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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 288 (+295/-7)
ccp: 481 (+484/-3)
votes given: 730 (+724/-6)
score: 769


my absolute favorite is people getting ejected from vehicles. for some reason, when a car goes flipping end over end and someone goes flying out in a ragdoll arc, I cannot stop laughing.

/v/WatchPeopleDie viewpost?postid=64374fe52655c

to ensure its survival, regularly check your milkweed for spiders. there is a particular species of spider that preys upon monarch caterpillars and they hide in the milkweed to do so.

/v/Nature viewpost?postid=64626d61b004d

Ok, I hate niggers as much as the next guy, but that was a little excessive. He put his hands up like they said and they blast him anyway. Sure he took his sweet time doing it but he had to hand over his sailfoam to his babymamma so it wouldn't get damaged. Also, there were three sprogs in the line of fire. If they had missed and hit the sprogs we would have another fucking riot on our hands. The second one was completely unnecessary.

Still laughed pretty hard though.

/v/BuckBreaking viewpost?postid=646238f5e61a3

I read this in David Attenborough's voice

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=643cb263b1908

"The infant was not injured by the gunshots"

I guess he will have to wait until later then

/v/WTF viewpost?postid=6438f90a1ef87

cats are shitty pets. kill it anyway.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=640e7e6f71c6c

You said cringe warning. I did not believe. Closed the video after about 4 seconds. This needs something stronger than a cringe warning.

/v/Controlavirus viewpost?postid=640194cad2464

"I hate being black. Everything I do is wrong."

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=63f1477e797c9

I can see their logic. at the time there was an ice water challenge that was blowing up on the internet. what is the next step from really really cold water? really really hot water.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=63eb5a5ccaffa

and they wonder why they are hated

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=63ea565107077

I see nothing wrong with this. These people need to learn they don't get to resort to violence out of anger.

/v/ThotPatrol viewpost?postid=63e84d44b3930

who else saw the moment the kid with the pencil thought about stabbing the teacher in the back?

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=63e8e074e855a

i like how his little picture is a person with a really big brain

/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=63d4dbb960c8c

he's an actual niggerfaggot

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=63d306907c038

they waited 4 months after she died for the funeral?

/v/Jokes viewpost?postid=63d2ddde9118d