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Member for: 3 years

scp: -701 (+111/-812)
ccp: -2632 (+125/-2757)
votes given: 400 (+169/-231)
score: -3333


Very funny. You're so much better for whining about the Jews daily.

Neck yourself, you insufferable faggot.

/v/JewMedia viewpost?postid=6272412171100

If you think the two are even remotely similar, then you're a fucking idiot and you belong on Voat.

Someone needs to do the world a favor and slit OP's throat.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=62726401065b5

We know no one wants to sleep with a shrimp-dicked loser such as yourself.

It's pathetic that sorry men like yourself think they have the right to control women's bodies. People like you are a shitstain on history.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=627261a9c5274

You're a pathetic shitstain. Grow the fuck up.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62717065bca85

If you think stopping a global pandemic is even remotely similar to women having control over their bodies, then you're a fucking idiot.

[Eat shit](http://www.kinkyandwild.com/wp-content/uploads/cute-office-lady-uses-public-human-toilet-212.jpg).

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=62717065bca85

"I have not researched the issue"

So you admit you're saying stupid shit without any basis. It's almost refreshing to see some honesty on here.

/v/USPolitics viewpost?postid=627112047c116

Scraping a clump of cells isn't a "sacrifice", you superstitious hick.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6271468466b06

So you're on a site dedicated to slandering minorities and the left, and you claim Black people don't have souls?

How ironic.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=627149964c758

You're calling for bans? So much for free speech.

And Jews didn't do 9/11. If there were any facts to support it, then it would be the official narrative. Instead, only mouthbreathers like you think Jews did 9/11.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=626ff72619448

>The building 7 collapse has never been debunked.

>NIST released a model that shows

This is your brain on conservatism.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=626ff72619448

Oh wow, another Jew hating post. How original.

Are you still comparing real life to a litle girls' cartoon?


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=626faef06f539

Yes, let's believe propaganda from a site called blackinventionmyths.

white people didn't invent everything in the world, no matter how much fragile bigots believe otherwise.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=626fdef1185f4

No one with a brain is going to be "red pilled" by a white supremacist. Go suckstart a shotgun.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=626fe9da9934a

I mean, it's a terror attack that happened over 20 years ago. Do you expect people to bring it up every week or something?

>Donaldwitz/Q pretty much destroyed any hope of further mainstream discussion on this event that radically transformed our way of life

The mainstream discussion was over long before Q. No one cares about your debunked bullshit such as dancing Israelis or Larry Silverstein. Get a life and a brain.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=626ff72619448

Wow, a graph from eight years ago! That really proves OP's point!

Voaters are fucking idiots.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=626c7203d3233

So white boys are so fragile that they're going to commit mass shootings because some woman lightly criticized video games a decade ago?

And people say Gamergate isn't a hate movement.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=626c16a2851e4

So someone's jewish because they perform at a Jewish theater? What a crock of shit.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=626be145aee26

There is no "experiment." This is antivaxx propaganda. Visit the CDC for the truth about vaccines.

/v/Controlavirus viewpost?postid=626b75e62c53c

Imagine being so stupid you actually believe Russian propaganda.

Voat truly is the septic tank of the Internet.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=626bbd1a2a8ec

Says the guy named diggernicks.

Keep screeching about religion like your average brain dead Redditor.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=626b1e84b3f73

Keep telling yourself that. 33% of couples are interracial nowadays.

I bet that girl is mixed instead of white to begin with.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=626b1e84b3f73

Don't chronicle white atrocities, then. You could go on until the end of time.

Hell, look at how much we still don't know about the Holocaust.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=626b1d85c0e71

You had to post an article from five years ago to push propaganda?

You're pathetic. No wonder the right is failing.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=626b1f51b172b

Good. Fascists don't deserve to use services like eBay.

Build your own network.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=626ae51c62b39

This is slander. Delete this post, or I'll contact the authorities.

/v/AnonTalk viewpost?postid=626ab707ab625