The province of Alberta just told Trudeau's government to shove their gun ban up their ass!     (m.youtube.com)
submitted by GeneralDisarray to Canuckistan 1.5 years ago (+67/-2)
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Lots of small steps in the right direction have been happening here in Alberta in recent years and since we got a new premier this has accelerated.

The RCMP are evil fucking scum enforcers and they are getting thrown out of the province and replaced.

Medical laws have been changed to allow psychedelic drugs to be used in treating trauma and ptsd. Treatment that works much better and will be used to help the victims of the RCMP.

Civilian committees will now be set up in all jurisdictions that have over 15,000 populations to oversee the police and report on their corruption. The RCMP has been running that themselves and uses it to target their victims.

The ban on the sale of firearms won't be enforced.

The ban on rifles and shotguns won't be enforced.

The province is taking back its authority from the federal government because they are corrupt as hell.

Many other western provinces are joining Alberta and telling Trudeau to go fuck himself.

The backlash seems to have prompted the government to reform the extremely toxic culture of the Canadian armed forces too. These are the people that have been running the gangstalking and psyops with the rcmp. I suspect they are afraid the talk of Fifth Generation Warfare will inevitably expose their treason and genocide of Canadians.

Their is talk of western Canada separating and even some that talk of joining the USA and creating a corridor to Alaska.

Canada is a fucking dumpster fire right now and it's amazing that Trudeau is still in power with no real challenge. But Alberta is quickly looking like the biggest resistance to his globalist bullshit so far.
The nigger streamer terrorizing Japan just got 3 years in prison      (m.youtube.com)
submitted by NukeAmerica to Niggers 8 months ago (+57/-3)
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Scott Adams throws in the towel on blacks. Says avoid them. Move away. Astounding rant..     (m.youtube.com)
submitted by Crackinjokes to videos 1.3 years ago (+50/-0)
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Say goodbye to wranglestar before he gets removed! Fuck Israel!!     (m.youtube.com)
submitted by NamelessOne to TellUpgoat 7 months ago (+51/-1)
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That time Hulk Hogan choked a jew on late night tv     (m.youtube.com)
submitted by Rob3122 to Jews 2.3 years ago (+48/-0)
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Most counties in eastern Oregon have voted to leave the state and join with the state of Idaho     (m.youtube.com)
submitted by Crackinjokes to news 10 months ago (+47/-0)
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Nicholas Rockefeller admitted the elite's goal is a 100% microchipped and enslaved World population - Aaron Russo     (m.youtube.com)
submitted by doginventer to conspiracy 7 months ago (+43/-0)
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Beautiful White mother providing for her family.     (m.youtube.com)
submitted by MeatballTheDog to WhiteBeauty 8 months ago (+44/-2)
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Telford, England report now claims 1000 girls raped and abused by Pakistani men!     (m.youtube.com)
submitted by GeneralDisarray to killallpedophiles 1.9 years ago (+42/-1)
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This has been going on for thirty years now!!!

The British National Party exposed this twenty years ago!

Tommy Robinson exposed this years ago and he went to prison for it!

The elected officials, police, teachers and social workers all enabled this to continue with the same excuse used all over Britain. We can't do anything because that would be racist.

Even this report and the news coverage are calling them Asian grooming gangs rather than Pakistani Muslim pedophile pimps. Playing along with the minimization of who did what.

This was government policy and ex prime minister gordon brown got paid by the Arabs to cover it up!!!

This has been happening in predominantly labour run areas. Yet the Conservative party has not mentioned it at all. They have done everything to cause political fighting to avoid the matter all together when they could destroy their main opponents.

The Brits are fucking furious and a calling out these Muslim pedo terrorists for practicing their religion of rape and terror.

Putin could end the UK political establishment and the royal family by dropping all the gangstalking files of Brits. Many of whom are the survivors of this abuse. And it's all run by the uk government, police and NATO using the known tactics of pedophiles.

I think this is the nuke Putin is threatening to drop on London.

Strategically he would have to nuke Glasgow first since that's where the nukes are kept. But this is an information war and he is hinting at an information nuke ending the governments legitimacy.

Now would be perfect timing.

He already hinted at these tactics being used in Kazakhstan and Ukraine. He may have found the servers in Kazakhstan already months ago.

The UK is a political tinderbox right now and the royals are exposed as pedos controlling the judicial system with the masons.

Doesn't it make much more sense now that Boris resigned because of this coming out rather than a groapy minister?!!
Comments on Trudeau's response video are all pro trucker.     (m.youtube.com)
submitted by Crackinjokes to TellUpgoat 2.3 years ago (+39/-0)
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Genius design for self balancing monorail     (m.youtube.com)
submitted by Crackinjokes to technology 5 months ago (+41/-2)
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Nobody beats Europeans genetics for Real genius
White people stuff. Man builds castle. Because :smart and improving things is what we do.     (m.youtube.com)
submitted by Crackinjokes to WhiteCulture 1 week ago (+38/-0)
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Go to 4 hours and 20 minutes, the FDA are hearing "vaccine" sceptical data and have published it on jewtube, share this.     (m.youtube.com)
submitted by _Obrez to whatever 2.7 years ago (+37/-0)
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Anybody who can create backups should, the two speakers following the 4:20 mark are worth listening to, even the pro "vaccine" shill prior to steve kirsh here admits he's terrified by the lack of data supporting his position.

This is just 2 hours old expect them to shut this down, share it quick and make copies.
Korean tells sheboon he doesn't want any nigger kids     (m.youtube.com)
submitted by anon to AnonTalk 8 months ago (+38/-3)
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ABC news hit piece on Kanye has less than 1% likes and the comments are based as fuck!!!     (m.youtube.com)
submitted by GeneralDisarray to LyingNewsMedia 1.6 years ago (+35/-0)
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They even roll out some lying old bitch that claims to be a holocaust survivor but she is definitely too young!

Constantly define him as anti Semitic.

Offer no other side of the story.

Take his comments out of context.

Ignore that he did actually get cancelled by Jews for saying they invented cancel culture.

The more the news media does this the more they are proving he is absolutely correct and even a billionaire black man has no first amendment rights. That's the extreme power Jews have over America today and the comments prove that the point he made has resonated with the majority seeing this unfold.
Chinese police files hacked!!! Showing concentration camps for ethnic minorities and political dissidents.      (m.youtube.com)
submitted by GeneralDisarray to China 1.9 years ago (+35/-2)
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This is really shocking crimes against humanity.

The ccp are fucking demons.
I think we missed a big one guys, I don't remember hearing about this until this morning.     (m.youtube.com)
submitted by _Obrez to whatever 2 years ago (+32/-0)
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Yeah, yeah, cucker a bitch l, but I think he scooped us all on this one, I don't even remember jonestein or anyone on /pol/ bringing this shit up.

TL;DW: new treaty cements WHO as head over all governments in charge of pandemics and pandemic preparedness, they dictate the response based on "equity" and member nations must enforce their rules but also must censor medical disinformation per WHO's whimsy and any member nation to the treaty is required to sanction any nations in violation of the treaty, poor nations are incentivized to join because they promise a socialistic medicine distribution strategy.
Biden collapses onstage at USAF ceremony      (m.youtube.com)
submitted by LydiaFar to whatever 1 year ago (+30/-0)
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Is there a term stronger than clown world?
Turns out the Bosnian pyramid is the real deal. A Guy visits first hand to see for himself.     (m.youtube.com)
submitted by Crackinjokes to History 4 months ago (+30/-0)
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Woman to sue LAPD after spending nearly two weeks in jail due to wrongful arrest      (m.youtube.com)
submitted by Rob3122 to whatever 2.3 years ago (+28/-0)
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Ukrainian parliament member: we not only fight for Ukraine but we fight for THE NEW WORLD ORDER of democratic countries      (m.youtube.com)
submitted by Rob3122 to whatever 2.3 years ago (+28/-0)
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Fuck Ukraine.

Also note the civilians holding cardboard ak47s
Canada now pushing vax on kids as young as six months!!! The comments are full of angry people calling this psychotic shit out!     (m.youtube.com)
submitted by GeneralDisarray to Covid1984 1.9 years ago (+29/-1)
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Not one single like or positive comment!!!
Video of assassination attempt against the Slavic prime Minister. Stupid idiot was working the crowd. When you go against the Jews and the WEF you can't walk around in the open.     (m.youtube.com)
submitted by Crackinjokes to news 2 weeks ago (+29/-1)
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no doubt the shooter will be labeled a lone gunman and no mention of the fact be made that he is probably Jewish and was actually working for Jewish interests to try to get this country to go into NATO and support the Ukraine takeover by Jews

Nike Lays Off 1500 After Signing transfaggott Dylan Mulvaney To A Deal. Faggot Proceeds To Lose It. Alternate link inside.     (m.youtube.com)
submitted by King_Leopold_II to ClownWorld 3 months ago (+29/-2)
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Whitneyy Webb's interview where she goes into huge detail about the organization blackmailing america and the FBI including J Edgar Hoover and including Epstein who was a middle manager (someone please save this video).     (m.youtube.com)
submitted by Crackinjokes to TellUpgoat 1.3 years ago (+28/-2)
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