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Owner: AdolfHitler


National Socialism is not Marxist Socialism      (
submitted by AdolfHitler to NationalSocialism 3 years ago (+11/-1)
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How it all works     (
submitted by Antiliberalsociety to NationalSocialism 3 years ago (+4/-0)
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The Reich Side of History     (
submitted by FacelessOne to NationalSocialism 2.6 years ago (+18/-1)
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"You have been dragged along by the cunning Jewish-English propaganda..."     (
submitted by Boardallday3 to NationalSocialism 1.6 years ago (+21/-1)
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"You have been dragged along by the cunning Jewish-English propaganda. Instead of respecting the mighty achievements of Adolf Hitler, you have sneered and laughed along and said "crucify him". You asked God to deliver the world from this man because you were swindled into believing that he was a heathen, a beast or the Antichrist. You have believed all this without realizing in what a clever way you have all been fooled by this lying propaganda."

— Letters from Germanic Volunteers of the SS Division Viking, 1943.
It is really something wonderful...     (
submitted by Boardallday3 to NationalSocialism 1.6 years ago (+25/-1)
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“Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live.” -A.H.     (
submitted by Boardallday3 to NationalSocialism 1.7 years ago (+21/-1)
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Our Last Battle     (
submitted by Boardallday3 to NationalSocialism 1.7 years ago (+9/-0)
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Our patience has it's limits...     (
submitted by Boardallday3 to NationalSocialism 1.7 years ago (+27/-2)
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not the kind that turn the other cheek or bow to jews     (
submitted by con77 to NationalSocialism 1.7 years ago (+3/-1)
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Heil Victory      (
submitted by Boardallday3 to NationalSocialism 1.7 years ago (+15/-1)
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The Von Dutch clothing brand creator was based and redpilled     (
submitted by NationalSocialism to NationalSocialism 1.7 years ago (+22/-0)
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Von Dutch was the self-anointed nickname of one Kenny Howard. According to Steve Kafka, another famous pinstriper and artist who knew Howard during his life, it means “By German.” “‘Von’ is ‘By’ and ‘Deutsch’ is ‘German,’” Kafka says. “[Howard] was very much enamored by German precision, which, everybody [in the auto industry] is enamored by and impressed by German precision and always has been.”

But for Howard, this bedazzlement over German precision was more than just a fascination with machinery. As reported by the Los Angeles Times in 2018, Howard was a self-admitted “admirer of the Third Reich.” “A letter he wrote about abandoning harsh medical treatment for a fatal illness is blunt: ‘I am not willing to go through it anymore only to emerge in a place full of [N-word], Mexicans and Jews. … I have always been a Nazi and still believe it was the last time the world had a chance of being operated with logic. What a shame so many Americans died and suffered to make the rich richer and save England & France again, or was that still. I hope you lying wimps get swallowed up with your stupidity,’” he wrote.
Wir sind das Volk! - We are the people!     (
submitted by Boardallday3 to NationalSocialism 1.7 years ago (+8/-0)
Heard chanting:

1) Widerstand - Resistance
2) Deutschland den Deutschen, Ausländer raus! - Germany to the Germans, out with the foreigners
3) Adolf Hitler, Hooligans!
4) Nationaler Sozialismus- Jetzt! Jetzt! Jetzt! -National Socialism- Now! Now! Now!
5) Frei! Sozial! Und national! - Free! Social(istic)! And national(istic)! (Motto of a German NS party)
6) Wir sind das Volk! - We are the people! (Historical background, was screamed in protests during the "peaceful revolution"- reunion of Germany)
When people attempt to rebel against the iron logic of Nature...     (
submitted by Boardallday3 to NationalSocialism 1.7 years ago (+17/-1)
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When people attempt to rebel against the iron logic of Nature, they come into conflict with the very same principles to which they owe their existence as human beings. Their actions against Nature must lead to their own downfall. - Adolf Hitler
We belong here.     (
submitted by Boardallday3 to NationalSocialism 1.7 years ago (+18/-0)
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Hitler Speech Translations     (
submitted by NeonGreen to NationalSocialism 1.8 years ago (+9/-1)
A few of the top speeches. Please add more in the comments.
3 - MUNICH, SPEECH OF SEPTEMBER 16, 1930     (
submitted by Boardallday3 to NationalSocialism 1.8 years ago (+4/-1)

. . . THIS election means that the circle is now complete. And the question at this time is: what are the aims of this opposition and its leaders?

It is a fight for an idea - a Weltanschhauung: and in the forefront stands a fundamental principle: Men do not exist for the State, the State exists for men. First and far above all else stands the idea of the people: the State is a form of organization of this people, and the meaning and the purpose of the State are through this form of organization to assure the life of the people. And from this there arises a new mode of thought and thus necessarily a new political method.

We say: a new mode of thought. Today our whole official political outlook is rooted in the view that the State must be maintained because the State in itself is the essential thing; we, on the other hand, maintain that the State in its form has a definite purpose to fulfill and the moment that it fails to fulfill its purpose the form stands condemned. Above everything stands the purpose to maintain the nation's life - that is the essential thing and one should not speak of a law for the protection of the State but for the protection of the nation: it is of this protection that one must think.... In the place of this rigid formal organization - the State - must be set the living organism - the people. Then all action is given a new untrammelled freedom: all the formal fetters which can today be imposed on men become immoral directly they fail to maintain the people, because that is the highest purpose in life and the aim of all reasonable thought and action.

If today our action employs among its different weapons that of Parliament, that is not to say that parliamentary parties exist only for parliamentary ends. For us Parliament is not an end in itself, but merely a means to an end . . . we are not on principle a parliamentary party - that would be a contradiction of our whole outlook - WE ARE A PARLIAMENTARY PARTY BY COMPULSION, UNDER CONSTRAINT, AND THAT COMPULSION IS THE CONSTITUTION. The Constitution compels us to use this means. It does not compel us to wish for a particular goal, it only prescribes a way - a method, and, I repeat, we follow this way legally, in accordance with the Constitution: by the way laid down through the Constitution we advance towards the purposes which we have set before us.

Never can Constitutions determine for all time the content of a purpose, especially when this content is not identical with the vital rights of a people. If today the Constitution admits for its protection laws which are headed, 'Laws for the Protection of the Republic,' then it is demonstrated that the most which our present Constitution can prescribe is nothing but the protection and the maintenance of a form, and that does not touch the maintenance of the nation, of a people. This purpose is therefore free: this is the goal which we proclaim and to which we shall attain. . .

From blood, authority of personality, and a fighting spirit springs that value which alone entitles a people to look around with glad hope, and that alone is also the condition for the life which men then desire. And when that is realized, then that too is realized for which today the political parties strive: prosperity, happiness of the individual, family-life, etc. First will come honor and then freedom, and from both of these happiness, prosperity, life: in a word, that state of things will return which we Germans perhaps dimly saw before the War, when individuals can once more live with joy in their hearts because life has a meaning and a purpose, because the close of life is then not in itself the end, since there will be an endless chain of generations to follow: man will know that what we create will not sink into Orcus but will pass to his children and to his children's children. And so this victory which we have just won is nothing else than the winning of a new weapon for our fight.... IT IS NOT FOR SEATS IN PARLIAMENT THAT WE FIGHT, BUT WE WIN SEATS IN PARLIAMENT IN ORDER THAT ONE DAY WE MAY BE ABLE TO LIBERATE THE GERMAN PEOPLE....

Do not write on your banners the word 'Victory': today that word shall be uttered for the last time. Strike through the word 'Victory' and write once more in its place the word which suits us better - the word 'Fight.'
How Hitler changed the economics of Germany - The Folk's economy      (
submitted by Boardallday3 to NationalSocialism 1.8 years ago (+19/-0)
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True Hitler quote claiming Christian?     (
submitted by oppressed to NationalSocialism 1.8 years ago (+39/-5)
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What does this say about nazi's usage of the offensive term Chr***cucks?

But more importantly, why don't you believe in Jesus? Do you think there is a lack of evidence to support the supernatural? Such disbelief will send you to hell.

National Socialism depends on the ownership of private property and strong family and community values; the people's economy. Jewish communism is the antithesis of national socialism.     (
submitted by Boardallday3 to NationalSocialism 1.8 years ago (+26/-1)
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Hitler on the significance of the color red on the NSDAP flag     (
submitted by NationalSocialism to NationalSocialism 1.8 years ago (+51/-0)
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(meme) True modern feminists would have loved living in 1930's German society!     (
submitted by oursenilepresident to NationalSocialism 2 years ago (+10/-4)
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my refresh of a classic
Nazis are spiritually dead people who forsake their immortal souls for the physical world (for their DNA)     (NationalSocialism)
submitted by oppressed to NationalSocialism 2 years ago (+6/-17)
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Nazis consider racial DNA, science and hating jews to be everything. They dont find value in Jesus and the faith. This is a catastrophic mistake if the Bible is true.

Plus, nazis have started to sow division between Christian WN and non-Christian WN.

People dont get to decide what religion if any is true, even if a jew is at the center of it. You cant claim the Bible is untrue just because it came from jewish hands inspired by God.

Christians follow Jesus often due to personal revelation from God: the indwelling of His Holy Spirit is real.

Why else is naziism wrong?

Every day for decades millions of good white people around the world spent their day supporting diversity, anti-racism, and the destruction of the white race due to the memory of nazis. Think about what that means.

And yet you are still using this failed nazi ideology which only threatens the existence of the white race.

You are happy to be the bad guys in the antiwhite narrative no matter how much it prevents the waking of the white race, and how much it increases desires of reconciliation in whites towards nonwhites.
National Socialist propaganda was polar opposite to the jewish propaganda of today built on lies     (
submitted by NationalSocialism to NationalSocialism 2 years ago (+35/-0)
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Berlin in July 1945... (colorized)     (
submitted by Boardallday_420_2 to NationalSocialism 2.2 years ago (+28/-0)
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Rest In Peace to the 35,000+ lives lost in the bombing of Dresden     (
submitted by NationalSocialism to NationalSocialism 2.2 years ago (+116/-0)
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February 13-15th 1945.

It actually happened unlike the unproven systematic genocide of kikes.

Nobody honors these innocent people who died for no reason because in kike society White Lives don’t Matter.
Joseph Goebbels on jews      (
submitted by NationalSocialism to NationalSocialism 2.3 years ago (+49/-0)
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Don't fear the Reaper      (
submitted by jewsbadnews to NationalSocialism 2.3 years ago (+19/-0)
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Lore Bauer the “Lost German girl” - 1945     (
submitted by NationalSocialism to NationalSocialism 2.3 years ago (+9/-0)
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Born in Kollerschlag, Austria 1921. She was assigned to the Prague anti-aircraft department in late 1944 as a technical assistant, or Helferin. Raped and beaten by Czech Partisans, Lore was caught fleeing the Red Army into West Czechoslovakia, which had just been declared a demarcated American military zone. Lore survived the Allied internment camp system, then went on to build a new life, working for an Airlines company after the war. She died in 94', at the age of 73. The film footage was taken on May 8, 45', near Plzeň, along the old Prague Highway, by Oren Haglund of the United States Army Air Corps.