St. Justin Martyr June 1st | Saint of the Day     (www.youtube.com)
submitted by carnold03 to Christianity 1 minute ago (+0/-0)

#St. Justin Martyr June 1st | Saint of the Day

Christian apologist, born at Flavia Neapolis, about A.D. 100, converted to Christianity about A.D. 130, taught and defended the Christian religion in Asia Minor and at Rome, where he suffered martyrdom about the year 165. Two "Apologies" bearing his name and his "Dialogue with the Jew Tryphon" have come down to us. Leo XIII had a Mass and an Office composed in his honour and set his feast for 14 April.

Continue reading: https://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=4144

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Video shows that you are a free-range human in a tax farm     (x.com)
submitted by Crackinjokes to USPolitics 39 minutes ago (+2/-0)
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Michelle Obamas mother died      (whatever)
submitted by con77 to whatever 1 hour ago (+4/-0)
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With a broken 💔 because her son is a trannie faggot living a lie.

Joan Rivers died for telling the truth.
Let's see what happens when Boeing assigns diversity hire SheBoons build a rocket. Launch LiveStream     (www.youtube.com)
submitted by Master_Foo to Space 1 hour ago (+0/-0)
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The best summary of how it works.      (x.com)
submitted by Crackinjokes to TellUpgoat 1 hour ago (+2/-0)

Can someone who knows how please copy this to catbox?
IT ALWAYS POP UP     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by TheBigGuyFromQueens to whatever 1 hour ago (+1/-2)
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Saw a woman at a red light yesterday      (whatever)
submitted by con77 to whatever 1 hour ago (+7/-0)
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Bitch was alone in her car wearing a mask with her windows down.

I shouted to her
"HEY LADY! You're wearing a mask alone in your car?

She ignored me so I shouted again. She put her windows up until the light changed.

Fucking people.
I just watched band of brothers. That’s a good show bro      (whatever)
submitted by GreenSaint to whatever 2 hours ago (+4/-1)
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It’s a good show. Old as hell (2001) But a good show. It’ll allow you to forget that life sucks for ten hours

Here’s a link if you wanted to watch it

Doctor beats cancer with immunotherapy     (www.ndtv.com)
submitted by Conspirologist to Health 2 hours ago (+0/-0)
Turkey and/or China are responsible for the radar attacks against Russia. Heres my thinking.     (whatever)
submitted by prototype to whatever 2 hours ago (+0/-0)
Despite how easy it would be to say 'the usual suspects are responsible' I think the culprit was not the u.s., nor israel, nor the ukes.

I believe the culprits involved are among the following list: Saudi Arabia, Turkey, or China.

I could write a wall of text about why but it boils down to cui bono - who benefits if russia or the u.s. or the u.k fire on each other?

Russia has already said in ww3 they would target israel, so israel starting it is a no go. Despite all the proclaimations that this side or that side is composed of mad men, you look at the actions actually taken, and its always escalation up to the brink but never past it. Thats the behavior of organizations that are wild to be sure, but it shows there are rational actors involved. This is about interests, not destruction for destructions sake.

Look at the sauds, they want out from under the u.s. heel. Their overtures to BRICS makes way more sense in that light. But they can't get away with israel on their doorstep, let alone the u.s.
The u.s. being caught up in some sort of regional ww3 and mutually destroying/being destroyed in some conflagration leaves the sauds to shrug off u.s. control. I won't say they were directly responsible for 9/11 (because we know who that was) but they did have a hand in it.

Now look at Turkey. They've played russia, china, and the u.s. against each other for years. Nothing would satisfy them more than to have their main rival for control of the middle east, Iran, destroyed in the secondary bombings that would follow from russia, the u.k., and the u.s. bombing each other to ruin. Playing the fence is Turkey's m.o.

Now look at china. The war has been pushing russia right into the arms of the CCP. The only real challenge now that the question of multipolarity is settled, is who gets the lions share. A ruined russia would be at the mercy of china, and the theatre of war starting in europe or the middle east leaves china's hands clean, for them to dominate BRICS and use the leverage from rebuilding/refinancing to reweight the basket of currencies to prefer the RMB or yuan, and the others involved would have to take it or leave it.

Now look at the three nations involved, taking out the first radar, facing west, makes any subsequent attacks suspect of coming from the u.k. israel, the ukes, or america.

Then the second radar gets hit, and it leaves attacks from the middle east wide open, and no one could know for sure.
Who has the capabilities to do that in the list of those who have motive?
The sauds prefer terror attacks, and lack the cyber and space command to do something like that. So while they have motive, they don't have means.

That leaves turkey or china.

And wouldn't turkey make the perfect bait? The m.e. is wide open for missile launches against russia. No one would know for sure who launched. Turkey has the means. Turkey has the motive.

Who benefits.

What it looks like is someone is trying to start a full blown war between the u.k. russia and america.

My bet is u.s. intelligence isn't saying it, but they don't have a fucking clue who actually took out those radars.

I'd say Iran, because they have the cyber and space tech to guide those missiles, and arguably the islamists would be happy to see a few hundred million christians obliterated in a war, along with israel, but its too obvious a target, and Iran mostly fights through proxies and has a defensive posture (despite their bluster) so I find that unlikely.

It's turkey or china making big opportunistic moves.

This is all conjecture of course, but I'd bet money on it.
NYU Allows Students to Create Their Own Major.     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by VaccineWaters to funny 3 hours ago (+8/-0)
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New NYU grads from the NYU Gallatin School of Individualized Study, where students can create their own major, describing their majors
Mexican candidate assassinations hit grim record ahead of Sunday's election     (www.reuters.com)
submitted by MasterSuppressionTechnique to news 3 hours ago (+0/-0)
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The Trump campaign strategy of setting up preposterous presecutions to win sympathy for a guy who hired the deep State when he said he was going to get rid of it is working magically well. People like Tim pool or donating huge sums to him now. It was such an easy strategy and I said it was happening     (USPolitics)
submitted by Crackinjokes to USPolitics 3 hours ago (+3/-0)
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The Trump campaign strategy of setting up preposterous presecutions to win sympathy for a guy who hired the deep State when he said he was going to get rid of it is working magically well. People like Tim pool or donating huge sums to him now. It was such an easy strategy and I said it was happening.

It keeps people from looking at his actual record. And what you will find is that none of these charges stick. They're all obviously going to be overturned so he's never at any real risk. And we've seen that start to happen already with some cases. But he got the mileage out of being accused in such a ridiculous way. If you wonder how some of these judges who are supposed to be randomly assigned or not randomly assigned but we're signed to him and they pretend to be the bad guy well they're all in on it. Of course they need controlled judges to create a false trial persecution of Donald Trump as part of his campaign strategy. They can't have a real judge doing it. And so you noticed that wasn't even on the list of where judges are supposed to be randomly pulled from for Trump's case but all of Trump's cases are being heard by this judge marchand. That's because he is one of the actors who is in on the fake.

All these charges are going to get dropped or overturned right up to or after the election. Trump is never going to go to jail. You'll notice that even after he was convicted on 34 felonies with you believe it or not that he was not immediately put into custody and made to go to jail. He didn't even have to pay a bond. It just shows that it's all a fake campaign strategy. And it's working incredibly well. After his fake convictions were pushed out on the press he raised more money 54 million dollars in 24 hours that anyone has ever raised in any campaign in the history of the world in that short period of time. If you've got all these people running around saying oh now I've got to vote for Trump. And if you want to know if it was all they can gay all you got to do is look back with this first started it all the people who are saying well now you've got to vote for Trump whether you like them or not you've got to vote for now because he's being falsely persecuted. That was always their strategy it's all fake and gay. It's to keep people from noticing the fact that he didn't get rid of the deep State he hired them all and he hired them all and they were all jews.

Trump came in saying he was going to lock them up and lock Hillary up the day after he was elected he said it was all campaign talk and he wasn't really going to do it and she was really a very fine person. And so he can have he couldn't have people looking at his actual record and discussing it I mean let's face it he locked down the whole country and suspended everybody's civil rights. He could have people talking about that so what he did was create this false persecution thing and so nobody talked about the fact that he didn't actually build the wall he didn't actually lock up Hillary he locked up all of us instead.

Have you ever noticed how it's never Trump that actually goes to jail or faces any consequences it's all his supporters that go to jail? Trump is the biggest honey pot there is. And I fell for it I admit it I thought well we've got no chance with bush or Hillary so might as well try Trump he says some good things but it was all fake and gay. It's time to realize that. Now does Santa's may have gone over and sucked you cock it is real to sign that bill but I think this actually has fought the deep state in Florida and fought Disney and other people and of course Trump didn't and so they couldn't have a real debate between DeSantis and trump. They had to make it about something else so they painted Trump as a victim

It let me ask you? Who out there plays the victim better than anybody else? Who is made more money and got more mileage out of playing the victim than anybody else? Jews that's who. And Trump is right in there with the Jews and is probably Jewish himself and certainly all his children are and they've all buried Jews it is Father Biltmore synagogues than anybody else a trump is probably a Jew and so he's playing the victim now. The guy who we elected in 2016 because he said he wasn't a victim he was the masculine Uber Chad who always won is now playing the part of the loser who is always the victim and you're all falling for it.

Mark my words none of these charges will stick in trouble actually pay no penalty and he will probably get elected on this victim card betrayal as he is terribly persecuted by a fixed judge that was specifically chosen to be in on it and who just miraculously presides over all the cases including the Steve banned case and this one and the other one. Even though he wasn't even on the list of judges to be chosen from.

In trouble have a couple more headshots for the news that make it look like he's a tough resistor to all the bad persecution. Remember the fake booking photo that he had made that looks so ridiculous when he was trying to look tough but the sheriff's county jail sign behind his head was way too small because it was all faked. But did his actual real lawyer who was actually booked and those people who actually suffered real penalties and had to pay fines and had their law licenses revoked remember how their headshots had the insignia be so much bigger behind their heads because they were real.

It's all fake and gay and you're following you're falling for the movie script.

The other thing I noticed is immediately after his being found guilty every single phone number that sends me text messages about donating to Trump just with crazy telling me all these reasons that I had to donate for Trump and having quotes from Trump saying I'm the good guy and having quotes from Don Jr say they're just unjustly putting my father criminalizing this and that the other and all these stories just every single phone number that ever sent me a text message asking for money for Donald Trump just went absolutely crazy. I'm telling you it's all fake and gay. And it's just raised millions of dollars for Trump millions of dollars. Why the fuck did I think of that. I could have raised millions of dollars. All my persecutions.
I want to post "fuck you" to ADL on Twitter     (AskUpgoat)
submitted by Conspirologist to AskUpgoat 4 hours ago (+0/-1)
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How do I insult ADL on Twitter without being caught?

I was thinking to use an old computer with an alt account, and post via VPN.

Is this enough security, or they can still see my ISP and block me?
EXCLUSIVE: Richard Wilkins lashes out after his son Christian is hit with a cruel slur - and somehow it wasn't "faggot"     (www.dailymail.co.uk)
submitted by Cunt to Faggots 4 hours ago (+5/-0)
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Zogbot who tackled the patriot and got stabbed apparently just died (use translator)     (www.mrn-news.de)
submitted by fritz_maurentod to news 4 hours ago (+24/-0)
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Judge Merchan is a fag I think. He plucks his eyebrows and all the fags love him. It's the fag Jews who really actually hate Trump. THAT division here among the Jews. Fags vs non fags     (x.com)
submitted by Crackinjokes to USPolitics 4 hours ago (+3/-0)
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A lot of us have wondered whether the rift among Jews between Jew supporter Biden and Jew supporter Trump was even real. But I think I have discovered that it is real and what the rift is about. Trump is not a fag and fags have pretty much taken over the Democratic party and most of the Republican party. They taking over the government they've taken over many positions in all kinds of organizations. It wasn't till I saw another picture of judge mershon with his very trimmed eyebrows and just to sort of basic look that I realized he looks like a fag. I think he's probably a fag. And that would explain so much. You know the real hatred for Trump by many of the reporters has been from all the fag reporters. There's nothing to fag hates more than a openly broadly heterosexual man which Trump definitely is regardless of all his other jewiness or whatever. He's definitely a heterosexual. And he therefore is a challenge to the domination of the fags in government. Anyway this clip is just more evidence of the fag love for judge merchan and it just all fits in my theory.

Yes both sides are Jews and if you can't figure out why the Jews don't equally love that you love or Trump and that you love her Biden it's because Trump isn't a fag and fagotry drives so much of American politics today. It really honestly is the driving force in the cohesive actions that move things along today. The fags have taken over in the fags hate Donald Trump.

And yes of course they're all Jews but what we're talking about here is the rift between the fag pushing juice and Trump who is not a fag pushing Jew even though he gives lip service to the LGBT community. He is not one of them and that is the most important thing to them is being another fag.
Revelation: Church of Thyatira (purple) Pt. 4 - - Omega of Apostasy & Last Day Deceptions [1.32.35]     (www.youtube.com)
submitted by doginventer to religion 5 hours ago (+0/-0)
Cepher Moments - To everything . . . - Stephen Pidgeon [1.36.06]     (www.youtube.com)
submitted by doginventer to Christianity 5 hours ago (+0/-0)
Daily Verse and Comment for Romans 15:14     (www.theberean.org)
submitted by doginventer to religion 5 hours ago (+1/-1)
BigManFromQueens doxxed     (pomf2.lain.la)
submitted by UncleDoug to ShitpostLitterBox 5 hours ago (+4/-0)
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A short while later he enters chat.

"Muh dik nigha, ware the wit gurls ate?" ~ BMFQ
Rothschilds control central banks worldwide     (bibliotecapleyades.net)
submitted by Conspirologist to conspiracy 5 hours ago (+2/-0)
Rabbi arrested on child rape charges     (archive.is)
submitted by Conspirologist to Pedogate 5 hours ago (+0/-0)
Centuries old Joshua trees will be cleared for a solar farm in Commiefornia     (ibb.co)
submitted by ProudRebel to ClimateTards 5 hours ago (+8/-0)
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I've had the privilege of hiking he California desert. It's one of the most beautiful places on earth.
InfoWars may be shutdown in 48 hours     (twitter.com)
submitted by Conspirologist to MeanwhileOnTwitter 6 hours ago (+2/-1)
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