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Member for: 2.7 years

scp: 0 (+0/-0)
ccp: 111 (+118/-7)
votes given: 711 (+495/-216)
score: 111



/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6467db41a80d1


(click their names to see their face)

Prime Sponsor -
[Rep. S. Bird](https://leg.colorado.gov/legislators/shannon-bird)
[Rep. D. Michaelson Jenet](https://leg.colorado.gov/legislators/dafna-michaelson-jenet)
[Sen. J. Smallwood](https://leg.colorado.gov/legislators/jim-smallwood)
[Sen. R. Zenzinger](https://leg.colorado.gov/legislators/rachel-zenzinger)

Co-sponsor -
[Rep. R. Armagost](https://leg.colorado.gov/legislators/ryan-armagost)
[Rep. R. Bockenfeld](https://leg.colorado.gov/legislators/rod-bockenfeld)
[Rep. B. Bradley](https://leg.colorado.gov/legislators/brandi-bradley)
[Rep. K. DeGraaf](https://leg.colorado.gov/legislators/ken-degraaf)
[Rep. M. Duran](https://leg.colorado.gov/legislators/monica-duran)
[Rep. G. Evans](https://leg.colorado.gov/legislators/gabe-evans)
[Rep. L. Frizell](https://leg.colorado.gov/legislators/lisa-frizell)
[Rep. A. Hartsook](https://leg.colorado.gov/legislators/anthony-hartsook)
[Rep. R. Holtorf](https://leg.colorado.gov/legislators/richard-holtorf)
[Rep. S. Luck](https://leg.colorado.gov/legislators/stephanie-luck)
[Rep. M. Lynch](https://leg.colorado.gov/legislators/mike-lynch)
[Rep. R. Pugliese](https://leg.colorado.gov/legislators/rose-pugliese)
[Rep. M. Snyder](https://leg.colorado.gov/legislators/marc-snyder)
[Rep. M. Soper](https://leg.colorado.gov/legislators/matt-soper)
[Rep. R. Weinberg](https://leg.colorado.gov/legislators/ron-weinberg)
[Rep. D. Wilson](https://leg.colorado.gov/legislators/don-wilson)


/v/Wokeness viewpost?postid=6451337edf734

Idk... This is nigger behavior...

/v/WTF viewpost?postid=64423327c2cbf

rectangle 1 point 1.2 years ago*

You can use https://thangs.com/ which will pull results from many websites including https://www.thingiverse.com/ , https://cults3d.com , https://www.printables.com/ ..etc.

All of the sites mentioned already are heavily censored. Try a search on archive.org if you cannot find what you're looking for.


/v/technology viewpost?postid=63f62b7b38c38

potplayer is for windows only...

/v/ThotPatrol viewpost?postid=63f2f7bbaa1a2

you can use https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp on linux.

On windows, try: https://github.com/MrS0m30n3/youtube-dl-gui

/v/videos viewpost?postid=63d44836c798f

rectangle 0 points 1.3 years ago*

You can re-write the URL before loading the page. Get the 'tampermonkey' browser extension, then you can use this script to avoid youtube shorts:

// ==UserScript==
// @name Youtube Shorts
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net
// @description never watch "youtube shorts"...
// @version 0.1
// @author rectangle
// @match https://www.youtube.com/shorts*
// @icon https://www.youtube.com/favicon.ico
// @grant none
// @run-at document-start
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
var URLPath = location.href.replace("shorts", "v")
window.location.href = URLPath

/v/science viewpost?postid=63cfd6a22a23d

What inaccuracies are in the fliers?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=63c6dac922cae

rectangle 1 point 1.3 years ago

I really don't miss that shit.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=63c685e1d3960

>"The dog’s owner, Erick Lopez, told officers he wasn’t home during the attack and regularly lets the dog roam the neighborhood unrestrained."

/v/shitbulls viewpost?postid=63bddba3a1885

I notice that jew spy jonathan pollard is missing from that list. He was pardoned on 1/20/2021.

/v/QPatriots viewpost?postid=63bd0ebd6009a

rectangle 1 point 1.4 years ago

Look at her eyeballs though.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=63b5fce200709

adnauseam may block you from seeing the ad, but it does load and click every ad link. This provides no privacy for the end user.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=63a5a779246e7

Same thing, just easier to read and save:

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6398991ac0e71

rectangle 1 point 1.4 years ago

I have not noticed any changes yet. Maybe you need to use a network-wide ad-blocker: [pi-hole](https://pi-hole.net/)

I also use [ublock origin](https://ublockorigin.com/) in every browser

With both enabled, I rarely ever see ads.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=639149fbe2702

rectangle 1 point 1.5 years ago

I personally wouldn't let anyone working at a bank hold my weapon.

/v/Guns viewpost?postid=638a8bf5f1270

> and never does anything unless the goal is reached for donations.

What do you mean by this?? Please elaborate.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=636eeccee7e64

404 - Video is not found

/v/newz viewpost?postid=6372ee69bd885

rectangle 1 point 1.5 years ago


They are also actively seeking ways to make the league darker. When will the NFL or NBA do a demographic study to make their leagues more inclusive?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6368e3772d808

rectangle 1 point 1.5 years ago

How does pelosi getting dildoed with a hammer affect you or I in any way? I guess if you're a faggot you might be interested...

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=636203934b40a

Who cares? That is the distraction story..

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=636203934b40a

> The Manhattan station is part of a web of more than 100 such law enforcement offices set up around the world by the People’s Republic of China, ostensibly to help Chinese nationals renew their government-issued identification and drivers’ licenses.

Are you really going to take them at their word here. Use some discernment... No country would do this in another country just so they could renew drivers licenses. That's retarded.

/v/TIL viewpost?postid=635a53ad08917