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Member for: 2.3 years

scp: 64370 (+81040/-16670)
ccp: -1511 (+3893/-5404)
votes given: 442 (+387/-55)
score: 62859


Owner of:
Universal, Nationalism, Series, Streaming, MeanwhileOnTwitter, MeanwhileOnScored, Screenshot, Pedogate,
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Never had Indian food. It's disgusting.

/v/Health viewpost?postid=662dd05961ca5

I don't know. Usually kikes don't say kike.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=662db368a6de8

Jamon is less tender, and has a stronger taste.

/v/Food viewpost?postid=662cf19643f6e

You are correct. It already happened world wide.

/v/SocialMedia viewpost?postid=662cb2e904a5b

The Master and Margarita has naked women on high heels.

/v/movies viewpost?postid=662bed298f593

/r/Conspiracy is owned by Jews. They are banning everybody who notices. I'm banned too, just because I've posted "the jews" instead of "jews".

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=662b95f8f02e4

OK. How do you know there are gun blasts, if you don't wake up?

/v/WTF viewpost?postid=662b427b14098

I think God only creates. It's Satan that makes things happen on Earth.

/v/WTF viewpost?postid=662b427b14098

Good point. I didn't think about this, because the boy probaly has too small hands to handle a weapon.

/v/WTF viewpost?postid=662b427b14098

ConPro is still alive and kiking on Scored.

/v/TellTalk viewpost?postid=662a5505e49e4

She looks like a nice girl in the pic.

/v/Health viewpost?postid=662a16e03ebdf

You must be a boomer obsessed with communism. US had free healthcare. It was destroyed by Nixon. Educate yourself. Europe has great free healthcare.

/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=6628bfbb2f988

Freud was a Jewish agent. Psychology community called him a charlatan. Now he is considered the father founder of psychology.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=6628f84e8125f

I know. I've seen videos of people really suffering after eating really hot peppers.

/v/Food viewpost?postid=662685319fa93

Thanks a lot. I see they are both graded just 1 of hot scale, like Jalapeno.

/v/Food viewpost?postid=662685319fa93

Thanks a lot. Very useful scale.

/v/Food viewpost?postid=662685319fa93

Go back to 4chan autistic incel fucktard. Nobody here gives a fuck about you. You are already banned on ConPro, little piece of shit.

/v/conspiracy viewpost?postid=6624f51e26bb8

My bad. Didn't check the copypasta.

/v/4Chan viewpost?postid=6624bb95629c4

This all happens because people are idiots. First of all, swastika is a symbol of perfection, good luck and well being. Like another Asian Ying and Yang symbol. Second, Hitler was a moron for using it on national flag. He did it because Western countries adopted this symbol. Now idiots hate the swastika because it was used by Hitler.

/v/funny viewpost?postid=66224c14c22cc

My adblockers still work. Google will have to fuck up all internet to make them quit working.

/v/technology viewpost?postid=661e8b7d6bc3f

European = White. Mediterranian are not White, because their ancestors were invaded and raped by shitshkins.

/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=661e2125de62e