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Member for: 3 years

scp: 4176 (+4813/-637)
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score: 11999


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Fuck you faggot:


Had to change one pixel to make this work.

/v/memesharing viewpost?postid=662de288e13b8

Welcome, you slow-learning niggerfaggotkikes:


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=662c912102642

The pith is the hottest part, which gets mostly removed when deseeding if not careful. I recall the seeds are not hot at all, but apparently they have some capsaicin in them: https://pepperscale.com/eating-pepper-seeds/

/v/Food viewpost?postid=662685319fa93

How to eat for $1 a day ... after you took the house from your husband and have a dual sink, marble countertops, a reflection of a decent-sized kitchen in the expensive microwave installed above the nice stove ... but make sure you video yourself eating on the tiny table to show you are poor.

/v/Cooking viewpost?postid=662578a4625dd

She did more in this post than you will ever do in your entire life.

/v/twitter viewpost?postid=6622fab48e4fe

I had to pick up a snot mask off my brother's front yard yesterday and toss it in the trash. Thanks jews!

/v/Monkeyshines viewpost?postid=6622ca54d33ad

While this is a two hour plus video, I suspect it is a must watch. This scenario is more important than all the niggerfaggot memes we constantly watch on this site. Watch it while drifting off to sleep at least.

/v/FightingBackAgainstTheNWO viewpost?postid=6622e2607bbc7

I am 51 and have never had a faggot nightmare.

/v/ShitpostLitterBox viewpost?postid=66230699effdb

Why worry about remembering something when I can just look it up on my mobile brain assuming I remember what I am trying to remember?

/v/America viewpost?postid=6622c8db39b33

Downloaded to watch because I figure Dang is slighyl smart.

I love chicks with violins!!1!

/v/WhiteBeauty viewpost?postid=6622a9df5cc27

How many folks are on Opera? Fucken cunts. LOL.

Video don't work on Windows browsers, mate.

/v/WhiteBeauty viewpost?postid=6622a9df5cc27

I support it depending on how done. Do you complain about being on a turnpike and paying more for travelling farther on it?

If you want to pay the extra money, do you want less lag in a video game?

This whole retarded idea (net neutrality) that everyone pays the same amount while everyone uses different amounts is stupid.

Hell, if all ISPs around the world charged per bit, that would end DDoS attacks because the proxy folks would quickly fix their shit or run out of money. Evil CloudFlare would lose all their gay customers and that stupid "wait while we verify you ..." would be done.

E: Also less real niggers commenting on the Internet. Always a plus.

/v/technology viewpost?postid=66222eba42184

I despise abused anon posts. This one is legitimate. LOL

/v/AnonTalk viewpost?postid=66221b4499620

There's no crying in cuntball. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6M8szlSa-8o


/v/AnonTalk viewpost?postid=66221b4499620

My parents used to watch that all the time. When very young, around 11:00 PM (or midnight?) The Million Dollar Movie used to come on while I was restricted to the bedroom for sleep, but I could hear this short theme all the time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtRFcc46yIY

It is now permanently embedded in my brain as happier times.

/v/VoatFmRadio viewpost?postid=662218bea4cb7

I didn't see any reference to a prominent hooked nose.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6621a13eb4da4

You are forgetting your jew holohoax lore. Any child was immediately gassed because they could not perform enough work, so I would estimate 14, so now we are up to 93 for the youngest possible.

E: I guess the jews survive (vampire) longer than us due to all the adrenochrome they get from sacrificed Christian children for blood-libel-infused Matzah bread.

/v/Rants viewpost?postid=6621f9bb12b01

What's a nigger get for his birthday? My bike.

/v/NiggerCulture viewpost?postid=6621e064f3d56

Don't know if true (although this video seems to support it), but I read both China and India agreed to disarm their border patrols and only allow them less-than-lethal melee weapons so they can clash. So bizarre.

/v/CombatFootage viewpost?postid=6621e1f2cee64

"He was a nigger, but he asked if there was anyway I could help him. I gave him a ham sandwich ..."

Did he look at you like Arnold and say, "Ayy'll be back"?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6621e59983e52

Holy cow, sir! This plane's intercom is a dating app towards the female passengers if you are Indian enough.

/v/Aircraft viewpost?postid=661dec7ac059b

"Africans, I believe, may generally lack the concepts of subjunctivity and counterfactuality. Subjunctivity is conveyed in such statements as, "What would you have done if I hadn't shown up?" This is contrary to fact because I did show up, and it is now impossible for me not to have shown up."

Haha, this is straight up "but I did have breakfast."

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=661c64e9add86