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Member for: 2.7 years

scp: 103 (+136/-33)
ccp: 3256 (+5838/-2582)
votes given: 1380 (+920/-460)
score: 3359


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listen kike larp

we know you are a kike, stop trying to manipulate perception here, no one wants you in White nations, just lynch yourself finally and be done with it

"being unable to assess your environment"

You mean like a kike trying to larp on a site with people who are literally experts at noticing kike larpers

I guarentee half the userbase here knows you are a kike

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=659e9a75a82f1

but you know, kike larpers want to gaslight people against Christianity, so they create a fake version of it then point to it as "this is what Christian means"

Just like kikes always do

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=659ed7d7b72bf

catholism isnt Christianity

it's zionism lite for shabbos goy

Catholic church needs to burn down right along with the kike filth who run it

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=659ed7d7b72bf

lmfao, get fucked kike filth, everyone sees you kikes for what you are

Only a kike would capitalize the J in jew and call child raping inbred filth like kikes "jews"

See kike filth, noone wants your kind on our planet anymore, get the fuck off...we'll just start stringing you kikes and niggers up if you don't fucking learn

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=659cd6ac9ab2e

^^^Kike who doesn't know the first thing about growing things or creating real actual products telling people what's possible where lmfao

I literally have an entire plan on how it could all be done, don't say shit about what Whites can or cannot do ok kike? no one cares about your opinion, no one care about your low IQ fucking suggestions pretending to be high IQ answers...no one cares kike

You just don't know how to stack systems of functionality properly, it's why you kikes can't build your own nation without parasitizing off of Whites.

/v/TellVoat viewpost?postid=659ada014c3f4

"Expects same item to be same quality/price for 15 years despite kike subversion of White nations"
"knows kikes promote degenerate thinking/ways to subvert the Adamic race"
"Calls himself Anus_expander still"
" 'Can't be bothered' to make changes at 'his age' "

Yea boomer faggot, this is what you get for letting non Whites into the country en mass, letting kikes subvert you with holocaust narratives to milk you for sympathy, and taking most White nations off of a Gold standard.

This is literally the result of that. Now you personally get to deal with it and it pisses you off now only?

Oh no...not a boomer at all...

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=659b15e9ecae5

correct, by looking at what they "interpret" and claim to be knowledge you can see right through the high IQ claim

Actual average IQ of ashkenazi genetic line is 84, with a 105 average verbal IQ, manipulated due to circumcision and long term inbreeding practices focusing on increasing "deception" which is what is increased with higher verbal IQ

They are exceptional liars but on average dumber then niggers

Average Negro IQ in America = 85
Average kike IQ = 84

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=659b3b2b03e02

"suddenly died"
"Cause of death unknown"
"Increased heart injuries"
"Increased VAERS data output"
"Long Covid"

For now.

/v/random viewpost?postid=659b2d5bf0df6

so part one is done is what your saying...

/v/random viewpost?postid=659b31413c39f

Adamic you mean?

Kike can't refer to the Adamic race any other way then "The White race" because if he does he isn't included and he knows it, so he has to promote the idea that it's called "The White race"

LMFAO it's so pathetic how desperate you kike filth are to be "White" LMFAO HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

jealousy's a hell of a drug it would seem

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=659b2b52c1de3

kikes god is satan...you know this for a fact yet you constantly slander Christians

Fuck off kike filth your kind doesn't deserve to breathe anymore

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=659b2b52c1de3

no kike, you constantly lie about Jesus and what a Chosen person of God is

You kike filth just can't stand it that those who believe in Jesus are the real Chosen people of God, not you inbred ashkenasty fuckstains lmfao hahahahahahahahahahahahaha

"White culture" Adamic culture kike faggot, you are not "White" because White = Adamic...Jesus was "Of israel" meaning Adamic, aka White

Cope and seethe harder dilating faggot

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=659b2b52c1de3

they are middle men for higher kikes further up

You have been told multiple times the word jew means Believer in Jesus Christ, you pretend to be anti kike but constantly run cover for them just like master_foo does by calling them "jews" constantly

Kike filth larpers like you deserve death

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=659a5f6609e7b

why would we do that, any tool that lies and says inbred child raping kikes are "jews" is actively lying

Christians are the only people who the word "Jew" should apply to, kike filth are evil and deserve death not forgiveness

They are the pharisee, all should be eradicated

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=659a5f6609e7b

lmao, kike filth neri can't handle being told what a low IQ inferior kike he is lmfao hahahahahahahahahahahahaha

just stfu kike, no one wants you here

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=659a5f6609e7b

riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, alex jones has to worry about "optics" on his own show

Fuck off boomer faggot...losers like you still operate under a kike controlled mentality of paradigm

Kike filth should just be pulled out of their homes and rounded the fuck up, anyone having a problem with it can go right the fuck with them

/v/PureFuckingKikery viewpost?postid=659abcee0b9f8

and how does that work when the first thing you should do as a non mentally compromised White person is go

"But nathanial is ashkenazi, how can he be antisemitic?"

Just use their own fucking low IQ arguments against them

/v/PureFuckingKikery viewpost?postid=659abcee0b9f8



"it's all your faults"

Basically this post is a kike crying that White ethnostate desiring Christians and others are ruining his plans to watch Whites get genocided.

see how fucking soy filled this statement is?

"We've lost our authenticity" lmfao...nothing about killing kikes has changed, they are still kikes, still guilty of being evil, still needing death

"So many of you have become offended by things"
"Fuck you moral faggots"
"You killed it by 2020"
"We were never the type to make moral judgements"
"Fuck you moral faggots"

This kike is crying out in pain because his little "grifts" aren't working anymore

Cope and seethe some more after dilation, I heard it helps you kikes feel better lmfao

"sperglord NEETS that just did whatever we wanted to do"

Self identifies as a neet, what a soy filled kike faggot

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=659b01214884b

had no idea you were actually willing to post a pic of yourself for a change

It's nice to see we were all right about you kike filth

/v/funny viewpost?postid=659af932f39f8

lmfao, boomer thinks it understands whats coming, boomer thinks it has a mind to grasp reality

Boomer also allowed kikes to promote non WHites to it's nation for 30+ years while being a weak faggot who wouldn't stand up against it, but now Whites are standing up against it the boomer faggot thinks standing up against his own people will make him look "morally righteous" in the eyes of some stupid spic whore he's trying to fuck probably lmfao hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaa

A boomer crying about "IQ" while thinking kikes tell the truth, that your "science" is correct lmfao

fucking low IQ fucks like you deserve to be robbed actually, but by Whites, you clearly are going to be robbed by the kikes as you believe every lie they tell you, why shouldn't your wealth stay in American hands? Why shouldn't boomers like you fund the birthing of only White children with your tax money?

You should be made to that's for damn sure

/v/funny viewpost?postid=659ac9d1c8907

Isnark is a kike

Anytime you need to question identity look at user name

I am snarky

the statement itself sounds like it came from a kike

/v/funny viewpost?postid=659ac9d1c8907


boomer and his faggot boomer beliefs got upset because everyone is laughing at him

Boomers literally go along with the genocide of Whites, every boomer should have all wealth stripped and forced to give it to a young White family of non race mixers to enrich them

Boomers literally robbed their childrens future by fucking the country over production/financially wise then act like they had nothing to do with it

Boomers behave like kikes because of all the kike programming they've had

But hey...they totally know what's right and if you try to correct them they will literally try to assault you for "being disrepectful" but will allow niggers to rape their women

Boomers are weak

/v/Boomers viewpost?postid=659af97a76e99

^^^Coping and seething so hard about boomer faggots getting blame

Also sectorfaggot: wahhh younger generation failures, wahhh in my day we were doing it right wahhhh

lmfao...you people were the very people who should have stopped the kikes from genociding germans, instead you sided with kikes and killed millions of your own White people

Shut your fucking mouth boomer your kind is lucky you are even allowed to exist...most of you should just have everything taken and given to a real White who is willing to fight the kike and make lots of White children

What fucking use are your boomers anymore?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=659aa43b1f9ae

shut up kike filth you are part of the problem

Your kind needs erasing for what you've done

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=659aa43b1f9ae

^^^Says boomer faggot who in other posts couldn't seem to handle the fact that boomers should be erased due to the "genocidal rhetoric" they engage against in WHite nations upon WHite people

There are no "non WHites" legally wanted here, you boomers literally promote the de-Whitening of White nations by simping for the kike and israel

weak simplistic false Christians is what most boomers are, perfectly fine with race mixing while calling themselves Christians

scum like you are the enemy

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=659aa43b1f9ae