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Member for: 2.2 years

scp: 46 (+51/-5)
ccp: 140 (+148/-8)
votes given: 16 (+11/-5)
score: 186


When I was bush hogging the feed plots at my bosses house with grass 2-3 feet tall I hit a fawn. Didn’t even know until I came to make another pass. But the thing is that baby deer are biologically programmed to do this to hide from predators since they have little to no scent. This dumb Mexican was sleeping in tall grass? And she didn’t hear a fucking tractor coming right for her? She was comatose from
Heroin. It’s likely that she was already dead from an OD.

/v/RIP viewpost?postid=64b3e957b665d

Dude tell me it’s the Shell off 985 by the Cracker Barrel

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=646560fb81c4c

Lol you think they give a fuck? The price will sawtooth back to normal levels. These pedos have unlimited fiat to pump stock. The entire market is a scam.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6448baa285a42

MelGibson 1 point 1.2 years ago

If Indians didn’t understand “owning land”, why did they war over territory?

The most likely reason is this:
Indians wanted to fuck up more Indians for better land than Manhattan so they traded with us for the technology that we had.

Look at Manhattan.. the fucking thing is sandwiched between two massive rivers leading into a bay and then an ocean. Only whites could have made full use of it with seaworthy ships.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=640248d1a2094

Some people and their room temp IQ. Biohazard means hazardous to biology. Ziohazard then in turns means harmful to zionists.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=63bd5e4d74954

They say nature abhors a vacuum…

But so does my dog!

/v/Jokes viewpost?postid=63a78b325f2ab

It depends on the native language.

For instance, to go from English to Spanish is not as hard as going from Spanish to English.

The reason being is that English has as many rules as there are rule breakers. That and there are twice as many sounds that aren’t in the Spanish language. If you are going from English to Spanish you only need to learn 3 new sounds and memorize the rules.. and the few rule breakers. Not to mention that Spanish is pronounced exactly as it is read, which speeds up memorization. English pronunciation is the Wild West.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=6397223317c30

MelGibson 1 point 1.5 years ago

I used to bang a single mom who’s husband died in a car accident like 4 years before I met her. Her parents always had the kid and she was a nurse I met in the hospital who took care of my uncle. She was pretty cool and ended it with me because I didn’t take her situation seriously.

/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=637e866e27747

It wasn’t even the titanic it was her sister ship.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6378d119d5679



Tag every hambeast that you know

/v/FatPeopleHate viewpost?postid=637276999bf2f

It doesn’t work on niggers because racism so it would be useless over here for it’s intended purpose.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=636fe75e45b18

Am I supposed to just believe you that 39 is a Fibonacci number?

/v/science viewpost?postid=63543a84d7ad0

Every time I see this her fingers get longer and longer

/v/FeminismIsCancer viewpost?postid=6350139b7a89f

Do you not have a nigger fail safe built into your design?

If they aren’t clearing the boxes than the process should stop. Is there no backlog sensor? No diverting?

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=634ba415d9ce4

This isn’t your average class. This is some commie “club” on climate change within the school that is populated by majority sand niggers. Most likely because none of the Scottish children want to bother with this so it is the only club open to be dominated by the subhuman children.

/v/MeanwhileOnTwitter viewpost?postid=6339a1f49cc31

This meme got my noggin joggin.

Niggers are still niggers, yes, but on social media they will now be referred to as mermaids. Joggers all over again. Mermaids are responsible for 56% of all violent sailor attacks despite being only 13% of the sea dwelling creatures capable of attacking sailors.

Anyone have a social media to make this happen?

/v/funny viewpost?postid=631fbf29ea406

You fuckers have never been hungry enough to understand the importance of “ugly” infrastructure.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6318269bde6ca

Fucking swamp goats man. I went ahead and put two electrified wires around mine with a 3 foot buffer which does a good job.

/v/Gardening viewpost?postid=63160fd2343e6

These woodlands can provide everything you’d ever need.

Set up feeders for deer. Set up tree stands, keep in mind the wind direction. Does the land have a water source? If it does, and your wooded acres are surrounded by farms, you probably have a sizable population of deer bedding down in your woods. Set up hog traps and bait them with fermented corn. Learn the edible mushrooms in your woods. Start an herb garden but fence it in. You’ll never have to go to the grocery store again if you don’t want to.

Get a few chest freezers. If you have the money buy a small walk in freezer so that you can hang and age game. Learn how to preserve the meat without a freezer.

If you are going to clear some of the land, leave the hardwood. There are some hardwoods that deer love. But, if I were you, I’d just bow hunt the perimeter of the land that’s already cleared. Bow hunt the neighboring farm perimeter but make sure you have permission.. don’t be a nigger.

/v/Gardening viewpost?postid=63160fd2343e6

MelGibson 1 point 1.7 years ago

If it looked like spiderwebs under the tree and in the dirt then it was definitely a fungi. It could have been an aggressive armillaria. It’s hard to tell from the pic if that’s an armillaria species but it usually grows in clusters and that’s a lone soldier so idk. The fungi is parasitical and causes root rot which looks to be the case. I’d have your other tree checked out. It might not be to late to treat the surrounding soil with good fungi and save the other tree.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=63151721895cf

MelGibson 1 point 1.7 years ago

I don’t see any fruiting of saprobes or evidence of mycelium of saprobes mushrooms. What do the mushrooms look like, or could you snap a picture of the the stem, gills and cap? There are a ton of mushrooms associated with this tree but not all of them mean the tree was dying.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=63151721895cf

MelGibson 1 point 1.7 years ago

You don’t get better skies than the Georgia mountains in the summer. This fucking air is filled with moisture thanks to Florida and the massive thunderheads along side the clouds that settle in the valleys make for some amazing color gradients.

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=6306a57ed6f13

MelGibson 1 point 1.8 years ago

I can drop the manual in my Tacoma and work on it. I can’t do that with the autos. Manuals are superior in every way because you have more control over the vehicle and you rely on other people less. What you can in performance with a 10 speed auto cancels itself out by what you can’t do in your garage.

/v/cars viewpost?postid=62f269a1ef622