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Member for: 1.6 years

scp: 590 (+642/-52)
ccp: 3711 (+4110/-399)
votes given: 375 (+287/-88)
score: 4301


You’re right, I guess to sell it to me is what I really meant. And I don’t mean the theatrics the Chinese put on in the beginning with people dropping in the streets on camera, they stopped doing that after they got buy in by the mass media. I’m talking Stephen King “The Stand” bodies dropping, then I might believe it.

/v/tellupgoat_based_edition viewpost?postid=6615aa07ec54e

They’re going to need bodies in the streets to sell the next pandemic show.

/v/tellupgoat_based_edition viewpost?postid=6615aa07ec54e

A fun time could be had by throwing this back in their faces and claim that not being anti-semetic is anti-semitism. Throw some lefty logic at them and claim this California plan flies into the face of reason, by encouraging people not to be anti-Semitic it is creating more anti-semetism. So people need to get out and show how much they oppose anti-semetism by being as anti-semetic as possible. It’s for the common good!

/v/Israel viewpost?postid=66141f8b43667

Exactly buddy but we gotta be smarter and faster.

/v/anything viewpost?postid=659c801921c52

I’m trying to invent new tests for identifying AI, the whooohoo guy was good, but AI learns fast.

/v/anything viewpost?postid=659b09014c9ff

Virtual rape doesn’t exist, just by the very definition of the word “virtual” it didn’t happen. We are getting into thought crime territory. My thoughts about my 9th grade English teacher would have put me away for decades, she was beautiful.

/v/TalkPropagatesTheEnemysMessage viewpost?postid=65994214301c4

Stay strong brother, accept the constructive criticism, continue on.

/v/SmedleysPorch viewpost?postid=659c71b46c9e0

Yeah but that’s the best I can afford, I liked it, isn’t that all that matters?

/v/SmedleysPorch viewpost?postid=659c71b46c9e0

No, there is merit to this comment, a well equipped studio could clean this up. But really? Is that necessary, I love the original sound and am tired of the polished music.

/v/SmedleysPorch viewpost?postid=659c71b46c9e0

I liked it too, very calm and relaxing.

/v/SmedleysPorch viewpost?postid=659c71b46c9e0

This is where you are wrong and definitely a zogbot or an AI generated fabrication. The spirit that built this country still exists. Crash the economy, take away our electricity, take away everything we have. Guess what? We’ll just go outside to this beautiful country and build it again. I’ll be carrying a copy of the constitution and share it. Warn them about the money changers. The only thing that has value is your family and the land.

/v/PepperidgeFarmRemembers viewpost?postid=659c278c4f60c

Or, now stay with me here, they have figured out how to muddy the waters and confuse us all. The geniuses who wrote the constitution saw this shit coming. America is going to have a 3rd revolution and the powers that hopefully will prevail will fix the mistakes of the civil war and follow the constitution again. I carry a copy, I believe in it more than anything I’ve ever heard, be it Bible, Koran, or stupid shit some nut has decided to invent (Torah followers.) the us constitution really made the evil doers of the world angry. Nothing like this had ever been said.

/v/PepperidgeFarmRemembers viewpost?postid=659c278c4f60c

Most people are on to the fact that blm/antifa are paid actors for violence. Now the new flavor is hamas supporters. Must be election season. I hate the democrat party and the depths they will sink to just to stay in power. I know money is the root of all evil. But in the words of a stupid idiot, drunk and high off his ass: “can’t we all just get along?”

/v/FightingBackAgainstTheNWO viewpost?postid=659c3c3fc1249

Wait, what? It always gets cold this time of year. Remember when we all stopped dieing of the flu and started dieing of Covid 19? (Followed very quickly by the alleged vaccine?)

/v/Weather viewpost?postid=659bc2518635d

The fire bombing was devastating and killed a lot of people, way more than those two atom bombs. But the us army air force avoided attacking those cities (and a few more alternates) just for the purpose of measuring the destruction and damage those boys could do. Hiroshima was a perfect geographical target, a contained bowl that could be measured. The results of these studies keep the Indians/Pakistanis from unleashing this form of hell on each other. It’s smarter and much cheaper to sit around a table, point fingers and be angry, maybe kill a few of their soldiers a few times. That’s way better than what the US did to the Japanese.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=659b3ccd3b4d8

The first thing a politician learns once they are handed the reigns of power is just how dangerous the 2nd amendment is to them. So of course every single one whines/whinges about it. That 2nd amendment is the second best amendment. Protecting that first one.

/v/PepperidgeFarmRemembers viewpost?postid=659c278c4f60c

I’m not a consumer of adult content but that is so hot! I hope her father is nearby looking angry.

/v/Women viewpost?postid=659b7a3236fdc

Yep scrape off the top soil and dump it on an island in the pacific, no problem.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=659b3ccd3b4d8

Nothing seems to be honest in this world. I may have to give this Jesus guy a 2nd look but that Bible is full of crap. Yes I read it, but holy jesus this is garbage. But that guy, well now I got to reevaluate my position. Jesus spoke a lot of sense.

/v/Christian viewpost?postid=659b4ba67937e

I like you fake and gay guys but I have flown over the Nevada test sites. I’ve seen the destruction, how the earth is so unbelievably damaged. That shits real. You go google earth it and see it for yourself.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=659b3ccd3b4d8

That was done once (twice) in 1945 as we rushed those weapons to the pacific before the japs capitulated. The weapon had to be tested. Thankfully the Japanese valor/stubborness played into our hands. (Let’s not talk about Roosevelt and how he provoked those dirty Asians into a war.)

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=659b3ccd3b4d8

Sometimes it’s the same lesson I learned with cats. You just have to hold out your finger, let them smell it, they may or may not accept you, if they nuzzle your finger, you are in, then you can scratch their furry heads all you like.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=659a86069cc2f

Yeah, no I got to play around with these guys and their weapons. Those weapons are real and those guys are serious. I pray to Jesus they are never unleashed.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=659b3ccd3b4d8

I don’t want to come across as condescending here but when Daisy my German shepherd gets her dander up and rushes outside to express her opinion loudly, little Momo is right behind her barking up a storm (well her storm she’s so tiny.)

(Yes, for you strict dog trainers out there Daisy shouldn’t do that. I used to do the hardcore dog training. I made my dog sleep in her kennel at night and follow my every command, you can train dogs like that. I got tired of it. She’s not weapon, she’s a companion. She is welcome to sneak on the bed and snuggle. She can get angry at the slightest noise that makes her want to defend her house. She still looks to me for guidance, most of the time I’m just laughing. I don’t let her bark more than one or two barks because it will bother my neighbors but a butterfly landing on a tree is a huge threat in her eyes. But the training it takes to make her act only on my permission is cruel, that’s only done to police dogs and guard dogs. Daisy is my little puppy, I keep her at a level of authority that keeps her and my neighbors safe.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=659a86069cc2f

Haha that’s funny, my wife knits/crochets, I am drowning in afghans. Me and that little chihuahua/pomeranian mix are cozy and warm on cold nights. I swore never to clean up that little shits shits. However I did learn her communication and figured out when she wanted to go out side, it’s subtle but I usually can read it. My German shepherd is not subtle, I know exactly when she wants outside.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=659a86069cc2f