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Member for: 2.2 years

scp: 207 (+212/-5)
ccp: 709 (+724/-15)
votes given: 109 (+108/-1)
score: 916


Gold is more portable in times of strife, but silver has more "value" to be gained when the ratio shrinks back to historical norms.

The banks, especially JP Morgan, have been trying to hammer down the price of silver for years by printing the fuck out of paper silver certificates, but its physical daily spot swings are only getting more volatile.

The precious metals guys I follow all say the price of silver will skyrocket once COMEX is no longer able to follow through on physical delivery of paper claims. Currently, there are roughly 30 claims per physical oz of silver they possess (or so they claim). One day, that dam will break.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66195ee588a3c

I have that genetic thing where cilantro tastes like shitty soap. I never knew until I tried a vietnamese spring roll with leaves of it rolled up. Now it makes sense why I always hated mexican food as a kid.

Cilantro is my devil's lettuce.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6618a27688d3d

Those niggers aren't buying enough Advil! How do we convince them that they need our product?

*shuffles deck

"Pain equity"? Perfect!

/v/UnitedKingdom viewpost?postid=65fc1d11c8b6f

The man has to have a nigger-tier intellect to unironically post/kvetch about being censored in other places while banning people he disagrees with here.

I hope more people realize his cries for sympathy are disingenuous and learn to disregard him.

/v/tellupgoat_based_edition viewpost?postid=65ef2442dfc57

Congrats Cunt! God bless you and your family!

/v/WhiteRepopulation viewpost?postid=65ec527067eb9

Knowledge of these faggots' antics in modern gaming is reaching critical mass among gamers with the typical loud response of "OY VEY stop noticing me it's a hate crime!!"

Been aware of them for some time due to the work of nerdsphere youtubers like Az from Heelvsbabyface and Gary from Nerdrotic. I appreciate that someone out there cares enough to do the research because for the most part I abandoned modern AAA titles for indie gaming years ago.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65e84cf44d9ed

I'm not an ICP/ICP-MS chemist, but I can try to explain a bit using my GC analytical chemistry knowledge.

The Mass column is the atomic weight for the elements in the first column. Not sure how that's useful in this data set. The third column ISTD is an internal spiking standard used in a mass spectrometer. I think this is referencing the atmoic number of the metals in the standard. For example, atomic number 45 (Rhodium) is used to determine recovery of the first 9 metals in the list plus Arsenic. I run GC instruments without a mass spec, so I'm not very familiar with internal standards or how a metals lab uses them. Take my explanation with a grain of salt.

Tune mode I think is the carrier gas (Helium in this case) used to transport the sample vapor from the injector through the instrument column to the detector. I know you tune a mass spec before running, but no experience there.

Concentration and units are fairly obvious. This is how much of each tested metal is in a sampled clot in ppb (parts per billion). To put this in perspective, 10 million ppb is 1%. The last column shows the sample was run in triplicate, so I assume this result is a mean average of the three runs.

%RSD is a statistical value that shows how valid or reliable your data is. It stands for Percent Relative Standard Deviation and is a ratio of the standard deviation and the mean average of a set of replicates. Higher %RSD means a high standard deviation, which means a larger amount of variability among results in the replicates. Nickel (Ni) having a %RSD of 117.2 means that the results of the 3 runs are very different from one another and that the average value generated by the dataset (177.5 ppb) is statistically unreliable.

I have no idea what CPS, ratio, Det. and time are for. This may be ICP/ICP-MS specific.

Hope this helps!

/v/VaccineVictims viewpost?postid=65d46ef5df0b9

Nigger-tier intellects do not understand the proper application of an apostrophe.

/v/Memes viewpost?postid=659709b559258

I luv me emperah and hate me xenos too much to stop Warhammer 40K.

Easier to play now that 3D printing is quick and affordable enough to avoid paying GW's extortionate prices.

/v/History viewpost?postid=658dccc9c161b

The metric system is great for chemistry. It would be an issue to use imperial units for concepts like concentration or molarity. 1 part per million = 1 mg/L for example is a very nifty conversion and easy to scale up or down in orders of magnitude.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6573b938171e3

Yeah man, my parents used to take me to the video rental place in town every Friday to grab a movie or two for the weekend. I used to love wandering into the horror section to scare myself by looking at all the cover art.

Probably in part why I'm a big vinyl record collector: I really appreciate good cover art.

/v/DumpsterFireAmerica viewpost?postid=65680e58ac9d2

Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug.

/v/pics viewpost?postid=65661f82f0856

No on told them that 500 hours of lore videos only covered the Horus Heresy.

... but wait! There's more!

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65532afb8e0c2

A big thank you to yourself and @Fascinus for the archive links! Much appreciated.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=654aca1d5ea25

Yeah agreed on that. I'm not sure what the top text portion is trying to convey, but I found the music mashup hilarious.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=654aca1d5ea25

People have forgotten this has been the cultural norm for most every major civilization for thousands of years. Slave markets, child labor/prostitution, human sacrifice... It's miserable to think about but important to understand.

Protect your wives and daughters fiercely. Teach your sons to fight and to protect. As the West falls to brown barbarians, these systems could easily become ubiquitous across the world again, perhaps in our lifetime.

/v/news viewpost?postid=64f84cf476d02

The day Papa Franku killed his channel was the day the old internet officially died.

RIP Filthy Frank

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64de155c389fc

Great song, @calx! You seem to have a habit of turning up with awesome bands that I assumed very few other people listen to!

Once I heard a few songs from I Robot, that was that. I now own their first three albums on vinyl. Bangers littered throughout all of them!

/v/music viewpost?postid=64d16ec1058da

big brain life hack: if you stop paying your taxes, you'll get sent to a place that provides free food and housing at taxpayer expense.

Virgin taxpayers BTFO'd

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64cd1f92662e1

I agree with chrono trigger being one of the best jrpgs, but I don't believe it should be remade. Don't expect the studio to stay true to the spirit of the original. If it was ever remade for mOdErN aUdIeNcEs... I'd rather it stay dusty and forgotten except by people who appreciate what it was.

tangent here... How the fuck can they make a three player, real time combat jrpg for the SNES back in 95 (Seiken Densetsu 3), but the 2020 remake is single player only? Their shitty remake is the only way to play an official english version of this game.

I play a bugged english bootleg emulation of the SNES original and it is still fucking stunning. Favorite jrpg hands down.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64ca7ef3d72f5

an account named anus expander blocking a sub about bananas?


/v/NewSubIntro viewpost?postid=64c96b2d5a0c3

>have a sense of humor and don't be a paedo

Yes, both of these things are good. Too bad reddit fails to follow either point of your advice.

/v/Stoicism viewpost?postid=64c00f452f53b

Dudebro philosophy, found on reddit et al, is radically anti-logical. Not "illogical", although it is, but I mean anti-logical in that it is hostile to logic. They cannot coexist.

These "people" (bots?) use respected White philosophers to legitimize bogus classical culture "what if scenarios":

>Plato returns from the dead

>resurrecting Diogenes

>Basically, in ancient Greece

None of OP's posted thread is logic, or truth; it is dudebro philosophy. It is vaguely philosophical and vaguely historical, a fabricated scenario being collectively pushed by the several dudebro philosophers as legitimate. It is a "because I studied Plato in college" word salad of legitimate sounding terms and phrases that caters to intellectually lazy adult midwits. It is the result of a carefully crafted form of malignant mind control practiced by the academics on our young people. It is a deliberate attack on White IQ!

History, when applied with the same logical rigor as natural sciences, can produce a decent approximation of the past. You must provide many primary sources or very trustworthy secondary sources because humans lie. It's just in our nature. So, when studying the past, you always have to take this into account. Even then, you can never have the full picture of historical events. But dudebros don't care, they just want to sound smart and have an illusion of intellectual authority.

With our institutions controlled by marxist postmodernists who cannot define truth, and, in fact, despise it, you only get deceptions, illusions, and lies. They're not interested in the truth, so there is no reason to engage in discussions other than to mock and shame them, like their beloved Diogenes would do.

/v/Stoicism viewpost?postid=64c00f452f53b

*Provides no climate/weather data to back up claim

*Unironically uses MSM article as sauce

*Calls detractors retards


/v/news viewpost?postid=64be783675657