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Member for: 2.1 years

scp: 149 (+160/-11)
ccp: 636 (+652/-16)
votes given: 127 (+102/-25)
score: 785


Well did you see his bean wife? i’d probably jump to my death too if I was working 18 hour days to support that with no way out.

/v/RIP viewpost?postid=651e9f261c282

Just what I was thinking. White people are too compassionate for their own good.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=651b93cbbdbf5

Not that I recommend it, but there’s frameworks out there like React Native and Electron that allow you to basically bundle a web app and have it run natively. I also believe there’s something similar with the Microsoft ecosystem, but I can’t remember off the top of my head.

Obviously writing native code for an application will be more performant, but sometimes it makes sense to just bundle an application as a web app inside a stripped down web browser.

/v/news viewpost?postid=65136faae815b

I have a feeling that they enforce immigration rules more on whites.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6511aa407277a

Don’t talk about these things on the internet. This is a personal secret between you and the Lord.

/v/news viewpost?postid=65003ae70aa15

I quit antidepressants about 2 months ago. It’s been rough, but my anger levels and intrusive thoughts of violence are a fraction of what they used to be.

Unfortunately got put on the stuff while I went through rehab for alcoholism as part of the program (oh the irony) when I was 19. For some reason the gay jew doctor that put me on them put me on 1.5x the max recommended dose.

I would not wish this stuff on my worst enemy.

I am still in recovery from being dependent on this crap but my life and mental clarity has improved immensely since I quit. Many who I’ve spoken to say this stuff takes years to bounce back from so I’m just holding on to hope.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64fb044ddfa39

Just don’t be a faggot. If you get sick, drink lots of water and sleep until you’re better. Stop buying into the kosher lie that you need drugs to treat illness. Only drug you maybe need are antibiotics, and that’s even overprescribed. If you get sick and it doesn’t go away, maybe consider antibiotics for a short while.

/v/AskVoat viewpost?postid=64e22a6046935

I wonder if this is some combination of AI and variable replacement.

Like you could theoretically write a book about “Terrible wildfires in (California city), California in (current year)” and wait until it happens and do a quick find and replace on your variables, have AI write a couple paragraphs based on the news reports to make it more relevant, and publish the book just in time to collect your sheckles and push your fear mongering propaganda.

It’s still pretty suspicious, but this may be how it was done.

That or someone had knowledge that this was going to happen.

/v/conspiracy viewpost?postid=64dccbd5e5972

The writing has been on the wall for decades. The government of Hawaii is incompetent, corrupt, and tyrannical.

They locked Americans out of their state for not having proof of vaccination or a PCR test.

They had a false alarm that warned of a nuclear attack. When they investigated, they found that some shmuck was able to press a button and set the whole island into a panic.

They charge you exorbitant fees to get rid of your car, so people abandon their cars in the road.

The locals sit and whine all day about how evil the white man is.

I could go on, but honestly if you’re living in a shithole like this place, it’s not like you couldn’t see the writing on the wall from a mile away.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=64db9ddad702a

The stock market should be a free market. It shouldn’t be relied upon as a bank account for granny’s retirement plan. The whole point of a market is to communicate large amounts of information summarized as signals. If you suppress people from adding their input to the signal you end up with biased data. The whole thing about “pattern day trading” and “oh the market is closed now because the price is going too crazy” goes directly against the intent and purpose of a free market: to readily communicate information quickly.

Now there should probably be some sort of restrictions on insider trading, but I even question the merit of that, as insider trading can still add price signals and communicate that something is changing with the value of the good in question.

We as a society have got to stop making concessions to whiney losers. It’s one of the main issues that I believe is causing the decline of Western Society. We pander and do backflips to make sure that [disadvantaged whiney loser] doesn’t feel too bad about losing. It’s self destructive and has to stop.

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=64db7b9024237

I hate all of the LGBT lighting they put in computers these days.

/v/Computers viewpost?postid=64d945ca1e228

I really doubt that the number of scientific publications in that period has gone up by 13,650%. And if it has, that’s probably also worth investigating. Productivity levels don’t tend to go up that quickly.

/v/science viewpost?postid=64d6303d57ec2

Weird that they’re not canceling the debts too. If they really wanted to show support, they should not take money from these bigots!

/v/WorldNews viewpost?postid=64d662ff58d6a

Yeah this one works too, until you run across a site thats completely rendered with some soy javascript framework that stores all of the content in some abomination of a JavaScript object.

/v/LyingNewsMedia viewpost?postid=64d3885f14340

Normies don’t know how to get rid of a paywall? I guess these are the same people that look at ads on the internet so I’m not surprised.

1. try 12ft.io
2. try archive.org or archive.today
3. try removing all popup elements and overlays in developer tools of the browser by inspecting them, right clicking on their dom node, click “delete element”
3A. set the css property on the body element of the HTML dom to “overflow: scroll !important;”

3. works since The web devs at most news companies still will display the article in the page, they just overlay with popups. They’re getting wiser now. They are honestly potato brained.

/v/LyingNewsMedia viewpost?postid=64d3885f14340

Government: “Men are women, women are men, humans shouldn’t own any property it should belong to the state, humans are going to kill themselves and the planet with cow farts and fire, defund the police, we need more immigrants if we want to survive.”
Wojack: “wow the government really is crazy. How can anyone trust what they say?”
Government: “We landed on the moon, but we lost the video tapes of a lot of it but we did do it with a computer less powerful than a nokia cell phone from the 90s, and yeah most of the moon rocks have been identified as rocks from earth, but it was such a great achievement to land on the moon!”
Wojack: “Wow it’s so amazing that our government could land on the moon!”

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=64d07628cf1bd

And preferably run Linux. Bonus points for no SystemD. Extra bonus points for running FreeBSD.

/v/TIL viewpost?postid=64b537617dc3c

As much as they worry about the implications of AI, it’s pretty funny that they all get together to figure out how to make it lie so no ones feelings get hurt.

I feel like they had to sit down behind closed doors and have a conversation like this:

“You know this machine can make inferences from enormous datasets and summarize statistical patterns millions of times faster than humans.

This is great, except there’s one problem.

It’s going to be able to figure out that Jews control the entire MEEPAC and almost all world governments and readily tell people.

We can’t have that happen, so let’s just train it to lie”

These people are just smart enough to be dangerous, but too dumb to not fall on the sword that they sharpened. Good luck to all humanity.

/v/BigBadTech viewpost?postid=64af3186e3c21

Well if you want to wake people up to the true evils of the world you have to start somewhere. Rap music is a decent place to start. If you just go around yelling about jews most normies will automatically discard anything you say. The holocaust programming is strong, and is designed to make people’s brains shut down when they hear anything that is “anti-semetic”

Assuming normies can be even saved or deprogrammed at all. I have hope though.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=649d938da0fbb

Don’t give up. Keep training your body. Do push ups, sit ups, crunches, squats, hit the gym. Learn to shoot a gun. Get your cardio in shape. Do something for other like minded people to make them stronger. Read your history, connect with your ancestors, find more whites to give a helping hand. Try to limit your time acquiring sheckles and acquire real wealth. Spend your fake sheckles at local farms and buy directly from white farmers. Learn to grow your own food. Start prepping for what is to come. I know shit is getting bad out there, but we don’t have time to sit and mope. Spend every second of your waking day being better and better. Stay out of trouble and keep your head low. Only fight if absolutely necessary or if you’re absolutely prepared.

We will make it through this. The mental game is the hardest part.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=6488fe8a8fb88

Where’s the reparations? Oh yeah I forgot the muzzies won’t be paying anything since they’re not weak little spineless cucks that are subverted by jews.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=647796c59599e

If you have a subscription to Netflix you should cancel right away. Don’t watch jeweywood propaganda. If you really have to watch torrent it. Don’t give money to your enemies.

/v/Jokes viewpost?postid=6467edfc47fab