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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 357 (+363/-6)
ccp: 43 (+54/-11)
votes given: 8 (+7/-1)
score: 400


genius 1 point 2.6 years ago

I don't know if this is real but it reminds me of the people who identify as amputees and try to actually have healthy limbs removed. Doc in the UK got busted for helping to facilitate these people.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6156f40450cf7

genius 2 points 2.7 years ago

This is horseshit. If, nothing else, the editing is shit and the video looks like it's 20 yr. old.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=614cee79f0541

genius 2 points 2.8 years ago

I've had many dogs. If it weren't for dogs my life would've been much different (for the worst). When my dogs die I try to get another dog asap. Not only does it help with the grief, it is a homage to all the dogs I've had. Get another dog when you're ready. Everyone needs a best friend.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6104716ee8107

genius 9 points 2.8 years ago

I have so much respect for dogs...people, not so much.

/v/dogs viewpost?postid=60f72b63e5588

genius 1 point 2.8 years ago

When I see a lot of anon posts on the front page they all seem similar...Like they came from the same person.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60f6f178ce1b5

genius 0 points 2.8 years ago

You didn't answer my question. Let's drop it.

/v/politics viewpost?postid=60f1cbaba7e02

genius 0 points 2.8 years ago

So your saying a pandemic, which may have been staged, was spread all over the world without Trump (or any other POTUS) knowing what was coming (covid or the flu). Then he instigated 'Operation Warp Speed" to discover the vaccine. The President knew something.

/v/politics viewpost?postid=60f1cbaba7e02

genius 1 point 2.8 years ago

This is ridiculous. I've always hated emoji's. This proves my point.

/v/WTF viewpost?postid=60f1fa0448060

genius 2 points 2.8 years ago

I think variety is great but I find it hard to locate the subs I'm interested in. The only way I'm aware of is looking at 'explore voat' where there's hundreds of subs. Any tips on finding subs more easily?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60f1cdd3a567c

genius 2 points 2.8 years ago

As I recall the 'pandemic' started under Trump. Trump instituted the initial lock-down and the vaccine was developed under Trump. Hell, he wants the vaccine named after him. Also, the 'pandemic' started before the election. OP, what am I missing?

/v/politics viewpost?postid=60f1cbaba7e02

genius 0 points 2.8 years ago

I'm not aware that the govn't was giving "incentives". If so, then I'm against incentives. If you check FB's TOS, you must follow their rules. I'm not defending FB or the govn't. These are facts. Sorry, I misspoke, Private companies cannot practice "racism/bias". We may not agree as to what's racism...that's why there are courts. I'm not even American. Perhaps I have a more open mind due to my emotional distance.

/v/USPolitics viewpost?postid=60f0b60b1e489

genius -1 points 2.9 years ago

This is all up to Facebook. It's a privately owned platform and can dictate what's on or off it. Besides, Facebook sucks and has done so for many years. It really offers nothing of interest/intelligence.

/v/USPolitics viewpost?postid=60f0b60b1e489

genius -4 points 2.9 years ago

They are saying to get vaccinated not only to avoid Covid but, if you do get Covid while vaccinated, you won't get that sick and won't have to be hospitalized. Take it or leave it.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=60ed6f506c52c

genius 0 points 2.9 years ago

I don't think this asshole defended what he did, they said he resigned. I guess no one remembers you don't have to show kids how to masturbate...they figure it out themselves.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60ead7792b519

genius 10 points 2.9 years ago

...and Donald Trump was sucking Bibi's dick. How soon we forget.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=60e306083ca7c

genius 0 points 2.9 years ago

The Brave browser comes with a VPN. There are 3 or 4 free VPN's you can download from the web store.

/v/technology viewpost?postid=60e21840322ed

genius -1 points 2.9 years ago

You do know Kirsty Allen is a Scientologist. Therefore, IMO, her opinion is worthless. Besides, who the fuck is she? Please, not the best source for info.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60e0e025c2993

genius 1 point 2.9 years ago

I think your first problem wasn't with 'the system' but rather your mother. Your second problem was the women you decided to have a child with. As for everything else, 'The system' sucks big time. Even 'the system' (courts, foster care, etc.) knows it's fucked. Seems no one knows how to make it better. It's all very complicated and depressing.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=60e06e4b1d85a

genius 0 points 2.9 years ago

I think it's aimed at the parents who are into toys.

/v/WTF viewpost?postid=60de725e9d82f

genius 0 points 2.9 years ago

I went the caption on the original post. Who Knows?

/v/WTF viewpost?postid=60dfb0c82143e

genius 0 points 2.9 years ago

This is a writer whose name I forget. She's a lesbian so probably not into make-up and shit. I forget her age but she's no spring chicken.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60df115180cc6

genius 0 points 2.9 years ago

They're not specific to Barbie. They're miniature...good for any doll/whatever. Sold on Etsy.

/v/WTF viewpost?postid=60de725e9d82f

genius 1 point 2.9 years ago

IMO, Trump was more of a Zionist than Biden. Trump and BB were pals.

/v/basedblacks viewpost?postid=60da312e20cad

genius 1 point 2.9 years ago

Actually, this is just the beginning. Pulling that gauze out probably hurt like hell. Now they have to insert/wear a dildo-like thing in the new, doctor-created, hole. Apparently, this is very painful but if they don't the hole will close.

/v/WTF viewpost?postid=60d3996e2ee4e

genius 9 points 2.9 years ago

Why would anyone even consider anything on Facebook (or Twitter, Tictok, etc)?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60d7bc0d0aa39