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Member for: 3.1 years

scp: 5 (+5/-0)
ccp: 70 (+71/-1)
votes given: 123 (+115/-8)
score: 75


Well doesn't Zyklon-B kill parasites?

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=662839711df9b

Why post it Anon? Take pride in your skill. That's legit pretty damn good.

What is the name of the song?

/v/AnonTalk viewpost?postid=66167abc7c247

I'm gonna go along with a few other and ask what kind of pay are you offering? I'm not saying this excuses failure to show up. That's lazy dumb shit. If you ask for an interview you better damn show up. But as far as who actually applies in the first place it does matter.

In most places, unless a job offers over $1000 a week it's damn near pointless for anyone with offspring that doesn't get a government handout. Housing is stupid expensive. I'm not that old with a paid off house and two paid off cars. I do all the house and vehicle maintenance myself. If I had to rent I'd be screwed. We eat real food not corn syrup trash and don't eat out. Home cooked meal every night. Still spend over $2000 a month on food for a family of 4. That averages to 5.55 per meal per person. All snacks included in meals.

I have to wonder if you can offer a decent wage. Most places don't. No hate just how it is.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=661601e50be61

Watching one of those magnets get quenched is amazing.

/v/anything viewpost?postid=65f15392264fb

yes plz, pastebin is probably the best way to share

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65f20821563b1

Aren't most MRI machines liquid helium cooled?

I know that super precise imaging often requires super low temps because heat is literally movement on the atomic scale and heat in electronics causes a higher noise floor.

Sometimes I am saddened by the super hard push that either it's full blue pill, vaxxed and bo00st3d or full flat earth. Obviously the truth is somewhere in between but I'll be damned there is one hell of an effort to make searching for it as hard as humanly possible.

/v/anything viewpost?postid=65f15392264fb

Even when it's all paid off, you look at your deed and notice that you're literally listed as "tenant". Beats renting though. At least you get some say in what you can do to the building you live in.

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=65e5f9f7d2af9

It's an extremely deep hobby. Radio in general is the closest thing to magic that humans have accomplished so far. If you're autistic enough to spend weeks playing with antennas and filters to try to bring signals out of the static then it might be for you. Most old timers are very rules bound but then again they had to learn morse code just to pass the test.

Go buy a $30 rtl-sdr dongle and see if you find it interesting.

Having the equipment to talk around the world without depending on someone else's infrastructure has its upsides. Stupid people need not apply.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=65dab2133a409

The link for pearl harbor is broken..... it starts with htp instead of http. plz fix. and thank you for this....

/v/WorldWar3 viewpost?postid=65bb2eac2e1c5

You're pretty well on point. I was born in the late 80's and my father (not grandfather) was born in the middle of the great depression. I was brought up so redpilled that in 10th grade english when going over the word "haggle" i legit asked "so that's like jewing someone?" my liberal as fuck teacher was not amused and I had no idea what I said wrong. My father hammered into me the phrase "Don't believe anything you hear and only half of what you see" He was a good man. Built his own house. Built radios to talk around the world with only a 7th grade formal education. Cancer hit and wiped it all out.

I learned all of my practical knowledge from him and then on my own from his start. If it weren't for him I'd probably be that which i now find disgusting.

Because of him, by the age of 10 I could work on anything mechanical, anything electronic, could raise my own food, could shoot, could build and program computers, operate heavy machinery, and know what it means to be a man and do the damn thing.

/v/HDLunited viewpost?postid=65b2e742ebb07

Those eyes. My ex had those eyes. Legit worried sometimes if I was gonna wake up dead one day. Good riddance.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65b1f5e1a35f1

It's straight "reefer madness" style bullshit and about as believable as the "twinkie defense".

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65b1f5e1a35f1


I'm not sure what the fuck I just watched.

Beginning was weird, the traffic scene was typical shit drivers and then dude getting shot like wtf?

/v/cars viewpost?postid=65a6cf7d2dba0

I'm wanting to use the site's save feature to save submissions to my profile not to save content to my local machine. Saving submissions to my profile allows me to go back to that thread later on any device (I have quite a few) and access that submission along with all associated comments. This is especially useful for showing others irl things i've found here on voat.

/v/UpgoatDev viewpost?postid=659ac8533abe6

Delone Redden


at least one outlet doesn't mind giving a name.

Being sentenced for "aggravated battery with substantial bodily harm", like ya think? Maybe the feral should have been restrained?

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=6595fd2a91d1b

Only if you need to barely snug something up. They will not handle more than like 15 lb-ft of torque without either slipping or becoming too damaged to work again. This was at least my experience back in the 90's. The things were trash.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=658bc238613bf

This man actually uses his tools.

All tool sets should come with an assortment of 10mm sockets.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=658bc238613bf


17" laptop size but navy blue

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6587e9c8c7f10

Just to put some numbers to that, when you fill up your car the gas pump is putting out approximately 10 Megawatts of power stored in the chemical form. So yeah, massive energy transfer.

/v/Retarded viewpost?postid=6556d47a2a16c

You nailed the biological basics there. Humans have survived as a species because females are good at finding and seducing protectors.

/v/clusterBbitches viewpost?postid=65673efe3b2f5

Nice guy with a stable career = dude who can't cope with danger.

Chicks naturally want a dude that can get a knife kill on a bear.

If you want a faithful woman, she has to be at least a little scared of you. Not a "he might be a psycho" scared but a "I don't know anyone who could take him on" kind of scared. Also she has to know, for a fact, that you have options.

Girls with real "daddy issues"? Hard pass. She doesn't know the difference between up, left, and dinner plate. She's got a fucked up internal compass and will go hard after "Juan" without a second thought.

She has a good father? You gotta be at least as much of a man as him.

Legitimately, If she can't respect you as dangerous she'll happily find someone who is. That's just biology.

/v/clusterBbitches viewpost?postid=65673efe3b2f5

If I recall, the xds series had some issues with the "pin" that keeps the recoil spring captive getting chewed up and having issues and im not sure if that has the same system so keep a watch on that. Otherwise, hell yea! Keep 'er lubed well. They'll run dirty but they wont run dry.

/v/Guns viewpost?postid=65578d11abb13

That's 74.665 Billion to date. or $213 from every beating heart in the USA

/v/NutziHiveKickers viewpost?postid=64fb039372953