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School Pizza Toppings     (
submitted by Kozel to Pizzagate 2.2 years ago (+62/-0)
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Balenciaga gets called out for synagogue of satan pedo symbology     (
submitted by Cunt to Pizzagate 1.5 years ago (+59/-3)
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Another tiktok, some overlap, some different

NSFL Panda Eyes symbology explaination

Balenciaga homepage archive and extracted images: 1 2 3

Free Speech Coalition: About us

Supreme Court v
VS. Williams (2008)
Tell how it is     (
submitted by correctness to Pizzagate 8 months ago (+59/-4)
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Pizzagate was and is real. Epstein’s clients are still doing exactly what they were doing before.     (
submitted by MasterSuppressionTechnique to Pizzagate 5 months ago (+47/-1)
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BREAKING: Gislane Maxwell guilty on 5 out of six charges!!! Judge seals all the evidence of Epstein's network saving all the pedo elites from exposure!!!     (Pizzagate)
submitted by GeneralDisarray to Pizzagate 2.4 years ago (+45/-0)
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How the fuck is this legal?

Protecting the pedos so they can not be exposed or charged while they continue their evil shit with kids.

If Maxwell keeps her promise (threat) she will now dump her grove of blackmail evidence on these bastards. Let's hope she does.

Fuck that sick cunt judge.
The Heather O’Rourke Case 46 Links - She was a child actress allegedly raped to death at age 12 yrs Feb. 1, 1988 on the set of the six episode series "Rocky Road" in Hollywood, MacCauly Culkin says Heather's skin was made into shoes "Happy Days" Garry Marshall, Bobby Hoffman & Henry Winkler named     (
submitted by MartinTimothy to Pizzagate 2.3 years ago (+43/-1)
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Rocky Road.

Molesters Killed Her.

Timeline: Poltergeist Series. Three incidents over a period of 5 years ranging from 1982 to summer of 1987. The crimes themselves occured in Simi Valley, California, Culver City, CA, Altadena, CA, and Chicago, Illinois. Suspects: Steven Spielberg, Frank Marshall, Tobe Hooper (dead), Michael Grais, Julian Beck (dead), Gary Sherman. Accomplices: Judy Wix

-Happy Days: Most Likely Suspects: Garry Marshall (dead), Bobby Hoffman (dead), Henry Winkler, Tom Hanks, Rob Reiner. Accomplice: Penny Marshall (dead). -The Fatal Incident. Note that this incident is the START of Heather's fatal down turn rather than a quick death. Location: On the set of Rocky Road. Hollywood, California.

Time: November 7, 1986. The incident backstage involved anally violating her with a foreign object. 3 men were involved. Execs flocked to the studio, so its possible for a culprit to be one of the flockers. A medic was called in likely because what they did perforated her colon. The injury was severe enough that it also inflicted either penetrative or blunt force trauma on her small intestine, more specifically, her ileum.

For this reason, I suspect that the object itself was a hard object. Possibly made of metal or some other hard material. I’d say the object in question was about 10-14” long. Heather's illness (the one that was covered up) first started to manifest around December 1986. I suspect that the Chrons diagnosis was the cover up. The episode was released in May of 1987.

She was on medication throughout filming of Poltergeist 3 as her condition worsened. Heather's health took its fatal downward spiral on 1/31/1988 before she died on 2/1/1988. The funeral was an open casket event on 2/5/1988. Heather’s family is threatened in 1989? The "skinning" was in 1991. Heather was interred in an above ground mausolium according to accounts of those who attended the funeral.

Suspects (Rocky Road): Gene Abravaya, Bruce Kane (C), Arthur Annecharico, Chris Colombus, Richard Vane, Lewis Arquette. (C) = confirmed. Accomplice Penny Marshall (dead) .. (others): Wesley Staples. Corey Feldman. He actively covers for the big pedowood names and their crimes, which would make him an accomplice.

Other accomplices include the MSM, Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey, Patrick Little and Tom Steyer due to their involvement in the attempted false flag along with Gabe Hoffman for protecting Steven Spielberg. Ted Turner. Fredrick Brennan for deplatforming 8chan, a site that was providing informants in this case. Richard Bretzing.

-Cause of Death: Sepsis infection and intestinal stenosis of the ileum (last 1/3 of small intestine) due to repeated anal rape related injuries and infections. The main incident responsible was the injury to her small intestines as a result.
Adam Schiff     (
submitted by Hall_of_Cost to Pizzagate 1.5 years ago (+34/-0)
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Adam Schiff just hanging out with a very young black boy. I wonder who the boy was, and when he was determined missing.
Ghislane Maxwell no longer fighting to keep the John's names sealed!!! Who will be named next?!     (
submitted by GeneralDisarray to Pizzagate 2.3 years ago (+29/-0)
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What most here don't realize is how big this gang of pedos are. And how far they have gone to cover this shit up!

For example the two lawyers representing the victims David Boise and Lisa Bloom both previous worked as fixers for Harvey (rapist) Whinestein. They threatened, stalked and harassed the victims to silence them!

David Boise was later named as a defendant by another victim that brought a civil case against them all!

Will that pedo plant juror be named too?

And today Prince Andrew has been stripped of all his titles and reduced to a civilian before he faces seven hours of questioning under oath!!

Queens death incoming?

HRC is running for president again for cover!

Was the judge compromised in the same honeypot?

How many FBI agents are involved?

The pandemic is ending now so did Fauci supply collateral to the cabal by using their services before funding Wuhan gain of function?

This case seems to tie it all together in the most dangerous combination. Even leads to the gangstalking and electronic harassment programs that have targeted the victims. And this is the most devastating redpill of them all.

The gangstalking programs being exposed would get the elites and their mason minions executed globally.

Putin hinted at this a few days ago and immediately Dr Nils Melzer who has been exposing this came under attack with calls for him to resign within hours.

This leads me to believe the end game will be one of three possible outcomes.

1) white hats expose the gangstalking programs by giving the victims their files, ending the elites and the masons.

2) the elites give the victims their files ending the masons while creating a hero they can control.

3) the masons give the victims their files and destroy the elites in an attempt to make themselves the good guys.

Either way. It's quickly becoming a situation where whoever drops these files first has the advantage while all others are fucked right now.

It's a bad day to be a satanist!!!
submitted by doginventer to Pizzagate 3 months ago (+29/-2)
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On Dec. 20, the FDNY showed up at Chabad-Lubavitch Headquarters in Brooklyn to conduct a surprise inspection after a homeowner on Union Street reportedly complained of hearing suspicious noises coming from underground for some period of time. There was also an anonymous complaint filed that the emergency exits at the headquarters were blocked. When the FDNY showed up, they were not immediately allowed in until the person “in charge” arrived. Video below.👇🏻 Once the FDNY were let in, they reportedly did not find the tunnel or any violations. However, I can’t imagine that the leadership at the headquarters did not know about the tunnel. So why weren’t they transparent with the FDNY? The next day, it was reported that construction workers had discovered the tunnel nearly three weeks prior! On Dec. 24, the first video of the tunnel was leaked from 1506 Union Street, a defunct mikvah, ritual bath center, that reportedly leads to headquarters at 770 Eastern Parkway. On Jan. 3, interestingly, the headquarters welcomed 13 new NYPD officers for a tour as an “acclimation visit” to “understand” the community they’d be serving. On Jan. 8, all hell broke loose when there were attempts to fill in the tunnel with cement and the NYPD were called in. There were reportedly 9 arrested. Also, in-between the two locations where the tunnel connects there is the Jewish Children’s Museum. The media is claiming that the tunnel does not connect to the children’s museum. Who is to say there is not also an entrance from the tunnel into the children’s museum if there is no investigation? Last night contractors showed up with cement trucks to fill in the tunnels. NYPD showed up to prevent another disruption. As far as I’m concerned, none of this adds up. This whole story stinks and anyone who is claiming otherwise is disingenuous.
"Filling up the tunnels so soon is THE DEFINITION OF A COVER UP" / X ₭₳₲ ĐⱤØ₲Ø ⛈️⛈️⛈️ɄⱠ₮Ɽ₳2ℚℚℚ🇺🇸 @KAGdrogo
Does anyone think there could have been a valid investigation in such a short time? Epstein filled his tunnels with cement too Must be powerful interests at work here
Court documents for the Maxwell case dropped showing defendants names!!! Most shocking is Virginia Guffrey's Lawyer's name listed as a defendant! I TOLD YOU HE WAS HIDING TESTIMONY FROM VICTIMS!!!     (
submitted by GeneralDisarray to Pizzagate 2.7 years ago (+27/-3)
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David Bois is Guffrey's lawyer!!! He has a conflict of interest in this case. He was involved in these crimes. He has been hiding the victims from Guffrey and the courts.

Lots of people and corporations named.

Kanye is also a defendant!


I posted this six days ago telling you all that David Bois was a gatekeeper!
Two pedophiles     (
submitted by HeyJames to Pizzagate 2.2 years ago (+24/-0)
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Sickening evidence of VIP pedos given kids to rape in the Maxwell case! Judge urged to release the names of those that got blackmailed in this pedo honeypot!!!     (
submitted by GeneralDisarray to Pizzagate 2.5 years ago (+23/-0)
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The case opens on the 29th, just two weeks from now!

Something big will happen as a distraction if the names are produced for the public.

We already got Epstein's flight logs. We got some of the names but others certainly traveled by other means and possibly to other pedos properties in the area. Like Biden's Water Island property eight miles away.

Could this case tie in all the other evidence that the FBI and nypd got like HRC server, Harvey Weinstein operation, Hunter's laptop, Huma Abedin insurance file, Lex Wexner operation at Victoria's Secret, Brittany Spiers case, John McAfee deadmans switch, Gislane Maxwell's stash and Epstein's stash?

This could turn in any direction if the court isn't rigged or Epstein shows up as states witness!

This case makes the Rittenhouse trial look very insignificant by comparison.
Files are being unsealed in the Jeffrey Epstein case!!!     (
submitted by GeneralDisarray to Pizzagate 1.5 years ago (+24/-1)
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Only eight to start with.

This could be delayed by a legal fight so it's no guarantee they will be out this month.

But the timing is amazing since Hunter Biden is being accused of sex trafficking!

Some also believe Sam Bankman Fried was involved in money laundering for sex trafficking too. And this collapse was very coincidental too!!

So, did Chester Bennington and Chris Cornell die by suicide or were they murdered while trying to expose a list of pedophiles?     (
submitted by obvious to Pizzagate 2.4 years ago (+21/-0)
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Na, that's just a conspiracy theory! There is no pedovore satanist bankster blackmail cabal! That is crazy talk!
DOD civilian and army Sargent busted for pedo ring; national security risk     (Pizzagate)
submitted by Literallyhitler to Pizzagate 2.1 years ago (+20/-0)
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This sicko used his position of power to abuse foster kids and the state of AZ ignored his behavior. He might be in jail but his wife still walks free and has access to children. Their bio son also walks free, but he's following his father and was a physical abuser to his now ex-wife.

Sorry can't post link as I don't have enough points
Kind of funny with the "Sounds of Freedom" out, will there be a HolyWood ? ~ Hollywood Pedophiles Have ‘Nowhere Left To Hide’     (Pizzagate)
submitted by ParnellsUprising to Pizzagate 9 months ago (+22/-2)
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With "Sounds of Freedom" out now, seems like they are focusing attention on the (((pedo cabals))) lately.

This was a somewhat interesting article about "Markie Mark/ Walhberg", stating how the Hollywood pedophiles are going to go down relatively soon:

But, just reading the regular bullshit over the last few weeks, and with the release of "Sounds of Freedom", before that you had Uncle Mel with Tim Ballard over in the Ukraine, which could have been a promo to "Sounds of Freedom":

But, it seems like this is starting to get more attention hopefully. Hopefully you will start seeing some of these (((adenochrome freaks))) being brought before the gallows in a public way.
It wasn't just ping pong on that corner. Bucks, Politics and prose, Hattian center, terra sol. Down the road was Pegasus museum where the basement actually was      (
submitted by Ifuckdolphinseverday to Pizzagate 7 months ago (+20/-0)
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Pedo tries to meet 13yo girl, gets her Uncle instead.      (
submitted by ProudRebel to Pizzagate 3 months ago (+35/-16)
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Guislane Maxwell will be sentenced today!!! But will she drop her deadmans switch with all the blackmail like she threatened before the trial?     (Pizzagate)
submitted by GeneralDisarray to Pizzagate 1.9 years ago (+17/-0)
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She made it very clear that she has tons of shit on the rich and powerful and if she goes down she will fuck them all and expose everything.

This was supposed to get everyone rallying behind her to keep her out of prison. But she got found guilty and is now facing up to 65 years and potentially more charges.

I think she will go absolutely fucking crazy if they give her more than ten years. She may even yell out that her treasure trove of blackmail will now be released. Signalling those holding it to dump it online.

Or she could just hand it all over to the court right then. But I would guess she knows she can't trust the courts to do anything other than seal it all and prevent any consequences. So it makes more sense that she would have it dumped on the chans.

Either way I honestly think she is a rage filled vindictive bitch that would happily destroy as many people as she could if her life will end in prison anyway.

I would bet that Epstein's friends didn't sleep to well last night.

My bet is she will go full scorched earth on everyone of them for not digging her out of the hole she dug for herself. This could be very entertaining and productive for us today.

Hollywood, Clinton's, FBI, doj, news pundits and judges all facing life ending exposure if she takes them all down with her.

I'm just hoping that cunt can do one good thing with her life before she kills herself with two shots to the back of the head.
I don't remember seeing this story!!! breaking-prince-andrew-faces-prison-time-as-uk-police-investigate-pedophile-claims-could-american-elites-be-next     (
submitted by GeneralDisarray to Pizzagate 2.7 years ago (+14/-1)
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The royals are in one hell of a mess!

If Virginia had an uncompromised lawyer this would have been expanded long ago!!!

David Boies is hiding written testimony from other victims from Virginia and the courts. He is acting as a gatekeeper for the elites. His wife is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. A conflict of interest.

This isn't in the story. I know this from one of the victims personally.

Andrew will be thrown under the bus to end this and save the rest of the pedo cabal and royals. But it may be too little too late.
Catholic Priests Say Raping Children is "Religious Freedom" - Cardinal Timothy Dolan from the Catholic Archdiocese of Milwaukee claims pedophilia is endorsed by God, the rot extends to the Papal hierarchy with Pope Francis reducing sanctions & making the Catholic church a safe space for pedo priests     (
submitted by RoxannaHardbutt to Pizzagate 2.1 years ago (+14/-2)
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Allegations against the Archdiocese in Milwaukee are shocking and involve forty five priests who were accused of molesting around two hundred deaf boys .. $55 million from bankruptcy proceedings went into a trust for mausoleums and cemeteries, after a court ruled religious freedom ensured their right to not compensate the victims.
The prosecution rests in the Maxwell trial! The fix is in. They are shutting it down without showing the court the evidence.      (
submitted by GeneralDisarray to Pizzagate 2.4 years ago (+10/-0)
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They where expected to continue the prosecution for another three weeks but it's all over now and time for the defence.

They didn't show the names on the flight logs!

They didn't show the 20,000 pictures obtained from Epstein's ny home!

They showed nothing from pedo island!

They showed none of the videos that where recorded of elites raping kids!

They have made this all about nude massages and groping.

I was hopeful that the real dirt would come out later in the trial but that won't be happening apparently. The corrupt have made a mockery of the justice system again.

I am so fucking disgusted and angry.

This shows everyone very clearly that these pedos have gatekeepers in all the positions of power. That they are so entrenched that justice for the victims is impossible.

Another fucking nothing burger.

And now they have a hit list of people to silence.

The only thing that could save this now would be Epstein showing up and telling us the truth. But that is very unlikely. We have been fucked yet again.

I'm fucking furious. What about you guys?
Meta's Instagram Facilitated Massive Pedophile Network     (
submitted by Scyber to Pizzagate 11 months ago (+10/-1)

A comprehensive investigation by the Wall Street Journal and the Stanford Internet Observatory reveals that Meta-owned Instagram has been home to an organized and massive network of pedophiles.
South parks jokes about Andrenochrome and Hollywood Elites     (
submitted by Systemisgay to Pizzagate 2.8 years ago (+8/-0)
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