The Colchester Collection Book Catalog     (www.colchestercollection.com)
submitted by Monica to books 5 months ago (+7/-0)
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Some blue haired sjw told me to 'read a book', so I found some books to read     (www.colchestercollection.com)
submitted by lord_nougat to books 1.5 years ago (+25/-0)
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mirroring the whole site recursively, just for good measure.
The Hidden Power Behind Freemasonry by Gordon "Jack" Mohr     (www.colchestercollection.com)
submitted by NationalSocialism to Jews 2 years ago (+1/-0)

Although aimed at Christians - as an attempt to convince them that Masonry is incompatible with Christianity - this work does a whole lot more.

As yet another exposition of Jewish Power (this time from the vantage point of secret societies) and how it functions in the world, it is an invaluable resource for anyone wishing to study Masonry and wanting to understand why the world works the way it does today.
The March Up Country - book by Harold Covington     (www.colchestercollection.com)
submitted by Joe_McCarthy to OccidentalEnclave 2.9 years ago (+1/-3)
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