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Member for: 2.2 years

scp: 210 (+215/-5)
ccp: 709 (+724/-15)
votes given: 109 (+108/-1)
score: 919


>the fans of yaoi and yuri in the past work in media today, and they are now putting that shit in everything they can.

Been saying it for years. We used to quarantine all those fags and dykes on tumblr where they wrote their gay, pedo harry potter and incestuous supernatural fanfiction. They used to be righfully shamed and derided as freaks and degenerates, now the hollywood writer rooms are full of them.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=64b2ee292a4e0

>An EDM track with cute girls singing over it using artificially sped/pitched up voices.


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64b0e28d0e33f



/v/Rants viewpost?postid=64a81205d3f04

Correct. Debate only works if truth is important to the all of the various parties involved. These people and the many NPCs that empower them will never care about truth. They choose illusion over reality every time.

Most will unfortunately require severe consequences to change their behaviors, and many will even require lethal consequences.

I suppose my goal at this point is to try and get as many White people from the "lethal consequences" category into the "severe consequences" category as possible before time runs out.

/v/JewMedia viewpost?postid=64a5c9246c738

> "So, I was just thinking... Uh... Uh... Anyway..."

The comedy of Clownworld is that the clowns are deliberately and maliciously unfunny.

/v/Biden viewpost?postid=649c9d7ea58b2

A big problem with modern music is that the majority of people making it aren't musicians, per se. They're performance artists. They may have "talent", but they don't understand music theory. They can't read music and they can't compose music; they can press buttons on a computer program.

Classical musicians may not have been able to explain the detailed physics behind frequency and vibration, but they knew enough to understand their effects on the human consciousness.

Even entire buildings were designed with purpose: the transmission of sound.

/v/tlolocaust viewpost?postid=6499d826c3a43

Yeah I'm that guy. I can play a few woodwind instruments, know how to read music, etc.

Music is best experienced interactively, imo. Nothing beats feeling the vibrations of harmonic consonance move through your body when you're sitting and playing in the middle of an orchestra of dozens of musicians. It is a spiritual experience and truly impossible to describe accurately to someone who hasn't experienced it.

I'm also mathematically inclined, and music scratches that itch for me as well. I like music with strange or changing time signatures and challenge myself trying to figure out the phrasing patterns.

/v/tlolocaust viewpost?postid=6499d826c3a43

Psilocybin and LSD both helped me to change my perspective and overcome years of suicidal depression. It was, however, a painful process because they brought on a full blown existential crisis wherein I found out that everything I believed about society and reality up to that point was an illusion. Started me on the journey towards truth that I'm still on today, so I'm forever thankful for these revelations.

I can't speak for anyone else because psychodelics affect everyone differently, but if you're experiencing mental blocks or hang ups that are negatively impacting your life, do some research into it. They may change your life for the better like they did mine!

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=6498386e24946

Just watched this episode yesterday!

>Removing a evil nigga spirit from a nigga is like trying to remove the stench from a hunk of shit.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=6494f42be6367

I don't understand why they're so upset; I thought faggots LIKED getting fucked in the ass.

/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=6489bcd062f94

I remember having to prove n=n. Not my idea of a good time, but plenty of math speds coom their pants doing shit like this all day. More power to 'em.

I prefer application over theory, which is why I gravitated towards the natural sciences instead of math.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=647cf2cee91db

People just don't understand fractions, man. It's a critical thinking skill that has been lost in the current version of public indoctrinatiom camps. Math and the natural sciences literally objectively define our shared reality, so they were the first to be subverted when the communists gained control of public education.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=646fb0820bd21

Hey OP,

Are you anyone's big-tiddy pastel goth gf?

Asking for a friend.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=646718ffdc0a9

Really, you need a medical lab technician cert if you want a good chance to find decent, non-academic micro work. Private sector micro work pays dogshit (outside of hospital work) compared to other natural sciences, and that's why I'm now an analytical chemist.

/v/SoapboxBanhammer viewpost?postid=6459f75e82a91

I've ordered from many places over the years.

JMbullion, provident metals, sdbullion, bgasc, silver.com, etc.

All reliable dealers.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6453b79b1a89c

You cannot get dangerously foolish people to understand the consequences of their decisions, even as thise consequences destroy them.

They more than likely went happily out of business extremely proud of their "no-exceptions-we're-saving-lives" mask policy.

That shit is cult-tier brainwashing.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6453c4857bb68

During the height of covid, I watched my father a few times throw a dollar bill at a belligerent masktard clerk or employee and yell "THIS IS THE LAST FUCKING DOLLAR YOU'RE EVER GETTING FROM ME!", cuss them out, and storm out.

The man's a boomer and a half, but he didn't wear a mask once during covid and stuck by his principles.

I had to wear a mask at work because my company was infested with marxist faggots, but eventually I got fired for refusing mandatory vaccination and covid testing. After that, I never wore a mask again, nor will I again.l

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6453c4857bb68

Classic psycho-tier overreaction. The malignant narcissism is easy to spot once you can identify a few of the hysterical lengths elites often go to trying to paint themselves as victims.

*insert minor criticism


In a sane world, a reaction like this would be met with a flood of ridicule.

/v/princeharryhate viewpost?postid=64519a5552e77

Fags are put into positions of prominence in controlled op conservative movements only to derail them at critcal points once evidence of their degenerate behavior is exposed.

Leftists don't look and think "oh that faggot is a pedo/groomer/etc." They look and see a "conservative", which reinforces the belief that "the other is full of the hypocrite degenerates they claim we are!"

/v/news viewpost?postid=643ec9736d76e

From the William S. Burroughs novel Naked Lunch.

Never touched any of his work because he was a filthy fucking degenerate involved with the filthy fucking kike degenererate Allen Ginsberg. Also commies love them because of course they do.

They influenced the fall of american culture in the 50s and 60s into the cesspool it is today.

Edit: then you get into the involvement of naval intelligence (Laurel Canyon) in the 60s with the nascent rock music, and you can see how they neatly infiltrated, subverted and eventually destroyed america in the span of only a few decades while the young boomers ran around fucking everything that moved and taking any drug they could get their hands on.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6436e6eb3672d

I have a hard time with my conflicting feelings about Steely Dan being top notch jazz rock and also being full of jews.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6436e6eb3672d

There's some 40's-60's big band jazz and some modern jazz electronic fusion (check out Symphonie Pacifique by Greg Foat) that I really dig, but most of it is unlistenable imo. I had to do a deep dive and really look to find anything that resonated.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6436e6eb3672d