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Member for: 1.5 years

scp: 61 (+65/-4)
ccp: 179 (+210/-31)
votes given: 77 (+57/-20)
score: 240

2nd Baby Crying a Lot     (whatever)

submitted by PORTforceOne to whatever 6 months ago



You guys have any remedies? I have a newborn that is crying a tonne, his doctor calls it 'colic' but that is just like saying 'yea he is crying a lot'.

The little dude is absolutely screaming, like he is in pain. It is making my wife cry and feel like a failure.

He is breastfed and we eat extremely healthy, we eat mostly our own food supplemented with neighbours meat.

He is most miserable after eating, we thought he had gas so we burp him a lot but it's so hard because he is crying so much. Guy is 3wks old and can lift his head up for 5 minutes from his stomach because he arches all day everyday crying.

We've tried a couple store bought 'gas drops' which really have done nothing.
synagogue vs catholic church child abuse rates     (Jews)

submitted by PORTforceOne to Jews 1.1 years ago


I remember seeing someone post the stats on jew rabbis raping more kids than catholic priests, anyone got the info? trying to prove something to a friend.
Just Outright Bought Property for Homesteading     (whatever)

submitted by PORTforceOne to whatever 1.1 years ago


Fuck yeah, finally no jew mortgage and out of this God forsaken city.

Any good resources here other than /v/homesteading ?

Got my first baby on the way, got a wife that loves plants and farming.

I have no family history with farming but I've worked with animals for years. Ducks and chickens are the main plan but will probably end up with a cow eventually.

Excited to rid my mind of nigger fatigue and start building a stone wall (quarry on property)

Schizo post.
Worst President of all Time?     (politics)

submitted by PORTforceOne to politics 1.2 years ago


I'd go with Abe, he literally is the reason black america exists as it is today
Not sure if you guys realize that blumen guy is a massive pedophile     (killallpedophiles)

submitted by PORTforceOne to killallpedophiles 1.4 years ago