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To the wolves dressed in sheep clothing, the fools and the workers of iniquity

submitted by sguevar to whatever 1.1 yearsApr 5, 2023 18:38:55 ago (+13/-2)     (whatever)

Let’s face it, Christianity has been under attack since the first coming of our Christ. As the Pharisees denied him and claimed to follow the law that was given to them by their fathers’ fathers, they couldn’t understand the concept of spirituality and the importance of it.

As the natural man, they were only able to see life for what it was shown to them through their eyes, but their hearts carried with their darkness and their pride. And, they could not understand that the Spirit was in fact the breath of life given by the Lord.

As the Pharisees did, so did the world through the years. The persecution of Christians that believed in a personal relationship with the Gospel, that claimed salvation through faith by Grace, kept going strong.

In Africa, in the Middle East, in China, in Russia, in Europe and in the Americas, Christianity has faced different levels of persecution to the point that it has reached indiscriminate murder towards our brethren.

Some will say that it wasn’t only Christians that got attacked in that way and other groups were affected. The other groups being more in touch with the falsehoods of the world were the ones that shouted the loudest and Christianity was overseen since it was just a small portion of the entire “Christian” world.

The thought police and the indoctrination of the corporate live when globalization came into the world started with the censoring of words that would bring Christianity to light, including Jesus’ name.

The person behind the counter, behind the phone or behind the headset couldn’t express their personal belief because it does not represent the belief of the corporation they worked for. And, the feelings of discomfort that our beliefs could create on the people working alongside of us or the ones that our labor was serving, could put in jeopardy our careers, our professional growth and providing for our families.

You no longer are able to say “Merry Christmas” or if asked by a customer and answering that “I am a Christian” would mean that you were at fault with either the customer or the company. In either case, repeated offenses like this, meant you were to be boxed as an unwanted asset and “due cause” was to be built to terminate you from your work.

It no longer mattered that you were kind to those people, it no longer matter that you gave them the respect that you would have liked to have been given. The tag was already put in place.

In addition, people that claimed to be Christian couldn’t be faced with the rejection of saying they were one and they started adapting their beliefs to the world’s. Meaning they started ignoring the knowledge of the Word of God and were more concerned about being liked by the world. They still claim they are Christian but use it as a dagger against the true ones that stand against the perversion of the world and the spiritual wickedness that lies in it.

When denouncing the murder of children by the abortion clinics, that are clearly sacrifices to Moloch done by the wilfully ignorant and spiritually weak people, this so called Christians claim to be “more” Christian than the ones that denounce this practice because they are thinking about the “women’s choice”. They ignore the fact that life starts at conception and a bacteria in Mars has more meaning to them as proof of life than the fertilized egg, the fetus or the baby. The child became to their eyes a parasite, sucking the life out of the mother.

What life are these people talking about? They don’t even know. They just throw things in the air. Life of the woman bearing the children could be at risk during the pregnancy or during labor. The life of debauchery and cynicism was at peril. And if none of those “reasons” were enough for us to devalue the growing heart beat in the womb, then they had to resort to the rape argument. This meant that they thinking all of those things made them more Christian than us defending the growing and defenseless child.

Additionally, to be in the liking of the world, they started to accept sodomites and their life style more publicly. They started sharing their tables with them and saying that they are also creatures of God. And so came to light the slogan “God is Love”. Wilfully ignoring what the Word says about judgement, about the different punishments that God extended to the whoremongers, the whores, the sodomites and fornicators in Sodom and Gomorrah. And then the falsehood that homosexuality was something people were born with, was another argument that this so called Christians kept using as a way to say that God, created sodomites. Once again, pointing the finger at God and not recognizing the accountability of those people in their decisions, it was all God’s doing. Just as the Pharisees, they deny and modify the Law according to their benefit.

You now see false teachers claiming that “God is a woman, that God is trans”, etc. They corrupt the very existence of God at convenience of what they want to be perceived as by the world. And have forgotten that the love of the world meant that the love of the Father was not in them, nor with them.

Most recently with the attack of the Christian school done by a confused sodomite, inspired by hate, was justified by both so called Christians in the media, social media, sodomites and atheists a like.

“They had it coming” for all the crimes of discrimination our beliefs means to them. They do not fear Christians for we preach love by sharing the Truth. Truth, rends these people angry for in their eyes, it looks to force them to deny their lies. Deny themselves. And their pride is put before the Truth. T heir arrogance and selfishness means more to them than the message of salvation.

And, for those so claimed Christians that keep repeating they are but deny or corrupt the Word of God, there is an end that they will face with their fruits and their partners in crime. For they think they can try to play Pilate and washing their hands, in their case by claiming they are believers and they can come to the Kingdom of Heaven because of that claim. But God knows and so do we, that you will face a different end. For you will shout to the Lord, “oh Lord, oh Lord” and the answer that awaits you is the same that awaits those that deny Jesus in the eyes of the world, *“I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”*

7 comments block

[ - ] deleted 2 points 1.1 yearsApr 5, 2023 23:14:46 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] PotatoWhisperer2 1 point 1.1 yearsApr 6, 2023 02:31:24 ago (+1/-0)

They really got a raw deal, too, if one is a casual observer

Yeah I was wondering what the fuck gives those cocksuckers the power to charge them for their own shit. Buncha fuckin' jews what.

[ - ] Kung_Flu 0 points 1.1 yearsApr 6, 2023 00:22:51 ago (+0/-0)

Oh yes, let Satan have the Earth because we have heaven. Typical Christcuck compromise. Embrace the spirit of the crusades. Purge this evil. Don't run from it. That's why no one takes Christianity seriously anymore.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1.1 yearsApr 6, 2023 07:23:12 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] Kung_Flu 0 points 1.1 yearsApr 6, 2023 09:04:19 ago (+0/-0)

You can have most of the coffers and keep that church name. You can have the most of everything

Surrendering Earth to Satan.

[ - ] Not_C 0 points 1.1 yearsApr 6, 2023 00:26:12 ago (+0/-0)

If you truly believe what you wrote, then stop being afraid to speak the truth.

Stop saying Pharisees, and say their true names. The Jews. The Anti-Christ.

It is not one branch of Judaism that God made sure was incapable of accepting Christ. It is all the Jews and their children.

The idea that Christianity is perverted and twisted into something it isn't, is not anything new.
For centuries the Jews were slaughtered and expelled for being Christ killers, the Anti-Christ.
And since then Christianity has been perverted and twisted into making people complacent, and manipulate them into defending and protecting the Anti-Christ.

God forms the light, and creates darkness. He makes peace, and creates evil.
Galatians 3 tells us that we are God's chosen people, not the Jews. And it is our calling to take the sword that Jesus has brought to this Earth, and use it to rid this world of evil in order to prove that we are worthy of Heaven.

The Anti-Christ is not one person. The Anti-Christ are all of the Jews. They inherently carry the Blood Curse.

Anyone who claims that they are believers, but who only believe the "convenient" and manipulated version of Christianity that protects the Jews, they will shout to the Lord, “oh Lord, oh Lord” and the answer that awaits them is the same that awaits each and every one of the Anti-Christ, “I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”

[ - ] deleted -2 points 1.1 yearsApr 5, 2023 18:54:57 ago (+1/-3)
