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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 10832 (+11592/-760)
ccp: 7591 (+8746/-1155)
votes given: 4712 (+3141/-1571)
score: 18423


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Controlavirus, Heresy, MADNIGGERS, Diversity, Based, QDROPS, Technocracy, tinder, Wiggers, NiggersDrivingCars,
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Kozel 1 point 15 hours ago

don't be about it talk about it


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=663454e1ecf51

Kozel 1 point 15 hours ago

> 15

> pedophile

what is a dictionary?

/v/WhiteWomen viewpost?postid=66342f994f14c

Kozel 3 points 15 hours ago

you're a flag, shit the hock up

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66341146588e7

Kozel 6 points 18 hours ago

par·o·dy (păr′ə-dē)
n. pl. par·o·dies
a. A literary or artistic work that uses imitation, as of the characteristic style of an author or a work, for comic effect or ridicule.
b. A genre, as in literature, comprising such works.
2. Something so bad as to be equivalent to intentional mockery; a travesty: The trial was a parody of justice.
3. Music The practice of reworking an already established composition, especially the incorporation into the Mass of material borrowed from other works, such as motets or madrigals.


par·i·ty 1 (păr′ĭ-tē)
n. pl. par·i·ties
1. Equality, as in amount, status, or value.
2. Functional equivalence, as in the weaponry or military strength of adversaries: "A problem that has troubled the U.S.-Soviet relationship from the beginning has been the issue of parity" (Charles William Maynes).
3. The equivalent in value of a sum of money expressed in terms of a different currency at a fixed official rate of exchange.
4. Equality of prices of goods or securities in two different markets.
5. A level for farm-product prices maintained by governmental support and intended to give farmers the same purchasing power they had during a chosen base period.
6. Mathematics The even or odd quality of an integer. If two integers are both odd or both even, they are said to have the same parity; if one is odd and one even, they have different parity.
7. Abbr. P Physics
a. An intrinsic symmetry property of a physical system, such as a subatomic particle, that specifies how the system would behave if the three spatial coordinates were reversed from x, y, z to -x, -y, -z.
b. A quantum number, either +1 (even) or -1 (odd), that mathematically represents this property.
8. Computers
a. The even or odd quality of the number of 1's or 0's in a binary code, often used to determine the integrity of data especially after transmission.
b. A parity bit.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66341146588e7

buy a server and make one


how long will you last until you block tor? I give it a few days

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66338c08ec233

> i like having an entire penis

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6632f05e554ea

niburu in retrograde, moloch will feast on foreskin

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=6632a667ef225

you disagreed with me on what? The facts I've stated? go ahead, put your alternative facts.

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=662ee3a8ba9a0

I want to xyz. I have not been wanting. I want it now, that's why I'm here.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6632aaf7ac059

I don't fucking know. Its just some random bullshit that I saw when I was a kid and still remember for some dumb reason. Probably because it spends more water. If I could erase it from my memory I would.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=6632a667ef225

I saw there was a post about taylor swift. And I didn't give a shit so I didn't even look. Who fucking cares. Did you know britney spears brushes her teeth in the shower to save water?

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=6632a667ef225

Most of the time he's not talking about pedophilia, he's talking about something else and using the incorrect word to describe it.

/v/NutziHiveKickers viewpost?postid=66329714170de

The Slavs did not hold slaves when they were pagan.

The Americans had slaves when they were christian.

Just one example, there are many.

Check-mate, atheists.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=663255bad7e57

[s]2[/s] 3-5 MORE [s]weeks[/s] YEARS

/v/VaxDeathDiscussion viewpost?postid=66327e477957e


you're such a moron

you are so fucking stupid

where did I at any point say the age of consent should be lowered?

you fucking imbecile

I'm talking with a double digit iq retard



/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=662ee3a8ba9a0

the whole organization is/was a knights templar offshoot which pose a larger threat than a random kike

/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=6631f5133a57d

> threaded barrel

clutches pearls in californian

/v/Guns viewpost?postid=6631f0d084ece

try 10,000 bce https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mezine

/v/Australia viewpost?postid=6631b31722d35

> Thank God

don't you mean Allah Akbar?

/v/Islam viewpost?postid=663168bac2172

lmao you are using a children's cartoon as a basis for your world view




/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=662ee3a8ba9a0