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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 6813 (+6973/-160)
ccp: 28396 (+32286/-3890)
votes given: 24651 (+20761/-3890)
score: 35209


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>the point is that jews are parasites and ultimately destroy the society on which they [s]vegetate[/s] vampirize.


/v/Jews viewpost?postid=654f383567dd9

The econmic term is ‘rent seeking’. They produce nothing useful for society. They are just gypsies with high IQs

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=654f383567dd9

Another great report from behind enemy lines.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=654f89441c933

>If she was smart then why did this cunt mask and vax during the covid hoax?

Wheres this coming from? Oh yeah YOUR ASS. Wheres “Helena is a Brazilian Nigger” coming from? You are a histrionic liar. So funny, gheyjames demanding *sources*. 🤪

/v/flatearth viewpost?postid=654bb4e729bda

Red states are totally safe though. Hahaha.

When I was a kid, Jersey was a relatively conservative state and it was 90% white.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=654f1ec7d3142

No, Im a person who took alot of college level physics, including 2 semesters of astrophysics. I also took alot of math but never claimed to be a mathematician either. The fact that you dont understand why a student would be taking both a physics and math heavy course load reveals volumes about YOU. Biotechs are the basic bitches of the science world. Haha.

The insecurity is strictly on your part. You are the one that was thirsty enough to pick at my vaguely sciencey comment to nukeamerica and claim it was pseudointellectualism. You’re salty because I have a stronger background than you in math and physics. Maybe theres dudes here that can bury me in those subjects, but it ain’t you. Of that I am highly confident.

But go on about how I’m “changing my story” or that Im insecure. I know you’ll never challenge me on math or physics cuz you dont know any.

Remember when you tried to argue that I couldnt have studied advanced math because I had too many typos in my responses and mathematicians are too careful to make spelling and grammar mistakes? Haha that was a good one. Can’t wait for the next NPD nugget!

/v/flatearth viewpost?postid=654bb4e729bda

Says the guy who admits he’s 25% jewish.

/v/flatearth viewpost?postid=654bb4e729bda

Virtual whore? Internet whore? Onlyfans hooker? Self penetrating click whore? Click hooker? I really like the word hooker. Its kind of comedic.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=654be072b1962

Translation: the person who actually passed 2 semesters of astrophysics doesnt have a good level of understanding of planetary motion but the bio slut with 2 semesters of calculus does.


/v/flatearth viewpost?postid=654bb4e729bda

This is the most pseudointellectualism Ive eve seen in one place. Account suspended for arrogantly discussing your comprehension of 3D objects.

/v/flatearth viewpost?postid=654bb4e729bda

Translation: “I find it inconvenient that you patrolled my ass after I termed any casual demonstration of physics concepts ‘pseudointellectualism’ “

/v/flatearth viewpost?postid=654bb4e729bda

Did you accidentally respond to me instead of @nukeamerica ?

/v/tellupgoat_based_edition viewpost?postid=654bb61f430e8

Hey dangus, get this pseudointellectual nonsense!

/v/flatearth viewpost?postid=654bb4e729bda

Hey why you trying to get all pseudointellectual on us?

/v/flatearth viewpost?postid=654bb4e729bda

Hey I don’t know much about all your homo sex positions, Im just saying he’s going to shut you down.

/v/tellupgoat_based_edition viewpost?postid=654bb61f430e8

Ooo doubling down. Fascinating. More npd.exe please.

/v/tellupgoat_based_edition viewpost?postid=654bb61f430e8

Niggers owe us. Not the other way around. They sponge off us and we arent around they live like Haiti. Truthfully even haiti sponges off white intelligence and labor. Virtually every black is a burden to some white person somewhere.

/v/WhitePeopleThings viewpost?postid=654c2a6380d4e

Youre just jealous he turned you down at the circle jerk.

/v/AskGoats viewpost?postid=654c144608eac

>I know gaydrag much better than you do.

He’s not gay. He’s never going to be into you. Just sayin.

/v/tellupgoat_based_edition viewpost?postid=654bb61f430e8