Polls not working?      (SidebarHelp)
submitted by Monica to SidebarHelp 19 hours ago (+4/-0)
9 comments last comment...
I tried making two and go to new and nothing posted.
Dont call me an alt     (introductions)
submitted by puremadness to introductions 2 weeks ago (+1/-0)
17 comments last comment...
I been here for years.


It's only an alt if I maintain more than one. The other guy is dead. I am here now.
Another lost Voater     (introductions)
submitted by FilthyGlobalist to introductions 3 weeks ago (+44/-1)
68 comments last comment...
Voat changed my life with the knowledge it bestowed on me. I felt lost when it shut down because there was no other place like it. I have been using Poal for the last few years but that place still doesn't feel like home. I've been lurking here occasionally and like what I see so figured I'd make an account.
so sick of the faggots on that other site     (introductions)
submitted by 3desCBC to introductions 3 weeks ago (+30/-1)
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I went to pole when the original voat went down, put up with their shit drama for far too long. Some real winners over there take things a bit too serious and will remove all your points for shit reasons or ban you entirely.

That's why I'm here. I never saw the point of following 2 sites that were pretty much the same content, so I probably won't read/lurk/comment over there any more. aou would just say I was a low effort shitposter who never added anything of value, no need to ask who I was over there, nobody you'd know since I never really posted much.
Hi its me again     (introductions)
submitted by Whatchagonnado to introductions 3 weeks ago (+16/-0)
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used to be on voat, poal and plenty of other shite forums like this one. Spent most of my waking time lurking so I thought i’d finally make an account and make some xtra shekels
So.. uh... is this the place to post for 10 hot internet points?     (introductions)
submitted by HoLeeFuk to introductions 1 month ago (+43/-4)
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Yes, I am the old HoLeeFuk from the Voat days. I got perma-banned on X and I'm tired of grinding new accounts there because I hurt someones feelings. The 'chan boards are all shitty now since "kew" destroyed fullchan /pol so since missing Woahverse lately I figured I would stop by here and call all of you niggers.
Hi everyone, I'm the world's 2nd biggest faggot!.     (www.123rf.com)
submitted by paul_neriworldsbiggestfaggot to introductions 1 month ago (+3/-1)
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I'm the one and only superfan of Neri, we only differ because I hate Jews, niggers, pajeets and anyone that isn't white. Paul you're so fucking gay, still fear mongering?. You don't need to answer that, I already know you well enough to know the answer!.
Fuck it I'm done!.

Wishful thinking!.
hi yall i am not a nigger     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by notanigger to introductions 1 month ago (+27/-3)
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hi yall guess what i am NOT a nigger
Bug: Deleted comment not displayed, leading to inconsistent comment count within default view     (TalkDev)
submitted by Fascinus to TalkDev 1 month ago (+6/-0)
3 comments last comment...
I remember when my momma, tossed me outside and said go play. I didn’t come back until the street lights were on.     (Talk)
submitted by Portmanure to Talk 1 month ago (+21/-0)
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I’d walk in the house, and would be greeted with a disappointed “oh, there you are” I never thought about that, it was my normal. Until when I got older I did a dna test and realized I was (and still am) a bastard. Both mom and dad were hoping I would just disappear. Well, here I am, successful and thriving despite being my mother’s shame and my fathers embarrassment. (It hurts though.)
Can we get a follow up on this investigation of suspicious voting behavior?     (www.upgoat.net)
submitted by HeyJames to VoatlandSecurityAdvisorySystem 1 month ago (+2/-1)
1 comments last comment...
Requesting /v/SPACEisFAKEandGAY     (subrequest)
submitted by HeyJames to subrequest 1 month ago (+6/-4)
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I believe I will add valuable content to this subverse. It should be considered defunct since all content previous to my own lacks mental acuity.
Request Moderator Position in /v/FeminismIsCancer     (subrequest)
submitted by Love240 to subrequest 2 months ago (+3/-1)
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Title: Request Moderator Position in /v/FeminismIsCancer

The popular subs are being co-opted by bad actors like doug and dungus.
They're banning me from posting anything relevant because they don't like me.
You motherfucker are anti-Semites, hate women, racist, anti-choice, homophobic, promote hate speech, and do not use your turn signals!     (introductions)
submitted by notdobbler to introductions 2 months ago (+23/-0)
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I wouldn't want to be on a site that wasn't filled with such reprobates. I'm nobody but an asshole that will likely be forgotten really quickly. I'm fucking out of touch because I'm old. I just have one question, when the fuck did everyone decide to become a flaming faggot in the real world?
I donated $50 to the original voat     (introductions)
submitted by titstitstits to introductions 3 months ago (+7/-0)
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and then paypal froze it for 6 months. Then voat got inundated with nazis so I left. Now I realize the nazis were at least somewhat correct about some things (AIPAC am i right). I am 89% sure this site in its current form is some kind of cointelpro or controlled opposition kind of thing. Not from the same traiters in the deepstate behind Patriot FRONT (its in the name lol) but something. Even if its not it's likely only allowed to exist so it (and all of us) can be spied on and used to steal all of our good ideas.

I wonder what Atko is up to these days....
HELLO TO ALL YOU BEAUTIFUL BASTARDS! I can't believe this site still exists. I'm so happy to have discovered you guys during the kike spike plandemic and so hurt when it shut down a year later.     (introductions)
submitted by Vineswingers to introductions 3 months ago (+40/-0)
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After being banned on two reddit accounts, two twitter accounts, and even FACEBOOK, I said fuck this and randomly Voat popped in my mind from way back when that Chink ellen pao or someshit set reddit up to become goy central.

I remember the good old days of reddit, coontown was my favorite sub. And anything would go. People would be racist in comments and have actual productive discussions despite disagreeing. Really felt like a bastion of truth. Any good sub recommendations similar to coontown? Generally any good subs I should check out? I'm not super into politics anymore unless its satirical or funny. Did too much damage to my mental health so I let go. I just wanna grill bros.

Anyway, I hope we cross paths in the comments!
Which websites no longer exist would you like to see back?     (site)
submitted by byte to site 3 months ago (+13/-0)
35 comments last comment...
list the websites that you miss the most and would like to have back
I have a request.     (TalkDev)
submitted by albatrosv15 to TalkDev 3 months ago (+11/-1)
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Instead of blocking, can i mark users as something? Like a "shill" or something? Only the marking user would see it. This mark would be written after username.
Oy vey, there's so much here that isn't kosher.     (introductions)
submitted by Theo to introductions 3 months ago (+1/-5)
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I should get a standing ovation just for the title alone.
Should the metric system be banned on this website?     (TalkDev)
submitted by HeyJames to TalkDev 3 months ago (+18/-1)
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I don't want to fucking hear these eurocuck and kike metis numbers
requesting v/Bushcamp     (www.upgoat.net)
submitted by dirtywhiteboy to subrequest 4 months ago (+3/-2)
6 comments last comment...
The "Ask Voat" & "Tell Voat" Subs Appear to Have Been Obliterated .. why is that and what happened to the well meaning posts that had been submitted to both those subs by well meaning individuals are they gone too .. back to you @System     (TalkDev)
submitted by RoxannaHardbutt to TalkDev 4 months ago (+2/-1)
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Feature request that lets you know if you're submitting a link that's already been submitted.     (TalkDev)
submitted by allAheadFull to TalkDev 4 months ago (+34/-0)
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You can search by page title, but sometimes people rename things and we get duplicate article posting.
Apparently "you" are not full     (introductions)
submitted by jfroybees to introductions 4 months ago (+1/-0)
9 comments last comment...
I know the drill. I am back, you sorry bitches.
Is the administrator of this site retarded? This site has so many flaws.     (introductions)
submitted by BeatUpAll to introductions 4 months ago (+3/-8)
15 comments last comment...
Seriously, if I wanted to tank a site, this is exactly how I’d do it.

Registration is perpetually closed. And then the admin wants to whine about how the site doesn’t grow.

No native search engine, like every other forum.

Randomly handing out subverses to members.

* Randomly firing moderators with no rhyme or reason.

Upgoat could grow if it didn’t have an administrator with an extra chromosome. I won’t be surprised if this post is deleted by tomorrow, because I know how thin-skinned the administrator is.