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Member for: 2 years

scp: 140 (+152/-12)
ccp: 23 (+42/-19)
votes given: 58 (+41/-17)
score: 163

When kykes try to inject their holohoax, tell them about your white relatives who survived "the holocaust"     (Jews)

submitted by nibnab to Jews 4 weeks ago


Whenever kykes try to inject their holocaust myth to derail a conversation, one up them by telling them about your white relatives who survived the holocaust. This is extremely effective as it is non falsifiable by their standards. Their claims are false and therefore any deeper investigation or questioning will be automatically avoided to deflect their lie. Furthermore, it dilutes their claim to victimhood, which is the reason they invoke it in the first place.
kykes took over alternative medicine decades ago     (Health)

submitted by nibnab to Health 1 month ago


If any of you faggits are still listening to (((Ben Greenfield))), (((Andrew Huberman))), (((Dave Asprey))), (((David Wolfe))), (((Daniel Vitalis))), and especially fuckface ((((Mike Adams)))) and most other old and new alternative health, naturopathic health podcasts and sites have been kyked the fuck out for decades. That's not to say they don't have some good information, but it is as usual used as a vehicle for some more fucked up poison. Mercola was probably the best, but even he is getting dragged down some fake and gay kyke holes like commie parkinsons fuck Ray Peat and his fat fuck gay cryptokyke shitskin Georgi Dinkov. If there is sufficient interest, I'll do a series of expose's on each of these cuntshitters and how they are trying to exterminate you, so you fuckheads don't die drinking methylene blue. It's probably best not to highlight the good ones, as they will just become larger targets for IDFDA.
I fucking hate Frank Zappa (Jews suck as music)     (music)

submitted by nibnab to music 2 months ago


I absolutely hate Frank Zappa. It's not that he's just a dirty ugly shitty talentless kyke playing crappy prog blues. It's his typical kyke attitude that he is the best musician ever. There isn't anything avant garde or creative about him. Actually he reminds me of the Greatful Dead, just standard garage blues rock without any redeeming qualities. At least the Dead have a happy vibe. There is no way the piece of shit would be so famous if he wasn't a jew in a jew owned industry. The same goes for Dylan and Cohen, although at least they have some passable songs. Jews utterly suck at music and in general art. Even all the composer kykes like Bernstein or endless jews who have been forced into the classic music world utterly suck and are incapable of producing authentic spiritual interpretations of the European classical masters, who where virtually all white European men.

If you want to to see the absolute ugliness of the jewish soul in full display, just listen to their musicians. It's like a pile of shit floating in a steaminging cauldron of vomit. In other-words, Frank Zappa, their moshiach.
Is it worth trying to educate a semi-based Christcuck friend?     (whatever)

submitted by nibnab to whatever 4 months ago


A couple old friend are based in many regards (guns, survivalist, NWO, anti-feminist, good ol boys etc) but still have the mother of all mindcages, they are Christian. When the topic comes to how fucked things are they say shit like "of course but it's God's plan" with a smug smile. When I bring up the subject that they are worshiping a mythological Rabbi they get extremely defensive and go into their pathetic indebatable Christcuck fetal position.

Is there any reason to try to wake Christcucks up? If they haven't figured this shit out at this point in the game are they absolute last causes?
Surrogacy to have white children that can't be divorce raped      (whatever)

submitted by nibnab to whatever 4 months ago


I've seen a few posts touching on the reality that the vast majority of western women aren't remotely suitable for marrying or having children with. Despite anyone's just man-up bro BS, the only real alternative for the majority of white males is to hire an attractive young white surrogate and have as many white children as you can afford. Western women have become such a liability that even if you married a decent one, which you won't, the vast sum of money you would spend on them could easily pay for a surrogate, nanny, private school, college etc for the children. You can still date women without exposing yourself or your children to the nightmare that is the modern western female. Even in the good families I know, the father pretty much performed damage control to limit the amount of bs inflicted on the child. My grandmother was straight from the Hitler Youth and still managed to fuck up her family and children in no time flat.

This isn't some new phenomenon, Hitler's Lebensborn program was implemented because even in ultra based prewar Germany, the birth rate wasn't enough to overcome the avalanche of subhumans breeding in the rest of the world. These children did, by most reports, better then many children raised by their own mothers. The disturbing truth about evolution is that most modern mothers damage their children more then they benefit them. These are depressing black pills truths but nevertheless facts.
Unjected a social network for the unvaxxinated     (unjected.com)

submitted by nibnab to SocialMedia 1.6 years ago


I was a intensely skeptical when I first learned of this social network for nonvaccinated people. Obvious concern if it's a honey pot. The more I've thought about it, I am thinking it's actually a great idea. I have many semi-based friends but 90%+ of them are straight up vaxtards. At this point it's so obvious that it's a quasi-genocide that I have little in common with them. I think obviously (they) already know who the anti-vaxxers are, so there is little point trying to hide. May as well take the opportunity to meet as many other rational humans as possible. Apple and Google already removed the app but it has a web client. What really won me over is watching the interview with one of the founders Shelby Thompson. Honestly, at this point, why not.

Her interview on Rebel News is here:
Vaxtards beginning to resent purebloods     (Vaxtards)

submitted by nibnab to Vaxtards 1.6 years ago


I have a couple of friends which aren't the sharpest tools and despite my attempts to educate them, they went for all three rounds of the koolaid. Recently it's becoming extremely obvious that they poisoned themselves and it's beginning to dawn on them. Rather than the expected response of them telling me I was right or even appreciating my attempts to help them, I have noticed they are getting very resentful of the fact they probably seriously injured themselves while I am clear sailing. I honestly wonder if it's time just to cut off everyone who volunteered for assisted suicide. Perhaps it's not a good idea to let vaxtards know that you aren't as dumb as them.
Is there a master list of all Talk subverses?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by nibnab to AskUpgoat 1.6 years ago


At least public ones? After searching I realize Talk is much bigger then the front page reveals.
What are the best alt-news podcasts?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by nibnab to AskUpgoat 1.6 years ago


Are there any decent, to the point daily or weekly podcasts that cover most relevant (actual) news? I used to skim over Infowars to see what was the current thing but I have grown so sick of Alex Jones clown and pony show I can't even stand hearing his gatekeeper voice. Others like Redice are just to drawn out. Is there a decent news aggregator or short non dramatized news cast?
Leaving the USA for Europe?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by nibnab to AskUpgoat 2 years ago


Good idea?