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Community for : 3.3 years

The Official Sub for all things Voat
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Owner: MrGoat


FREE iSNARK!     (Voat)
submitted by Jews4atSYSTEM to Voat 5 months ago (+0/-2)
7 comments last comment...
What do you say @SYSTEM, How about reactivating my original account?
Let's find a way to talk offline if you need to talk about this... I suggest email...


some mod info about the effects of blocking if you don't know - there probably are some greenhorns like me about.     (Voat)
submitted by paul_neri to Voat 2.9 years ago (+2/-5)

paulneri to MrViciousPim

Of course you'll see my replies. They might not appear in your in-box but they'll be there on this here message board. Pim, mate, my friend, sleep on it (you sook!).


For the record, no, he won't. When you block a user, their posts and comments don't even show up for you. It's as though you were never there. Even replies to a user that's been blocked don't show up.
I am literally the most known user ever from Voat.      (Voat)
submitted by ghostofvoatspast to Voat 2.5 years ago (+2/-6)
9 comments last comment...
My biceps 💪 were also pretty famous.

Am I a God?

For discussion by Voat General Assembly - lambs in goat's clothing - difficulty of identifying girl posters     (
submitted by paul_neri to Voat 2.9 years ago (+0/-7)
24 comments last comment...

I'm shocked, bros, to discover that goats I thought were men are in fact females!People I've been pouring out my heart to; enhancing with my wisdom etc and I'm not comfortable with it despite apparently being a creep. I want to know who I'm dealing with. To find out @Cunt and @yesiknow and @broc_liath and... possible even @try are girls has rocked me and I feel a bit deceived 'cos I'm a man's man. I don't know if there is a solution but somehow there must be a safe space on Voat for men where they can relax and enjoy each other's company as only men can do but how to keep the girls out? Just raising it as a serious issue, that's all, and a reminder to men that we must always be on our guard that the person we are dealing with could be a girl and the next minute we'll be slapped with a metoo suit! As I said I find the situation deceptive and worrying.
I am a gay homo.     (Voat)
submitted by ghostofvoatspast to Voat 2.5 years ago (+1/-9)
14 comments last comment...
So what?

One love, not hate.
If someone downvotes all your posts and comments you should be able to know who they are so you can downvotes them too. Mutually assured is the only thing little shitheads understand.     (Voat)
submitted by IwuvU to Voat 2.2 years ago (+4/-12)
14 comments last comment...