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You ever just say "I don't know" and gauge a reaction.      (Discussion)

submitted by OriginalGoat to Discussion 1.3 years ago


I had a kidney malfunction and went to get it looked at.
"you have your vaccines?" "no."
"Oh, why not?"
"I don't know anything about it, I'm not a scientist."
"It was made by scientists."
"I don't know them either."

"you think the world is flat?"
"I don't know I've never left north America. I mean, I doubt it but I don't actually know."

"was the moon landing fake?"
"I don't know. I wasnt there, nor alive at the time."

"who's responsible for 9/11."
Bought my wife an 08 Jetta and my father-in-law asked me why a VW?      (whatever)

submitted by OriginalGoat to whatever 1.3 years ago


I told him "if it's good enough for mein Führer it's good enough for my girl."

...nobody liked that
A 2022 Christmas Retrospective      (whatever)

submitted by OriginalGoat to whatever 1.4 years ago


It's the day after Christmas and I'm feeling relaxed. My children and wife are all happy and everyone seems pleased with how the day went down. I'm feeling full of a Christmas dinner prepped and cooked by my Mother-in-law, exquisite cooking from an exquisite lady. Even myself, who's confined myself to living vicariously through the joy of others on this fine celebration of the birth of our Lord received a surprise pair of spring-loaded Klein pliers under the tree. Life is good.

Although, one cannot rest. Not today, not ever. While my kids enjoy the time off off with their sleds and puzzles, my wife has taken to cleaning the house... I dwell. This year has been the most concerning year of my life... Have I grown wiser, or, has the enemy grown more brazen? Maybe we've always resided under the boot of tyrants but only now can I feel the weight of the foot against my back. With great haste, I worry. Have I made the proper preparations? To defend my family in this time of great dilemma? Defend them from the faggots, kikes, niggers, street-shitters, camel-jockeys and empowered women that have taken residence as a cancer on our once great society? Does my memory deceive me? Has our society always been a duplicitous wretch but only now, after years of mold growing beneath the floorboards and in the walls is the house falling apart? Is the very structure that I was raised within making me ill with her rotten air?

Christmas tradition is that of a celebration of Christ. To hear people speak of a "new Christmas tradition" is surely a glorification of kikes exploiting Christians for monetary gain. That's why you have the classic old movies and then a bunch of kike-infected noise. That's it. Noise. Noise. Noise.

Observations this year? The kike holiday was more prevalent then ever. Normalized. I saw more octokike-candelabras this year then my whole life combined. Although, I also felt more connected to people this year then ever before. Racial awareness is making a comeback in a big way. Women are regretting ever leaving the homelife. I see my empowered female friends of old, depressed without children and watching their attractive youth from the rearview of their lives: Regret. I hear people openly talk about niggers and jews regularly now, a sign of a shifting time. My skies are full of chemicals. My food is fresh.

I don't know what the future holds Goats, I wish I did but I do know one thing is almost guaranteed: This is likely the last year we can openly convene in a space like this and although it brings me great sadness to imagine a world without you faggots... It brings me hope to see our influence spreading into the open air. This year, I expect each and every one of you to work even more diligently against the tyrannical machine that's steamrolling our culture and trying to abscond our community. If we can reconnect next Christmas, if our space isn't completely crippled, I expect the callouses on your hands to be thicker, your families to be bigger and your shoulders to broader.

Merry Christmas Faggots. Happy New Year. Those of you that actually work for a better future and don't just sit behind a keyboard crying about a broken present... We'll walk together.

TIL That I may not in fact be anti-semitic, according to the Arrow Cross party of Hungary     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by OriginalGoat to whatever 1.4 years ago


This doll is retarded     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by OriginalGoat to Retarded 1.4 years ago


A spic, a faggot and a nigger go on a faggots podcast to discuss a kike shill. Conservatism 2022     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by OriginalGoat to Retarded 1.5 years ago


An election arises, brings faggots in droves.      (whatever)

submitted by OriginalGoat to whatever 1.5 years ago


Voat is usually such a peaceful place. Dial gay, niggers nigging, kikes kiking... Just some of the internets finest getting together... But like a reformed alcoholic caving into a drinking binge and an election brings all republican "vote your way out of tyranny" retards.

"Omg they're stealing another one."

"If we only go red we'll be saved from the blue meanies."

Listen here, you braindead news eaters. There is nothing an election has ever accomplished for you, it's an illusion of choice,a coercion into fabricated discourse. Musk didn't buy Twitter to be a hero, he bought it because they're going to shift the controlled narrative back to the right enough to satiate the retards, shift the elections right to make the left mad a little.

Stop pretending this election, or any, has ever mattered in your lifetime. It wasn't better when you were younger you were just stupid. It's not worse now, it's just different levels of stupid.
Another example of whitewashing/excuse making - CBS     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by OriginalGoat to whatever 1.6 years ago


I'm a little to dumb to solve the problem.      (whatever)

submitted by OriginalGoat to whatever 1.6 years ago


I can see the problem, I see it everyday... Another tent pops up in my hometown, another meth-junkie moves into the street, more niggers, more faggots and misguided women, deluded boys that think they're girls being embraced by fagwashed parents.

I'm doing roadwork in my hometown, downtown in a city... The cops do wellness checks on people smoking meth on the sidewalk and entrances to buildings but don't charge them or arrest them. I watched a guy wearing construction gear get arrested and have his vehicle impounded on his way home yesterday presumably for a DUI. The laws are being cherry-picked.

Niggers are portrayed in every aspect of the media. Every clothing model, every new form of entertainment, every normal person listens to nigger music that was produced by kikes. It's illegal to buy handguns in Canada, illegal to question kikes, illegal to be proud to be white... Fuck its illegal to have a fucking dumbwaiter in your house for fucks sake.

Everyone thinks Trudeau is the problem, as if a politician has ever dialed back oppressive laws against working whites. Even people who think they're awake believe they can vote their way out of tyranny, as if both sides aren't just playing to their strengths to drive this ship into the ocean floor.

Here lies the conundrum. I have kids and am having more, a good wife, I work hard despite this inbred society hating my existence. I can see the problem. It grows everyday, yesterday there were maybe 3 niggers in the whole school, now the minority is the majority but getting minority treatment.

The media paints people who understand the problem as racist, bigots and everyone just nods in approval. The brains of the people are off. Everyday I don't struggle but when I think about the big picture the battle seems insurmountable and the only logical course of action is to leave... But that's essentially declaring defeat.

I don't want to not participate in society, society is what white people created because we thrive in a functioning society. These kikes are using niggers and faggots to push us out of our own creation.

Stupid glowies that pretend mass shooting and petty crime are the answer will obviously try and incite violence but beyond the dumb kikes lurking... What do you goats do? Declare defeat, surrender society and assesses your losses in the woods?

I'm just not smart enough to fix this.
Circling the drain. (just rambling on a Sunday morning)_     (whatever)

submitted by OriginalGoat to whatever 1.7 years ago


We're all gathered here to share our experience with one another as we watch society swirling around the toilet toward its inevitable demise. Sometimes we pretend that it would never happen to us but most of us know that not only will it but also that it already is happening to us. Our old neighbourhoods, friends, relatives, economy, intellectual property and even our memories have been perverted and manipulated. We can see the writing on the wall and with every passing day another nigger robs, another kike subverts, a spic rapes and a sand nigger fucks a goat... Our culture and with it our existence is being whittled away by our enemies. A generation bred to be pansies has taken it upon themselves to make our very existence the antagonist in their story without realizing that their actions are that of a true antagonist. They cry about erasure while they tear down our statues, deny qualified white people jobs to give the nigger another gimme while they cry about racism, complain that women can't physically do the same work as men so we're stuck building their roads, picking up their trash and building the penthouse apartments they crawl into to distance themselves from us. It's fucked up. These yuppy-ass faggots go to university and throw on a suit, clamber into a chair in an office at a city hall (that we built) and start making rules that we have to follow in the city that we built.

My hands hurt everyday, I can barely stand on my feet when the day is done but I get to go home and spend time with my kids (one more on the way!) just to come onto Voat and see that another nigger was pardoned for rape, another kike got a taxpayer funded buyout or that Ukraine is getting another trillion dollars. I look at my paycheque and see the 35%+ taxes taken off to fund programs that I'll never be qualified for because I actually work and I'm white. I drive past the meth-addled scumbags with shopping carts full of stolen goods, stolen from people that work everyday and see the cops do nothing. I see cops pulling over hardworking people but leaving the street niggers to peddle, rob and assault.

We all sit and say it won't happen in our backyard but then it happens and what do we do about it? We have more kids. We teach those kids that they are right to hate the world for what it's become and to change it. We butcher our own meat, grow our vegetables and support our wife so she can stay home with the kids all day. We turn off our fucking televisions and go to work everyday and occasionally, we get a chance to talk to someone that hates niggers as much as we do. We take care of ourselves but our circle shrinks. An argument from Christmas severs the family, Bobby becomes Luna, Sharon divorces her husband and abandons her children to go be a degenerate pussy-eating whore... The things that are normal today are repulsive. We live in a society that's hellbent on caving in to every little fucking vice... Something that used to be considered a flaw is being embraced like a symbol of uniqueness. Mental illness paraded around like it's a real thing, providing excuses for people act like fucking retards instead of having the adversity to overcome faggotry.

Have more kids, take care of your wife and family. Turn off your TV and then wake up tomorrow and do it all over again. What else is there? My paycheque shrinks, my freedoms diminish, my family fractures further every year... Just go to work, have dinner with my family, maybe drink a cider, do some repairs on the house and do it all over again tomorrow.
Reading that Biden is pressuring the FBI to drum up white supremacist cases to validate his speech.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by OriginalGoat to whatever 1.7 years ago


Women on the jobsite     (whatever)

submitted by OriginalGoat to whatever 1.8 years ago


We're repairing a watermain, widening the road etc...

The inspector from the engineering firm that designed the project is a woman.

I've never seen a woman wearing a hard hat or safety vest outside of the calendar my dad had in our garage when I was young.

This lonely, thirsty slut "engineer" is wearing cutoff jean booty shorts, a low-cut shirt. Bringing everyone Gatorade and basking in the attention she's getting. Everyone crowds around her and talks for an hour instead of the usual work that we do.

The day drags and they wasted so much time we're working late. I overhear her on the phone talking to her kid telling them to make their siblings Mac n Cheese for dinner blah blah be home late sweetie.

Men are so weak now. This bitch should be at home, now we're all working late because men just want to thirst after any slut. It's not cute, or novel... We're fucking laying pipe, it's shit work.

Women on a jobsite is a fucking oxymoron. Her family is fucked, our jobsite is fucked and all so she can play dress-up for the attention she's been raised to crave.

Fucks to give     (whatever)

submitted by OriginalGoat to whatever 1.8 years ago


Giving fucks is like a currency. If you're always giving a fuck to everyone then you've devalued your fucks.

Save your fucks and only give them to people who deserve them. If you argue with every 2bit liberal shill then your fucks are less valuable than if you discuss with an intellectual individual.

Most people are incapable of change, they deserve no fucks.

Keep your fucks close and save them. You only start your day with limited amount of fucks. Don't waste them on shitty drivers, retarded coworkers and dumb niggers at the gas station. Save them for your friends, family and hatred of the kikes.

Don't devalue your fucks on low value beings unless you want to wallow at their level.
My Grandmother in-law gave me a candle.      (whatever)

submitted by OriginalGoat to whatever 1.9 years ago


She travelled to Israel in the 90s. She's a Christian cuck, jew-sympathizing "conservative" CNN butt-chugging cunt.

She bought a candle, it had a backstory, she proudly displayed it in her China cabinet with its little plaque.

She is moving and made a big ordeal of gifting this lump of Jew wax to me and I made a big deal of putting it in the middle of the dining room table and lighting it during dinner.

Mother in-law thought it was fucking hilarious, I thought it was hilarious, Grandma refused to eat and left.

I made a comment     (whatever)

submitted by OriginalGoat to whatever 2 years ago


A white kid in my neighbourhood was having an argument with a black kid and his ethnic group of pals. The white kids dad came out and screamed at his son to go in the house and the black kid started making fun of him for listening to his dad and how he needs to do what his daddy says. I told the crowd "At least he has a dad right?"

The other white people in the crowd were offended, the kids turned on me. Only my wife laughed about it. Wtf is wrong with people, yeah I'm a racist sure, but I wasn't even wrong, my neighbor came up to me later and was like... "his dad ditched him and moved back to the islands that was harsh."

It was true.. Not harsh and I didn't have to know him to know he didn't have a dad.
My grandfather tried to educate me.      (whatever)

submitted by OriginalGoat to whatever 2 years ago


We were driving to the shop (he owned a backhoe company) and there was a bunch of black kids playing basketball.

"I hate basketball" I said to him. "That's a negro sport Goat. You should hate it." He responded. "We aren't supposed to say negro grandpa." I explained that we learned about this in school recently. "Your school is wrong, we aren't supposed to call them niggers anymore." He said. "Well, why can't we? We're not supposed to swear but we still do it." I inquired.

"Because you can't actually get in trouble for swearing, it's just inappropriate and a sign of being brought up wrong. Remember the apartment building I just sold? I sold it because the neighborhood was filling up with negroes and I told a woman I wouldn't be renting to her or her nigger child. They sued me for discriminating against them. For not wanting someone who was brought up wrong living in my apartment. So, that's why we can't say nigger, not because it's wrong but because they'll sue you. Nobody will sue you for saying fuck."

This story stuck with me but unfortunately my grandpa died when I was a stupid faggot who thought he was terrible for being a racist.

My family took his money gladly after he passed but constantly belittle his "stubborn and backwards" mentality. Man was a legend and I can't help but wonder what he would think about things now, would he still be based?

RIP Grandpa
The creation of the end     (whatever)

submitted by OriginalGoat to whatever 2 years ago


Let's a trip back in time together, not a long trip, let's just go back 2 years or so. I was working as a butcher in a slaughterhouse, back-breaking labour but the skills were rewarding and the pay was okay. In Canada, making about 50k annually and my wife was at home taking care of the kids. Not rich, couldn't afford the extras in life but everything was good regardless and I was starting up a side company in furniture restoration. Covid shut the plant down, all 30 employees were laid off indefinitely.

Fast-forward to today. I'm working in construction, making 86k a year and the wife has taken up a temporary job as an accounting clerk. Household income of 110k but less money going into the bank. When I made 50k I took home 45k after tax, baby bonus was 20k a year because of our young family size. That's 65k a year into the bank. We make 110k a year, baby bonus is cancelled, we lose 40k a year in taxes and 70k goes into the bank.

There isn't a strong argument for people who say that this kind of thing is okay. The whole "tax the rich" mentality that's pushed by kikes and hollered by niggers translates to "bleed the workers." You aren't allowed to get more honestly anymore and I care less about niggers, kikes, abortion, Putin, Musk or anything than I care about bleeding our government, trimming the fat, gutting the tyrants in charge and freeing my family from this abusive torture chamber of slavery they've trapped us in.

We have to kill these tyrants and put their heads on pikes a hundred meters in the air for all to see.
Finished Garden Box pics with some answers to questions     (Woodworking)

submitted by OriginalGoat to Woodworking 2 years ago


First off, thanks to the Goat who suggested I run a circular saw through my mitres to clean them up it worked great. Also, this is a garden box for my daughter to learn to grow with, it's not for anything spectacular I just want her to keep a small garden practice with.

I lined it with felt garden liner so that the roots can breathe. I just put some weather proof finish on it.

Garden box I'm working on     (Woodworking)

submitted by OriginalGoat to Woodworking 2 years ago



Never built one. Ran the top through the planer but still have to attach it. Will update with pics when it's complete.
Finally, some real news     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by OriginalGoat to whatever 2.2 years ago


Just another day     (whatever)

submitted by OriginalGoat to whatever 2.2 years ago


I've turned off the news, cut all my filters off, commit kill on my diplomacy... Life has never been better. I know there are some of you out there like me, a polite person in the streets and an awake racist in the sheets. I'm here to tell you it's better to be honest.

After covid died overnight and everyone immediately just jumped on the train to Ukraine I'll admit, I gave up. I started telling people at work that I don't want to listen to their nigger music and they put on something else. When people try to talk to me about Russia and Ukraine I just tell them I'm not interested in talking about a kike war and they laugh and usually say "true".

People are going down a track and they are actually receptive to people who aren't on it. My life is good, my friends even laugh about stupid niggers now. Life is good.
You faggots know any search engines that don't suck fucking ass?      (AskUpgoat)

submitted by OriginalGoat to AskUpgoat 2.2 years ago


Search engines are just fucking sales machines now.
If you could be any animal what would you be?      (AskGoats)

submitted by OriginalGoat to AskGoats 2.3 years ago


It'd be cool to be a bird. You could shit on kikes. Like a fucking albatross. Dumping on kikes from the heavens.
You can vote your way into socialism but you have to shoot your way out.      (whatever)

submitted by OriginalGoat to whatever 2.3 years ago


I respect most people on this site but I have a confession to make - I'm not really a soldier like most of you. In the growing scope of getting people to wake up I would consider myself an alarm clock, albeit most people require a metric fuckton of breadcrumbs before they start waking up I've found some things. First of all, ranting is only effective in the later stages of waking somebody up, otherwise, the effect is actually negative. Secondly, the magical dirt theory, if presented at the right time is the most effective tool in getting people to think but alas, I'm not writing this post to explain my strategies to help people arrive at a critical thinking destination - I'm writing this to voice my concerns about a singular topic.

I've found that the easiest thing to get people to align with is the concept that lazy people are the worst parts of society and those that do nothing cost the most. Next up is actually niggers, people are generally pretty open to the fact that niggers ruin good things - magical dirt theory really proves this without a lot of room for contention. The final step (albeit slow and tedious to getting here) is convincing people that the kikes manipulate the niggers to create discourse while the kikes subvert society and backdoor degeneracy into everyday life through controlling the media, public education, debt and politics. That's tough but most people that get to niggers eventually make it to kikes.

Again, not my struggle. I've studied economics at a college level and I always thought that basic economics were generally indisputable and therefore a great place to get people to start asking questions. The most basic form of treason against economics is rent control. I shouldn't have to explain this to everyone here but the only way to keep rent reasonable is to have a free marketplace on rentals, rent control is the governments way of purchasing votes from naïve voters who want something good right now. The most important thing with rent control is that when it's implemented it's hot potatoes. Rent as many places as you can get your filthy little hands on when rent control is implemented because in 10 years you'll be a fucking sultan. You see, rent control absolutely abolishes the balance between supply and demand and suddenly taking in tenants is extremely dangerous because if you get shitty tenants you're stuck with them for maybe years. If you charge too low of rent today then you're renting at a loss tomorrow because tenant rights makes eviction extremely tedious and expensive. So, housing crisis emerges on the coattails of rent-control and everyone believes that more government is the answer. I see it everyday, people say "the government needs to step in and get these greedy landlords under control" but they're missing the actual picture because it's not painted in black and white.

The concept of rent-control destroying the housing market and creating a housing disaster is not one that comes with an A causes B explanation. It's A coupled with B, C and D over time will cause absolute poverty for anyone who's not rich. So, it's a hard concept for people to grasp that with rent-control comes less granny suites because tenants aren't worth the hassle, locked-in low rates stops people from moving out of units that are too big for them because smaller units cost more due to the "new market" being too small for the demand because people hang onto their old units and then the final and worst aspect of rent-control... The rich know what rent-control means, so they'll take advantage by doing what I said earlier and renting themselves up a large amount of units at the start of rent-control and just have them cause in 10 years they'll cost nothing. Landlords will stop renovating units because the rent can't change anyway, they'll choose to allow a building to fall into disrepair so they can evict everyone and then renovate the entire building and re-rent it with much higher rents. All of this combined leads to an insane housing crisis that's all caused by rent-control.

It's this exact reason why you can vote your way into socialism but you have to shoot your way out. I don't want to admit to too much cause I'm sure that you all already believe I'm a faggot but I wasn't actually that extreme before I took economics. It was learning how absolutely uninformed society is that lead me to where I am today but I'm facing difficulties. To wake people up to the lazy, means that people have to not be lazy and if they're not lazy there's a good chance they're already there. Wake people up to niggers? Simple if they're already there. Same with kikes but much more eventual and gradual.

To start the process generally requires some education and I've found myself running into brickwall after brickwall trying to educate people on the dangers of socialism. I learned about the magical dirt theory from voat and it's paid dividends but only for people that are starting to wake up. I truly believe that economics is the best way to get people started but need a better approach.

Thanks for your time faggots.
The only German word I know is nein. This kike name is funny.      (a.pomf.cat)

submitted by OriginalGoat to funny 2.3 years ago