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So I listened to Taylor Swifts new album. Wow. Overrated makes me think women are even dumber then I thought     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Doglegwarrior to TellUpgoat 1 week ago (+6/-4)
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The last album I actually like. Excited was a good song the music and lyrics worked together on many songs.

I dated a swift and told her once taylor seems to just talk over music that doesn't even go together or ryhyme and she just speeds up or raises her voice to make it sound OK almost like a bad rapper.

Well this new album is literally almost all that just talking over music that doesn't flow and change her voice to kinda make it work.

She should have just wrote a poetry book
Rick and Morty had an episode where a dating app destroyed humanity.. I think it's more spot on then I originally thought     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Doglegwarrior to TellUpgoat 1 week ago (+20/-2)
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It's destroying society becauee it is destroying women. It just feeds their ever growing narricisism. Women these days are absolute monsters and dating apps just feed fuel to the fire.
Think how many men had to wear mask because their idiotic emotional Jesus controlled woman made them!     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Doglegwarrior to TellUpgoat 3 days ago (+1/-4)
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It was gaslighting on a mass scale then the women who are already experts at gas lighting had the full support of the MEEPAC to push the gas lighting.

Fucking pathetic have any of these narricist women apologized? I seriously doubt it
The jewish man who bites the young boys ear is being searched for by UK police and since its in the UK the man will probably be given a high five     (
submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to TellUpgoat 1 week ago (+16/-0)
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It is total Jew propaganda to characterise the Gaza protestors as commie or lefties. They aren't. They are anti Jews and the Jew media desperately wants you to think they are leftists and your enemy so you won't join them.     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Crackinjokes to TellUpgoat 1 week ago (+3/-2)
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And plenty of Jew plants here are epushing that narrative as well.
Truth is these protestors are often more conservative and right wing than left wing.

Hell in fact even the muzzies protesting have more in common with traditional conservatives and Christians than lefties and Jews.

And the protests are actually mobilizing people against Jews which is something nothing else and no one else has been able to do.

hell there is one report the protesters are actually training protesters in combat to resist Jews something which no "right wing" or other group has actually done.

And the plant who are trying to push the "they hate Jews so they must be crazy commies or fags" crowd assume most people think conservative worship Jew cock like the certain fucked up fake Christians who do. I don't think most conservatives do think Jews are chosen or support them. In fact most conservatives are America first and see Jews as the opposite of that...

yet the presumptive "protesters are lefty gay fag Muslims" posts continue here.

No they are actually front line citizens taking a stand against Jews unlike most imaginary warriors on social media.
Germany, Italy, Japan are not allowed to have nukes      (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Conspirologist to TellUpgoat 1 week ago (+2/-3)
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Germany, Italy, and Japan are not allowed to have nukes. Even if nationalists are able to make a revolution there, it's useless, because the Jews will invade these countries in no time.

For your information, in case you didn't know why these countries keep sucking kike dick after WWII.
So special agents bots feds paid shills... explain this about the moon landing? There is no math for the 3 body problem     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Doglegwarrior to TellUpgoat 1 week ago (+3/-4)
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That's why they had to destroy the telemetry data they tried to fake because the 3 body problem can't be solved we don't have math for it and certainly not with 1969 computers. Then I heard someone did the math and while wearing the suites they suppodly used thry couldn't fit out the door of the lander? Then where the fuck was the jeep? How did they get that out?
Jesus christ saw a mudshark with her baby at the Denver Airport one of the saddest things you can imagine.     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Doglegwarrior to TellUpgoat 1 week ago (+9/-4)
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Thanks jews and feminism women empowerment is the destruction of a civilization
Weird Owen benjamin thing. He is going hard at the boomers. Boomer week. But almost everything at the root was Jewish subversion?     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Doglegwarrior to TellUpgoat 6 days ago (+2/-3)
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So I know people around here hate Owen. They hate boomers and they hate jews.

My problem is Owen is baciall6 100% blaming boomers with out looking at the root cause who offers the porn the other things that screwed the boomers up? Yes they took the offer but why was an offer ever there?
Melania Trump is doing a LGBTPedo fundraiser. These yuppie jew loving fucks are not on our side. They side with kikes, niggers, invaders but not once have they ever sided with white people     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to TellUpgoat 2 weeks ago (+34/-3)
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You can go right now and look at naked pics of this fucking dick whore.
IBM and the holocaust punch cards of doom     (
submitted by SmallGuyFromBrooklyn to TellUpgoat 1 week ago (+7/-0)
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The idea of you. On Amazon prime.. Jesus christ shit like this gets made. 40 year old single mom<<< aka worthless     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Doglegwarrior to TellUpgoat 5 days ago (+1/-8)
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Is dating a 24 year old super famous good looking singer... ya fucking right. The mgtow dudes are laughing their asses off... this is more science fiction then reality.

What insane shit self lying lies these toxic narricist women live all fuelled by kikes making them thing its gonna work out.

Being a fucking cum dumpster single mom whore who is ruining everyone's lives around her with her terrible decisions.

All becauee they are narricist that believe their own lies
My wife bought me a pink shirt.     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by AugustineOfHippo2 to TellUpgoat 1 week ago (+3/-0)
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She says it's orange. My kids and I say it's pink.
I told her to take it back because I refuse to wear it. She's not talking to me at the moment 😁
Upgoat = Niggers     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by AugustineOfHippo2 to TellUpgoat 1 week ago (+2/-5)
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Yesterday, @sal_180 threatens @gowithit with physical violence. @iSnark acts like a true gentleman and stands up for her. Then, to my surprise, EVERYONE turns on @iSnark for defending one of our members from some troll dick faggot @sal_180.

What the actual fuck? You people are no better than niggers. If someone threatened your mom or sister or wife or even you neighbor, would you not try to defend her?

This is EXACTLY why whites have no community. This is exactly why we are losing and will most likely get wiped out.

You all bemoan "brother wars" but when it actually comes time to stand up for and protect one of our own you act like a bunch of niggers.

Bunch of hypocritical cowards.
So I make a semi serious post about taylor swift. Am called gay rightfully. But there is a problem     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Doglegwarrior to TellUpgoat 1 week ago (+1/-7)
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Ok call me gay for reporting on something. But there was not one real comment. Just reddit style jokes. One liners and attacks on me personally.

This reeks of bot activity is this site just bots now with 1 to 2 percent real humans. I get make fun of me but seriously no one has one take or opinion longer then 2 sentences that's not personal attacks that does nothing for anyone. First one was funny then I realized this is a redditnstyle joke thread full of bots
Jewish hypnotherapist exposed     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Conspirologist to TellUpgoat 2 weeks ago (+2/-3)
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Jewish hypnotherapist = hypno + the + rapist.

Jews use hypnosis to abuse and rape children.

Thus making them become adult perverts.

There are a lot of rape victims in porn.

Think about it.
If you really wanna piss jews off, start talking about all those white people that the Germans holocausted. kek     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to TellUpgoat 3 weeks ago (+39/-4)
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I recently had a talk with one of my kids history teachers and I was like "oh I love history... real history". She was like "what's real history". I just smiled. I was like: I think its terrible how many white people were holocausted by the nazis. She just gave me the look and cut our convo short. My son is based and knows. He fucks with her all the time and corrects her on real history.
Remind people being jewish is not white.     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Crackinjokes to TellUpgoat 3 weeks ago (+35/-0)
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In ancient Rome and Greece killing degenerates wasc legal     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Conspirologist to TellUpgoat 2 weeks ago (+3/-4)
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In ancient Rome and Greece killijng degenerates was legal. Unfortunately they didn't understood that degenerates can be physically normal and have only degenerated brains. Because of this, the Roman and Greek empires no longer exist. This is still happening right now. Degenerate elite with normal bodies are controlling our society and willing to genocide us, because we are normal.

All the three Abrahamic religions were written by degenerates. The only religion able to succeed is Christian, because the White priests were intelligent to rewrite the Bible and take away the degenerate bullshit. Jewish and Muslim religions are still degenerate, because nobody was able to rewrite their religions due to lack of higher IQ.
The rwanda genocide was instigated by jews and blamed on the Belgians     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by niggaswaywhat to TellUpgoat 2 weeks ago (+19/-0)
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Ask BushCuck About His Chickens.     (
submitted by Master_Foo to TellUpgoat 2 weeks ago (+3/-1)
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AJ goes off the rails     (
submitted by Reawakened to TellUpgoat 2 weeks ago (+6/-1)
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The Why Files is a cute little conspiracy show. I've watched it as mindless entertainment for quite some time. The presenter does a good job and the little jew fish is funny and annoying, and says things that the presenter couldn't get away with. Most of the time the formula is tell a compelling story about something odd and then sort of dispel it at the end. In this episode, The presenter, AJ, flat out calls it starting at 36:34 I suspect he knows more about who the shadow government is than he says.
whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by Sleazy to TellUpgoat 2 weeks ago (+10/-0)
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All boomers are leftist anarchists. That's why they refuse to see sense, just like modern leftists.     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to TellUpgoat 1 week ago (+3/-6)
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The chief program of anarchy they were programmed with was sexual anarchy or 'liberation'. Ask a boomer if he thinks he should dictate what his daughter should wear and you will quickly see how much of a 'conservative' he is. Girls should be able to wear what they want, sleep with whoever they want, love is free and can't be controlled, etc. Once all rules are abolished in this sphere, then the family unit devolves into anarchy. Boomers do not parent their sons or daughters whatsoever. 'FREEDOM' aka anarchy is their order, and so children should come to understand the world with minimal rules.

The second main program of anarchy was colour blindness. Through the same avenue of music, jews programmed young boomers to believe we are all one, all the same etc. This is pure communism, meaning that if we are all born equal, yet some people are on top (whites, men) it must be because of an unfair system which needs to be smashed and equalised. The jew didn't quite get to that stage with the boomer though. Anarchy precedes communism, and there is only so much you can infect the young mind with before it is set, so boomers were used to introduce anarchy, and the next generations were then programmed with the next steps to communism, as you see now with them wanting to smash white privilege and nationalism. The boomer was not programmed with this part of the script early on and so isn't programmed to agree with it, but the disagreement is simply between two stages of leftists, anarchists and communists. The boomer set the stage by reducing racial sciences into anarchy, just as he reduced the sexual order into anarchy.
Pro-tip: If anyone always uses the term 'zionists' instead of jews, it's highly likely they're affiliated with Russia     (TellUpgoat)
submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to TellUpgoat 1 week ago (+0/-4)
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