white but after our pleasantries I asked them if they were niggers. They looked at each other confused. I said the reason I'm asking is because you throw your beer cans in the river like a nigger and here we don't do shit like that because it looks like shit much like the rivers where your from. Take a look around; You aren in Gods country, one of the most beautiful places on Earth and you fucking throw tranny cans in our river like a goddamn nigger. WTF is wrong with you idiots. Took their pic and a pic of their UTV. Called the DNR and reported them. DNR agent calls me and I send him the pic and give location and he knows the area very well he said. They start packing up and I tell them at the very least they're getting a fucking littering ticket. I told them the DNR would be waiting at the road to the way out. DNR calls me later and tells me he arrested the driver for drunk driving and charged them all with littering. He had a rollback come and pick up their UTV. I thanked him and he thanked me. Fuck these scumbag pos. Don't come into my Heaven and take a shit.

Other than that, it was a glorious day. My wife said it and my kids said it. It was so peaceful and I feel better after bathing in the river and sitting in my chair and taking all the sights and sounds in. I think we all need to do that as much as we can because our bodies react to it. My skin feels so soft and my hair is silky. The dead skin came off my feet from walking around in the sand. It all came together really nice other than the scum encounter.

Oh, and when I got home I was putting everything up in the building and misplaced my GD UTV keys and looked everywhere for them for like 45 minutes. Finally found them on my bench in the building. Why I laid them down there I will never know. I never do that.
David Duke stands with Nick Fuentes! Let’s gooooooo!!!!     (x.com)
submitted by GreatSatan to NicksGroyperLegion 31 minutes ago (+3/-0)
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Child labor, but this kid has skills.      (x.com)
submitted by Sector2 to WhiteCulture 1 hour ago (+3/-0)
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I think he may have had a little help. He's got skills though.
My big nite out: a field report on the state of the Union in NW FL     (whatever)
submitted by Anus_Expander to whatever 1 hour ago (+4/-0)
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I worked on a guy's boat today on the Emerald Coast of FL. When I got home, I had a sudden urge to go out. I never go out, unless I am playin music at a bar with a band, which I do a few times a month.

First place: very nice upscale place on a bay. Haven't been there in a year. Trio band playing. Chick singer is WAY too fuckin loud. Bassist is basically soloing the whole time. No one is sitting near them. I try, but move away a minute later. Caterwauling roastie angst is not for me.

This venue is famous for sunsets. I go to the ass end of the property, and there are a dozen niggers takin pics. Now, these are upscale niggers, old and yung, a fambly on vacation, dressed nicely and not chimping out. Still, I was so aggravated that I left. This whole area is super White, fuckin niggers should stay in Atlanta.

I walk across the street to another place. Same owner. Super upscale, realtors and doctors n sheeit. No niggers this time. No band, no music. Lots of expensively dressed people, tasty chicks. I sat on a bench and had a beer (I rarely drink). Looking at all the happy people made me wanna puke, so I left.

Drivin home, I decided to hit another place. This is an expensive touristy area, lots of bars. Haven't been there in over a year. A DJ was butchering songs as a band was setting up. Shit music. I sat at a table, and a hideous troll roastie told me it's for food-eaters only. I gave her my meanest glare, and said I am leaving anyway. I went home and ate some shroom gummies. Hope the rest of the night is more interesting.

TL;DR: normie shit is just not for me. But it was a good reminder why I never bother going out.
Censorship via NGOs     (www.rt.com)
submitted by Cantaloupe to whatever 2 hours ago (+2/-0)
Gottem!     (pomf2.lain.la)
submitted by Kozel to AI 2 hours ago (+9/-0)
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sad     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by con77 to ClownWorld 2 hours ago (+2/-0)
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"It's NOT the Jews!" @Joe_McCarthy - TikTok star Rabbi, ((( Hayim Cohen ))) who adopted *9 boys* has been caught at Texas Border with a van filled 11 kids - 11 charges of child sex-trafficking + child sexual and physical abuse.     (x.com)
submitted by KosherHiveKicker to OccidentalEnclave 2 hours ago (+6/-0)
Went riding this weekend     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Not_a_redfugee to Offroad 2 hours ago (+14/-0)
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Put a 3" lift, new bigger tires, and removed the sway bar on this 2016 Polaris Ranger 900 6 seater. Thing is a beast. Took it up some crazy trails in this mountainous terrain.
The kikes are ready to extinguish Gen z White Men to keep the grift going.     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by ProudRebel to whatever 2 hours ago (+4/-0)
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Should all do this, even though we didn't take the vax-death shot      (nitter.poast.org)
submitted by Cantaloupe to whatever 2 hours ago (+3/-0)
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He should not have complied, it's better to lose any job, be homeless, etc. Than comply
"wypipo are fragile"     (pbs.twimg.com)
submitted by TheNoticing to whatever 2 hours ago (+6/-0)
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Wife brought this bad boy home!     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by TheOriginal1Icemonkey to CookingWithGoats 4 hours ago (+12/-0)
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Funny, I asked her where her's was!
Something about reverse searing, she looked it all up. It’s on her.
She does well on the grill though. Hasn’t messed anything up yet.
Gives me a break.😊
We're starting Saturday movie night NOW: Watching The Big Lebowski first     (cytu.be)
submitted by x0x7 to whatever 4 hours ago (+2/-1)
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France erupts in wild protests over prospect of far right victory at election     (www.news.com.au)
submitted by paul_neri to WorldPolitics 4 hours ago (+1/-2)
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Groyper bros, it's over... The jews won     (x.com)
submitted by GreatSatan to NicksGroyperLegion 5 hours ago (+3/-0)
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What is a "glazi"?     (whatever)
submitted by Drstrangestgov to whatever 5 hours ago (+2/-0)
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A global socialist. Someone who looks to the UN as the the head of a global state apparatus. They are the eugenicists, the mad scientists, and the manipulators. Most democrats AND republicans are glazis. Elsewhere in the world they are known as the labor party. They control the unions and now the united states government.
The Cult - Fire Woman     (iteroni.com)
submitted by King_Leopold_II to music 5 hours ago (+3/-0)
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I donated $50 to the original voat     (introductions)
submitted by titstitstits to introductions 5 hours ago (+4/-0)
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and then paypal froze it for 6 months. Then voat got inundated with nazis so I left. Now I realize the nazis were at least somewhat correct about some things (AIPAC am i right). I am 89% sure this site in its current form is some kind of cointelpro or controlled opposition kind of thing. Not from the same traiters in the deepstate behind Patriot FRONT (its in the name lol) but something. Even if its not it's likely only allowed to exist so it (and all of us) can be spied on and used to steal all of our good ideas.

I wonder what Atko is up to these days....
"If you love the Second Amendment like me, you know how important Hunter Biden’s appeal is"      (archive.is)
submitted by MasterSuppressionTechnique to whatever 5 hours ago (+2/-0)
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CNN finally loves the 2nd Amendment. Wow.
Since George Fentanyl died of an overdose, there has been yearly increases of black on black mass shootings on Juneteemf by JuneTeens. Heil Odin! o/     (www.cbsnews.com)
submitted by Master_Foo to Niggers 6 hours ago (+6/-0)
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80-year-old Dewey Thompson shows us how he makes rocking chairs     (www.youtube.com)
submitted by NeedleStack to ArtsAndCrafts 6 hours ago (+11/-0)
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I started the grain free diet four days in and so far here are my results. my scalp has stopped itching and I think flakes have gone down. problem is now I'm constantly hungry and have cravings. also I'm irritable and moody. drinking a lot of water. otherwise I think I'm mentally a bit more clear. original content     (AnonTalk)
submitted by anon to AnonTalk 6 hours ago (+4/-0)
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Otherwise not much benefit. Maybe feeling less sluggish and lethargic. Oh and did you know corn is a grain
Freenet Relaunching     (freenet.org)
submitted by carnold03 to technology 6 hours ago (+10/-0)
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The centralization of the internet poses a fundamental threat to individual freedom. In 2024, a few corporations control most internet services and infrastructure. These corporations wield immense power over most of us with little accountability, enabling them to censor content, exploit our data, and exclude users from services they depend on —all with profound implications for democracy. We need a solution urgently.

Introducing Freenet — a decentralized replacement for the world wide web. Acting as a global, shared, decentralized computing platform, Freenet can either be accessed via a standard web browser or integrated into third-party applications.
Russians have found the cure for Bekhterev’s disease     (tass.com)
submitted by Conspirologist to Health 6 hours ago (+0/-1)