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I've been saving memes and filing them into appropriate folders for years, mostly from sites like this. Now I have thousands of them and want to give back. How can I upload this many files so you can easily browse?     (whatever)

submitted by Aze to whatever 1.2 years ago


Any image hosting site would need to play video, since I have a lot of video memes too. Obviously the nature of the content is based as fuck so any host will need to be as unkiked as possible. Some kind of album system seems like it would be necessary to make so many pics viewable without being cancer causing.

Mass uploading is necessary, there is no way I'm going to manually upload 2567 files.

I plan do this in chunks, for example I'd upload just my Control Virus folder (294) and let you all digest that before uploading the next one. Could be weeks. Uploading my memes folder (700+) all at once will end up with a few people looking and snickering at a few pics they remember seeing from the last few years but then getting board leaving 95% unseen.

Testing to see if I like how this works: https://mega.nz/folder/bQcFQB5Y#hGugYuOE7DCVCnRWE2Vqfw

Folder = Conspiracy (200 memes and videos)
All images shown were produced by AI. In related news, Mankind has about 15 years of sovereignty remaining.      (www.youtube.com)

submitted by Aze to whatever 1.3 years ago


Society is rotting away to nothing. It's time to order the orbital bombardment.     (i.redd.it)

submitted by Aze to whatever 1.4 years ago


Update on the appointment that will effectively end my career     (whatever)

submitted by Aze to whatever 1.5 years ago


Original Post: https://www.voat.xyz/viewpost?postid=6360458a30c7d

After reading all of your suggestions, both here at over at conpro I found one idea buried deep in the comments that I thought could work. Attempt to use a religious exemption.

Shoutout to rapid_water for putting the idea in my head.

I'd already said several times that the masks were never about safety or public health, but always about control. Specifically they are method of forcing people to show their submission to tyrannical authority. They are a sign you wear on your face that says "I submit". Submit or be drummed out of society, submit or suffer. This is mark of the beast territory as far as I'm concerned, and on those grounds I claim a religious exemption. I reject the beast in all its forms.

I chewed on this for a few minutes and thought it may just work, although be it a long shot. So I tried it.

It failed immediately. The girl behind the counter called her supervisor, who promptly reject anything I had to say, wouldn't give me any time to make any arguments, and then close the glass window between us, effectively hanging up on me.

I was prepared for disappointment, so I didn't rage like I have in the past. I left quietly after trying and failing to contact the director I spoke to the day before. As I left I noted how many mask signs they had up everywhere. Signs on the doors coming in, practically a gauntlet of them I had to walk through once inside, and more at the window. I reflected that of all the places in the world to be super uptight about masks why was it here in podunk Indiana? Not even at the height of covid had I seen so much signage.

I mourned my career for a few miles on my way home, then I remembered something my brother had suggested. DOT physicals. I'd never heard of these before but he explained that for about 100$ you can walk into just about any large truckstop or urgent care and get a physical done. So I googled it really fast, called one nearby and asked about their mask policy. Sure enough they don't care at all. Perfect.

I considered if I should just get it done, then figure out how to get it to my people at work after. They can be a bitch to work with at the best of times so maybe it would be better to wait for a bit since I won't be pulled out of service until they get the paperwork (or lack thereof) processed, and that could be several weeks. That would be several weeks I'd keep working, adding to my savings for if I do get canned. I chewed this for a bit then opted to call them and ask if they would even accept the report from a random DOT physical. I figured if they said hard no I could at least tell them to "reschedule" to later this month at the same place. That would buy me some more time.

It ended up not being necessary as the medical people said they could change my physical location to this DOT place I had lined up, since it was in network. PERFECT! They'll even pay for it. I talked them into setting it up right now, off I went, got it done and was out of there in an hour.

My eye was still an issue of course, but otherwise I'm shipshape. And let me tell you I am relieved. I'd more or less made my peace with moving on from my career, but I'd not wanted it to happen all the same.

Now I wait and see if medical will try to pull me out for that bad eye. I'd give it less then 25% chance since I see 20/20 with both eyes open, and we have another guy with a fucking glass eye for God's sake.

Anyway, I'm very very happy just now, and wanted to share my relief. Cheers to everyone who shared words of encouragement, fuck you to everyone who said cave in, and for those that said a prayer on my behalf, you have my thanks.
Tomorrow I have an appointment that will effectively end my career, because I will not wear a mask. I've tried to avoid this, but now at last I've arrived at my kobayashi maru, and I am feeling very defeated.     (whatever)

submitted by Aze to whatever 1.5 years ago


It's just a required physical, but if it is not completed I will be pulled out of service permanently.

I called and asked about their mask policy, of course it's still in place three years on. I tried avocating, I tried getting an exemption. Nothing worked. I've tried this same song and dance at FOUR eye doctors offices over this three years of dystopian hell and the answer is always NO. My cataract remains untreated because of it.

I called the "director of quality" for the health network that dictates the policy to the doctor's office in question. It took some doing to get ahold of her, but once I had her on the phone she was very nice, and not unsympathetic. I talked about all the moral, political, and health reasons why masks don't work and aren't right. She didn't attack me for my stance like I'd expected. I said its three years on for this mask thing, its past time to put it to bed. She more or less agreed with me, but she is only one person on a "committee" that decides these things. We talked about the CDC changing its own recommendations, again she agreed, but would only say "the committee is carefully watching this situation".

I opted to play nice. Ok, I don't expect you to change your police just for me, but can you at least get me an exemption. To her credit, she actually tried. At least she said she would make a few phone calls. She called back an hour later, and very politely, very apologetically, told me the answer was still no. No exemptions would be given.

I feel defeated, but caving now was never an option. I said when this started and it became clear that the mask didn't work that I would be dead before I wear one. I meant it then and I still mean it now.

I'm still going to go to the appointment, but I expect to be asked to leave.

I know this board understands that the masks were never about health or safety. They were always about perpetuating fear and beating the people down, to condition them to accept the arbitrary dictates of authority. They are a sign you wear on your face that says "I submit". All under the justification of "saving lives".

Three years on and the mask are gone everywhere except where it matters most, the medical field. Because they can be controlled from the top easier then mom and pop shops. Because they can ruin your health or end your career if you don't bend the knee. Because they know people will do almost anything to keep their health. So the cudgel remains.

Many have said the masks are just shy of the mark of the beast. Take the mark or be drummed out of society. Take the mark or suffer. Back then I'd agreed in part, but only in part.

Today, with my career about to end and my eye still untreated, I think I agree entirely.

So tell me Voat. Now what?

P.S. Don't even get me started on the vax.

Edit: Well this fucking blew up didn't it.
Atheists are so misunderstood by voat/poal/4chan/conpro. Many believe that all atheists are the enemy. I am here to tell you that is wrong. Don't auto downvote before reading or you are no better then the legions of reddit NPCs following their programming.     (whatever)

submitted by Aze to whatever 2.1 years ago


Hi there. I'm very much atheist and yet I know all about the jew and his tricks (I can hear you thinking how ironic this is all the way here in the past). Give me a chance, and I think you'll see we aren't all so one-dimensional as you may think.

Though I am not perfect, I am also not a degenerate. I do not believe atheism and jewish poison are inseparable. I hate those that have failed in their duty to be strong men, or have embraced the many forms of poison that are being fed to us by the jew (note that I do not necessarily count atheism among them, though it can be). I am proud to be white and love my people, but I recognize the cultural rot that has taken hold in us. As such I avoid this rot wherever possible. I eat right, control my weight, and I lift, I read, and I am not retarded with my money. Obviously I'm not vaccinated, and I will die before I wear a mask. Yes, do I mean that. Basically I am not your 400lb pimply homo from r/atheism.

I've seen a lot of hate for atheists on voat, poal, 4chan, and now here at conpro. Each time I grit my teeth and deal with it, because we are brothers united against a common enemy and discussing these things is desperately hard. More and more I feel there is a misunderstanding, potentially a fatal one, between our white Christian brothers and our atheist ones. This is a wedge between us, and that is why I wish to dispel some of these misconceptions, but I cannot do that if my words are simply rejected out of hand. So I ask you to suspend your preconception of me and mine for a moment while I further introduce myself.

As for atheism being a vector for jewish propaganda; I agree that jews have used atheism to push their agenda, and that many many jews are atheist themselves. This does not mean that all atheist are a result of jewish propaganda, nor does it mean that all atheist are immoral or infected with jewish ideas. Caution is prudent when dealing with an avowed atheist since they are so often subversives, but thoughtlessly rejecting anything said by anyone that is atheist is foolish, and implies there is no such thing as a godless free thinker.

For those that are not yet convinced I am genuinely awake let me give a very small sampler of the things I've learned since I woke up in 2010:

1. 9/11 was an inside job. 100%. This is one of the few "conspiracies" that I am completely sure of and is the revelation that woke me up 12 years ago. Most other conspiracies are on my "maybe shelf". IE, I've seen a lot of compelling evidence for and against, so I've tabled them until I have more info. Not this one though. I'll skip the rest of these conspiracies for now or we'd be here all day.

2. The world is run by evil, degenerate, child raping jews and their traitor allies. These inhuman monsters most likely serve satan and are part of a death cult that I am only beginning to understand. That I believe this last part will seem odd to you, since I obviously don't believe in satan myself, but from the things I've read and seen I've been convinced that THEY DO believe him and are working for him. There actions are wholly evil and I will forever stand against them for it.

3. The White race is at war with the kike for our very survival. They hate us, its called Loxism. They wish us surged from the earth so that they can control the ashes as they like. The White man has been the greatest impediment to their plans for domination and has repeatedly thrown them out for their disgusting crimes like blood libel, not to mention their eternally subversive nature. Race Mixing, homosexuality, militant feminism and the feminization of our men, endless media propaganda, putting non-whites in control anywhere possible, poisoning our food and water with chemicals to keep us sick, and now a forced vaccine campaign designed to depopulate the world (but specifically targeting White countries), and yes even atheism, or to be more specific the end of Christianity. These things are all being used against us to weaken our resolve, sap our strength and our unity, and prevent any concerted effect to defend ourselves against this genocidal campaign. The passing of the great race must be resisted.

4. The world is poised to transition into a totalitarian superstate right out of the pages of 1984 (strong argument that we are already there). The current stage of that transformation is to break up the current powers like the US and transition them into the one world government. This plan is tied inexorably with the end of the petro-dollar, or to be more exact the end of cash transactions. A global digital currency, a "fed coin" will be rolled out all over the planet soon. In fact it is already beginning in Ukraine and now the groundwork is being laid here in the US as well. This will be tied to a Chinese style social credit score system which will cut you off from your own money if you step out of line. This more than almost anything save the death-shot will be the final nail in our coffin. If the jew succeeds in imposing his digital currency, digital ID, and social credit system, then it will mean a thousand years of misery and slavery for humanity. It cannot be allowed to happen.

There is so so much more that I could speak on. Twelve years of searching and learning has left me with a heavy weight of knowledge on my shoulders, knowledge that makes it difficult to be happy or to socialise with normal people. This knowledge, or maybe its my mentality to search for it, has cost me friendships and prevented many more from forming, but it is who I am. For me the saying "ignorance is bliss" could hardly be more true, but what great thinker or philosopher from history would ever choose to become a sheep happily grazing on field of grass even if it meant being free from the pain of knowing the truth?

None I expect. Nor would I.

It is this willingness to embrace an unhappy truth that central to atheism(at least for me), for it is such a hopeless thing to believe there is no God, no life after death, no guarantee of salvation from evil. Hope is fundamental to most humans, so I understand how such I hopeless philosophy would be rejected by so many. But I have the mentality to look into that hopeless abyss in search of the truth, no matter how bleak. Many of the failings of my fellow atheists (even those not poisoned by jewish propaganda) such as nileism or hedonism for example, are tied to this hopelessness, and the weakness of spirit it engenders. I do not believe that this life should be lived as if there are no consequences for our actions, even if I believe that there aren't. Am I a walking contradiction?


With this introduction done we return to the topic of atheism and how it fits into this equation. Is atheism just more jew poison, or is it something independent of that subversive group? I would argue that atheism is ancient, and is certainly older than the modern kike's attempts at weaponizing it. I would further argue that atheism, like a sword, is neither good nor ill, and any fault lies not in the sword but the hand that wields it. As explained above, many of the moral faults common to atheism are born from a weakness of spirit in the individual and are not absolute givens, as I can attest.

As I said earlier I am not perfect, but I am also not wicked, nor am I asleep. I am atheist for logical, well considered reasons which I'd be happy to explain. I have a firm moral code, built around avoiding harm and maximising good (first for my people), then if possible for others. I don't believe in an afterlife, but rather that this is all we have, and therefore we damn sure better defend it. Evil exists, and must be opposed, or else suffering and damnation will be our reward.

I love the works of George Lincoln Rockwell, and the talks by Dr. William Luther Pierce are some of the hardest hitting shit I've ever seen. I love the music too.




I (almost completely) agree with the 88 precepts. If you haven't read them what the fuck are you doing with yourself. Fix it.


Oh, I forget to mention. I was raised Christian, became atheist sometime around 14 after many a late night think considering things like the problem of evil, conflicting religions, the concept of Hell, the idea that foreknowledge of the future is incompatible with free-will etc. I'll explain this all in more detail if you wish but for now I'll say good night.

For other topics like sophistry, or the mercurial nature of morality, well, we can discuss that too if you wish.
It seems the noose is fast tightening all over the world.     (whatever)

submitted by Aze to whatever 2.1 years ago


The speed at which the world was made to take an unneeded and transparently dangerous depop shot surprised me more then I care to admit. Really thought even the normies would fight that one, boy was I wrong. Now the world is moving toward a global digital currency with the same freakish speed and, having learned from experience, I now assume the sheeple will cheer for it. I predict by the end of this year this final noose will be more or less in place. Meat is beginning to soring in price as we transition into bug based protein, and 5G has also rolled out all over the U.S. and is now more or less unavoidable. I could go on, but you know already. Sadly, I don't see any meaningful resistance to any of this right now, and to be frank I'm more then a little black pilled, but until my final Kobayashi-Maru I will continue to play my cards to the best of my ability.

So I've come to ask about the last one, 5G, and what can be done about it. My phone carrier has now "upgraded" to 5G and is requiring cell phones be equipped with the new 5G compatible chips. I don't want or need 5G but as far as I can tell the service will simply stop working if I don't put the chip in, and already has in the city where I work. The idea of switching carriers seems pointless as well, since they are all doing the 5G thing, but I'd love to be proven wrong about this.

Until then my question is this: First will installing the chip make my phone a 5G transmitter? IE I can't do anything about the 5G towers blasting everyone with damaging radiation, but I'll be damned if I put a mini one 8 inches from my nuts for hours at a time. Second, and I mean this in the worst way, is there anything that can meaningfully be done about this?

I'm not looking for "Just trash your phone bro" or "lol go live in the woods faggot" or "Start shooting towers pussy". I'm sure at least one shill will say it anyway, but I digress.

Regardless, I sense the noose is tightening.
15 years ago you couldn't have convinced me that this was deliberate kike/satanic symbolism...     (youtu.be)

submitted by Aze to videos 2.2 years ago


Me from today would like to punch yesterme for being such a blind normy faggot.

Its getting more and more obvious the closer we get to the end isnt it...
The new LOTR in a nutshell. More based for jewtube then I'd have ever expected.      (youtu.be)

submitted by Aze to videos 2.2 years ago


Short of drilling down to the source and naming the jew, he may as well have been reading from my script. Worth the watch even if it is a click for jewtube.
Today I was thrown out of yet another eye doctors office for refusing to wear a mask. I have no words to express my rage, but maybe talking will help.      (whatever)

submitted by Aze to whatever 2.3 years ago


I got lasiks about 2.5 years ago, just before this plandemic bullshit started. I was very pleased with the results at first, but after about 4 or 5 months my left eye failed. It now has extreme triple vision, blurriness and fog. Its unusable, and it is interfering with my life. I tried going back to the original doctor that did the procedure, as they explained that touch-ups and do-overs aren't unheard of, and are free. I did everything I could to get in without a mask, I said all the lines, here is my card, argued. Nothing worked. Eventually three women came from out of the back to tell me in no uncertain terms I would not be served without a mask or a face shield.

I want my fucking eye back, but I WILL NOT COMPROMISE. Not now, not ever. I will die before I wear a mask. So I left, raging, demoralized, spiting curses and venom at everything and nothing all the way home, black thoughts filling my head all the while, many of them richly deserved.

I sat on it for a long time. Work is relentless, and I have no time to even grocery shop let alone make and keep appointments. Fast forward to today. I've finally called all over the upper half of my state, checked websites for indications of mask policy, talked to the secretaries on the phone. Most of them were a hard no on the mask, so I moved on. FINALLY, I found a site that looked ok, no indication of patient mask requirement. I called them, not a word about the masks, but experience has taught me not to bring it up, its much too easy to tell someone no over the phone. It is the default policy, so I don't ask, and just show up.

The day finally comes. The roads are a mess, I drove four wheel drive all the way there. Sign on the door, that's absolutely everyone so no big deal. They checked me in, not a word about the masks. They took me into the back, not a word said. I'm gold I thought. We stepped into the exam room and the nurse tells me she will get me a mask. "I cannot, and will not wear a mask or a face shield." She says ok and excuses herself for a moment. I stew, hoping against hope it won't be a big deal. Three minutes later in walk three fucking women, AGAIN. Fucking bastards. I know its already over, but I'll be damned if I don't speak my peace. We argue. I give reasons. The masks don't work, says so right on the box. The narrative is collapsing, even the media are starting to admit it. Nothing worked, of course. They said it is our policy, I called them lairs. I said they don't have any ability to choose, that has been taken from them. That got them. They changed "our policy" to the CDC requires us too... blah blah. "And is the CDC here now? In this room with us!?" I said. The answer was still no. It was always going to be no.

There was so much more I may of said, about the medical tyranny we are all being dragged down into because people like you[them] won't grow a spine. Or I may have told them they are all carrying water for evil people who are pushing a lie on us on that is become increasingly impossible to ignore. Hell, even normals in the media are fed up. These, and about ten other things just as pointed were swirling around in my head. But I was fighting to keep the rage from my voice, and I so settled for saying "You people disgust me. You are all miserable wretches."

I left. Black with rage, wishing to do things I can't speak about, fighting for control. I WANT MY EYE BACK. These weakling coward fucks, carrying water for evil, psychopathic tyrants have denied me my eye. AGAIN. And all of it over a stupid, transparent lie.

There are no words to capture my hate.

I am demoralized, but I understand that is the whole point. To break us, over years if needed.

But I will not break.

Fuck you, and thanks for listening to me vent niggerfaggots.
This whole synagogue hostage thing stinks to high heavens. What a perfect god send to the jews to kvetch over for weeks and months and cry antisemitism.     (politics)

submitted by Aze to politics 2.3 years ago


In before the FBI was doing a hostage training exercise down the street by pure coincidence.

Who wants to bet they will still find a way to spin this into a white supremacist attack? If I was a jew I'd bet all my shekels they do.
Reposting this white pill, becuase we need to remember what we are and what we are defending.      (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Aze to whatever 2.3 years ago


Shower thought. Any real man has the power to turn transfags back to their true gender in an instant.     (whatever)

submitted by Aze to whatever 2.3 years ago


Administer a single punch to the face, then watch them transform.
Explain to me like I'm five. How is it that pedo jews like our dear ol dead Bob have been getting actual kill shot?     (whatever)

submitted by Aze to whatever 2.3 years ago


We've all seen the videos of politicians getting their shots with the cap on. Then there was the one jew, tiny hat and all, who got his shot in his coat not his arm, haha. I'm sure there are many more.

My point is clear I think. How did diddle-his-own-kid Bobby not get the memo?
I cannot see anything from catbox (90% of voat) for the last two days. How fix?     (whatever)

submitted by Aze to whatever 2.3 years ago


I've tried two browsers and my phone with no luck. I assume it's either down on their end (I'd expect it to be fixed by now) or it's being blocked somehow because it has memes that aren't kike approved.

The error looks like this, but it's for catbox obviously.

Any help would be appreciated.

Edit: I fixed it. Not exactly sure how, but I think it may be because I copy pasted files.catbox.moe into my address bar (this take you to catbox's home page), and I was given a warning that it maybe an unsafe site. I clicked take me in anyway and it now works for all links I've tried.

This was a complete accident.

Edit 2: Not completely fixed. Seems every time I close my browser or have all catbox links closed for a while the problem returns. If I copy paste files.catbox.moe to my address bar and leave that homepage window open I can then load whatever catbox links I like. There hasn't been any warning or confirmation page since the first time.

All this is very strange.
The mask exemption card is slowly losing its effectiveness. Many places, including doctors are now just shrugging and saying they don't care. You must wear a mask. What do?     (whatever)

submitted by Aze to whatever 2.4 years ago


It worked for a while, but now no one seems to be concerned they will be sued for discriminating on the basis of a medical condition anymore. I can't help but believe its because they are more afraid of the health department fining them, but that's another issue entirely. I called the ADA hotline and asked about it. The girl on the line said "they can make protocols in the interest of public safety. This includes requirements to ware a mask or a face shield. I pressed her about how this can supersede those with a medical condition that prevents them from wearing a mask. The short and shit answer was too damn bad.

I am not surprised by any of this mind you. I knew the masks were never about safety or health from the beginning, and no amount of evidence as to the ineffectiveness of masks since then has changed any(government) minds about it, nor will it. The simple truth is the masks are a half-life 2 pop can.


In the game this is a test of submission. It is designed to show the player that they are in a dystopian hell hole. The masks, which have no medical justification whatsoever, and in fact are dangerous, are just this - a test of submission.

I am sure everyone here understands that perfectly well, but for the time being I... WE need to find another way to deal with this. I won't cave. I will lose my job before I do, but so much the better if I don't have to.

So time to get down to brass tacks. What is the most effective way to ramrod this or any exemption through at work or the doctors office? If the answer is "lawyer" or "sue them", remember I'll need to start with a lawyer that will even see me without a mask, and is willing to fight this. That is a pickle right there since most will also be posed.

I need details. How do I go about finding the right lawyer, what do I say, how do I present myself? What exactly are my rights?

I'm in Indiana btw. There isn't any standing public mask mandate that I am aware of, but all the medical offices that I've checked (many) all said masks are required. I have been thrown out of several places when I booked an appointment and tried just showing up in spite of the mandates. I've said and done everything short of suing to bully this through, all to no avail. Clearly that strat isn't working anymore either.

This isn't as simple as not giving my business to a lefty restaurant. Medical and work are serious and worth fighting for.

I'm grateful for any advice.
Rittenhouse Not Giulty on all Charges! Jews on suicide watch.      (politics)

submitted by Aze to politics 2.5 years ago


Poor kid still has a lifetime of hate to look forward to, but at least he will be free(ish) for now.
How do I get my hands on Ivermectin? What amount do I use should it become needed. For my horses of course.     (whatever)

submitted by Aze to whatever 2.5 years ago


I've been considering getting some Ivermectin just in case for a while now, even though I believe I probably had covid already and as such have a level of natural immunity. Ivermectin is cheap and safe though, so I'd like to have options.

This is one of those buy a plunger before you need a plunger kinda things.

Any advice?
The vaxed are dying like flies already, they just don't know it yet.     (whatever)

submitted by Aze to whatever 2.5 years ago


Another coworker told me today that another engineer's wife had died while they were vacationing. I asked how, already knowing the answer. "Unexpectedly" with no further information give, of course...

Its almost like a codeword at this point. At first it was just people on the internet, then it was obituaries I read in the newspaper about former teachers from high school excetera. Now it's people in my working life, and that means its everywhere. It's always the same, they died suddenly and unexpectedly, without ever elaborating. I've also started to hear from coworkers about the mental decline of their spouses after having got the shot. And while it's impossible to know for sure I think I've also started to see the same in some of them.

I've mused about this fact before here; if the full might of the media was used to control the narrative and suppress just how many people are dying, then how long would it really take before people started to notice and the truth became impossible to hide? As of right now I think the answer to that is it has to be absolutely fucking terrible before any normal will come to terms with the fact that this is a deliberate cull. Its as if these otherwise intelligent, rational people are just not capable of putting what should be obvious dots together.

From the blanket statement immunity to lawsuits the vaccine manufacturers enjoy, to the vax mandate exemptions for all of Congress all the White House staff all the pharmaceutical companies employees Etc, to the intensity with which they're pushing the "everyone must be vaccinated" agenda up to and including getting you fired or letting you starve if you refuse, to the fact we're doing all of this for a disease with less than a .1% mortality rate, it should have been obvious that this isn't safe or trustworthy and isn't being forced on you for your own interest. It should have been obvious, yet for seemingly 90% of people it just somehow wasn't. Is it really possible that we've become so weak-minded?

This is both sad and very frustrating to me. As if it wasn't bad enough that they could be deceived into taking this depop shot to begin with, but they are also blind to the effects of it right up until the final moment. Meanwhile, the rest of us are all being dragged down into the same Abyss because of it.

I want off this rock.
Every link to i.ibb.co and catbox (ie all of voat) is not loading for me, on any platform or my phone. What do?     (whatever)

submitted by Aze to whatever 2.6 years ago


Why did Antiliberalsociety, owner of several very based channels, get banned? Antiliberalsociety, if you are out there, I'd like to hear from you.      (whatever)

submitted by Aze to whatever 2.7 years ago



See his content for yourself, then ask why would this good goat be banned.

If I missed something obvious like he was a glownigger all along or something stupid like that then let me know.

Edit: Welp, I found the answer.


TLDR, he got into a fight with system, and system banned him. Freespeech canary dead.

Ya, I'm sure I'm late to the party on this one, I mostly avoid all the drama posts. Guess I should'a read them after all.

Edit: Boy on boy I started a fire storm. I'm getting too old for this shit.
Preparing for an empty planet: IE the enemy foretelling its plans yet again.      (youtu.be)

submitted by Aze to whatever 2.7 years ago


All the signs have been there for a long time for anyone not still in a drug induced sleep, but this is just open bragging now.

Read the comments, not one person there is fooled.

The vax will not be optional for much longer. Be prepared.
I looked up How to refuse to wear a mask. Every single video was prapaganda aginst those who refuse.     (whatever)

submitted by Aze to whatever 2.8 years ago


I can't really say im surprised that this issue, or vaccine refusal as well, would be so carefully curated. Still I know for a fact that there are other intelligent rational people out there that have/are refusing to cooperate with this medical tyranny. Its pathetic that it has come to this.

Having said that, bitching that the flow of information is being manipulated to create the impression of public consensus is effectively pointless. What I need are solutions, such as links to non-jewed videos or articles about how to refuse to wear a mask and still not be declined service.

I'd also take legal advice. Indiana by the way.

Fuckn' White People     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by Aze to whatever 3.0 years ago


Great fucking content these days goats.      (whatever)

submitted by Aze to whatever 3.2 years ago


This place is miles better then poal already. Feels like being home again.

Keep that shit coming.