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Member for: 3 years

scp: 6813 (+6973/-160)
ccp: 28396 (+32286/-3890)
votes given: 24651 (+20761/-3890)
score: 35209


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I disagree with master foo’s tactics. But I really dont like these sort of posts.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6558f19ae14ee

That was it! Couldn’t remember who was in it. Thanks.

/v/Church viewpost?postid=65583037b5102

I think there was a movie about this.

/v/Church viewpost?postid=65583037b5102

You think there are no lesbians that really dig pussy and were never heterosexual? You are wrong. Many lesbians are fake, i.e. they just go off men and settle for the alternative. But there are definitely real lesbians.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6557f3d72f069

>If these are the people that decide the fate of our republic.

Who? Men?

/v/AnonTalk viewpost?postid=6557e4ae08545

Lesbians are crazy too. You think all lesbians are into lovng relationships? You can’t have known many lesbos.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6557f3d72f069

Then block me, you fragile cock. Then you can slurp on dangus’ dick some more without having to hear me comment on it.

/v/tellupgoat_based_edition viewpost?postid=654bb61f430e8

She doesnt look that jewy, tbh. She looks italian or some sort of southern european. Sorry but some of these perverts are ours.

I always want to see what these kids look like. Are they “mature” looking for their age? Because, dang, a typical 11 year old does not seem even remotely attractive. What the fuck is matter with this woman?

/v/PedosExposed viewpost?postid=6554e2d812a6a

>dog alive by his side

Because he was delicious. My dog would def eat me after a couple of days.

/v/RIP viewpost?postid=6554b1e95a115

Everyone does not “wake up” at the same time. I was a sleeping normie until a few years ago. Lots of people were racially aware before me. Theres lots of factors that control when people are able to wake up and face the truth. Alot of it is just lack of awareness because of censorship. I thank the jews for driving me off the main stream social platforms and into the arms of voat.

Guys like TS think that since everyone else didnt wake up in the same year they did, that they cant wake up. Thats silly. Everyone can be ideologically moved. People fall on a line of continuum regarding how hard or easy they are to move to the right. We need to stop throwing tantrums and feeling sorry for ourselves because everyone hasnt arrived to our ideology yet. People are like sheep and we need to focus on moving the flock which absolutely can be moved.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65540b8327981

>She was probably under the impression it would be like a Sunday hike in her backyard.

She probably wasnt. She probably knew there would be dead bodies. She certainly knew it wouldnt be like a Sunday hike in her backyard. Do you need to resort to hyperbole ?

>She got upset when she saw dead bodies sliding by: she’s obviously retarded!

The bf was shitting his pants too, he was just making slightly less noise.

Theres no way Im ever going to be confronted with dead bodies rolling by me and not express some upset, regardless of what my boyfriend informs me (apparently this is my only means of accessing information about the world) . I scream when I see a dead animal in the road. But I dont stop steering the car and fall to pieces. I expect to see a dead animal now and then. But I still scream.

I mean, what are you trying to argue? That women care more about people dying tragically than men? Okay you win. One day you will die and they will put you into the ground in a box and hopefully some woman will cry her eyes out over you and make a big fuss, and I dont see a lot of objection to that behavior round these parts. You want women to be less compassionate and more like men?

In all these antifemale posts, you guys are either angry at women for being like women, or youre angry at women for being too much like men. I think it’s fickle and unreasonable.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65540b8327981

Part of the reason “no one will do anything” is *him* and people like him. Retards can rise up if they are properly inspired. Blackpilling does the opposite.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65540b8327981

>So yeah, you could say I've, "hiked", a bit.

Target *destroyed*!

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65540b8327981

I also “freak out” when I see dead bodies rolling by me. Silly me.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65540b8327981

Your brain cannot process reality so you request aid from any nearby beer. Youre talking pretty loud from your sofa. But I guess thats instinctive.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65540b8327981

They shoehorn holohoax into the plot of every show. I was watching “the Strain” the other day, a show about vampires. But they cant just be vampires, oh no. They have to be *nazi* vampires, and we are all going to saved by a holohoax survivor vampire hunter. Yay.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6554696b3e56c


What do I win?

They are bending over backward to call it a freak accident. Lol. Niggers and whites dont belong in the same sports. They cant control their impulsiveness.

/v/GuessTheRace viewpost?postid=6554c9463ec37

I dont agree. It targetted the people that produce the most, whom they stood to gain from the most by subjugating. That was white men. Other groups only stood to gain form the redistribution, at least in the short term. You dont think this a personal attack on white men? Turn on a TV sometime.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=6550d98cdc686

Gee your such a sourpuss lately ! Hahahaha!

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=6550d98cdc686

Yay Im famous! Thx for the shout out. Nice work as always.

/v/newz viewpost?postid=6550a28312f96

And then, ages hence, when looking back on the disaster they turned the west into, they will say, “why did white people ruin their beautiful society?”

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=654f383567dd9