Mars Monster Update - If "road runner" type critters or even hooved animals like pigs or toed creatures like kangaroos were loose on planet Mars they would have established game trails, none of the shots returned by the Curiosity or the twin Spirit & Opportunity Rovers show anything like that     (i.postimg.cc)
submitted by RoxannaHardbutt to Space 1.4 years ago (+3/-2)
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The texture & shadowing look ok and there is no apparent photo shopping, while the creature's skin and toenails seem well adapted to the harsh Martian environment .. we cannot guarantee the image is bona fide but it sure looks ok .. the ppl at Nushi's Shokher Dunia who uploaded the video have neglected to say which of the Mars Rovers returned the original image which tends to leave everything up in the air, however the tread pattern on the Rover's wheels seen at the start of the video confirm it is from Curiosity .. don't expect NASA to clear things up.
Check the Similarities Between Structural Artefacts on the Floor of the Mediterranean Sea Roughly Centered on the Island of Crete and the Kiyakta Formation in Peru, both are linked by straight lines and neither structures have windows or doors thus seem not to have been built for human occupancy     (i.postimg.cc)
submitted by MartinTimothy to Screenshot 1.4 years ago (+3/-2)
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The Strangest Structures of Ancient Peru.


Further scrutiny of GE reveals similar lines criss crossing the Atlantic Ocean from Newfoundland to the Faroe Islands, the only workable hypothesis is space faring aliens built Kiyakta, the undersea formations in the Mediterranean and the lines and structures under the ocean.
NASA Perseverance Mars Rover Sol 646 - Looks like a human skull in the foreground while the geometrically laid pattern resembling recently plowed Earth [Mars] among a matrix of lines and outlines upper right cannot have been done by any known agency     (i.postimg.cc)
submitted by MartinTimothy to Space 1.4 years ago (+2/-3)
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The Green Two Toed Elephant Frog .. if that's what it is anyone know any more??     (i.postimg.cc)
submitted by TankTinker to pics 1.5 years ago (+1/-2)
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The Last Shootout at Cerro Gordo, Wanted Man Billy Crapo - The Sacramento Daily Union reported January 3, 1893 the Governor had offered a reward of $500 for the apprehension of William Crapo for the murder of Henry Boland at Cerro Gordo, Inyo County California Dec. 29, 1892 .. he was never found     (i.postimg.cc)
submitted by TankTinker to Screenshot 1.5 years ago (+4/-0)
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Newspapers in Inyo County recorded the incident: A telegram to the following effect came over the wire yesterday, Henry B. Boland and John Thomas were together walking toward the Post Office. The house occupied by William Crapo is about sixty feet distant from the office. After the men had passed Crapo's house he opened the door and fired after them. Boland fell dead at the first shot, which struck in the back.

When Boland fell Thomas started to get behind a wagon that was near, but before he could reach it he got one bullet in the right shoulder one in the right wrist. The full effect of the wounds received by Thomas could not be stated til examined by a doctor. After the first shot was heard Thomas turned to look where it came from and saw Crapo standing in the door of his house. The Last Shootout at Cerro Gordo by Cecile Page Vargo.
Guy managed to sue employer for vaccine mandate     (i.postimg.cc)
submitted by Conspirologist to Screenshot 1.5 years ago (+74/-0)
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Faggot kvetching about Musk's owning Twitter     (i.postimg.cc)
submitted by Conspirologist to MeanwhileOnTwitter 1.6 years ago (+26/-0)
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Primitive Engineering: The Artifact - Needing a way to administer *medical* marijuana I affixed a broken glass cone to a section of electrical conduit had been discarded by the electrician with yrs old insulation tape .. works like a beauty :)     (i.postimg.cc)
submitted by MartinTimothy to TellUpgoat 1.6 years ago (+3/-1)
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Black celebs are afraid to help Kanye West     (i.postimg.cc)
submitted by Conspirologist to Screenshot 1.6 years ago (+66/-4)
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The Wreck of the "Eduard Bohlen" That Went Aground on Namibia's Skeleton Coast in Thick Fog September 1909 - Inset the same image the Mister Daniele YT channel says was taken by the Perseverance Rover on the surface of Mars .. NASA just stands back and lets 'em get away with this bs, how come??     (i.postimg.cc)
submitted by RoxannaHardbutt to Space 1.6 years ago (+1/-2)
You almost got me, unjected!     (i.postimg.cc)
submitted by NaturalSelectionistWorker to Jews 1.6 years ago (+8/-0)
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When you learn to see the obvious signs of their trickery.

Excuse me while I delete my protonmail account.
Ron Paul Vs FBI     (i.postimg.cc)
submitted by Conspirologist to Screenshot 1.6 years ago (+51/-3)
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Florida Republicans gonna need socialism...     (i.postimg.cc)
submitted by Conspirologist to Screenshot 1.6 years ago (+2/-6)
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Statement From His Majesty The King     (i.postimg.cc)
submitted by MartinTimothy to whatever 1.7 years ago (+3/-3)
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modern propaganda     (i.postimg.cc)
submitted by boekanier to whatever 1.7 years ago (+23/-1)
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Screenshot: Alice Cooper Live at Hellfest Val de Moine, Clisson France, June 24, 2022 - Guitarists Nita Strauss & Ryan Roxie     (i.postimg.cc)
submitted by TankTinker to Screenshot 1.8 years ago (+2/-0)
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"I'm hungry for love and it's feeding time" - Alice Cooper, Feed My Frankenstein .. Full Show 72 minutes.
Check the Resemblance Between Maria Franz the Female Lead in the European Tribal Group Heilung & Android Sex Robot 2B in the Nier Automata Series - Anyone who has watched NA or attended a Heilung event will know they are well funded ops .. wonder if someone is "pushing a barrow" for whatever reason!     (i.postimg.cc)
submitted by TankTinker to TellUpgoat 1.8 years ago (+2/-0)
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New Deal at R/Communism - Police & service members will be banned, refrain from posts about bourgeois US politics, questions about Marxism, Maoism or Stalinism will be removed and no chauvinism or settler apologism .. in other words stick to the Zionist version of events if you wanna get loaded     (i.postimg.cc)
submitted by TankTinker to MeanwhileOnReddit 1.9 years ago (+3/-1)
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Reddit Link .. I ran aground on "settler apologism," whatever it might be.
Druids’ Temple, Yorkshire     (i.postimg.cc)
submitted by MartinTimothy to pics 1.9 years ago (+22/-1)
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Climate Fearmongering 1989 - Their projected analysis that says "entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by the year 2000 if global warming is not reversed," was then and is now total bs     (i.postimg.cc)
submitted by RoxannaHardbutt to ClimateChangeSkeptic 1.9 years ago (+9/-0)
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Mrsheeples1992 @ Reddit says ..

Climate Clock.

"Would it matter what it was referencing? The echo never stops .. Al Gore's inconvenient truth cited the same fear propaganda. So have all the other bullshit green initiatives. Notice how it's largely politicians calling for the end of the world as we know it unless we change?

Ever wonder what their stock portfolios look like? You're gonna find a lot of green energy investments, especially purchased at the time they pushed green initiatives. It's a game, you've been conned.

It's worse now than ever! is an easy fear to exploit at any point in modern history since we've made the most advancements than ever, but we always have the technology to back peddle.

Tell me why it isn't entirely possible to use solar energy powered drones, to clean up the CO2 in the atmosphere to clean it via GPS and other new technologies? We already use drones to herd cattle and the like, why not be our robo nature maids?

Ignoring sensible and practical approaches to our problems while exploiting our fears. (think polar bears and ice caps melting and all the catastrophic weather phenomenon that was used for fear) when you realize green energy sounds good.

It boils down to virtue signaling. Anyone not on board is "anti-environment" weird how that's what the conservatives get labeled, but fear campaigns are exactly how the virtue signaling side is using to control them to keep them in line.

It's human behavior, someone is always exploiting how we as a society deal with issues by creating problems and then shaming those who don't fall in line, but what's funny is it really isn't shame anymore it's more so duty. They've upgraded the approach to encroach in on more radicalism, just wait. Eco taxes and policies and restrictions are on the rise, the technology of green energy is still way behind to compensate.

Also look into windmills, they never produce enough energy to become solvent. They use more fossil fuels to create them (manufacturing and refining of materials) than they would ever produce after maintenance and everything."
Scabs in the BLF - Dockers Ron Chapman & Les Batkin were murdered in 1987 during the height of debate within the Painters & Dockers Union re the future of the operation - The union was deregistered shortly there after under legislation brought in by rogue Labor Party PM's Bob Hawke & Paul Keating     (i.postimg.cc)
submitted by MartinTimothy to Australia 2.0 years ago (+2/-1)
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Ok this post deals with matters that had their genesis in the 1980's, we post it across the i'net intermittently to remind TPTB matters re the bashings, rape and murder of our members is still on our books, and will remain so until those responsible are sentenced by the courts.

It was at that time the government announced plans to deregister trade unions with less that 10,000 members, it appears the plans had been "on the books" for a lot longer than that, and included massive Zionist infiltration of the P&D's Union in particular under the tutelage of one Izzy Wyner, rogue Secretary of the Sydney Branch.

Who brought Lebanese and Palestinian war criminals who were behind a rash of car bombings in Sydney thru the 1960's as they took over prostitution - vale Joe Borg - into docks jobs that would normally gone to Australians.

Ray Winning a John le Carré style "mole" who had learnt his stuff at the Zio front Lenin Institute in Moscow, was a Wyner protege who was sponsored as head of the Queensland Branch, who with the terrorist scabs he had recruited made it their business to kill the union.

This union was formed in 1900 to protect the interests of workers in the maritime group of industries.

In 1993 the union was deregistered under S 193 of The Australian Industrial Relations Act, which requires unions with less than 10,000 members to convince the Industrial Commission that special circumstances exist that justify their continued registration.

The fact that this union is the cultural and economic heritage of generations of Australians, was not deemed a special circumstance by the industrial commissioner, while the campaign waged within the organization to increase membership was met with thuggery, violence and murder. DockersUnion.

Ron Chapman who was murdered in 1987 during the height of debate re the future of the P&D's Union was an aboriginal, where after mainstream aboriginal groups turned away. While the rest of the aboriginal delegation to the union took off running, his scab brother in law got his car his scab brother took his job, Brisbane dockyards have been de unionized since the P&D's Union was deregistered in 1993!

The Painters and Dockers Union Journal, October 2001, page 4 - "This document indicts Builders Labourers Federation Secretary Simcoe, industrial Officer Moxham, Union Organizer Puplett all of their successors, and those who stand with them as class enemies.

Facts relied upon: At work the week prior to 1/10/96 two twin speaker ghetto blaster type radio systems, were intermittently turned on full bore causing excessive noise. Before work 1l10/96, member 200325 reminds all hands this type of personal equipment on the job is banned by the union. One Saal says he is the delegate says he will ring the union and check, some time later during work one Moore turns his blaster on full bore claimed he wanted to be able to hear John Laws, over the noise of the yard forklift, that had a rooted muffler.

200325 checks back with Saal the bug delegate, he says he did not ring the union at all but telephoned Yates the yard manager who was on his way .. 200325 rings the union talks to Kerr gets abused and hung up on. Drives into union premises spots Gary Howcroft former President of the P&D Union, who had wormed his rotten way into the offices of the BWIU, who abandoned his role in the P&D's allegedly after receiving death threats in 1980.

200325 Reminds Howcroft, the current campaign the Dockies Union was undertaking requires him to testify re his relationship with Ron Chapman, like when was the last time he saw him alive, and in whose company was he. And about Batkin and Norm Foorde union member murdered in 1979, and re his hightailing it out of the said Dockies Union at the time of the 1980 union election campaign, despite the fact he was then Union President and was candidate for election to the position of Secretary.

Was he in fact warned he would necessarily be running afoul of elements who might kill him as they had killed before .. Howcroft sneered and almost got through turning his lip in contempt.. Before he had to beat a hasty retreat into the interior of a locked office complex, MT in pursuit. Union organizer Ted Puplett met one at the gate of Bell Scaffolding, explaining the situation to him and being assured in return that double or multi speaker systems were indeed barred from the workplace by the union.

Puplett's clear role was to upbraid the members for having this gear on the job, explain that the concept of bodgey delegates who rang the boss instead of the union,was as iffy as can be, endorse MT as new and fair dinkum delegate and we all go back to work. Instead Puplett hears Yates out tells MT to hear Yates out who says MT is sacked and he had better get off the premises or he will have the coppers to him .. all the while Puplett and Saal are smirking and grinning to each other like vicar and choirboy.

Howcroft is rumored to have suffered two broken legs in October 1996, could be he approached someone to have M.Timothy seen to and got seen to himself .. we did not get a seconder at the meeting while every other member of the Dockers Union took off running .. we have been going alone for a lot of yrs now we keep at it.
Chemtrails Over Brisbane, 10:20 AM June 1, 2022     (i.postimg.cc)
submitted by MartinTimothy to Australia 2.0 years ago (+3/-3)
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These things are the thin edge of the Weather Warfare wedge and typically herald cyclones, storms & floods more particularly, bring yr brolly and yr raincoat to the picnic if you want to stay dry and seek for high ground.
Former PM John Howard Comes Out of Retirement to Post Electioneering Material Beating the "Pandemic" Drum & Decrying "Labor's Record of Mismanagement" Under the Tutelage of Scott Morrison - He has never had anything about how he and former PM Tony Abbott were ousted from parliament in 2007 & 2019..     (i.postimg.cc)
submitted by MartinTimothy to Australia 2 years ago (+3/-0)

Howard was allegedly outvoted in 2007 by former ABC News Reporter Maxine McKew, who was herself ousted from Parliament in 2010 by her 44,685 votes to his 42,251 votes, Abbott whose 61% majority fell to 37% was replaced by Jewish independent Zali Steggall.

We will say the assertion the electors replaced Howard with a second rate journalist from a Zio friendly news op goes against the political "flow of play," that the whole thing was choreographed while Abbott's fall from grace had the same Jewish overtones."

Video: Sure the "Pandemic" is a hoax.
Entrance Carved Into Millions of Yrs Old Lake Sediments on Planet Mars - NASA Curiosity Mars Rover Mastcam Sol 3466 Returned May 7, 2022     (i.postimg.cc)
submitted by MartinTimothy to Space 2.0 years ago (+1/-3)
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