Downvoting now disables if your total downvotes given is more than 2x your total upvotes given     (TalkDev)
submitted by system to TalkDev 3.1 years ago (+91/-11)
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So if you have given out 400 upvotes, you can give out 800 downvotes before it disables. 20 upvotes given? You can downvote a total of 40 times. If you want to reenable downvoting simply give out more upvotes.

This is to prevent serial downvoters. The 2:1 ratio is more than reasonable and would only prevent the most excessive downvoters. Under these rules currently only 2 accounts are effected with a 3rd soon to follow.

I know there will be people who complain about this, people who aren't even effected by it. Feel free to voice your opinion in this thread. But seeing the /all/new downvoted by one person, with no repercussion or incentive to give out some upvotes will forever be a problem without some kind of limit. I still have not implemented a ccp requirement for downvotes, that could change depending on abuse.
Introducing my site - A new voat clone      (announcements)
submitted by system to announcements 3.2 years ago (+69/-0)
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Hey guys. I think it's time to show you what I've been working on. When I heard the news that voat was going down I was kind of indifferent. Yeah it sucked, but I'll move on I thought. I guess we all kind of expected it... I assumed poal would become our new home and we all would go on our merry way continuing our fierce momentum. Unfortunately (at the time) that was not the case. Fortunately (now) that was not the case... because I built us a new voat! It's not perfect but I tried to imitate the look and feel we all know and love (dark mode only atm).

The name of the site actually isn't voat. The name is... Talk.Lol, because that's the domain. www.talk.lol. I discovered the domain about a year ago. Back then I was going to use it to create a dissenter-like web site where you could comment on other websites. I never launced it but ever since then I wanted to buy it. This was the perfect excuse to. So that will be the site's name. Talk.lol, I like it. But here's the catch. I also registered voat.xyz. Both domains will point to the same site, but each one will use their own logo, and might look a bit different. Talk.lol will not display content from subs marked NSFW. Voat.xyz does not filter nsfw content. Other differences might come in the future. But other than that they are identical and you can register on either one and it will work on both. The reason for setting things up this way is to make a clear distinction that this is a new site, under a new admin. Plus it takes the heat off in a way. So talk.lol is the site's main domain and is the name of the site in general, and voat.xyz is a portal to access talk.lol which displays content from subs marked nsfw and uses a 'voat skin'.

Some features are missing, like collapsing comments block features, and text format options and some others. These will come in time. I might not be aware of a certain feature missing, so feel free to let me know. You might also run into bugs, please report and I'll get it fixed. You can use /v/talkloldev or /v/voatdev. I will be going by a different username on my posting account, but haven't figured what that will be though. In the mean time I will use username admin or system.

I opted for a modest host. I have no idea how it will handle the load of traffic or our freespeech policy. This is an alpha launch so expect problems.

The rules are simple

1. No posting of illegal content.
2. No doxing members of the site
3. No spamming
4. No stealing people's old voat usernames.
5. Previous sub owners have the rights to sub ownership if they can prove they owned it on old voat.

I plan to wipe all unbanned ips from the database every week or 2 as a security precaution.

Old voat is dead and gone but I hope we can rebuild some of what it was.

Welcome ! Lets talk! lol!! ;)
The site is much faster now     (TalkDev)
submitted by system to TalkDev 3.1 years ago (+69/-1)
27 comments last comment...
By a lot.
Referrer info has been removed from links     (TalkDev)
submitted by system to TalkDev 9 months ago (+64/-0)
23 comments last comment...
Jeezus friggin cripes am I glad I found you guys.     (introductions)
submitted by MasterAce to introductions 1 month ago (+62/-3)
74 comments last comment...
I’m just glad this place exists ,haven’t been around in ages talk lol link is dead and I started actually being sad. Went to searchvoat for nostalgia sake but that actually just intensified the sadness of loss. Figured I could lurk poal till something dropped me a clue to find you glorious faggots but they dead too I guess (good tho ) really thought I’d lost this part of the internet .so threw upgoat out on a whim in the search and found my way home. I’m posting before all/newso maybe no one left but am hopeful,what up system if you still conducting this orchestra.
You can now use bold, italics, underline and strikethrough with text      (TalkDev)
submitted by system to TalkDev 2.9 years ago (+57/-0)
40 comments last comment...
I am going with bbcode, as I dislike the way reddit handles it. I forget how voat.co did it, but I believe it was bbcode.

So for bold you will use these tags

Italics will use these tags

Underline uses these tags

and strikethrough will use these tags

Adding text to links will come in the near future
Idea for talk.lol #1. Rename it Voat.xyz     (IdeasForTalk)
submitted by Goatboy to IdeasForTalk 2.7 years ago (+65/-9)
38 comments last comment...
Hello Fellow Far Right     (introductions)
submitted by salviaperson to introductions 1.2 years ago (+56/-0)
99 comments last comment...
I live in the cucked island known as the UK. We were once called English but even this is now considered racist to identify with the St. Georges Cross. So British it is. That's cool. Irish, Scottish and Welsh are my brethren and there is little to distinguish between us for the last thousand years. However... Being told brown skinned immigrants are as English as me and my native ancestry boils my piss and my kids now know we are at war. I have loved the reassurance provided to me by lurking on Voat for so long. Please let me now repay this spiritual dept I have incurred to your good selves with resounding vigor. We must prevail or else all is lost.
The front page went from 2861 lines of code down to 1200     (TalkDev)
submitted by system to TalkDev 1.1 years ago (+54/-0)
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Things should be faster and smoother on the main page. Lots of code changes so there could be problems. Let me know of any you come across. Need to go through the other pages and do the same. Thanks to Conspirologist for reporting the few apparent ones that popped up.
Site update: The deletion log, and new site rules     (TalkDev)
submitted by system to TalkDev 3.1 years ago (+53/-1)
93 comments last comment...
Hey guys. Hope all is well.

The deleted submissions log is now up and can be viewed by all with an account. This lists posts deleted by an admin or a mod of the subverse. To access, click the button in the side menu. While in /all it will list all removed posts, while in a sub it will just list posts from that sub.

Note: Older removed submissions do not list a date or the account that removed it. I went ahead and manually added my name to the submissions I've removed. Newer posts will track this info.

Note to sub mods: If you need a submission removed from the delete log you can contact me or cynabuns. The reason must be valid and reasonable i.e. CP or dox.

A deleted comments log will soon follow.

I've also added 2 new site rules

No vote manipulation i.e. using multiple accounts to upvote your own content/mass downvoting an account.


Any content which contains nudity or could be considered porn must be labeled NSFW. This includes drawn/cartoon imagery.

The last rule is in response to recent abuse and is something I think a majority of the people here want or don't care about. It keeps the site from becoming /b/ and allows people who don't want to see this type of content to block the sub or disable seeing it via blocking nsfw posts in their account options.

Edit: After thinking about it I removed "and be posted to an appropriate subverse" from the last rule.
You can now subscribe to subverses     (TalkDev)
submitted by system to TalkDev 3.2 years ago (+51/-0)
19 comments last comment...
This is an option now. You can view posts from subs you've subscribed to by visiting /v/front. You can access it in the top navigation bar on the left. I am keeping /v/all as the default view when vising the site, but I've made it an option to have /v/front be the main view if you prefer. No default subs, so /front defaults to /all until you subscribe to something.
Hey guys!     (introductions)
submitted by Bstream to introductions 3 weeks ago (+50/-0)
136 comments last comment...
Saw this place mentioned at r/r*dditalternatives, so that's where I'm from.

Jewsbadnews is banned     (ProtectTalk)
submitted by system to ProtectTalk 2.3 years ago (+49/-0)
120 comments last comment...
For posting blatantly stupid and illegal comments in chat. Intentionally trying to stir shit up it seems. Thermonuclear levels of glow. Caught it quick but if I need some mods I have a couple of you in mind, I will think it over tonight. Sorry about chat there is no easy way to delete individual messages currently.
Had to restore from backup     (announcements)
submitted by system to announcements 3.2 years ago (+47/-0)
37 comments last comment...
Got hit again last night by that faggot on searchvoat forum. Registered hundreds of accounts and ruined vote counts. I was able to restore most stuff but some things might be missing. Some restored posts might display inaccurate times. Will add the ability to see time stamp soon. Registration will be opened/closed depending on my ability to monitor it.
Talk.lol/Voat.xyz is 1 month old     (announcements)
submitted by system to announcements 3.1 years ago (+46/-0)
27 comments last comment...
Hey guys

We've made it to day 30. I am very proud with how things have turned out so far. This community has been great. Lots of great posters from old voat have come over and this place is starting to feel a bit like our old home. I appreciate all of you who contribute and keep this place alive.

Traffic is really starting to pick up. We are consistently getting over 2k+ unique viewers a day, and approaching 1 million requests per day. But I am starting to notice some slow down again, so next week I plan to work on optimizing everything, and changing how comments load to be similar to other similar sites. This should reduce the load on the server and speed things up. In the meantime here are some stats:

In 30 days

858 accounts have been registered

3397 topics have been posted

16089 comments have been posted

43242 votes have been cast

233 subverses created

Looking forward to the next 11 months and hitting that 1 year mark. That will be the next time I update these stats. See you then :D
We're back     (TalkDev)
submitted by system to TalkDev 3.1 years ago (+46/-0)
14 comments last comment...
That took longer than I thought. I ran into a bunch of issues, had to downgrade server os and mess with a bunch of stuff, but things seem to be working. Let me know if you run into any issues.
Accounts below 10 points now have their message length limited     (TalkDev)
submitted by system to TalkDev 1.1 years ago (+47/-1)
87 comments last comment...
Below 10 points you are limited to 2,000 characters.

Below 0 points you are limited to 300 characters.

I hate the idea of accounts getting brigaded and then limited over petty stuff so I may turn this into a mod option which can be turned on and off depending on the climate and mod availability but right now that's too much work.

Oh and you need at least 1 point to create a poll now.
New restrictions for accounts with 0 or less total scp + ccp     (TalkDev)
submitted by system to TalkDev 3 years ago (+46/-1)
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Accounts with 0 or less combined scp + ccp are now rate limited to 1 post every 15 minutes. They also cannot submit link posts, but can post links as a discussion post. These restrictions do not currently apply to comments, but that could change in the future. Want to avoid these restrictions? Ensure your account has a positive balance of 1 point, either ccp or scp it doesn't matter, as long as the total balance is bigger than 0.

Voat.co had a similar immune system which penalized accounts with negative points. I believe this is a better way of handling it. We'll give this system a try, I will make adjustments if needed. New accounts might have a rocky start of having limits, then not having them, then having them, then not, but it will stabilize out the more they post (granted they're not posting genital mutilation, naked jewish women, etc.)

Also, the amount of downvotes you're allotted has been changed from 1:1 to a .5:1 ratio with upvotes. If you're unable to downvote then try upvoting some more.

Edit: Negative accounts with -20 or more are now rate limited in comments as well. Starting off with 5 minutes, we'll see how that goes.

Edit2: I changed the submission time out to 5 minutes, I will adjust it as needed.
Hello Frens! This is your first annual reminder that the only people Jesus beat the shit out of were Jew bankers!     (introductions)
submitted by WolvenWargod to introductions 2.3 years ago (+49/-7)
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And I'm not going to decapitalize Jew. It's a proper noun, and I refuse to contribute to the further bastardization of my native language.

Glad to be back.
The site is now on a slightly faster server     (TalkDev)
submitted by system to TalkDev 3.2 years ago (+41/-0)
17 comments last comment...
Noticing a bigger difference than I thought I would.
Voat doesn't load up in Netscape in Windows95 Fix this please.     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by Monica to TalkDev 1.3 years ago (+41/-0)
50 comments last comment...
You can now quote text     (TalkDev)
submitted by system to TalkDev 2.8 years ago (+40/-0)
31 comments last comment...
The present is theirs; the future, for which I really worked, is mine.

- Nikola Tesla

Hey goats. You can now quote text.

To quote a message simply insert two one '>' with the quoted text after it. The quote will end when you insert a line break.

It's a simple feature but it was a bitch to implement, working with strings in PHP is torture. I am going to try to get it down to one '>' but this works for now.
we should post things here that benefit our cause rsther than bitching about what others are saying or doing     (IdeasForTalk)
submitted by osomperne to IdeasForTalk 2.0 years ago (+46/-6)
64 comments last comment...
Dont cope and say "hurr durr its relevant though and im a baby boomer"

Just build strength, fsggot
You can now quote with a single '>'     (TalkDev)
submitted by system to TalkDev 2.8 years ago (+39/-0)
38 comments last comment...
Just a PSA

Using 2 was too much work. Things like 10 > 5 and voat > poal should still display properly.
Hi, my name is Paul Neri, I want to destroy you. I am also a raging faggot and self proclaimed king of gay of the homo kingdom. I remove the seats before using bicycles.      (introductions)
submitted by AnmanIndustries to introductions 2.5 years ago (+42/-3)
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It was a warm and sunny day in 1935, when my mother dragged my almost dead just born baby body by the coat hanger into the river. I was saved by a school of mosquito larvae and ever since I have lived as the mosquito does. Currently I live in a nursing home with my two lovely wives who are registered nurses. But they are terrible people. They will only give me my meds if I give them $10 and they usually put them in bags in powder form. How very thoughtful of them, it is very hard to swallow pills. I think they should get a raise.





