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I started to read an article from the Smithsonian about the Spartans. A few paragraphs in something seemed (((off))). Sure enough...     (www.smithsonianmag.com)

submitted by Metanoid to whatever 7 months ago


Right off the bat he is basically saying that everything we've ever learned about the Spartans is falso, they were weak and cowardly etc. He makes some off handed remark that the movie 300 is responsible for their reputation (I knew all about this a good 20 years before the movie) so I decided to skip to the bottom to see who the author was. Myke Cole. Funny spelling. Thought I would take a look at ye olde Early Life.

It never fucking fails... I'll save you the trouble of checking his Wiki.

Early life
Cole is of Jewish heritage and grew up outside New York City where his father was a professor at New York City College.
Jordan Peterson calling out Clown World... literally     (youtu.be)

submitted by Metanoid to whatever 9 months ago


Say what you want about the guy, but he's calling shit out. Just watched this, thought I would share.
A Tiny Apelike Humanoid May Still Be Living in Plain Sight, Scientist Says     (www.popularmechanics.com)

submitted by Metanoid to whatever 1.2 years ago


Content of article was not what I was expecting to see.
Merry Christmas Niggerfaggots     (whatever)

submitted by Metanoid to whatever 1.4 years ago


Eat and be merry. Tonight spare the normies and commies in the spirit of giving and forgiveness.

God bless you bastards.
Something odd just happened to my Youtube account     (whatever)

submitted by Metanoid to whatever 1.7 years ago


So I wanted to subscribe a channel that I thought warranted further watching. When I clicked subscribe it prompted me to log in. I was a little surprised but this is a new computer I built a couple weeks ago so I figured I must not have logged into Youtube yet. I log in and it tells me that my account has been permanantly suspended (message in french "Votre compte a été définitivement désactivé.").

I can't for the life of me figure out why this is, I never post videos and hardly ever comment, and when I do, I'm relatively tame. I do however watch and like pretty much everything from here. I subscribe a lot as well.

Anyhow, so I send a form request as to why I'm deactivated and get a quick reply back (like 5 minutes later) that they have no record of me having an account on my email address. Meanwhile, I'm still able to look at the history of my watched videos and there are a couple of subscriptions working still so I start looking into my history to see whats up. Thats when I notice my history goes back to last week, then to 2015. Everything in between is gone.

There is one more thing. About a week or so ago, I noticed that when I would open a video on my phone, at the same time as the video would play, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer would play at the same time. At first just one stream, then multiple slightly offset streams. Yesterday it started playing Rudolph as well as some other music I didn't recognize as well as the video I wanted to play. I'm wondering if I didn't get some kind of malware that got me booted.

Anyone have similar experiences, or suggestions?
His name is Ricky Walter Shiffer.      (whatever)

submitted by Metanoid to whatever 1.7 years ago


His name is Ricky Walter Shiffer. He was at the Capitol on Jan. 6.
Duckman on comedy - This show nailed it before the problem got to where it is.     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by Metanoid to whatever 2 years ago


Livestream UN Security council convened by Russia about Bio Weapons Labs in Ukraine     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by Metanoid to whatever 2.1 years ago


Anyone else watching?
Why family is our greatest asset and a major target of Globohomo     (www.intellectualtakeout.org)

submitted by Metanoid to whatever 2.2 years ago


Jordan Peterson: I never thought he would fuck up so bad     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by Metanoid to whatever 2.2 years ago


Think what you want about Peterson, if nothing else, he is rational and well spoken.

For what its worth.
Facebook had a huge selloff over the weekend. I think something big is going on there.     (finance.yahoo.com)

submitted by Metanoid to whatever 2.6 years ago


Looks like the outage is due to something known about ahead of time. What do you all think?
I've been going to this site for some time ever since I read a good article about dealing with temper tantrums. I've noticed the articles being more and more jewed. Today's article: How to fuck up your marriage and be cucked, because thats what a healthy marriage is like..     (www.fatherly.com)

submitted by Metanoid to whatever 2.6 years ago


Been trying to find out if the author is a Jew because it smells like it. Her nose is pretty big, but I haven't been able to find a profile shot. Still, she sets my jewdar off hard.
I knew this sounded familiar. The aussie Gov has called this the New World Order before, just a couple months ago.     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by Metanoid to whatever 2.7 years ago


They are putting it in your face. Time to stand up folks. They think they have won.

Watch full video.
My pronoun is Master and you will address me as such     (twitter.com)

submitted by Metanoid to whatever 2.7 years ago


I've been against the whole pronoun thing from the beginning, but from now on, when anyone asks what my pronouns are or insists I use theirs, I will insist on them using my pronoun: Master.

Thank you based christian iranian dad.

This is a repost, something went wrong with the link in the first post
Yesterday's harvest     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Metanoid to Gardening 2.7 years ago


Most of what I planted this year had poor yields but my tomatoes are kicking butt. This is my 3rd haul in 2 weeks and I should probably do another in a couple days. Thats about 6 lbs right there. The small orange ones are an heirloom variety called golden something or other and are sweet. The others are some kind of beefheart variety from seeds I took from the best tomato I'd ever had. All the seeds from that one germinated I ended up giving a lot of the seedlings away. Oh yeah... and they're delicious. Planted as many as I could and its paying off.
Goats, I'm pissed, Tonight Macron announced they are going to make life hell for anyone who refuses the Vaccine.     (whatever)

submitted by Metanoid to whatever 2.8 years ago


I'm not sure what to say or do at this point. I know a lot of people are pissed because I'm already gettin the messages, but I have no idea how shit is going to play out. Starting in september you wont be able to go to the supermarket if you aren't vaccinated or have a PCR test that is less than 48 hours old. They've decided to go full fuck your life up if you don't comply on us.

Any advice?
Does anyone have anything regarding the Oera Linda book? Does anyone have an opinion on it?     (whatever)

submitted by Metanoid to whatever 2.8 years ago


I first heard about this about a year ago via Asha Logos and was immediately captivated. I just finished reading it a few days ago and am even more so. I've been trying to do additional research on it, but as good as I am about digging up hard to find information, I'm really having a hard time with this one.

Any links to anything having to do with it would be appreciated.

Any opinions regarding the contents or authenticity are as well.

Something about this book rings so true that I have trouble believing it to be a forgery.

I want to learn more, I want to discuss.

What you got goats?
I stand corrected: Voltaire never said To know who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticise     (oll.libertyfund.org)

submitted by Metanoid to whatever 2.8 years ago



He had a LOT to say about the Jews. The link shared here is to an uncensored version of Voltaire's Philosophical Dictionary, specifically the section containing his chapter on the jewish people.

As far as the quote goes, after extensive research I have determined that it was originally made by Kevin Alfred Strom, the details of which are available online. The misquote was first propogated by an as of yet unidentified entity (that is to say I haven't identified the source) during the Dieudonné affair and trial in 2014, which is probably where I got the quote since I followed that closely. It was again shared in 2015 by an Australian Senator named Cory Bernardi and was spread pretty widely.
Baaaah     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Metanoid to whatever 2.9 years ago


Belgian Rambo still on the loose, now a folk hero to far right extremists according to news     (www.wsj.com)

submitted by Metanoid to whatever 2.9 years ago


French language article calling him a Right wing icon (there are others similarly worded)

Checked my stats and saw this     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Metanoid to whatever 3 years ago


English Translation of Second French Army letter to the nation     (whatever)

submitted by Metanoid to whatever 3 years ago


Note that I translated this as quickly as I could. I have not reread yet as I am short on time.

From source:


Reply to the Call of the Thousand Soldiers

Judging that the house of France is in peril, twenty general officers of the second section and more than one thousand retired or reservist soldiers have sent a call to the halls of government.

Here is, without any spirit of controversy, the personal opinion of a group of citizens who hold in common that they have served as officers for a long period of their lives in one of the three armies. It is on these grounds that they share a worry concerning the present and the future of France that sooner or later they will pass on to their descendants.
In doing so, none of them are claiming to represent the opinion of active duty military nor do they suggest any type of commitment on their behalf, they who are dedicated to actively serving and often so at the peril of their lives, their nation considered as a whole.

"The times are serious, France is in peril, many mortal dangers threaten her."
"Also, those who lead our country must imperatively find the necessary bravery to eradicate these dangers. To do so, it usually suffices to apply the laws that already exist without weakness. Do not forget that, as with us, a large majority of our fellow citizens are fed up with your shiftiness and guilty silence."

These soldiers have recognized something that we can only share in general terms but appears more questionable when we come to the specific points of danger.
As to the solution to eradicate the great peril, it appears that this is only a pious wish.
In all actuality when we want to heal an injury it is best to distinguish the symptoms from the root of the problem itself and in doing so, separate the palliative treatment as doctors say from the curative treatment. They are complimentary. The first without the second does nothing and, more often than not, the second is inhumane without help from the first.

It is in this approach that our disagreement lies for if we share the definition of these dangers they appear to us as merely symptoms of a deeper problem the root of which we would do well to attack if we wish for France to survive. Is it not deluded to ask those who are administering the poison, most likely knowingly and sincerely, to kindly change syringes and administer the antidote?

The large majority of the political class of our country served by a parlemnt that is more than secular has been for decades perverted by high finance who holds the pursestrings and powers over big media and thus decides who will or will not be elected, served in this task by all kinds of organizations that are amongst others the Bilderberg Group, Davos Institute, CRIF (French ADL) and brotherhoods.

This political classe that Jean Pierre Chevenement (Ex Minister of the Interieur and Presidential Candidate) while lucid had qualified as "same difference", served by an administration that is solid and deferential, is only there to execute the dictates of those who hold the true power, that is to say high finance, dictates relayed by the organization of the Europeean Community comprised of 25000 bureaucrats (the word fonctionnaire is what state employees are called, and are Public Servants and for the most part bureaucrats, the meaning here is similar to the Deep State in the US) who are elected by no one but hold the authority granted to them by the treaties.

Whether it be immigration, disintegration of the nation et the multiplying of No Go Zones, violence and hatred towards communities, the political class at the wheel only follows the map as it is dictated to them which will succeed at the destruction of the very old nation that we are, symbolic obstacle to growing globalization that must be made to disappear.

What places France in mortal peril is simply the unchecked liberalism that is etched in stone in the so called Europeean treaties that bring forth deindustrialization of the country as well as the debasement of our language, the use of globish (global english, an artificial dialect used in international business) in the media, invasive advertising and... the head of state himself, its also the destruction of the tool of nuclear energy et the self flagellating politics at the highest levels on any occasion, its also the breakdown of the national education system and public health politics, and finally it is also the surveilled house arrest of 66 million Frenchmen with obligatory wearing of the muzzle.

All of this underlines our servile alignment with anglo saxon political and military doctrine cemented by our belonging to NATO and our lost sovereignty.

Dear brothers at arms, this is what we think is our duty to answer to you.
Your message spoke properly of the Yellow Jackets. And what if that were the path that would finally allow us to attack the root of the evil all while applying the measures that you suggest for the palliative treatment that our nation urgently needs? Remember this courageous quote by former President Charles de Gaulle: "The French need a project". By no means a civil war.

Signed by.