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Member for: 2.0 years

scp: 0 (+0/-0)
ccp: 102 (+107/-5)
votes given: 336 (+336/-0)
score: 102


Vote locally, push for localism as much as possible as a precursor to (and hopefully an alternative to) secession. But prepare to vote from the tree line. Something that's not illegal currently but can help later is making lists of people in your area from politicians, DAs, NGO personnel who are causing "problems."

/v/Trump viewpost?postid=66370ef9dcc27

I'm certainly not defending the bill, but reading the text I didn't see anything that makes it illegal outside of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, so it probably limits schools and businesses which are already limited by The Civil Rights Act (unfortunately). An individual is still free to say whatever they want. If I missed something, let me know please.

/v/introductions viewpost?postid=6636f0ca8d0bd

Agreed. Sometimes you have to support the legality of things you find repulsive to not get screwed over later. I've only though of the non-actual-child-based CP should be legal angle from the "don't give glowies ways to get you by installing things on your computer" angle, not the anything obscene is illegal angle, but, having heard it, I expect that's exactly why they're doing it.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=663655a0d2682

Women vote for judges and laws which hamstring men from protecting their society. Why should men fight for roastie women or a decaying society which will punish them if they hurt a protected class while trying to stop a crime?

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=66246dce802a4

Everything the elites don't like is a crime unless you win or force them to negotiate.

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=6624c1d38fe0d

When I was joggin' in Memphis. Joggin' around looking for shit to steal.

/v/news viewpost?postid=662497ca94b04

I mean they stood down the ATF, who was the one that initially called for a ceasefire after FAFO. The Davidians were too kind and let them live. It's basically impossible to fight a government which can keep sending more agents if you're in a fixed location and have a known identity. One can still use guns to take out agents and flee or, better, pick the time and place of engagement and kill politicians and agents of the state. Gun are far from useless; people are just too comfortable to use them while they still hold out hope that there's either a political solution or some neo-Trump / neo-Hitler will save them.

/v/FightingBackAgainstTheNWO viewpost?postid=6622e2607bbc7

Exactly. You either write off your son entirely and stop paying for him / consider him dead, or you go to the wall for him and leave a trail of blood until you're killed, thrown in jail, or flee the country within him.

/v/TransgenderAgenda viewpost?postid=6581495a6535f

VoatGoat 1 point 9 months ago

Also https://gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/137/390/781/playable/42cb41588e6ee7ca.mp4

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64e79efeb2560

VoatGoat 2 points 10 months ago

AirBnB was taken down by Air-TNB.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=649f2e14084e5

VoatGoat 0 points 1.2 years ago

LOL @ “what’s wrong!” Hmmmm. Make an educated guess.

/v/darwinawards viewpost?postid=63fcf4f139a34

VoatGoat 2 points 1.2 years ago

We know you're deracinated and have no culture, goy. Unfortunately that means we can't appeal to racial or cultural solidarity to get you to die for ZOG. Instead we'll appeal to capeshit. Maximum overclown.

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=63f91465c1c5b

VoatGoat 0 points 1.3 years ago

Monero is better than Bitcoin for privacy and other coins like ETH and SOL are better for cheap transactions. I still own a fair amount of Bitcoin, but I'm not a Bitcoin maximalist.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=63d766a7ad2fc

VoatGoat 0 points 1.3 years ago

If there's no electricity, people will be using barter in which case bullets, booze, cigs, and food will be the new currency for the day-to-day with PMs only for large purchases.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=63d766a7ad2fc

VoatGoat 0 points 1.3 years ago

I bought some but I just rode it out, it was only bad for a day or so.

/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=63d4dbb960c8c

1. Government wouldn't close the borders but demanded people mask and take vaccines.
2. Government closed gyms and small stores, but Wal-Mart and liquor stores remained open.
3. Monetary incentives to lie.
4. Alternative information shut down.
5. Multiple instances of deaths which weren't from COVID being called COVID deaths.
6. No pile of dead bodies in the streets, no anyone I knew knew anyone who died of COVID.
7. Flu magically disappears.
8. Media which makes up shit like Russia Gate has a new thing to push.
9. Government involvement at all, especially one which hates White people.
10. Big pharma + MRNA + original antigenic sin
11. Dancing nurses
12. Tractor Supply locking up Ivermectin behind a glass case
13. Always do the opposite of what rich/media Jews want

I "guessed" right, wow what a mystery this is.

Also Clott sucks at epistemology, no one who wasn't directly involved in this pandemic "knew" one way or the other (e.g. had interaction with reality such that if they didn't have that interaction they would not believe in the counterfactual), luckily we have these things called percentages to model one's uncertainty of a situation. Using my priors and new information, I was able to adjust the my mental model into being almost entirely certain COVID was bullshit and so was the vax.

I saw the videos in China and said to myself "this could be bad." I bought some extra groceries so I wouldn't have to go out for a while. No one within 2 degrees of separation from me died, the government acted all dumb regarding flights from China, the R-Naught said to me it'd be endemic if it couldn't be controlled in the first few weeks, etc. Within two weeks it was a nothing burger. Also I've had COVID twice, it sucked (especially the first time), but wasn't space Ebola.

/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=63d4dbb960c8c

VoatGoat 0 points 1.3 years ago

People need ways to loosely coordinate lines in the sand so they can do cell-based operations without a central command structure.

/v/TheGunClub viewpost?postid=63ce255e3a045

VoatGoat 1 point 1.3 years ago

I thought Netflix was founded by Reed Hastings - who is also a nose.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=63ce67f0a8229

VoatGoat 0 points 1.3 years ago

It's half retarded, half accurate. The government is still somewhat hesitant to pull the shit that Europe does, but American males have been neutered. There are more than enough guns in this country to make the area ungovernable, but no will to use them.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=63ce29bce5432

VoatGoat 0 points 1.3 years ago


/v/news viewpost?postid=63cdb897b84c4

VoatGoat 3 points 1.3 years ago

Demons in bed, nuts in the head.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=63ce294fbac10

VoatGoat 4 points 1.3 years ago

He realized the church was behind him.

/v/UpliftingNews viewpost?postid=63cb1c9013324

VoatGoat 0 points 1.4 years ago

So Disney Land isn’t … magic soil?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=63b08abe2bbc8

VoatGoat 2 points 1.4 years ago

They would've been able to kill more if they hadn't spent so much on holocoasters and masturbation machines.

/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=63aea2767c9d0

VoatGoat 1 point 1.4 years ago

Doctors and lawyers become marine biologists.

/v/WorldNews viewpost?postid=6399e780b89b5