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Member for: 1.3 years

scp: 61 (+68/-7)
ccp: 347 (+355/-8)
votes given: 5186 (+5086/-100)
score: 408


GAY-o-u accusing others of being control freaks. That's rich.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=662a392dbdc2b

fuck, that's devastating

/v/AI viewpost?postid=6620657b390a4

anrach 6 points 2 weeks ago*

It's not about that and you know it. Leaving aside that capitalization isn't a part of grammar, it's about the subliminal respect associated with capitalized words and names. Capitalizing is a kind of sanctification—a positive connotation. I refuse to pay them that courtesy.

It's retarded to think that has any affect on whether they're recognized as invaders or not. We don't capitalize 'niggers' or 'parasite' unless at the start of sentence, do we?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=661ae5d53b40c

mental gymnastics worthy of a jew—well done

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=661ae5d53b40c

Please don't capitalize 'jews', I consider that a micro-aggression.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=661ae5d53b40c

anrach 1 point 2 weeks ago

The veteran/milkman's name was (((Hiram))) and of course the article shoe-horns in a mention of concentration camps.

I'll pass on this jew sympathy piece.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=661a95630d750

that's a funny way of spelling 'niggerman'

/v/videos viewpost?postid=66180820dd1d4

All that weeb shit and no Grave of the Fireflies? What's wrong with you?

/v/MoviesWithGoats viewpost?postid=6617172d9a1ef

Can't say I have an all-time favourite, but some recommendations:

Gattaca (even though I'm pro-eugenics)
The Ninth Gate (even though I take a dim view of desert religions)
Brotherhood of the Wolf (French language, awesome mix of action flick and period mystery)
The Day The Earth Caught Fire

More recently, 'The Northman' was quite good.

Bonus movie: No One Lives (not-so-serious horror flick with an oddly likeable serial killer)

/v/MoviesWithGoats viewpost?postid=6617172d9a1ef

Rest easy man. It's good that you approach this on your own terms and with eyes open.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=6615e550e658f

Don't think so; those eyes are quite dark and look at the shape of the corners (slightly chinky). Looks hapa to me.

/v/WhiteBeauty viewpost?postid=660b9b79e19cb

anrach 1 point 4 weeks ago

Of course, the interlopers are happy to see a handsome White man with a mixed-race baby.

/v/WhiteBeauty viewpost?postid=660b9b79e19cb

anrach 1 point 1 month ago

thanks, had a good wheeze-level laugh from that

/v/UpgoatDev viewpost?postid=6605a37ebf883

Because organic chemistry allows for far more complexity than inorganic. Without knowing where the sufficiency of complexity begins, biology is the better bet.

/v/technology viewpost?postid=65fbd0d5a268a

'Effectiveness' of computing doesn't necessarily have any bearing on consciousness. The real key to consciousness is the capacity for sensation (evolved into a sophisticated form over time), and more likely has to do with the variety of potential configurations and reactions with organic molecules (carbon in particular enabling many relatively stable long-chain molecules). I don't think AI can be conscious until it's constructed/interfaced with biological systems.

/v/technology viewpost?postid=65fbd0d5a268a

anrach 1 point 1 month ago

They're also hand-picked due to their fragility, which means there's an increased risk of hepatitis contamination if being imported from some brownoid country (or from a producer with brownoid workforce).

/v/RIP viewpost?postid=65f9791a7acf4

Except that Gates is partially responsible for Africa's population growth, as his foundation has been a major supplier of anti-malarials and mosquito nets. I don't think the clot-shot is going to offset the huge decline in death from malaria to any significant degree.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65f26a7a007c3

anrach 0 points 2 months ago

most of it, you're still gonna get some trace pharmaceuticals though

/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=65cf0c977c281

anrach 6 points 2 months ago

The nig-tales song always gets me...

/v/funny viewpost?postid=65cd64b90f5ff

anrach 0 points 2 months ago

Cool man, hope to see more updates as you progress.

/v/gaming viewpost?postid=65bcb96547374