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Member for: 3.0 years

scp: 462 (+474/-12)
ccp: 1107 (+1124/-17)
votes given: 3427 (+3192/-235)
score: 1569


"Come sit on my Rowdy Roddy Pecker!"

/v/news viewpost?postid=65b2b4e3401d6

Which 3 faggots down voted Airplane??

Anyways, I agree. Right now I'm watching a Moby Dick adaptation from the 1950s, it's really good so far.

/v/random viewpost?postid=65b0aec0d5431

Oh wow, how about that... I'm sure it's just a coincidence that they're full of lead and highly popular at the moment. Good thing I wasn't planning to spend $40 on a water bottle.

/v/GuessTheRace viewpost?postid=65b049ae9677b

The inheritance thing is true. My SIL, who is late boomer/early Gen X frequently says she's spending her kid's inheritance. She has 3 kids and 3 grandkids now (from before my brother), and the callousness of not leaving them anything astounds me. She makes great money, too. I haven't received an inheritance yet but anything I do get I'd like to invest and grow so my kids will have double what I get.

/v/Boomers viewpost?postid=65a27453bfebf

It's really painful to watch all this. I don't know much about leukemia, is there any hope for your mom? Has she stopped taking the shots at least? My parents had three before they said they were done, but then had their flu shots last fall and had the same reaction to it that they had with the COVID shots (fever, flu symptoms).

In my circle, which is extremely small, I know one girl in her 30s who got breast cancer despite being a super health nut since middle school. One uncle with lung cancer who's been getting treatment for the past year. Another uncle had a heart attack. My other uncle's wife died of thyroid cancer last week. And finally my mom's best friend died of liver cancer about 6 weeks after her son noticed she looked yellow. I don't know how my generation is faring since I deleted my Facebook years ago, but the boomer age group is really getting hit hard.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=659aa43b1f9ae

The TV scared all the old folks into getting it. My parents got the shots, despite everything I told them how it wasn't a traditional vaccine, it's never been tested. They're both in medicine so they should have understood my objections. "I have nothing to lose", my father said. Since the roll out we've lost two family members to turbo cancer (liver and thyroid).

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=659aa43b1f9ae

Fully support this idea, however my own conservative family members can't wrap their minds around the idea that genetics are determinants of behavior when I told them I was attacked by a pitbull (for the second time). They gave the tires response "don't blame the dog, blame the owner". If the glaringly obvious differences in dog breeds can be ignored, we have a steep hill to climb.

/v/QuotesToWakeWhites viewpost?postid=65985d61a5e61

Woof, 2023 must have been a rough year

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=65977494ee0ba


The Germanic pagan's sacred tree was an oak. The evergreen is a Christian symbol.

"This little tree, a young child of the forest, shall be your holy tree tonight. It is the wood of peace… It is the sign of an endless life, for its leaves are ever green. See how it points upward to heaven. Let this be called the tree of the Christ-child; gather about it, not in the wild wood, but in your own homes; there it will shelter no deeds of blood, but loving gifts and rites of kindness.” - St Boniface, originator of the Christmas tree, who legends say chopped down Thor's oak with one swing of his axe.


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6589b53f11ab1

If it's been discontinued, just go on eBay and find a used one, or two or three, of the exact model you have now.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6587e9c8c7f10

That's right. I tried to steer them away from the shots in the most articulate and sensitive way I could, but it wasn't enough. My parents live by Fox News. I read through this post and it sounds like you're in a similar situation. Now the best we can do is be there for them for however much time we have left.

/v/Health viewpost?postid=6586e810e7826

That sounds exactly like my family. It's very sad and frustrating. They think I'm paranoid.

/v/Health viewpost?postid=6586e810e7826

IMO "Jesus was black" is another attempt to discredit the whole Bible and woke and midwit Christians are falling for it.

"Jesus was actually black", therefore the early church lied about him, therefore Christians are liars. It casts doubt, and encourages one to wonder what else is a lie.

We also have these early depictions, where His skin is certainly pale or White, having straight/wavy hair and no niggardly features.

Christ Pantocrator, 6th Century
Good Shepherd, 3rd Century


/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6585aa53af9f7

"In the letter, the GOPers ~claimed~ [correctly stated that] the memorial does not honor the Confederacy, but rather celebrates American unity in the wake of the Civil War. They ~claimed~ [insisted] removing the statue would desecrate the graves of Confederate soldiers buried there, Fox News reported."

They're right, just look at the picture of the RECONCILIATION Memorial. The purpose of it is in the name? And the statue is enormous and bronze. It's not getting moved without heavy equipment and it's surrounded by graves. They probably will have to dismantle it and whoopsy, it just happened to get irreparably damaged or pieces missing.

Fuck those yankee nigger-sympathizers constantly kissing revisionist jew ass.

/v/JewCrime viewpost?postid=657f17df479c2

>Just another jew that Hitler missed

This is great, I'm going to remember this one. I really enjoy hearing old racially-aware phrases that you don't hear anymore. My grandfather, who I also didn't get to know, apparently used to say "you can't be too white". On the other side of the family, we had a grandfather who was a policeman who called what we now call a "night stick" his nigger-knocker.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=657e69d3cb71c

My guess would be negroid admixture. If you compare negroid skull shape to the Caucasian, they have wider nasal bridges which pushes their eyes farther apart. Asian and White skulls have narrower nasal bridges. There's also been the beauty trend of having almond-shaped eyes that angle upwards, giving a cat-eyed look, so maybe there's a selection process at play here with casting people saying these women in particular exemplify beauty.

However I was thinking about Blaire White yesterday and wondering how someone could be seemingly reasonable in their thinking but still committed to the whole tranny thing... surely there's some kind of chemical contamination messing with people?? Idk

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=657abf82ee5a0

I like the ones you mentioned and a few more:

Rush Limbaugh is Jim Morrison, he faked his death and reinvented himself. I still kick myself for not calling into his show to ask.

The real Stephen Hawking died a long time ago, the guy they have now is an actor used to push an agenda. Why lose all that good brand recognition when you can just replace them?

Missing 411 theories, like some kind of portal or Predator-like creature

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6562f09b09b6b

Quite a contortion it has to do to give the appearance of hips!

/v/clusterBbitches viewpost?postid=656273fd1b0e6

Is that what happened, some coalition agreement? Who was the actual populist choice?

/v/WorldNews viewpost?postid=6560961f59dfe

Thanks for the links. I'd forgotten about ancient-origins. Stolenhistory.net is pretty good, but the original site went down about a year ago so much of the og research was lost. They've slowly added in from the archives. They include speculation and encourage discussion, too.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=655974aa6743a

Sadly much more aggressive and territorial than the native Crackerbird, now quite rare due to habitat loss.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=655be3c2ea9cd

No worries. I've fallen away lately, like I said too much occult stuff. I'm more into the forbidden archaeology and anthropology. Do you know anymore channels like that?

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=655974aa6743a

I just find it hard to believe. His whole deal is refuting the "one race, human race" lie that's led to the dismantling of our lands. Then he also shows how there were advanced people who had the hackenkreuz/swastika as their symbol who basically cultivated civilization worldwide, making the people who live there now look like the outsiders. I'm not much into his sex magic/occult stuff and he's no Christian, but otherwise I'm not seeing any typical jew tactics.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=655974aa6743a

LOL. They must get trained to respond in the most aggressive way possible.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=655974aa6743a