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Member for: 4 months

scp: 105 (+115/-10)
ccp: 55 (+64/-9)
votes given: 1 (+0/-1)
score: 160


This is actually going to be a really healthy and good thing. The strong will survive and thrive as they always do. If the powers that be wanted to cause instantaneous mass destruction all the world's nuclear arsenal would be timed to launch such that they hit the world's most important targets simultaneously.

This is what I believe to be a controlled collapse with the goal of finally achieving harmony with nature.

STDs will be eradicated and men will participate in a constant gangbang to release productive energy.

Hopefully very bright times ahead.

I am trying to do my best to make what I see reality.

/v/NWO viewpost?postid=663c015f9101f

Oh man, this is going to be really fun.

/v/NWO viewpost?postid=663c015f9101f

You shouldn't be viewing it that way at all.

I agree with the sentiment you are sharing and can even agree with your decision so long as you don't cause any permanent damage to them mentally or physically.

Beat the everliving shit out of them ONCE and then make them forever happy that you are fighting for them.

In a SHTF scenario you can find a use for anybody.

/v/pics viewpost?postid=662a1b0d6f09f

Conscience. The word is conscience. Conscious is what you are when you're not asleep.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=660db4cb9ea90

None of this is okay, but, no teachers or other adults were physically involved in this sick "game."

To be clear, I think telling children to suck other children's toes for donation money is peak Weimar fucking perversion. But, I keep seeing this story posted as "kids sucking their teachers' toes!!!!!" Which is just a cheap way for normies to go "lol no it's not child molestation the kids did it to each other" like that somehow makes it okay.

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=65e50d2b70001

If you RTFA you'll see that it was strictly students in the fundraiser "games". No teachers (physically) involved.

Not to say that any of this is okay, but the post title is false and clickbait.

/v/Weimerica viewpost?postid=65e28436a16da

Men communicate with action instead of words.

/v/UnitedKingdom viewpost?postid=65cf543821461

Lol. You clearly weren't watching the same video I was. The video was fucking hilarious. She was in a native headdress openly playing on the stereotype of natives and their chants. You can look this up online to see that leftists on Reddit were Reeeeing because she has been doing this for years and she got canned because of this.

>You must have figured out the secret to dealing with someone with a social science degree; you kiss their ass, or they penalize you. Apparently you got through school sucking up to the teachers and you're judgmeent about the quality of teachers is based on that.

You either didn't do well in school or you mostly had bad teachers. A good teacher will love it when you challenge their ideas instead of just mindlessly regurgitating whatever they taught you. Passionate teachers don't want mindless drones who just repeat everything they say.

I didn't really care about getting good grades in grade school since I enjoyed going to school and learning. Grade school was easy and I got good grades regardless because the other kids were braindead. I only cared about maximizing my grades in the last two years of high school. Fortunately I didn't have to suck any teacher cock/cunt during my last two years of high school as my teachers were normal people.

I don't really want to get into an entire history of my schooling but I definitely made sure to get the most out of my time at school.

/v/Retarded viewpost?postid=65c6fa7c1a62e

I don't know. A ton of my best teachers have done crazy shit occasionally but they were very good teachers otherwise. This video doesn't show how she teaches the other 1000+ hours of the year. Maybe she encourages white kids to be the strongest and smartest they can be. She is clearly passionate/a little crazy about teaching. As long as she's positive towards you and your growth I don't give a fuck.

/v/Retarded viewpost?postid=65c6fa7c1a62e

Thank you for advertising your idiocy to the front page.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=65c53861945a6

>Second, getting basic facts wrong makes you look like a retard

I agree. I stated people should be accurate when reporting on facts and I called out bullshit here on Upgoat. It was not met pleasantly. If someone who opposes you has done something wrong you want to be as accurate as possible when countering them.

>Third, he has done far more than any of you in fighting against clown world's brand of shitty consumerism or industry strongarming.

Yup. Why would I oppose someone for stating basic facts? Go ahead and criticize anyone if they say the sky is blue on a sunny day, see how that goes.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=65c46f8173bcc

Lol. Canvassing to strangers is hard. At least she got a reality check here. I remember selling stuff and asking for donations canvassing on the streets in two different clubs I was in during highschool. 99%+ of the time people aren't interested and will walk right past you. It's funny because if everyone walking past gave a quarter you could get $10 from quarters alone in 10 minutes.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65c4c3b834206

>Existing structures that might provide shelter from air attacks would need to be significantly reinforced, as well as rapidly establishing protocols for evacuation, rationing and use of technology, among other things.

**use of technology**

Never let a crisis go to waste.

/v/WorldWar3 viewpost?postid=65c02ba02e134

No one owes boomers healthcare either. Have fun being taken care of by Taniqua.

/v/ShitBoomersSay viewpost?postid=65bf4bc757815

What type of divider is it? Is it a painted line? Something physical? I would like to know a bit more info.

/v/ShitBoomersSay viewpost?postid=65bf4bc757815

Using rural areas feels like cheating but it was the first thing I did.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65bef9c5ea5bc

Yeah. Even if the loan was 0% interest any losses from this arrangement would be "priced in" to anyone else buying a car. Money is just a tool. I am no economist but from my memory I believe that the role of interest is to assign a time value of money.

Do you really think all the problems in the west would change if everything was the same except that interest was outlawed?

/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=65bf5f61dfdd8

People need to point out more that Taylor Swift concert goers are privileged white women that are spending $1000+ per ticket instead of using that money for the homeless.

/v/RacistMemes viewpost?postid=65bf9839cae74

It should've been obvious to anyone that Swift would "hit the wall" (as 4channers would call it) at some point. I don't see how any female musician would do it differently in the 21st century.

/v/RacistMemes viewpost?postid=65bf9839cae74

Yeah. It fucks up the birds and can spread disease.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=65b9dc86091ec

To be fair the opposite of "fat ugly women" would be "fit handsome men". You only took the opposite of 2/3rds of the words listed.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65b9efaf2c86e

@TheBigGuyFromQueens He actually does shit in real life and isn't a pussy.

/v/AnonWhatever viewpost?postid=65b6c07de5b01