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Film grain effect and degraded color, muh arrrrt is a lie.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=661e1fb84be02

They're being charged as adults, where's their pictures?

/v/RIP viewpost?postid=661924ebe9281

Not the parents of the dead or disabled (or any really) volunteer military recruits that joined for the financial incentive of GI Bill instead of going into debt for school.

The fake lie of debt set up their kids to die/be maimed/waste 4 years of life for nothing. Could have taken out the fake loans and just been forgiven now, and alive or not blown to bits or lost 4 years of their life if they avoided getting fucked up.

If they are forgiving student loans, they should be paying cash money to the GI Bill folks that paid with their service.

/v/news viewpost?postid=66190b31a807a

Dark projectionist failing into the Blackness.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=661914409ee5b

Nigger = anyone that chimps out for name calling.

Not due to, but "for". As in, finally I can attack someone, this is my excuse!

Fucking trash.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=661748aa2bdd6

"Tips" given [i]before[/i] service is received are not tips.

That's ransom.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=6617000381d38

His name was Trinidad Ledesma.

Now you don't know what to think, do you Ese?

"SURPRISE POLICE DEPARTMENT!" Did they yell that, would it matter, I mean that is hilarious.

/v/news viewpost?postid=661551461ae40

You understand that many, many, many people are evil? There are people that would do just the things you describe to cause you pain on purpose. That is reason enough. They like lying and they like fucking you over.

/v/AskGoats viewpost?postid=6611ffe7bdfdf

I dunno about the veracity of that. Kinda looked like the Fabulous Freebirds jumping Ole Anderson.

/v/Eurovasion viewpost?postid=6610afba936e6

Nicolae Miu (X'er not a boomer)
Isaac Schuman
Apple River

/v/Boomers viewpost?postid=661009d009ca7

Knives are everywhere. What confrontation is worth the risk? Not wise.

/v/Boomers viewpost?postid=661009d009ca7

Count Floyd

/v/RIP viewpost?postid=660d45ad9ac68

Everyone is looking for a villian to denegrate and attack righteously. Base of that is self-loathing. Is being amplified for herding political wedge.

/v/AskGoats viewpost?postid=66042b0944e19

Or failure to have hail mitigation installed?

/v/Weather viewpost?postid=66042e84a852a

All she had to do was say... "And you do, royal subject?"

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66032e3f3f0aa

What U mean? Ukrainian Cap'n for the ulto plot twist.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66032cef45cc6

They updated the article with the nationality of the Cap'n. Not pajeet... Its darker than that.

/v/news viewpost?postid=6602fef8168ce

...Pocohantus... or Truganini...
So indigenous.

/v/FightingBackAgainstTheNWO viewpost?postid=65f46b8e75970

They're confusing MAGA with MAGMA. The red color may be what has them concerned.

/v/USPolitics viewpost?postid=65f38a7f07b76