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Member for: 3 years

scp: 12 (+12/-0)
ccp: 475 (+508/-33)
votes given: 4503 (+4488/-15)
score: 487


is the CDC the government now? I forget when we voted on our CDC representatives

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6109e998c7ed4

it's very clear there can be no organizations or groups for men. only women and non-whites. white men have to be kept fragmented and disorganized. thanks jews!

/v/MGTOW viewpost?postid=610974466a8f5

why? use bitcoin lightning network. problem solved.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6108977779632

let me guess... abso-fucking-lutely nothing happens as always

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=61084e24d9849

so few people are aware of these laws and infiltration of our society. an important thing we must do is just spreading consciousness of it. if you see anyone criticize Israel online be sure to mention the laws (concern troll) like just a heads up friend make sure you don't run afoul of these laws! That should help awaken more to what is going on.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=610809fa7749a

hahaha this is fucking gold

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=6106b1537148e

no tattoos? no piercings? no over done clown make up? what a dream

/v/WhiteBeauty viewpost?postid=61037368af789

when are we going to publicly shame the destructive female behaviors we have to deal with in offices? gossip, spreading rumors, sleeping their way through management. it seems only men are being targeted in these exposés so far

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6101fac1c7a86

wow! more people need to hear this

/v/JewishCrimesMatter viewpost?postid=6100c9b2e5079

so name calling is all it takes to cripple these guys?

/v/USPolitics viewpost?postid=6100c8d821532

Women aren't very bright and are easily manipulated by (((those))) with agendas

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60fc20426191d

wow and i thought my day was bad

/v/WTF viewpost?postid=60fb14bc2e9b8

I pray you are not also an attention whore. We must return to traditional ways that worked for thousands of years.

/v/FeralBantuInvaders viewpost?postid=60f53b3729ac7

i meant nothing anti-white my man. just pointing out women are attention whores

/v/FeralBantuInvaders viewpost?postid=60f53b3729ac7