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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 747 (+779/-32)
ccp: 777 (+835/-58)
votes given: 1789 (+1673/-116)
score: 1524


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This Hoffman guy had to go to extreme lengths to simp for niggers. Why?

Oh, he jumped the shark completely. 44 minutes in he says antisemitism is a legitimate problem. This guy is cucked.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=66367e25cc72b

My 22 pistol won't put down a damn possum. I don't trust it to stop a feral nigger.

/v/Guns viewpost?postid=6627f4cdc1cca

It's forbidden to even look at the stuff so they can't present the evidence in court. We just have to take ZOG's word that it was found.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66269789bd0dd

The nigger-spic cycle is worse.

/v/WTF viewpost?postid=662708c752fea

Do you expect a tyrant to give you permission to dispose of him?

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=6624c1d38fe0d

This video sucks.

Sure, Calarts sucks and the industry is overwhelmingly jewish, but people love Adventure Time and Gravity Falls. Cartoons have different expectations for story telling and long strung multi-episode narratives are rare. That they exist at all in these shows is a good thing and a significant improvement over the crap from the decade prior.

He rambles a lot about "tumblr amateurs" vs "industry professionals" which is just exchanging one kind of nepotism for another.

The video editing is also very lazy and he could use tons of examples like Adventure Time S1 vs S2 art comparisons. Or how crazy ugly a lot of the SU animation was when trash talking that show.

Thanks to how kiked the industry is, there is a small but growing renaissance of independent cartoonists, mostly on Youtube. Terminal Montage, Meat Canyon, and a few others are making amusing content that doesn't have to play by the typical industry rules.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=6627518c2a59b

They've known this would happen. Part of why they're so hellbent on using old IPs is they have to desecrate those IPs to get people to hate them. It's part of how (((hollywood))) is focused on destroying our identity and history.

Hollywood always was kiked, but the stuff they made in the 80s is comparatively based when contrasted with the dreck they put out today.

Star Wars, Star Trek, Ghostbusters... If they don't ruin these IPs then people will still keep watching the old ones. And Hollywood will keep doing it.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6616f5cc0fd7b

I'm seeing the "black girl inventor" trope a lot and it's super irritating.

/v/Comics viewpost?postid=6614e5cc1cb22

There's a lot of words that rile (((them))) up. They're trained to treat everything as antisemitic. Like when Elon asked who owned the press. They react similarly to "bankers", "hollywood" and a few others.

/v/Comics viewpost?postid=6614e5cc1cb22

The "dark ages" were a period of time where allegedly no scientific progress happened. This is because sand niggers invaded Europe and claimed all of European advancements of the time for their own "golden age". They burned European libraries and erased a lot of records.

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=6614f462a5ba0

He made a new sockpuppet because I banned him from /v/anything and he's butthurt about it.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=661035588d163

The chinks literally have the whole US wrapped around their finger. A million embedded spies, chink rootkits on 90% of computers (fortnite, League of Legends, Discord...) Yeah, shit is fucked.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=661159f7e061f

Imagine all of the shitty sympathy drying up and all international aid for israel being cut off.

/v/EconomicCollapse viewpost?postid=66117627d9cb3

Printing money can hire you a lot of hitmen.

/v/LyingNewsMedia viewpost?postid=66114ed945c8f

The logic behind this is absolutely fucked, but invaders do in fact lower crime. Niggers commit such an overwhelming amount of crime that even if spics commit twice as much crime as white people, they're still diluting the nigger stats by coming here.

"Immigrants commit less crime than average" is literally true because spics are indeed better than niggers.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=661159f7e061f

Kung_Flu 1 point 2 months ago

I picked up the encyclopedia. And it does lack the Holocaust entry.

It's so baffling because the Nuremberg trials were such a big thing right after WW2. If the holohoax was such a big deal to the kikes they'd be harping on it right away and not wait 30+ years. Unless they needed enough time for everyone to forget about it so they could get away with their big lie.

/v/anything viewpost?postid=65eb42458e389

Yes, that's how gatekeepers operate. They bring you to the gate, but they refuse to open it for you. They get a lot of extra publicity they wouldn't otherwise precisely because they won't cross that line so people are allowed into the alt-lite pasture but the gatekeepers won't take them to the real truth.

/v/anything viewpost?postid=65e1438e18cbd

*carte blanche.

Or "blank check" if you want the non-frog version.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65daf95508a80

Kung_Flu 1 point 2 months ago

You're preaching to the choir here.

/v/UpliftingNews viewpost?postid=65d9e6adb2158

Even a broken clock can be right twice a day.

/v/Gore viewpost?postid=65cdb5a4748cd

CP, probably. Too easy to spam CP behind a tor proxy.

/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=65cdd588108a6

Kung_Flu 1 point 4 months ago

Everyone loses in this conflict.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=6591f05ad51c0

Knife fights are perfectly normal for dey culchah. It's rayciss for cops to object to them.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=6591eeae42e40