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Member for: 2.5 years

scp: 130 (+135/-5)
ccp: 4847 (+4990/-143)
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score: 4977


Best article comment:
"You mean all those youtubers lied to us?"

/v/technology viewpost?postid=663a958cc7512

This is the actual "meat" meat, that is made from cloned cells growing in a test tube or something.

The plant based meats have already been destroyed by the market. I loved seeing the pics from the US stores leading up to hurricanes and the entire plant based meat section is untouched, while the entirety of the rest of the store is cleaned out. LOL.

/v/MeanwhileOnReddit viewpost?postid=6636675438a4d

Updated link for the actual ban conversation:


/v/MeanwhileOnReddit viewpost?postid=6636675438a4d

Nah, just plotting the revenge killings so he can get away with it.

/v/ThotPatrol viewpost?postid=6636462f8fd4e

Money squeezed from Americans can't be directly stolen by the (((politicians))). Money sent oversees gets kicked back without any oversight.

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=663572469b5b9

Probably has a use, but the design is not very practical for depths.

The narrow wings do not look like they have much support, either in payload or structurally, and high pressures will find weak points in shapes like that pretty quickly.

Even if the wing areas are equalized with sea pressure, it is difficult to see a really good use for the wing shapes.

The most efficient volume to surface area (and able to withstand pressure) is a sphere, and the next most efficient is a cylinder, which is the shape of modern subs. Why the vast departure? Is this some sort of design based on the Iranian claims of 400kt torpedo technology?

/v/Military viewpost?postid=6635501d2fe90

Missed opportunity for the "please try again" errors.

/v/HebraicHijinksandSheenyShenanigans viewpost?postid=663547e09b935

Once (((they))) start down this road, the laws have to keep multiplying to save each other. Much like the list of (((hate symbols))) keeps growing and growing.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=6632f414278d0

But wait, (((history))) tells us that all of the camps freed by the US were only "work camps" and the 6 camps freed by the Soviets were the actual "death camps".

Therefore, all hostility toward the US is actually valid, because all that death and suffering to free the work camps was actually pretty easy, right?

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=6632f414278d0

I wonder if he can identify as needing 2 seats on a plane for free now too. That would be glorious.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=6630d5c56d79c

Exactly. A potato gun with a fishing net inside that fully opens to 2 or 3 meters by 2 or 3 meters and shoots 20 meters would be a good defense system.

/v/Ukraine viewpost?postid=662c9f3925400

I think that would be a class action lawsuit if they did. Not everyone has internet. Using windows should never be tied to internet.

I just installed win11 23h2 from usb probably 3 weeks ago and used the no internet option and it worked.

I have 3 windows systems - including a surface - all with local logins only.

/v/BigBadTech viewpost?postid=662aefeae2023

I think it has to be.

There is someone controlling the light. If it was sound activated his yelling is just as loud as his ahooooooo sound, and it would be pretty retarded to make a sound activated light that only responded to one sound and went out every 5 seconds.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=662adf1636a5c

On the "connect to the internet" step, just say "no internet access" and a local user can be set up.

Why all these stupid workarounds? If the internet is actually connected, just disconnect it before use, and don't set up wifi.

/v/BigBadTech viewpost?postid=662aefeae2023

Rooftop Koreans should be up for the task.

/v/cringe viewpost?postid=662af936a2984

Underlying condition though. He had some form of gluten condition and couldn't digest the ramen, but kept eating it.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=662a38a552a0c

Definitely a worthwhile meme, but there are some facts that should be addressed too.

The Colonies had good intentions with all of the political ideas for sure, but the Crown was facing 2 revolts at the same time - the American Colonies and India.

Both were lengthy trips from England, meaning news was very slow as to how well things were going and what was needed - moreso India than America.

Eventually the Crown decided to commit more to putting down the revolt in India than in America, giving a huge amount of breathing room to the Colonists.

Without the drain of resources to India, along with the time delays, much more attention would have been paid to keeping the American Colonies under Crown rule, and the Revolution would have most likely been squashed.

/v/WhiteBoySummer viewpost?postid=66292d267d0bb

Only "pretty antisemitic"? I'll have to try harder.

/v/USPolitics viewpost?postid=6626403a4265f

Aren't these the papers that broke the AT&T spying program of the late 1990s?

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=6626a3125844e

They refused to ask questions and silenced all of us who did, yet they say they were naive? Brain rotted social media sheep is what they are, and now they are asking for sympathy and amnesty... Not in my lifetime.

/v/DeathVax19 viewpost?postid=662696b96b4f6

Bring on the violence! Acceleration!

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66267210107b5

People need to start naming names on every side so we can get this party started.

/v/USPolitics viewpost?postid=6626403a4265f

It really depends on how it is programmed.

I like the idea of it training itself through access to information, but as AI advances, the information could be as fake as the AI is.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=6624853c1074a

It's the Right of the People, but only legal *if you win*.

The J6ers lost because they didn't go all in for the win.

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=6624c1d38fe0d

There was a big reddit writeup about the whole pricing too.

People seem to be "flipping" all the thrift store goods (a lot of which are donated big store throwaways), with the vintage stuff being an apparent gold mine of sorts.

Takeaway was that thrift store merchandise is way overpriced now because the thrift stores are the "middlemen" between thrown away stuff and flippers, and the (((middlemen))) need to take their huge cut.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66245117369ec