On Iphone When I Click the Link That Takes Me to My Website - Dockers Union Forum - It Opens All "Funny," instead of the normal forum front page where I am permanently logged on I am logged out and the stuff is all disjointed, on PC everything is normal .. can anyone help      (dockersunion.net)
submitted by MartinTimothy to AskUpgoat 4 months ago (+1/-2)
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I wondered if I have somehow activated the anon function on the iphone ..
A Cruise Missile Slammed Into the Pentagon on 911 Not a Boeing 767 Flown by a Mad Arab Hijacker - Nor was it launched by OBL but by Jews have infiltrated the US Chain of Command .. Jews never showed up at the WTC that day, Jews were jumpin' for joy filming, "Put Option" deals were traced to Mossad     (dockersunion.net)
submitted by TankTinker to conspiracy 9 months ago (+52/-4)
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Looks like the cruiser had a device that homed in on the laser spot.

Thousands of Jews Absent From the WTC on the Day.
Warnings to Stay Away Came Via Telephone Messages..
From the Pulpit of NY Synagogues the Friday Before..
And From the Odigo Hebrew Language Messaging Service.

The under 3000 dead line is one of the mainstay falsehoods of the entire conspiracy, 2:48 PM September 11, 2001 estimates of 50,000 dead in New York were bandied about. While NIST Engineer Sunder said, "on 911 there were between 8,500 and 9,000 occupants in each building."

ABC News Anchor Peter Jennings while the drama was still unfolding said, "the normal total of workers at the WTC Towers was around eighty thousand."

Sunder's total of between seventeen and eighteen thousand in the Towers, makes some sixty two thousand or so absent using Peter Jennings' figures. The official count of some under 3,000 dead was tailored to fit the four hundred dead Jews on the official list.

9/11 Insider Trading Revisited.
9/11 Terrorists Made Millions on the Stock Market.
Deutsche Bank, Alex Brown & 9/11 Insider Trading.
Insider Trader Profits on 9/11 Estimated at 15 Billion.
Lars Schall, Nov. 10, 2012 - 9/11 Financial Anomalies.
Detecting Informed Trading Activities in the Options Markets.
Insider Trading on 9/11 - CIA Director "Buzzy" Krongard Named.
Criminal Insider Trading Leads Directly to the CIA's Highest Ranks.
Abnormal Trading in the S&P 500 Index Options Prior to the 911 Attacks.

Unusual Option Market Activity and the 911 Terrorist Attacks - After September 11, 2001, there was a great deal of speculation that the terrorists or their associates had traded in the option market on advanced knowledge of the impending attacks. Examination of the option trading leading up to September 11 reveals an unusually high level of "Put" buying. This finding is consistent with informed investors having traded options in advance of the attacks.
Adolf Hitler Deserted the Reich in 1945 & Lit Out For Argentina - He died in Mendoza Argentina in December 1985, he was a grandson of Baron Salomon Mayer Rothschild of Vienna, he completed many paintings - MT Meets Der Fuhrer, Horseplay ;)     (dockersunion.net)
submitted by MartinTimothy to whatever 1 year ago (+3/-15)
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Hanna Reitsch landed her Fieseler Fi 156 Storch in the Tiergarten near the Brandenburg Gate April 26, 1945, departing in a down wind take off April 28, she had on board passengers Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun who she flew to Jugoslavia then under the Military Governorship of Sepp Deitrich head of the Waffen SS, where they remained until 1947 before taking regular sea passage to Argentina.

Melbourne, Australia June 21, 1965 after recently having joined the Australian Army and been located at the Balcombe camp on the Mornington Peninsular, one decided to venture into the city at the first opportunity .. hitchhiking all the way to Flinders Street Station I hit town at about 9:00 am.

Straight down the main drag as far as the museum and doing a quick five minute in and out before heading back onto the main street and going right at the same corner, then along a couple of city blocks to turn hard right and proceed along the footpath at the next major intersection, a group who looked like Jews were filming from across the street..

A party ahead consisted of Adolf Hitler in a wheelchair done up to the nines in a silk suit and hat, with Eva Braun who took my photograph, and a tall athletically built male person identified in that day's edition of the Melbourne Age as a retainer whose combined duty was bodyguard and Eva's lover man .. I straightened up when I marched by and gave her my best smile, H beamed back.
Nukes at the WTC on 911: A Guided Missile Hit the WTC Concourse Moments After the Strike on the ST - However false evidence presented by Christopher Bollyn & Jack White, a gif titled "The Japanese Object" and the lack of any smoke or dust on the NY skyline at the appropriate time muddied the waters     (dockersunion.net)
submitted by RexYehudi to conspiracy 1.3 years ago (+0/-2)
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9/11 Nuclear Demolition of the WTC, by Dimitri Khalezov.

Israel Nuked the WTC on 9/11, by Don Fox & Jim Fetzer - "If New York was outsourced to the Mossad and if the Twin Towers were nuked, then the nukes that were used must have been Israeli there is no reasonable alternative explanation."

Israel, Tactical Nukes & 9/11 - The Day America Was Punked - "Nuclear bombs and conventional ordnance were used to destroy the WTC Twin Towers on Sept. 11, 2001, they needed nukes to take out the destruction resistant core of the towers and to effect complete destruction of the evidence."
Cycling Injury - Emergency Room Misdiagnosis & Permanent Disability, Black Magic - After falling off my bike the doctors said I sustained a fractured humerus the pain never went away and when I went back they said I should have had surgery 17 days before .. it started when I needed a new tail light     (dockersunion.net)
submitted by TankTinker to whatever 2.2 years ago (+3/-2)
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It all started when after rain the tail light on the same bike got full of water, I bought a new one from the bike shop and a few days later after cycling to the shops in the late afternoon when I came out it was dark, so I decided to turn the lights on .. the new taillight did not turn on, I pressed the on/off switch numerous times it would not work so I had to cycle home in the dark with no taillight.

A couple nights later the tail light came on of its own volition, since it was night time and the bike was outside the red light blinking on and off would trouble the neighbors .. it would not turn off I had to remove the unit .. I took it back to the bike shop they gave me a new one gratis, the fellow in the shop showed me how to turn it on and off and it worked fine.

A few nights after that at the supermarket as before it would not turn on just like the other one, and just like the other one it went on of its own volition nights later and gor blimey I could not turn it off .. I had to put an empty coffee tin over it to stop the flashing light .. I went back and bought another tail light from the same place, the same story it would not turn on.

I asked a girl at a bus stop to see if she could get it to work .. she couldn't, I took it back the bloke in the bike shop went click and it turned on .. he told me to "get off the premises," I did that and when I got on my bike is when I had the accident .. I wrote the whole thing up and posted it on the i'net and explained the only explanation is someone had used black magic against me, the consensus was that must indeed be the case.
Cosmology on Microsoft Picture Manager     (dockersunion.net)
submitted by TankTinker to Space 2.2 years ago (+3/-0)
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From NASA APOD download the image of NGC 253 a spiral galaxy in the constellation Sculptor, crop to 1359 x 1037 pixels centered on the brightest part of the galaxy, the next step is to find the length of the diagonal line between the clusters of emission nebulae - which are the red bits in the disc - lower right and upper left.


Pythagoras told us the square on the hypotenuse which is the straight line opposite the right angle provided by Microsoft Picture Manager, is the sum of the square of the other two sides .. 1359 squared is 1846881, 1037 squared is 1075369 add the upper and lower to get 2922250, find the square root is 1709 thus the Galaxy subtends an angle of 1709 pixels rounded out to 1700.

We want to know because there are two more distant spiral galaxies located below right center in the same shot, the lower and smaller of the two fits into a box 14 X 14 pixels, the other is around 16 pixels for the sake of simplicity we add another pixel to make it 17. Divide that by the angle of 1700 pixels subtended by the much closer NGC 253, and find the more distant galaxy is one hundred times smaller, we are gonna say that it is similarly one hundred times more distant.

So far we are getting a handle on the scale of the universe .. the same principle applies locally, space based telescopes give one hundred and thirty degrees as the longitudinal dimension of the Milky Way .. Sky Catalogue 2000.0 tells us NGC 253 subtends an angle of 25.1 arc minutes or .4163 of one degree, we divide that by the one thirty degrees of the Milky Way to get 310.78, which means NGC 253 is that many times further away than the center of the Milky Way galaxy.


Radio data from Sagittarius AStar recognized as the heart of the MW galaxy has returned a distance of 24,250 light years, NGC 253 is 310.78 times further away so multiply the distance to AStar by 310.78 and get 7,536,415 LY, as the distance to NGC 253!

We got the figures by finding that NGC 253 is 1700 pixels across, the larger of the two more distant galaxies is one hundred times smaller at seventeen pixels, and one hundred times further away at 753,641,500 light years, multiply by 365.24 x 24 x60 x60 x 186,000 for miles!

The smaller of the two is somewhere around fourteen pixels across, however since it was less than that we do some more calculus, as each pixel is taken away so does the distance increase, should it become eight and one half pixels the distance would be 1578.83 million light years.

Since it was not that small we will say half way between seventeen and eight and a half, so add four and a quarter pixels for an image half as wide again of twelve and three quarter pixels .. a fair total, then for a place that is similarly halfway between the upper and lower limits, go to a distance half way between at 1130.46 million light years.

FAQ's: How can you say all spiral galaxies are the same size??

Reply: The MW galaxy has the same overall profile as many similar disc galaxies including NGC 253, ie an active center and emission nebulae spaced similar distances apart, less active and smaller galaxies have less active profiles while spherical galaxies fall into a different category altogether, neither classes of object should be mistaken for anything else.

Another edge on spiral visible on the same plate at upper left center, has an image width of around eight and one half pixels, in this model it is around 1,578.83 million light years distant, where each pixel in image width corresponds to 188.2 million ly .. which is why we say galaxies are at a given mean, using the best estimate of the MW at one hundred thousand light years across as a yardstick, we would be speaking in terms of millionths of a pixel in image width were we to locate the true size of distant galaxies.


There is a critter called a Dwarf Spiral can trip you up, however all calculations should be accompanied by redshift data which will expose any of those trying to sneak onto the main list. Another is Malin 1 named after its discoverer David Malin who revolutionized astronomical photography in the 1970's and 80's which does not fit into this scheme, however Malin 1 objects are very rare and seldom encountered while redshift data would instantly expose them for what they are.


The above pic shows the relationships in the Milky Way family, thus the MW is surrounded by star clouds which formed in emission nebulae at the tidal boundary of the galaxy .. the gravity source can not keep the disc stable outwardly for ever and bits will spin off and go their own way at that place, this is the physical force that makes all similar disc galaxies roughly the same size give or take.


The arms in spiral galaxies are a density wave, down which Hole Matter travels from the center trailing expanding emission nebula in its wake, whence form globular clusters and stars, see file material and very rare photos. Clusters of stars resembling bunches of grapes form, and as expansion continues the individual grapes become stars see the Pleiades.

The Magellanic Clouds formed when particularly virulent particles of Hole Matter arrived at the tidal boundary then spun off into intergalactic space, maybe to keep expanding to form other major spirals, which will keep expanding from infinity - like a Mandelbrot Set - to spawn similar galaxies!

Q: How likely is it that globular clusters are juvenile galaxies?

Reply: Probably unlikely despite some infant galaxies do indeed resemble GC's .. in this model the compressed matter in the spiral arms expands in emission nebulae to form stars and globular clusters, that drift to stations above and below the disc as the spiral evolves into an ellipse, the globular clusters form a placenta that effectively shields the galaxy from radiation and are a buffer zone against collisions and impacts with other galaxies.

Q: So galaxies calve?


Reply: Sure they do look for rare shots of spidery looking juvenile galaxies drifting away from parent bodies .. at left above galaxy M31 the closest major galaxy in the constellation Andromeda, not counting Dwingeloo 1 located directly opposite the nucleus of the MW which thus remains invisible from Earth, the fuzzy blob below right center of M31 is satellite galaxy M32, the large blob in the disc slightly below left center is M110, both are embryo galaxies that could expand as a child galaxies of M31!

Omega Centauri at center called NGC 5694 is an embryo galaxy of the Milky Way, it has no active nucleus maybe it could start spinning and flatten into a disc, then drift away to expand as a star cloud or to become a Low Surface Brightness galaxy. LSB galaxies are numerous and collisions between them are frequent, they do not show up at all on most conventional photos, and are thought to produce an abundance of silver which absorbs their light.

Their presence was revealed after large numbers of blue arcs centered on super massive elliptical galaxies turned up in deep field shots at right, astronomers started looking for more and found millions near and far, during the collision phase if two colliding members are compatible they combine then rapidly evolve into an active disc, as the nascent black holes lurking at the heart of both respond then reproduce.

Q: What happens next?

Reply: The active nucleus of spiral galaxies like the MW and M31 expand and gather all the dust and debris in the galaxy, the material contracts into the torus the doughnut of swirling dust and shattered stars that insulates the central surrounds of the black hole, or cluster of BH’s at the center of the galaxy.


Astrometry data is essential so has it been hijacked by NASA and JPL, whose joint purpose has itself been hijacked by defense, which has been hijacked by hijackers who run government, who employ hijackers to hijack hard evidence and true science. They try to sell their version back to the public, in books and publications with Saganesque data about cannibal galaxies, and wanna tell you “well there was this Big Bang.”

There was no BB man is gonna plunge back into the age of ignorance, while it remains the province of the select few with the right security clearance, to get an education. Check the shot of Sagittraius A* above there is a distance bar but no image width scale, without which it remains a pretty picture with absolutely no scientific value whatever.

With good sky maps available that have photographs and catalogs of deep fields, and astrometry, radio locating and red shift data, it does not take long to figure it all out. The data that is released is most often too raw with dazzling columns of figures, seemingly contradictory terms, and seldom in a form that can be used for home astrometry, the photographs and charts they reproduce never have grid markers, so scale always remains a mystery.

This thread commenced at NGC 253, and was intended to refute the claim the universe is expanding after the explosion of a primal atom, evidenced by Redshift which Big Bangers say shows the velocity of physical recession, which true science recognizes as an artifact of distance. Nowhere do distant galaxies show evidence that they are fall out from an explosion.


There is no trail of smoking debris like there was at the WTC on 911 which was from a genuine big bang, nor do they appear to be doing anything except drifting about a bit until they establish stable orbits with other members in their group. Big Bang .. Big BS, Astronomical Redshift is an Artifact of Distance.
Visitors to dockersunion.net/vb/forum/ Are Met With "System Error" - The web server says "PHP Notice: Undefined index: classtype in /home/dockersu/public_html/vb/core/vb/types.php on line 326," the web developer is stumped vB won't answer .. any suggestions on how to get the site back up??     (dockersunion.net)
submitted by MartinTimothy to AskUpgoat 2.5 years ago (+0/-0)
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The web developer said a single bad character entered the system possibly via me having cut and pasted a bad part from another site onto the forum, and that is what brought it down .. it seems to me if a single character can shut down a web forum just like that, there should be some way to just as easily remove it.

Anyone know anything???
A Cruise Missile Slammed Into the Pentagon on 911 Not a Boeing Jet Flown by a Crazy Moslem Hijacker, nor was it launched by Osama bin Laden but by Jews have infiltrated the US Chain of Command - Jews never showed up at work at the WTC on the day, Put Option deals were traced to Mossad HQ in Israel     (dockersunion.net)
submitted by MartinTimothy to conspiracy 2.7 years ago (+60/-1)
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Islam For Singles - Grandmother From the Hebrew Congregation in Glasgow, Scotland Said I Was a Jew My Father Said I Was Catholic, So I Took Up With Islam - The Koran says "cast truth at falsehood," Jews did 911     (dockersunion.net)
submitted by MartinTimothy to TellUpgoat 2.8 years ago (+2/-0)
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For me Islam consists entirely of reading the Koran from time to time and endeavoring to live by the precepts therein, I have never been inside a Mosque and have no mind ever to go into one, I do not know which direction Mecca is from home nor do I ever expect to go there .. one day I took a guess and could have been around ninety degrees off, I started out for Mecca and wound up in Mexico City.

The irony is seeing the vast numbers of the faithful attending the pilgrimage every year, yet they do not find the time to do as it says and hurl truth else there would be truth all over the internet, so what kind of Moslems are they .. fair weather sailors is probably an apt description else I have missed something.

I do not evangelize in favor of Islam and what others believe or choose to disbelieve is their business entirely, it does mean that when I prosecute abortion under the capital strictures of Islamic Law, all of the guilty will be sentenced whether they are Moslems or not.
Franklin Case Update - Paul Bonacci said he murdered Nicholas at the Bohemian Grove while Hunter S Thompson filmed, Rusty Nelson says HST paid him 100,000 dollar$ a time to film snuff killings to the tune of around fifty dead!     (dockersunion.net)
submitted by MartinTimothy to USPolitics 3.0 years ago (+3/-0)
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Johnny Gosh was kidnapped from Des Moines Iowa on September 5, 1982, his image was published on some billions of milk cartons across the USA, sometime after the event he was photographed in company with George HW Bush then Vice President of the United States!

Gosh was subsequently to become a member of the White House Press Corps under the name Jeff Gannon, while he continued to maintain a homosexual relationship with George W Bush then United States President.

The Jeff Gannon is Johnny Gosch story broke 2:29 am Sunday February 20, 2005, the day Rusty nelson was released from prison, at the end of the day Hunter S Thompson aged 67 years, was dead from an allegedly self inflicted gunshot. Postulate a news reporter contacted HST re Nelson's allegations, he agreed to talk if the money was right.

To establish his credentials he verified the Gannon Gosch material, the reporter contacted his boss to see if he wanted to pay for the story, like maybe it went as high as Rupert Murdoch or Ted Turner .. whoever it was decided Thompson "had to go," he was an insider after all since Nelson and Bonacci both said he was part of the snuff network.

After that Thompson realized what he had done and knew his fate was sealed, his wife recounts he had no intentions of committing suicide however he was certain he could be "suicided" .. she was speaking with him on the telephone, he put the phone down maybe to answer a knock, she said she heard a muffled bang and remained waiting for his reply which never came. http://www.tomflocco.com/fs/PhotographerTied.htm
The Wreckage of Amelia Earhart's Twin Engine Lockheed Model 10 Electra, Located on Nikumaroro Island in the Republic of Kiribati a Few Hundred Meters North of the Wreck of SS Norwich City     (dockersunion.net)
submitted by MartinTimothy to conspiracy 3 years ago (+6/-0)
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BetchartExpeditions.com - https://betchartexpeditions.com/aus-nz_amelia_earhart.htm.

Amelia Earhart who took off from Lae, New Guinea bound for Howland Island in mid Pacific thence Hawaii July 2, 1937, landed her Lockheed Electra 10E Special NR16020 on the reef at Nikumaroro Island in the Republic of Kiribati at 4°39'30.37" S Latitude, 174°32'40.23" W Longitude, some 350 nautical miles south east of her intended destination.

SS Norwich City - http://wikimapia.org/23227897/Wreck-of-SS-Norwich-City.

A few hundred meters north of the wreck of SS Norwich City which ran aground on the northern part of the island while on a voyage from Melbourne Australia to Hawaii in bad weather on the night of Nov. 29, 1929, taking the lives of eleven crew members.

Tighar.org - https://tighar.org/Projects/Earhart/Archives/Research/Bulletins/15_Carpentersdaught/15_Evaluation.html.

Emily Sikuli whose father Temou Samuela was the island carpenter on Nikumaroro says the landing was made on the outer portion of the reef flat just north of the wreck of the Norwich City, that the plane was visible at low tide however the shipwreck obscured vision from the settlement.

EarhartTruth.com - https://earharttruth.wordpress.com/.

"She landed on a tiny atoll – one of many in that general area of the Pacific – and was picked up by a Japanese fishing boat that took her to the Marshall Islands then under Japanese control." Amy Otis Earhart’s statement to the Los Angeles Times in July 1949.

"She landed on a tiny atoll – one of many in that general area of the Pacific – and was picked up by a Japanese fishing boat that took her to the Marshall Islands then under Japanese control." Amy Otis Earhart’s statement to the Los Angeles Times in July 1949. https://earharttruth.wordpress.com/tag/cover-up/

Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.com.au/pin/420312577709030222/.

"Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz told me without equivocation that Amelia and Fred had gone down in the Marshalls and were taken by the Japanese, that this knowledge was documented in Washington." Fred Goerner, CBS News. https://earharttruth.wordpress.com/tag/cover-up/

WeirdNJ.com http://weirdnj.com/stories/mystery-history/in-search-of-amelia-earhart-in-monroe-nj/. Amelia Earhart / Irene Bolam - https://tighar.org/Projects/Earhart/Archives/Books/BookReviews/earhartsurvive.html.

In 1981 it was said that a prominent Roman Catholic clergyman named Monsignor James Francis Kelley was telling acquaintances of having had an instrumental role in Earhart’s repatriation from Japan, and helping her create a new identity as Irene Bolam .. a woman by that name who died in New Jersey in 1982 was in fact Amelia Earhart, she was secretly repatriated to the US from Japan after World War Two.

CompassNews - http://compassnews360.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/NEWS1-Earhart-image-Page-A-6-plane-cutaway.jpg.

Google Earth - https://www.google.com/maps/place/Nikumaroro+Island/@-4.6756416,-174.5528633,16741m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x706aec9cb3d9ad87:0xb09d9ed73197d6a2!8m2!3d-4.6779191!4d-174.5195974.

A big fat razberry to the ones who say her fate is still a mystery.
Nukes at the WTC on 911 - A Guided Missile Impacted the WTC Concourse Area Moments After the Air Strike on the South Tower, an animation titled The Japanese Object & the lack of smoke or dust on the NY skyline at the appropriate time muddied the waters .. the "Three Buildings" line is more bullsh*t     (dockersunion.net)
submitted by MartinTimothy to conspiracy 3 years ago (+3/-1)
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https://files.catbox.moe/lfqwn6.gif .. https://i.postimg.cc/ZqG20xjL/WTC-Side-on.jpg.

At left above, The Japanese Object - Right, the side on view says the JO missile would need to be on an entirely different flight path were it going to impact anywhere near the towers!

Gif Animation Real Missile - https://i.postimg.cc/85GsggcW/Missile-WTC-911.gif.
18 Views of Airplane Impact on the South Tower - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YLm3pkAiJQ&t=224s.
The missile is at 3:45 in Evan Fairbanks' footage above taken in NY on the morning of the attacks - https://i.postimg.cc/vZrf2zn8/2-Evan-Fairbanks-Guided-Missile-WTC.jpg.


The "Three buildings" line is one of the mainstay falsehoods of the entire 911 conspiracy, there were in fact seven major structures at the WTC complex in NY, all of which were totally destroyed Sept. 11, 2001.


The infrared shot shows the absolute destruction that occurred, note all but the North Wing of WTC 4 has disappeared completely, the two planes that struck the towers did not possess enough kinetic energy to cause this level of destruction.


Paul Laffoley a New York artist and former protege of Andy Warhol who worked for architectural firm Emory Roth during the WTC design phase, says explosives were built into the towers.


Nanothermite residues from demolition charges built into the the Towers during construction have been identified in the dust from the fallout, the thermate charges were used to sever the steel beams that formed the skeleton of the towers, and were in no way responsible for the tremendous damage to WTC's 3, 4, 5, & 6.


As well conventional explosives similarly built in during construction that were used to bring Bldg 7 down, thermonuclear demolition charges had been placed inside the Towers which were detonated on the day bringing them down.

WTC 3 - https://i.postimg.cc/bJFgFbbB/WTC-3-update.jpg.

WTC 4 - https://i.postimg.cc/TYc9ZZrb/WTC-4-on-911.jpg.

WTC 5 - https://i.postimg.cc/7LyR2m3g/WTC-5.jpg.

* WTC 6 - https://i.postimg.cc/C5x1dBQS/WTC-6.jpg'

Those same thermonuclear charges embedded within the debris from the collapsing Towers, as well as vaporizing the concrete and steel that made up the structure of those buildings were still able to wipe out the top nineteen floors of WTC 3, all but the north wing of WTC 4, and to leave the gaping holes in WTC 5 & WTC 6 when it came into contact with them. Reddit Link - https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/search?q=+%09+Nukes+at+the+WTC+on+911.
The Assassination of John F Kennedy - LHO innocent, Umbrella Man Wm. F Buckley, ML & Coretta King, Afro Secret Serviceman Abraham Bolden & Andy Warhol with shooters Dallas cop Joe Smith & E Howard Hunt on the GK - MLK shot after attempting to blackmail GHW Bush who was in situ with his son GW Bush     (dockersunion.net)
submitted by MartinTimothy to conspiracy 3 years ago (+2/-0)

Ooooh Coretta .. this is the truth that has been in the public arena since Coretta King's visage emerged during computer processing of the Moorman Polaroid shot in 2009. Millions in news broadcasting, at the CIA, the FBI, the Secret Service and in the US Attorney General's Office, will be required to defend capital charges either as primary conspirators or for perpetuating the coverup.

The Kennedys moments before the shots were fired .. Jim Braden fired the first shot from the roof of the Dal Tex Building across Houston Street from the TSBD, he was taken in by a Deputy Sheriff before being released.

Lee Harvey Oswald was blamed for shooting President Kennedy from the 6th Floor of the Texas School Book Depository at about 12:30 pm Nov. 22, 1963, and Dallas Police Officer JD Tippit in another part of town around 40 minutes later.


Despite photographs and film show him at the doorway of the TSBD when the shots were fired at the President in the first instance, and show he was still in the doorway when The Three Tramps were marched by hours later, similarly exculpating him for the murder of Officer Tippit.

President Richard Nixon's one time Chief of Staff HR "Bob" Haldeman is alleged to have in company with Watergate conspirator G Gordon Liddy, murdered Officer Tippit in Dallas at around 1:08 pm the same day.

William F Buckley was "Umbrella Man" who signaled the shooters on the Grassy Knoll all systems were go, his accomplice was Corsican adventurer Lucien Sarti .. after the assassination Buckley and his CIA classmate E Howard Hunt went to Mexico, and are thought to have engineered the 1968 Tlatelolco Massacre that had a death toll of thousands.

The Moorman Photograph has snipers nests on the Grassy Knoll with muzzle flashes behind the picket fence left screen, E Howard Hunt is firing, Martin Luther & Coretta King are standing to his right. Afro Secret Serviceman Abraham Bolden is behind and to Coretta’s left .. the "Badgeman" enhancement has Dallas Cop Joe Smith firing from behind the Rotunda Wall, with Gordon H Arnold, deaf mute Ed Hoffman & Wife and Andy Warhol.

As the limousine emerged from behind the freeway sign the driver William Greer turned and looked over his right shoulder, he turned back and while holding the steering wheel with his left hand retrieved something from under the dash with his right hand. Transferring the object to his left hand and turning back around to look at the President he brought his left hand around his body and aimed and fired graphic at John Kennedy’s head.

The Three Tramps were E Howard Hunt of Watergate fame, Charles Harrelson father of television actor Woody Harrelson, and Charles Frederick Rogers wanted in Houston TX. for killing and dismembering both his parents in 1965.

Ted Gunderson was FBI Bureau Chief in Dallas when President Kennedy was killed, after the shooting he was filmed in possession of one of two rifles on the sixth floor of the TSBD. Gunderson was in Memphis when Martin Luther King was shot and in Los Angeles when Senator Robert Kennedy was slain, he was part of the Franklin Case cover up that goes back to 1984, whereas Rusty Nelson testified Hunter S Thompson paid him $100,000 a time to film snuff killings to the tune of around fifty dead!

Jim Lehrer formerly of PBS News was in Dallas that day with former PBS co host Robert MacNeil both part of the White House Press Corps, MacNeil's testimony has supported the official story ever since, he says he heard a single shot then two more in quick succession. He says he went into the portal of the TSBD where he encountered a young man he subsequently identified as Lee Harvey Oswald who he says directed him to the nearest telephone, Lehrer says he stayed at Dallas Love Field with Air Force One.

MacNeil's testimony confirms LHO was in the doorway of the TSBD throughout the drama. Ed.

As well as identifying the shooters on the GK the Moorman shot reveals about twenty muzzle flashes including Smith's shot from the corner of the Rotunda Wall, and the "Oliver Stone" flash from further along the fence line .. Alex Jones Admits CIA Ties .. we know CIA brethren Howard Hunt, William F Buckley and pilot WR "Tosh" Plumlee were there, as well as the father and son team of George HW & George W Bush, another could have been David R Jones Alex Jones' Dallas resident sire, maybe former US Marine marksman Jim Lehrer fired also. Link.

The Moorman Photograph taken as the shots were fired at the Nov. 22, 1963 assassination of President John Kennedy in Dallas Texas, has snipers nests on the Grassy Knoll with muzzle flashes behind the picket fence left screen, E Howard Hunt is firing, Martin Luther & Coretta King are standing to his right, Afro Secret Serviceman Abraham Bolden is behind and to Coretta’s left.

At plus eighteen hrs around 9:30 pm on the evening of November 23, 1963 Australian radio played a tape recording of the JFK assassination, wherein Mrs Kennedy's voice was clearly heard calling "hello Coretta" followed by a volley of gunfire, the presenter explained Coretta was the wife of one Reverend Martin Luther King.

He played a slowed down version of the tape and asked listeners how many shots they could hear, he said he counted about nineteen his studio guest said she counted twenty two. That was the only time the Luther Kings were associated with the crime until whispers were heard at the time of the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

Although he was feted and fabulized by the same ppl who propounded the LHO lone assassin scenario there was no money the black ---- was broke, he went to the source had roped him into the conspiracy in the first place read George HW Bush, and asked for dough to be told there was none.

So he chanced his arm at blackmail presumably assuring GHWB if he was not paid everyone would get to hear about what went on in Dallas .. he laughed him off, where after some short time later on April 4, 1968 Luther King was shot dead by sniper fire while standing talking on the telephone on a hotel balcony in Memphis.

We will say GHW Bush shot him for attempted blackmail, and that in reprisal LK's antecedents took time out at the August 1968 DNC to drop the bombshell of his and Coretta's involvement, and that the ultra police violence blamed on Chicago Mayor Richard Daley that marred the 1968 DNC was to smokescreen the Dallas material.

Evidence of Revision Part 4, compiled from thousands of television news tapes detailing neglected or ignored evidence re the June 6, 1968 murder of US Senator Robert Kennedy.

Including evidence from the Los Angeles Coroner, that the shots that killed Robert Kennedy were fired into his head from a distance of between one and three inches from behind and below his right ear. Sirhan Sirhan who was convicted for the killing was several feet to his front, the film has footage of the LA DA simply brushing that aside, Security Guard Thane Eugene Cesar is thought to have fired the fatal shots.

Murder on the Tracks, former pro wrestler Billy Jack Haynes says he was present at the killing of 17 yo Kevin Ives & 16 yo Don Henry who stumbled onto a drugs drop near Mena Arkansas in August 1987. Haynes admits trafficking cocaine he got from murdered CIA drugs pilot Barry Seal, he says Seal introduced him to a politician drug dealer from Arkansas - William Jefferson Clinton.

Who in 1984 asked him to kill David Kennedy, son and nephew of Senator Robert and President John Kennedy. DK was in Florida attending a family celebration and was staying at the Brazilian Court Hotel & Beach Club in Palm Beach, where he was found dead April 25, 1984 allegedly from a drug overdose, after staff had checked his welfare allegedly at the request of family members.

Another Kennedy brother had been staying in the same hotel and had checked out prior to the body being found .. we know most often ppl get murdered either by friends or by family members. That being said a diligent investigator would immediately assume DK's family wanted him dead for whatever reason.

To which end the other brother introduced him to BJH who had accepted the contract to kill him, that it was he who had requested hotel staff to check his welfare. The same prosecutor would suppose Clinton must be the man the upper classes got in touch with if they wanted someone dead, that he could arrange it all upon payment of a suitable fee. David Kennedy's Death.

The same Rabbi Dov Zakheim pioneered tech which allowed remote controlled planes to be flown into the Twin Towers at the WTC Sept. 11, 2001, was allegedly used to cause the July 16, 1999 plane crash that allegedly took the lives of John F Kennedy Jr his wife and her sister, which was allegedly to ensure Hillary Clinton's elevation to the US Senate .. this undated montage shows JFK Jr and his wife Carolyn Jeanne Bessette-Kennedy alive & well.

Foreground figures are wearing MAGA hats which indicates the montage was assembled during the Trump Presidency in any case .. yeah the scope of the deception boggles the mind.