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This book is a collection of political wisdom from the hard lessons Covington learned while active in pro-white political organisations over some 30 years in the USA, Rhodesia, and Ireland. Covington's theme is that pro-white political organisations are actually civil revolutionary movements against the current ruling elites of White nations who will NOT give up their power without fighting with every dirty trick. He says whites should expect to have to fight (and sacrifice life and temporary freedom) to actually achieve a final political victory.

From the book's introduction: "This book is written for the practical and ideological instruction of revolutionaries. Its primary purpose is to increase the effectiveness and influence of the worldwide White, Aryan resistance movement. It does not pretend to be any kind of complete analysis of the present racial geopolitical situation, nor does it pretend to be aimed at the mass of White people in general. Readers will find much left unsaid here, but if they are the type of person I am trying to reach they will be able to fin in the gaps themselves."