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Ruby Ridge Federal Siege - Forgotten History - I heard of it but not really familiar with it. Saw it brought up in old Voat before and here as well, how fair is this documentary on it?     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by sguevar to whatever 3 months ago


This vid entertained me quite a bit: The Moon Landing: Stanley Kubrick's Greatest Film | How NASA and Hollywood Fooled the World     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by sguevar to whatever 9 months ago


You want more confirmation about why the fools of the alphabet agenda is being pushed so hard to bring on the son of perdition? Ask yourselves the following questions:     (whatever)

submitted by sguevar to whatever 11 months ago


What is HRC?

Who funds HRC?

What is GARM?

Who funds GARM?

The son of perdition is a sodomite. They need this accepted in the whole world so he can be seen as a (false) messiah to the world.

The synagogue of Satan (judaism) does control the world's finances, and like that control the world's economics. There is no going backwards. They are in the look to break the spirit and fool the world. They have succeeded into brainwashing most of the last three generations and that is why we are seeing an explosion of this satanic rhetoric that corrupts words like Love and Freedom with Debauchery and Degeneracy.

Spiritual wickedness has to be fought with Spiritual Righteousness. Only through the Word of God you will be able to do that, to reach the ones near you, so them in their turn can reach the ones near them. Pursuing human moralism is what brought this forth in the first place. Your pride will not succeed in turning the tide. It will be eaten by the machinery of the beast system.

This is how it's going     (Gardening)

submitted by sguevar to Gardening 1 year ago





Rainy season started this weekend in Costa Rica. So no more hosing.
"There is nothing our nations can't achieve if we do it together, I really mean it. So thank you all, "god" bless you all and let's go li.. li.. lick the world, let's get it done"     (whatever)

submitted by sguevar to whatever 1 year ago


Oh Joe... the senile Freudian slip of a degenerate pedophile...

And the worst part is he gets a standing* ovation from other degenerates...
After the tribulations (full movie) - I recommend this to all my brethren in Christ. Watch it with due diligence and be not deceived by false teachings.      (www.youtube.com)

submitted by sguevar to whatever 1 year ago


Letters to my daughter     (whatever)

submitted by sguevar to whatever 1 year ago


Since i knew my daughter was on her way I started writing to her some letters that I will gift to her when she is old enough. This last one is particularly important, for all that we see affects us in the same way. So, I decided to share it with you. Translated to English from Spanish.

To my dear daughter,

A few months have passed since the last letter I wrote to you. You will have by now, read other writings in English that I made during that time, for I attached them to this compilation.

I want you to know that you are a precious gift. You see now a lot of news in the world of abuse, of kidnapping and trafficking of children. Babies, boys and girls, being murdered that shock your mother and me.

It saddens us, for we wanted you to be with us so much, and seeing how the world does not appreciate this gift of God for their families, the precious treasure that children are, we grieve for you.

We love you with all our hearts. We know that you are a loan from the Lord, so we can guide you in your first steps in this world. But, when you build your life or when the world tries to impose itself to you, and goes against the teachings of God that we will have given to you, you will be the one that makes the choice to either listen to them or not.

Your age will be irrelevant in this regard, because we will teach you from a young age on what is good and what is wrong, not according to our own views, but according to God's Word.

Even if you are not of age in this world, you will already know what choices to make. And you will have to ask yourself the following: In what way, what I do, honors my God? In what way, what I do, honors my father and my mother? In what way, what I do, keeps my heart, seen and judged by God? In what way, what I do, builds the testament to praise God?

You will not be able to hide behind your age. You will not be able to hide behind your sex. You will not be able to hide behind the lies. You will not be able to hide behind the world. Because all that is in the world shall perish. The love and pride for life preached by the world is corrupt and hypocritical. It is deceitful and false. It is arrogant and void.

The bond that God has given to us lies within the Spirit. Our good deeds are not good without Jesus, our Christ and Savior. For all good deed that is done without praising the Lord, Christ, it's done at convenience of our own image. Of our self "love". Of our vanity.

There is a higher moral standard, of good, that goes beyond our natural understanding. That is higher than what our eyes can see. God lives, He who IS, is real. And He is the one who established that standard.

The evil of this world is not because God does not exists. It is because the world denies Him and turns their backs from Him. It is because the convenience of our laziness has made man indifferent to the Law. Even your mother and I fail in many regards to It. But, we acknowledge It. For It was written and preserved. The Bible is more than just a book written by men.

It is the Word of God, inspired by the Holy Ghost, written by men chosen by God, by Jesus, by the Three in One, to transcend generation to generation so that it was known to all.

Take care of your soul. Take care of your heart. Acknowledge your mistakes and sins. Do not blame others for what you have done with your own hands, for what you have said with your own mouth. Keep your salvation that was gifted to you by Grace. It will be a hard road, and it will get harder the further you go. The world will make it nearly impossible for you to bear. But, God will not give you a cross that you cannot carry.

With love,

Ever wonder the real reason why the sodomite agenda is pushed so hard?     (whatever)

submitted by sguevar to whatever 1 year ago


Daniel 11:37 KJV

**Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all**

The man of perdition shall be a jew in the letter who's also a sodomite. In order for him to be fully accepted by the world, the sodomite agenda has to be promoted, pedophilia - which is their main way of reproduction - has to be enabled.

Have you noticed how many transgenders are pleading the support of "conservatives" because they agree to a certain degree with them?

They have infected both sides of the argument in order to do a pincer attack on those that know the Truth.

The synagogue of Satan is covetous, manipulative and conniving.

While they give you small treats to focus on, they will move along with their plan to build the way for the man of perdition to be revealed.

And the world will wonder at his presence but those that remain vigilant and preach the Truth shall know that the moment of great tribulation is at hand and our persecutions will increase in number and hardship exponentially.

Remain testament of the Truth. Face them with the Truth.
Be not scared of death in this world, because all that is in the world will perish.
The way back     (whatever)

submitted by sguevar to whatever 1 year ago


More often than not, people tend to take their sufferings internally until they bottle up and then explode for all the rest to see. Several reasons can be the cause of it, but mostly they lie in embarrassment and fear.

Life is an amazing road to go through, and one can really see how much it has changed us through our paths of salvation or perdition.

I want to take this opportunity to share with you my paths. Both the one of perdition but most importantly the one of salvation. Do not look at this as a confession, for my confessions are only with God. But this is important to do as a Christian to show how Truth changes one’s life.

My mother is a mathematician. She became quite an authority on the matter in one of the public universities in the country. She used to be a devoted catholic for she was raised in that way. Costa Rica’s main religion is Catholicism. She comes from a humble beginning, where my grandmother had her outside of marriage in the 50’s. Years later, my grandmother married a man, whom I would grow to know as my grandfather. My mother’s stepfather. You can imagine in those days how that would have been looked upon. And yet, my grandfather took care of both and had six more children. Four men and two women.

The stories I hear of my grandmother were that she was a school teacher but also liked to sing a lot and sometimes made promises of some sewing jobs that she wouldn’t deliver in time. My mother helped raise her brothers and sisters. Even today she is looked as an authority in her family for she is wise in so many levels and holds very strong moral views about several subjects.

My father, is also a mathematician. He didn’t share the same drive as my mother to gain titles and even if he is very intelligent, he just didn’t care to get the highest academic authority. Though he was also brought up as a Catholic, his upbringing was more from a family that wanted out of the humble beginnings and becoming more classist. He does have some humble beliefs but during my childhood he was more of the hard hand when it came to holding up to manners and “good” behavior. Which in most social interactions with adults meant, “Stay quiet”. And, if one were to not behave accordingly, well you would get the big open eyes and the “wait until we get home” where we would be met with the mighty belt.

Unfortunately, my father was very weak with the sins of the flesh. He was an adulterous whoremonger and fornicator. He fell into alcoholism and gambling. He was violent towards my mother and had several kids outside their marriage. Four in total. Eventually they divorced and me and my brothers, and sisters, were left with my mother.

They both had 6 children. I was the fifth. In my later years, when reached fifteen, I noticed what most of you will see as coincidences. I would later in life realize that these were my first steps in noticing God’s plan in our lives.

My mother and father had six children, three men and three women, all interspersed (man, woman, man, woman, man, woman). There is a symmetric axis between the first three children and the younger generation of six years, one year per child. My eldest brother is two years older than my eldest sister, and she is one year older than the next man in line. After six years, my second sister was born, she is one year older than me and in turn I am two years older than the youngest sister in line.

Additionally, my mother took care of all six of her children, and made sure that we were not part of the statistics. We were never poor. Sometimes we didn’t had something we wanted but we were never short of food, housing nor health. Her struggles were something to admire. And her faith guided her so much in that road because despite of being Catholic, she denied the church’s legitimacy, though paid special respects to the Virgin Mary because her story helped her keep on going.

I learned the importance of marriage, the meaning of it, from her. She never remarried, she never looked for another man. She never brought another man into our house. She always said that she knew that marriage is a bond you make with your other half in God’s name. Though my father did not respect this bond, she would do so in God’s name.

All my brothers, sisters and I had our own problems. However, I know for a fact that the ones that gave more issues to my mother were my eldest brother and I. Following similar cycles learned in the past of addiction, alcoholism, violence. We are all very intelligent, but that meant nothing to the flesh. For intelligence does not mean wisdom. And we lost ourselves in our own paths of perdition for quite some years. I won’t speak for my other siblings, but for me, I will share this to you.

I made my mother cry multiple times. I sinned in so many ways and levels and lost my rationality when I was in the deepest and darkest part of my life. Saying that I was a handful would never come even close to the level of problems I brought to the table. As a matter of fact, people who knew me then, don’t even recognize me today. They can’t believe the change. My mother was distraught with me for she did not know what would become of me. I know what it is to grow with rage, with hate. Not feeling able to fit in one place. Not even with my family.

At fourteen I declared myself an atheist. For there could not be a God in my eyes that allow all of the bad that happen in my family. And the same goes for the world. I couldn’t understand at that point that the evil in my family or in the world was not because of God but because of our denial of God.

At seventeen, I nearly lost everything. In a drunken moment of rage I threw a knife at my mother. Police was called and I was ready to die there. I grabbed the axe we had in the house and told them to come at me. My mother pleaded to them to let one of my uncles to come and talk with me. He talked me down to drop the axe. I was taken into custody.

In the police station I was beaten down by several cops and thrown into a cell. That was the first time I would be in one. My anger changed that day, it became more detached from empathy and cynic. With time that wound would somewhat close and I was allowed to go back home. But the anger, alcoholism and addictions were still present. I just became more careful in letting them out in sight.

I graduated high school with good grades both in the Costa Rican educational system as in the French, for the school I went to had both. I always played with the system and my mother was frustrated with me in so many levels but particularly the academic one. She knew I was the smartest of all her children yet, I was at the time, the most problematic. Once again intelligence does not equate wisdom.

In college, I became a whoremonger and a fornicator. Got myself thrown in jail a couple of nights in drunken events with the police. Though I thought I had friends, quickly they turned their back on me because of how I behaved.

A couple of years passed and then at nineteen, I started hearing them. The voices that would hunt my mind for several years. Like knives they kept throwing at me the truth. I was ungrateful, I was scum, I was trash, I was worthless, kill yourself. Everyone’s life would be better if you were not here.

My mother was worried. For she heard me argue with them. She didn’t know what to do. And a psychologist told me she could refer me to a psychiatrist so they could prescribe me some meds. At this point in my life I knew, if I go down that path, I will never be me again. I will forever lose myself and depend on things that will worsen everything if I had no access to them. So I said “No” but in a mildly more familiar way: “No, I still want to be able to have a hard on”.

I had to fight against them by myself. Or navigate life without them taking over me. I was determined to do so. But the addiction was still present. I dropped my drinking quite a bit. To the point it was nearly none existent. But kept smoking weed. My mother asked me to move out after sometime. She couldn’t handle the smell and she needed peace.

I understood and started looking for a place to live. This was another turning point in my life. There were two possible outcomes. Either I straighten my life to a point where I could navigate through life without becoming homeless or dying. That was it. It happen. I kept smoking, the whoremongering and fornication were still present and drinking wasn’t an issue anymore. Everything had its limits. I set priorities, pay my bills, buy food and the rest was for my vices. During that time I still heard them. I used to put a pillow over my ears and still heard them scream inside my head. But I was managing.

At this point I was twenty six and my “partying” dropped a lot. Though I still yearned for it. And then, I became a conspiracy theorist. I started researching on all that I could about secret societies, about HAARP, about 9/11, about project blue beam, about MK Ultra, and so on and so forth. And then it hit me.

There were so many things that I knew were false, but also so much more that I knew were true. And all of those that were true had lots of similarities to what the Bible was warning us about. But the one verse that got me to start looking for the Truth was: [u]Ephesians 6:12[/u] *** For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places***.

I saw there that we were all being lead like cattle to the slaughterhouse. That we were all slaves of our own passions, of our own lusts and that we had no salvation from our works for they all lead to self-destruction. The voices kept on pushing me during night but I paid no attention to them anymore. They were like flies in my life. I knew they were there but they did not define my life in one bit. In my pursuit for Truth, I was gaining something I couldn’t understand because I was like a child starting to believe in Christ. But now, I know I was gaining spiritual strength. The voices and all of my faults were the reflection of my spiritual weakness. Of my dependence on the world and not on the Truth for I knew it was out there but I just didn’t look for it.

I grew in my faith, and found the preaching of Pastor Steven Anderson. His confrontational preaching was super hard for me to take, but I knew that God had lead me to him, for I needed that confrontation. I needed to grow more in the Spirit.
Three years went by, the voices were no longer and I eventually found Voat. And boy that was another trip. But one that helped me see how much my faith needed strengthening. I decided to stop smoking weed. And work more on my faith in Jesus Christ. There was still though, the problem of whoremongering and fornication.

After turning thirty, I cried out loud to the Lord, **“Lord, if you want me to walk during these days of days alone, as testimony of what you have done in my life, I will do so, in your name. But if you could send me a God fearing woman that would walk this path with me, it would make it so much easier to bear”**. Seven days later, I met my wife.

I had previously met her four years prior in a company where we both worked but I had still some growing to do. At that time I am sure, she would not have given me any attention. Let’s face it, I was a wreck then. But when I met her, and seeing that she was also a God fearing woman, that she would listen to me and would not grab her phone when we went out at all. I knew then that she was it. The woman of my life. The woman that God had made for me. A woman that came from humble beginnings, that had a mother with no academic background that took care of six kids on her own three men and three women, alone. A woman that had character, for my life had given to me a strong character, sometimes bordering arrogant and prideful, and I needed a strong woman that could put me in line.

After 5 years of marriage, with one beautiful daughter, a recently acquired mortgage, I can attest that God had a plan for me. For my wife. For my family. We both grew without a priest in our houses. But my wife and my daughter, and God willing, future children, shall not have a house without a priest in it. I shall be the shepherd of this house in God’s name: : [u]1 Peter 2:9-10[/u] ***But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light; Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy***; and will work every day to show my wife how much I love her according to the Word of God: [u]Ephesians 6:12[/u] ***Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;***.

There is still much to go through. But we will do so together in Jesus’ name. For we know that He is the Way and the Truth. We will reach out to those that need our help when we can and show our testimony to all, especially to our families. We do not believe we are better than them or than anybody for that matter. For we recognize that we are all sinners, for the struggle with the flesh still remains, and hence sin is still within us. But we strive for our spirit. Every passing day. We strive to be and do better, not in our name but in God’s name. HE who IS, who humbled Himself and made Himself of no reputation so he could be as us and save us.

Salvation is for everybody. Your heritage has no meaning. Your works have no meaning. Only grace can cleanse us in the end. Be not dismayed for what the world brings at you. For I know that if we kneel and surrender ourselves to the Lord, he can make changes in our lives that will show the testament of his Truth.

Believe so you may be saved. Be born again in the spirit. This breath of life that was given to you at the moment of conception, is a precious gift. Do not waste it in the ways of the world. Do not let it die.
So far the sowing is going well     (Gardening)

submitted by sguevar to Gardening 1 year ago


We moved to our own place last October 30th.
Our lot is about 900 mts2 and I have been working the land in my spare time. Good thing is that working from home is a big benefit because I am able to just take a little walk through our yard and see how everything is going.

So far we have planted:

- cherry tomatoes
- tomatoes
- squash
- zucchini
- potatoes
- onions
- avocado
- arracache
- melon
- water melon
- orange lemon
- cas guava
- mango
- tangerine
- orange
- spinach
- blackberry
- coriander
- lettuce
- chamomile
- chive
- banana
- sweet corn
- sweet pepper
- hot pepper
- carrots
- papaya
- celery
- Italian parsley
- mint
- thyme
- aloe vera

We are still missing the coffee trees and other plants, but all in due time. Hopefully in a couple of months/years we will see everything fructify in the Lord's name.
Hard to accept     (whatever)

submitted by sguevar to whatever 1 year ago


Deep down it is really hard for a person to feel that no matter what he or she does, it will never be enough. It will never come close to being enough.

I understand how knowing that, can bring a person down and also bring their anger and resentment out because they can’t accept it.

The Self-determination promoted by Lenin and Wilson has evolved into a wider stretch and can easily be applied into the constant divisions we see in our society nowadays.

Every group has the right to basically choose whatever they like to have as their social interactions, culture, morals and ethics, religion, systems of beliefs. It doesn’t matter whether they fall into falsehoods, as long as it is convenient to them, they will stand for their right to defend such a concept.

At this point it doesn’t matter what side of the isle you are on, the concept has been introduced in both sides and used at convenience of personal beliefs or group think.

People has lost the notion of what is right and what is wrong. What is good and what is evil. They base their morals on whatever their group of people thinks and accepts. They engage in constant bashing and futile arguments to feed their arrogance as they try to step over each other every single time.

If two groups find a common goal, they can temporarily leave their differences aside and then pursuit their common objective disregarding the fact that it may affect other groups. But afterwards, their differences will be reignited.

The pursuit of happiness has been corrupted to the point that it doesn’t matter the means used to get there. It will be justified by reaching the end goal.

Basically, people’s moral standard is within a spectrum that can easily change depending on whether it is convenient to do so or not. Hence, it depends on the world, society. In their view there is no higher moral standard than the one set by their group, and eventually by the world.

This is why, when these groups are confronted by a higher moral standard that rejects false doctrines, false narratives, false religions and false dogmas, they see their group think being attacked. They immediately engage in a defensive/aggressive posture to evade, counter-attack and ridicule this higher moral standard.


Because they can’t comprehend it. For it limits what they see as their freedoms, for it limits what they see as their rights. So now, all these groups, have a common enemy. And they can leave their differences aside because they need to bring down this higher moral standard, cast it into oblivion for all their lusts to carry on.

It is hard for them to understand that no matter what they do, whatever their works may be, they are still evil. Their altruism, if they have any, is hypocritical. Their empathy, if they have any, is fake. What they have that is real, is the evil, the arrogance in their hearts. And, their dependence on their lusts.

Having a conversation with them is not an option for, the moment you bring out this higher moral into it, they will engage in their self-defense mechanism and start the self-destructive cycle of denial that will condemn their lives to be erased from the book of life.

One way for them to cope with this fact is that as this condemnation hasn’t been experienced yet, they can simply forget about it and continue with their depravity, their debauchery, their prideful ways and walking ***after their own unglodly lusts***.

And yet God, loved the world and according to His purpose and will, the time that keeps on going without pouring His wrath unto these peoples, is so they still have time to repent: 2 PETER 3:9 KJV: ***The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.***

As you notice the word “should” you will realize that is not a given that all will do so. But still, the advice has been extended by us, the servants of Jesus Christ.

Salvation is not by works, but by grace. No matter what you do in your paths, you will never reach goodness without Jesus Christ, for we all come short before the Lord. Confess to the Lord Jesus Christ your accountability and repentance for your sins. Do so with your whole heart and with your mouth. Don’t be concerned about what the world will do to you. For it doesn’t matter in the end.

Give out your testimony and live according to the purpose that Jesus has granted you as a new creature, as a new born by faith in Him, by the Spirit. For there will be a time when we shall all gather from all corners of the world, and even if most will not be with us, we can’t deny the Truth and the Way.

And take this little story as a last comfort:

There once was an old lady, living on her own, no living family, and no known friends. She lived in a very humble, wooden house. And, she always struggled to get something to eat. Often people who passed by her house, watching her seating down in her rocking share, asked her how will you feed yourself, and she always answered back ***“The Lord will provide”***.

One day, one of her neighbors, who was an atheist, sent a little neighborhood boy to buy her some groceries and instructed him to give them to the old lady with this message: **“Tell that old hag that Satan sends this with his regards”. **

The boy did as he was told, and brought the groceries to the old lady. When she asked who sent this to her, the boy answered as instructed. The lady smiled and said: ***“See boy? The Lord is so great, that when commanding, even the devil answers.”***

To the wolves dressed in sheep clothing, the fools and the workers of iniquity     (whatever)

submitted by sguevar to whatever 1 year ago


Let’s face it, Christianity has been under attack since the first coming of our Christ. As the Pharisees denied him and claimed to follow the law that was given to them by their fathers’ fathers, they couldn’t understand the concept of spirituality and the importance of it.

As the natural man, they were only able to see life for what it was shown to them through their eyes, but their hearts carried with their darkness and their pride. And, they could not understand that the Spirit was in fact the breath of life given by the Lord.

As the Pharisees did, so did the world through the years. The persecution of Christians that believed in a personal relationship with the Gospel, that claimed salvation through faith by Grace, kept going strong.

In Africa, in the Middle East, in China, in Russia, in Europe and in the Americas, Christianity has faced different levels of persecution to the point that it has reached indiscriminate murder towards our brethren.

Some will say that it wasn’t only Christians that got attacked in that way and other groups were affected. The other groups being more in touch with the falsehoods of the world were the ones that shouted the loudest and Christianity was overseen since it was just a small portion of the entire “Christian” world.

The thought police and the indoctrination of the corporate live when globalization came into the world started with the censoring of words that would bring Christianity to light, including Jesus’ name.

The person behind the counter, behind the phone or behind the headset couldn’t express their personal belief because it does not represent the belief of the corporation they worked for. And, the feelings of discomfort that our beliefs could create on the people working alongside of us or the ones that our labor was serving, could put in jeopardy our careers, our professional growth and providing for our families.

You no longer are able to say “Merry Christmas” or if asked by a customer and answering that “I am a Christian” would mean that you were at fault with either the customer or the company. In either case, repeated offenses like this, meant you were to be boxed as an unwanted asset and “due cause” was to be built to terminate you from your work.

It no longer mattered that you were kind to those people, it no longer matter that you gave them the respect that you would have liked to have been given. The tag was already put in place.

In addition, people that claimed to be Christian couldn’t be faced with the rejection of saying they were one and they started adapting their beliefs to the world’s. Meaning they started ignoring the knowledge of the Word of God and were more concerned about being liked by the world. They still claim they are Christian but use it as a dagger against the true ones that stand against the perversion of the world and the spiritual wickedness that lies in it.

When denouncing the murder of children by the abortion clinics, that are clearly sacrifices to Moloch done by the wilfully ignorant and spiritually weak people, this so called Christians claim to be “more” Christian than the ones that denounce this practice because they are thinking about the “women’s choice”. They ignore the fact that life starts at conception and a bacteria in Mars has more meaning to them as proof of life than the fertilized egg, the fetus or the baby. The child became to their eyes a parasite, sucking the life out of the mother.

What life are these people talking about? They don’t even know. They just throw things in the air. Life of the woman bearing the children could be at risk during the pregnancy or during labor. The life of debauchery and cynicism was at peril. And if none of those “reasons” were enough for us to devalue the growing heart beat in the womb, then they had to resort to the rape argument. This meant that they thinking all of those things made them more Christian than us defending the growing and defenseless child.

Additionally, to be in the liking of the world, they started to accept sodomites and their life style more publicly. They started sharing their tables with them and saying that they are also creatures of God. And so came to light the slogan “God is Love”. Wilfully ignoring what the Word says about judgement, about the different punishments that God extended to the whoremongers, the whores, the sodomites and fornicators in Sodom and Gomorrah. And then the falsehood that homosexuality was something people were born with, was another argument that this so called Christians kept using as a way to say that God, created sodomites. Once again, pointing the finger at God and not recognizing the accountability of those people in their decisions, it was all God’s doing. Just as the Pharisees, they deny and modify the Law according to their benefit.

You now see false teachers claiming that “God is a woman, that God is trans”, etc. They corrupt the very existence of God at convenience of what they want to be perceived as by the world. And have forgotten that the love of the world meant that the love of the Father was not in them, nor with them.

Most recently with the attack of the Christian school done by a confused sodomite, inspired by hate, was justified by both so called Christians in the media, social media, sodomites and atheists a like.

*“They had it coming”* for all the crimes of discrimination our beliefs means to them. They do not fear Christians for we preach love by sharing the Truth. Truth, rends these people angry for in their eyes, it looks to force them to deny their lies. Deny themselves. And their pride is put before the Truth. T heir arrogance and selfishness means more to them than the message of salvation.

And, for those so claimed Christians that keep repeating they are but deny or corrupt the Word of God, there is an end that they will face with their fruits and their partners in crime. For they think they can try to play Pilate and washing their hands, in their case by claiming they are believers and they can come to the Kingdom of Heaven because of that claim. But God knows and so do we, that you will face a different end. For you will shout to the Lord, “oh Lord, oh Lord” and the answer that awaits you is the same that awaits those that deny Jesus in the eyes of the world, ***“I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”***
A fool’s pride     (whatever)

submitted by sguevar to whatever 1.1 years ago


***”The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.”***

Since they can’t do any good, they call evil good and good evil based on their own perceptions of those terms. I have always said that convenience is what drives these fools in their minds.

It blinds them to the point that they lie to themselves without even knowing it because they prefer to keep what feels good to them than what is good but offends them.

Truth will offend those that are not used to hearing it. Specially, the Truth of God recorded in His Word.
I agree that Christianity has been subverted along the years by the false doctrines and false prophets. They were opportunistic, greedy and power hungry.

That is how the Roman Catholic Church was born. Romans, adapted Christianity to their system of beliefs in order to maintain order and control in an already chaotic environment due to the rebellions they were suffering. And they allowed the corruption of the Bible according to their own institutional beliefs.

With the years passing, and guided also by convenience in most cases, the false denominations of Christianity started to pop out of the bleu to embrace systems of beliefs that were contrary to what the Word of God said in it. Simply ignoring what they were removing or even adding to the Word.

Nowadays you keep having people claiming to be wise because they know Hebrew, Greek, Latin, and hence they know more about the Bible than the common man. Pride and arguments of (false) authority is what you can read or hear from their words.

Let’s face it, even the King James Bible was published out of convenience for King James I to calm the religious differences in his kingdom at the time. That being said, this is the only bible aimed at the common man, for them to have it in their homes to read and learn from it without having to surrender themselves to the authority of a corrupt institution such as the Catholic Church.
God uses men in different ways, that even when they act out of convenience they become testimonies of the Truth that the Word of God holds in it. As a God Fearing Christian I believe that despite all the corrupted versions that are now more available than before, God kept His Word, meant for the common man to learn from it and become the shepherd of his household.

The corrupt versions of the Bible, such as the Catholic, the NIV and the Scoffield are often used by the critics of Christianity to attack our faith as if we were submitted to them. But the moment that we denounce those versions and the false prophets of the Word of God, they default to their talking point “is a religion of jews” (in the letter).

When they see us denouncing the synagogue of Satan and the jews in the letter, then they simply return to the false denominations that acted according to their pride while claiming they were doing God’s works. I.e. the Spanish Inquisition, the Crusades, etc.

Salvation is a personal choice. True Christians spread the message of the Truth but do not impose themselves because we have no business in imposing ourselves to others, however we will not submit to the trends or lies of the world. Those that do, are not true Christians but rather false preachers and ignorant followers.

We face our enemies head on, without fear nor doubt because nothing that they bring at us can take away our faith and the grace given by our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

The mockery from the fools is just the common ad hominem that you will find in all sides of the isle. But I will still give them a piece of advice. Given that they do have some level of knowledge of our beliefs, the way that they can identify a false prophet is by looking at his fruits. They are idolaters of the material world and their personal image. They grant themselves titles to become images of false authority. They are inspired by the spirit of the enemy and through it they corrupt the teachings of the Bible at convenience of their own wealth. They do not work for the church, their church work for them and their families.

However, let this advice also apply to the fools that say there is no God. Because they also are idolaters of their own image. Their own pride, perversions and in many cases their greed for they only see what the world shows to them and lack spiritual discernment.

These fools refuse the existence of God because of a simple and typical question that comes out of them when they first started to go down that path of death, I should know as I used to be one of them: *“If there is an almighty God that knows it all and is everywhere at the same time, and created it all, why does He allow all sin to roam the earth? Why does he allow Satan and his synagogue to take over the earth?”*

They point their finger and anger to God but refuse to accept that the evil in this world is because of man’s fleshy nature to be the main cause of our weakness to sin. Whilst God created Adam in his own image, and subsequently mankind has also that initial design, we are made out of the image of Adam. Meaning that we have sin in ourselves because of Adam’s and Eve’s original sin.

Satan as all of his followers and pawns, took advantage of the opportunity to corrupt and bring God’s creation to death through sin.

*“Then why God didn’t take Satan out of the equation if he knew that would happen?”*

I can’t speak for God, but what the teachings of the Bible have granted me, is the understanding that whilst God wants us to believe and praise Him, He wants us to do it with our hearts. Meaning by choice. Whilst he wants servants, he doesn’t want slaves. Evil in many cases in the bible is used as the other choice there is. It can make people feel good but is it really good? Take for example the perversion of pornography. Those that are subject to that degeneracy, feel good by looking at it and surrendering to the pleasures of the flesh. They become idolaters of their perversion and become addicted to it. But, we all know that pornography tarnish the human brain and renders people weak and depraved. It promotes debauchery and targets the nuclear family, the original design by God of marriage and the becoming one flesh between husband and wife, and promotes the sins of fornication and sodomy.

The eyes of the fools will be placed on the matters of the earth. Our eyes are put on the things of the Spirit. We recognize that God loved us so much that he sent his only son to save us, through his own sacrifice, to cleanse our past sins and be born again in the Spirit.

This does not mean that we sin no more for there are many types of sin. We are still subject to the sins of the flesh, but we accept that our main battle is to keep our Spirit. We know we may fail along the way, but we strive to be better in the future and extend our testimonies to others so they themselves can know God’s Truth by their own choice.

To my brethren in Christ, I extend this advice coming from the Word of God: ***“
Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.”*** “***And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet.***

The satanic earthly state of israel wants to imprison the followers of Christ     (whatever)

submitted by sguevar to whatever 1.1 years ago


Legislation has been proposed to imprison people sharing content about Jesus in the satanic state that wears the star of Remphan with pride.

Prophecy being fulfilled and yet the stooges and pawns of the synagogue deny the Truth.

The time of God is not our time. We are not to demand as the jews in the letter did in the past. We are to witness and serve while we wait.

Faith is patience, and those that lack it, will be hasty in their hearts and fall in their pride.
Perverted slaves.     (whatever)

submitted by sguevar to whatever 1.1 years ago


They have perverted the colors of God’s promise. They have perverted the teachings of the Bible at convenience of what they want to believe. They add and remove to the Word of God and claim to hear the voice of God adding in foolish made up tongues lies and false prophecy.

Who are they? The stooges of the Synagogue. The followers of false prophets and false religions. Even those that claim to hate the Synagogue of Satan but pursue its agenda.

Their pride has blinded their sight, their minds and hardened their hearts. They refuse the Truth and the Way that is Jesus Christ because accepting Him means to them changing their minds, surrendering their pride to humility. Turning their back to the degeneracy of the world.

But they are destined to follow their dark path for God has had enough of them. He has gave them up to their reprobate minds for they decided not to keep His Word. Their pride condemned them.

These words will get to some, and will inspire emotions of hate and fear. But will they truly repent? Or is it too hard for them to change their ways?

They call themselves wise believing the scientism and sciences of fools. They say they are open minded but deny the existence of a designer of this creation and believe in that all came from nothing, and then, that it evolved from different kinds. All going contrary to what the Word says.

Even as new trends in the sciences of fools come out, encouraging ecumenist thoughts, they surrender themselves to them because, it is easier to see what they have in front of them than strengthen their spirit. They corrupted words like “gay”, “spirit”, “holocaust” to fit their narratives.

But the things of the Spirit are unknown to them: ***”But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.”***.

And as they can’t understand the Word of God even if they read it multiple times, they will claim it contradicts itself, without them looking for its correspondence on other passages.

We will be hated because of Jesus’ name. We are demanded by the world to not preach the Word of God before them or we will face repercussions that will endanger our families, our lives. And even when we adapt to a certain extent to pass along the message, the moment that they feel discomfort – and put special attention to this – **what they feel** - they will put their pride and ego before the Truth and cast us aside.

We know this, we accept it. Even after adapting our speech to a certain degree, we do not surrender our faith. And there will be the time, when that doesn’t even work. The injustice of this world was not God’s fault. It is man’s weakness to sin. They claim we are slaves because we freely serve Him.

But, they don’t realize they are slaves of their own passions. Just as the groups they hate. They proclaim that if there is salvation, it is only for their own group. But the Lord, gave up his only begotten Son, so that ***WHOMSOEVER*** believeth in him had everlasting life.

The relativization of good and evil to the convenience of their self-proclaimed truths, is the consequence of their addictive pride. They can’t relinquish it. They need it. It defines them. And whilst some will follow the Synagogue and its false doctrines and prophets, and its corruptions, willingly, others that claim to stand against it, will serve as pawns of their board.

We will overcome in Spirit. We will not surrender our faith. And we will make our stand when it needs to be made. For we carry the Truth to share it to the world, even when that means that we will be hated by it. Jesus is the Way, and only through the Son you get to go to the Father.
Our struggles     (whatever)

submitted by sguevar to whatever 1.1 years ago


I decided long ago that I will not post as often. I always struggle with the first initial words I want to put on my writings. Just as I struggle to find the right words, I know the world struggles with the truth.

We are so focused in what we see around us with our own eyes, what we hear around us with our own ears that we forget to strengthen our Spirit. For it is easier to let your sight and attention go to what you can easily find. But the strength of the Spirit is not something anyone can easily see, nor hear.

Society is a corrupt melting pot full of false doctrines, false rhetoric and false narratives. People worry more about the “self” and what feels good for them despite the fact that those moments never last. So they keep on pushing for those moments as often as they can to always feel what they felt before. As the moments become shorter, they will push further and further. Until they lose themselves in the lies they created along the way.

Everyone falls short before the Lord. Righteousness can only be measured by the Word of God. Nonetheless, the world is filled with people falling for false religions, false doctrines spread by false prophets as well as false denominations of Christianity. Even the critics of Christianity will use the examples of the falsehood around those false prophets to say that our Faith is a sham.

It doesn’t matter to them that we denounce and rebuke those liars and their corruption. It doesn’t matter to them that we stay true to what the Word of God says. They will always find a way to criticize what we say based on the wolves dressed in sheep clothing. And yet they have the same tools we have to recognize them, but decide to be willfully ignorant to them.

The world has become so corrupt that confessing to be a Christian has been conditioned to adapt the Law of God to the laws of men. And hence, adding or removing to the Law of God according to the convenience of man. The spirit of the enemy is strong in the world. However, the authority of the Spirit we have will not be erased for it lies in the rock placed by our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. The Truth and the Way. Our Faith lies in the truth of the Word of God. And even if it is ignored by many, it will not be denied in the end. For we shall be vindicated by our savior.

This is why, my brethren have no issue in denouncing the Synagogue of Satan. This is why we have no issue in denouncing the jews in the letter. This is why we have no issue in denouncing false doctrines and false religions.
Despite our critics coming from all sizes and forms, from even the false denominations of Christianity that refuse to denounce the Synagogue of Satan and the jews in the letter, we must make our stand.

The notions of family and marriage have been so corrupted along the years that nowadays you see men afraid of marriage, women whoring their way out of their struggles. Men becoming whoremongers and just as “modern women” being cowards in taking accountability for their actions and children.

There is always an excuse for them to put before accepting what they’re doing is wrong. MGTOW and Feminism are both detrimental to our society. They are both doctrines of cowards and prideful. For they forgot that marriage is a bond between a man and a woman with God. In God’s name. They now define marriage as just the union between a man and a woman. Leaving God outside their relationship. They bring bastards with pride, they bring up children ignorant of God and encourage their mockery of the Word of God and their followers.

Creating a household is now doing so in their name, in their honor and not in honoring God, showing appreciation for what He created and the ability He gave us to create life and build a family’s patrimony, always in His name.

The pride of man has blinded even those that say that are Christian but are really not. For in the moment of struggles and hardship they ask themselves ***“why me?”***, when those things happen after they claimed to be devoted. The Word of God says it already. We shall have tribulation in this world. And yet they decide to ignore that and claiming that our God is just a god of blessings and love. They teach falsehoods such as you have to bless to be blessed. This is one of the major lies currently in mainstream Christianity.

A blessing has to be given in truthfulness with all thine heart such as how you confessed your love for Jesus Christ. If you give blessings to be blessed then you are no better than the false prophet that gives out such foul doctrine. For you are not following the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ: *“But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth”*. Blessing others to be blessed is looking recognition and hence something in exchange.

And when hardship strikes, when our faith is really put to the test, just as when Job’s was, instead of rejoicing like our Lord commanded us to, those who follow the false doctrines will ask ***”why me?”***, and play the victim card just as what the false narratives of today’s age teach.

Christians do not play the victim card. Christians do not do things for recognition. Christians do not stand with the Synagogue of Satan nor the earthly Israel. Our struggle resides in the Spirit. Do not be lead astray by your emotions. For emotional response to repentance can be dishonest such as the ones Felix, Cain and Saul had.

Do not be a follower of entertainment, like those many emotional so called Christians that fall into the deafness of musical shows and demonic teachings. I strongly advise you to look for a church that preaches only what the Word of God says, that does not fall into musical shows that silence the voices of the followers. Look for churches that allow you to hear your brethren sing in praise to the Lord and not fall into lost shouting and false repentance. We do not go to church to be entertained. We go to learn and be nourished in the Word of God. We do so to praise the Lord as one people. Not to be silenced by the noise of the new age.
It's been a little more than a month since I moved to our house...     (whatever)

submitted by sguevar to whatever 1.4 years ago


When I came, I had no money left to pay rent. So, I sent my wife and baby girl to stay with her mother while me and my nigger-dog moved to our home while it was being built.

No windows for a week, on the cold mountain weather of Costa Rica. No power, no doors. Just the perimeter walls, the house's walls and the roof.

2 weeks later house was finished and wife and daughter moved in.

Seeing the process of the house being built despite passing cold nights alone, yearning for my family to come, was a great blessing.

My daugther will have her first birthday in our place. We are going to spend our first Christmas in our home.

I have planted a mango tree, an olive tree (though I don't know if it will grow here), a lime tree, a cas tree, some "arracache", lettuce, cilanter and an avocado tree. We have some chayotes plants and also ayote.

Cutting the grass with a weed-wacker is exhausting but is what I could afford after the house bills.

All this and more to come is thanks to the blessings the Lord has granted to my family and I. The doors He opened so we could find the lot before my daughter's birth, closing the deal with the bank and the contractor, and building the house in less than a year, has all been thanks to the Heavenly Father.

Seeing my wife sitting beside me on our rocking-chairs with my daughter while we watch some Christmas movies, makes it all worth it. All the stress with the bills, all the long hours working and then on my weekends working the land, just to sit down with my family, is all worth it.

Happy holidays fellas, Merry Christmas and may God bless you as He has blessed us.

And to those that do not believe, may you find the Way and the Truth.
So I just finished rewatching True Detective season 1     (whatever)

submitted by sguevar to whatever 1.4 years ago


There is much to discuss about the whole season, but I will just address a couple of things.

I somewhat find it funny/ironic that at the end, they still refused to make the epiphany of the afterlife as the presence of God in everybody as long as we listen to His spirit. Even in those that reject him such as Atheists. They prefer to use the metaphor of Light vs Dark because is easier to describe Good vs Evil in that way. Yet, Rust did call it the "oldest conflict of them all".

Additionally, since the series was made and produced by jewywood, they had to make the bad guys members of a supposed "Christian evangelical" southern church that engaged not only in pedophilia but incest to force the programming on common folk, ignorant of the works of the Spirit, fall for the false premise that all Christians are crazy and seeds of evil, and that agnostics/atheists are the only source of rational thought you can find out there. Which conveniently decides to avoid many things said in the Word as "You will know them by their fruits" or "Wolves dressed in sheep clothing" or "For there shall arise false christs" that shows how many false Christians, false prophets and false doctrines are used to mislead common folk.

The works of the Synagogue of Satan are many, but their arrogance is unprecedented, as they have been doing this for so long that they find it within the realm of plausible deniability to show the world what they are in fact doing right now through pedophilia rings made of members that hold high positions in politics, in law enforcement, in the clergy, etc. Even if one of them of the lower rings fall, they cut the tie to a certain level so it doesn't comeback to them.

"We didn't caught them all" Said Rust, and Marty answered "And we'll never catch them all".

The Synagogue throws there a message, within all the programming to the common folk and a slap to those that are free from such programming and follow the Way and the Truth, that they will never be caught in full. Those that do not have Faith within them, will become in time pessimistic and may fall into despair. And as they weaken one side more and more, and lead them away from the Truth, they will persecute more and more the ones that sided with the Son of man. All of them that fell for the charade will aid them even if they are not on (((their))) side, with that persecution.

But one thing is true at the end of what Rust, the arrogant agnostic, said: "Light is winning"

From the world's perspective, Lucifer, the lightning bolt is winning. From the perspective of the Light of the Spirit, which is nourished by the Word, the Way and the Truth, the followers of Christ see all and know the end of it. No matter the persecution, the war of the spirit is won by The Spirit, not the flesh and we will prevail.

Fucking Costa Rica's NHS demanding masks mandates again because of "Respiratory virus in kids"     (whatever)

submitted by sguevar to whatever 1.5 years ago


They spent more than 2 years restricting children getting sick in order for their inmune system to develop and now they put another mask mandate for public transportation and education centers.

Fucking tired of this stupidity... kids need to get sick for crying out loud... they got their inmune system weakened, specially those that got the jab... and now they demand more masks because they are getting sick during the rainy season in CR. Which is something normal...

Fucking imbeciles in the NHS don't want to accept they fucked up so now masks will be a new normal whenever the flu season comes back every fucking year.
I just had a nostalgic moment of infance     (whatever)

submitted by sguevar to whatever 1.6 years ago


Remembering the Exosquad animated series.

Man... I used to build JT Marsh's E-frame on lego and play for hours and hours.

Found it recently on archive.org... man what a thril.
TIL that the Georgia Guidestones were bombed this year in June     (whatever)

submitted by sguevar to whatever 1.6 years ago


Was talking about them with a friend today and he informed me about it.

The dude that bombed them is a legend.
@Blumen4alles admitting partially his wrong doing but then goes and play the victim card     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by sguevar to whatever 1.7 years ago


Blumen4alles engages in censorship after being called out for accusing others of something he did to himself     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by sguevar to whatever 1.7 years ago


Publishes his own Gab account under his first and last name and then blames others that make a simple Google search to locate his picture.

Pathetic... @Antiliberalsociety has provided more value to the Voat community than you'll ever do. Even after being banned from this site, he provides even more... Ironic isn't it?


Edit 1) It always cracks me up when a "Victim" uses vote manipulation on a site on which is really frowned upon


Edit 2) "Muh why was I banned" after he admits intent on posting child nudity: https://files.catbox.moe/p8iv7a.png
Well this was a first seeing this oldie     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by sguevar to whatever 1.7 years ago


So I watched Top Gun Maverick...     (whatever)

submitted by sguevar to whatever 1.7 years ago


Despite the obvious diversity hires and the bs cientology aura that the faggot emanates, I liked the movie. I enjoyed watching it.

Ofc I don't pay for any jewllywood movie, if Inam interested, I will find it online for free.